6,397 research outputs found

    Competition between Spin-Orbit Interaction and Zeeman Coupling in Rashba 2DEGs

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    We investigate systematically how the interplay between Rashba spin-orbit interaction and Zeeman coupling affects the electron transport and the spin dynamics in InGaAs-based 2D electron gases. From the quantitative analysis of the magnetoconductance, measured in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field, we conclude that this interplay results in a spin-induced breaking of time reversal symmetry and in an enhancement of the spin relaxation time. Both effects, due to a partial alignment of the electron spin along the applied magnetic field, are found to be in excellent agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 figures and 4 page

    Probing molecular dynamics at the nanoscale via an individual paramagnetic center

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    Understanding the dynamics of molecules adsorbed to surfaces or confined to small volumes is a matter of increasing scientific and technological importance. Here, we demonstrate a pulse protocol using individual paramagnetic nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond to observe the time evolution of 1H spins from organic molecules located a few nanometers from the diamond surface. The protocol records temporal correlations among the interacting 1H spins, and thus is sensitive to the local system dynamics via its impact on the nuclear spin relaxation and interaction with the NV. We are able to gather information on the nanoscale rotational and translational diffusion dynamics by carefully analyzing the time dependence of the NMR signal. Applying this technique to various liquid and solid samples, we find evidence that liquid samples form a semi-solid layer of 1.5 nm thickness on the surface of diamond, where translational diffusion is suppressed while rotational diffusion remains present. Extensions of the present technique could be adapted to highlight the chemical composition of molecules tethered to the diamond surface or to investigate thermally or chemically activated dynamical processes such as molecular folding

    Magnetic imaging with an ensemble of Nitrogen Vacancy centers in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center in diamond is an atom-like system in the solid-state which specific spin properties can be efficiently used as a sensitive magnetic sensor. An external magnetic field induces Zeeman shifts of the NV center levels which can be measured using Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR). In this work, we exploit the ODMR signal of an ensemble of NV centers in order to quantitatively map the vectorial structure of a magnetic field produced by a sample close to the surface of a CVD diamond hosting a thin layer of NV centers. The reconstruction of the magnetic field is based on a maximum-likelihood technique which exploits the response of the four intrinsic orientations of the NV center inside the diamond lattice. The sensitivity associated to a 1 {\mu}m^2 area of the doped layer, equivalent to a sensor consisting of approximately 10^4 NV centers, is of the order of 2 {\mu}T/sqrt{Hz}. The spatial resolution of the imaging device is 400 nm, limited by the numerical aperture of the optical microscope which is used to collect the photoluminescence of the NV layer. The versatility of the sensor is illustrated by the accurate reconstruction of the magnetic field created by a DC current inside a copper wire deposited on the diamond sample.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, figure 4 added, results unchange

    Asymptotics and zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on unbounded supports

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    In this paper we present a survey about analytic properties of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a weighted Sobolev inner product such that the vector of measures has an unbounded support. In particular, we are focused in the study of the asymptotic behaviour of such polynomials as well as in the distribution of their zeros. Some open problems as well as some new directions for a future research are formulated.Comment: Changed content; 34 pages, 41 reference

    A traveling wave decelerator for neutral polar molecules

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    Recently, a decelerator for neutral polar molecules has been presented that operates on the basis of macroscopic, three-dimensional, traveling electrostatic traps (Osterwalder et al., Phys. Rev. A 81, 051401 (2010)). In the present paper, a complete description of this decelerator is given, with emphasis on the electronics and the mechanical design. Experimental results showing the transverse velocity distributions of guided molecules are shown and compared to trajectory simulations. An assessment of non-adiabatic losses is made by comparing the deceleration signals from 13-CO with those from 12-CO and with simulated signals.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Slowing heavy, ground-state molecules using an alternating gradient decelerator

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    Cold supersonic beams of molecules can be slowed down using a switched sequence of electrostatic field gradients. The energy to be removed is proportional to the mass of the molecules. Here we report deceleration of YbF, which is 7 times heavier than any molecule previously decelerated. We use an alternating gradient structure to decelerate and focus the molecules in their ground state. We show that the decelerator exhibits the axial and transverse stability required to bring these molecules to rest. Our work significantly extends the range of molecules amenable to this powerful method of cooling and trapping.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Somatostatin in renal physiology and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by progressive cyst formation, leading to growth in kidney volume and renal function decline. Although therapies have emerged, there is still an important unmet need for slowing the rate of disease progression in ADPKD. High intracellular levels of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) are involved in cell proliferation and fluid secretion, resulting in cyst formation. Somatostatin (SST), a hormone that is involved in many cell processes, has the ability to inhibit intracellular cAMP production. However, SST itself has limited therapeutic potential since it is rapidly eliminated in vivo. Therefore analogues have been synthesized, which have a longer half-life and may be promising agents in the treatment of ADPKD. This review provides an overview of the complex physiological effects of SST, in particular renal, and the potential therapeutic role of SST analogues in ADPKD

    Can Polymer Coils be modeled as "Soft Colloids"?

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    We map dilute or semi-dilute solutions of non-intersecting polymer chains onto a fluid of ``soft'' particles interacting via a concentration dependent effective pair potential, by inverting the pair distribution function of the centers of mass of the initial polymer chains. A similar inversion is used to derive an effective wall-polymer potential; these potentials are combined to successfully reproduce the calculated exact depletion interaction induced by non-intersecting polymers between two walls. The mapping opens up the possibility of large-scale simulations of polymer solutions in complex geometries.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures ReVTeX[epsfig,multicol,amssymb] references update
