5 research outputs found

    «Los cuentos de Juana» : una obra experimentalista de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio

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    En este artículo se analiza el último libro de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, teniendo en consideración el concepto del autor sobre el género cuentístico. Esta obra experimentalista, formada por una serie de cuentos, gira en torno al personaje extravagante de Juana y pone de relieve el vitalismo del autor y su deseo de improvisar. Los cuentos de Juana, aunque no cumplió las expectativas de muchos críticos cuando fue publicado, merece ser releído y reevaluado ya pasados más de cuarenta años desde su publicación.En aquest article s'analitza l'últim llibre d'Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, tenint en consideració el concepte de l'autor sobre el gènere del conte. Aquesta obra experimentalista, formada per una sèrie de contes, gira entorn del personatge extravagant de Juana i posa en relleu el vitalisme de l'autor i el seu desig d'improvisar. Los cuentos de Juana, encara que no va complir les expectatives de molts crítics quan va ser publicat, mereix ser rellegit i reavaluat ja passats més de quaranta anys des de la seva publicació.In this article I analyze the last book of Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, considering the author's approach to the short story form. Samudio's experimentalist work consists of a series of stories about the extravagant character of Juana and highlights the vitality of the author and his desire to improvise. Los cuentos de Juana was not well-received by many critics when it was published, but today, forty years since its publication, it deserves to be reread and reevaluated, with a new lens

    Prediction of overall survival for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer : development of a prognostic model through a crowdsourced challenge with open clinical trial data

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    Background Improvements to prognostic models in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer have the potential to augment clinical trial design and guide treatment strategies. In partnership with Project Data Sphere, a not-for-profit initiative allowing data from cancer clinical trials to be shared broadly with researchers, we designed an open-data, crowdsourced, DREAM (Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods) challenge to not only identify a better prognostic model for prediction of survival in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer but also engage a community of international data scientists to study this disease. Methods Data from the comparator arms of four phase 3 clinical trials in first-line metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer were obtained from Project Data Sphere, comprising 476 patients treated with docetaxel and prednisone from the ASCENT2 trial, 526 patients treated with docetaxel, prednisone, and placebo in the MAINSAIL trial, 598 patients treated with docetaxel, prednisone or prednisolone, and placebo in the VENICE trial, and 470 patients treated with docetaxel and placebo in the ENTHUSE 33 trial. Datasets consisting of more than 150 clinical variables were curated centrally, including demographics, laboratory values, medical history, lesion sites, and previous treatments. Data from ASCENT2, MAINSAIL, and VENICE were released publicly to be used as training data to predict the outcome of interest-namely, overall survival. Clinical data were also released for ENTHUSE 33, but data for outcome variables (overall survival and event status) were hidden from the challenge participants so that ENTHUSE 33 could be used for independent validation. Methods were evaluated using the integrated time-dependent area under the curve (iAUC). The reference model, based on eight clinical variables and a penalised Cox proportional-hazards model, was used to compare method performance. Further validation was done using data from a fifth trial-ENTHUSE M1-in which 266 patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer were treated with placebo alone. Findings 50 independent methods were developed to predict overall survival and were evaluated through the DREAM challenge. The top performer was based on an ensemble of penalised Cox regression models (ePCR), which uniquely identified predictive interaction effects with immune biomarkers and markers of hepatic and renal function. Overall, ePCR outperformed all other methods (iAUC 0.791; Bayes factor >5) and surpassed the reference model (iAUC 0.743; Bayes factor >20). Both the ePCR model and reference models stratified patients in the ENTHUSE 33 trial into high-risk and low-risk groups with significantly different overall survival (ePCR: hazard ratio 3.32, 95% CI 2.39-4.62, p Interpretation Novel prognostic factors were delineated, and the assessment of 50 methods developed by independent international teams establishes a benchmark for development of methods in the future. The results of this effort show that data-sharing, when combined with a crowdsourced challenge, is a robust and powerful framework to develop new prognostic models in advanced prostate cancer.Peer reviewe

    Estudio sociológico de la obra de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filología Española. Fecha de lectura: 02-02-200

    Relaciones Diplomáticas entre la Persia safávida y la España de Felipe III: el caso de la primera embajada

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    Las relaciones entre Persia y Occidente se reanudaron a finales del siglo XVIprincipios del siglo XVII, después de varios siglos de aislamiento, con el envío de una misión diplomática por parte de sah Abbas el Grande a la corte de Felipe III, tras una serie de tentativas por ambas partes. Hubo otras embajadas que ni siquiera salieron de las tierras europeas o no existen datos sobre su¡ llegada a Persia. Sin embargo, este contacto tuvo lugar por una serie defactores que se dieron tanto en España como en Persia. El objeto de este artículo es analizar el proceso de la primera embajada por parte de sah Abbas el Grande a la corte de Felipe III dentro del marco de las relaciones entre Persia y España. Pese al estancamiento de estas relaciones, debe considerarse la importancia y el alcance de todo este conjunto de medidas e intentos realizados desde mediados del siglo XVI, así como la importancia del intercambio de varias embajadas.Relations between Persia and the West recommenced at the end of the 16thcentury and the beginning of the 17th, after several century of isolation, whenShah Abbas the Great sent a diplomatic mission to the court of Philip IIIfollowing a series of attempts on both sides. There were other embassies thathad not even left European soil or, at least, there are no data on their getting to Persia. Nonetheless, this contact took place due to a series of factors that occurred both in Spain and in Persia. The aim of this article is to analyse the process of the first embassy sent by Shah Abbas the Great to Philip III’s court within the framework of relations between Persia and Spain. Despite the stagnation of these relations, we should consider the importance and the scope of the array of measures and attempts carried out since the mid-16th century as well as the relevance of the exchange of different embassies

    «Los cuentos de Juana» : una obra experimentalista de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio

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    En este artículo se analiza el último libro de Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, teniendo en consideración el concepto del autor sobre el género cuentístico. Esta obra experimentalista, formada por una serie de cuentos, gira en torno al personaje extravagante de Juana y pone de relieve el vitalismo del autor y su deseo de improvisar. Los cuentos de Juana, aunque no cumplió las expectativas de muchos críticos cuando fue publicado, merece ser releído y reevaluado ya pasados más de cuarenta años desde su publicación.En aquest article s'analitza l'últim llibre d'Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, tenint en consideració el concepte de l'autor sobre el gènere del conte. Aquesta obra experimentalista, formada per una sèrie de contes, gira entorn del personatge extravagant de Juana i posa en relleu el vitalisme de l'autor i el seu desig d'improvisar. Los cuentos de Juana, encara que no va complir les expectatives de molts crítics quan va ser publicat, mereix ser rellegit i reavaluat ja passats més de quaranta anys des de la seva publicació.In this article I analyze the last book of Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Los cuentos de Juana, considering the author's approach to the short story form. Samudio's experimentalist work consists of a series of stories about the extravagant character of Juana and highlights the vitality of the author and his desire to improvise. Los cuentos de Juana was not well-received by many critics when it was published, but today, forty years since its publication, it deserves to be reread and reevaluated, with a new lens