268 research outputs found

    Vector-valued maximal inequalities and multi-parameter oscillation inequalities for the polynomial ergodic averages along multi-dimensional subsets of primes

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    We prove the uniform 2\ell^2-valued maximal inequalities for polynomial ergodic averages and truncated singular operators of Cotlar type modeled over multi-dimensional subsets of primes. In the averages case, we combine this with earlier one-parameter oscillation estimates arXiv:2212.09874 to prove corresponding multi-parameter oscillation estimates. This provides a fuller quantitative description of the pointwise convergence of the mentioned averages and is a generalization of the polynomial Dunford-Zygmund ergodic theorem attributed to Bourgain arXiv:2209.01309. .Comment: 20 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2212.0987

    Protective immune responses against West Nile virus are primed by distinct complement activation pathways

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    West Nile virus (WNV) causes a severe infection of the central nervous system in several vertebrate animals including humans. Prior studies have shown that complement plays a critical role in controlling WNV infection in complement (C) 3−/− and complement receptor 1/2−/− mice. Here, we dissect the contributions of the individual complement activation pathways to the protection from WNV disease. Genetic deficiencies in C1q, C4, factor B, or factor D all resulted in increased mortality in mice, suggesting that all activation pathways function together to limit WNV spread. In the absence of alternative pathway complement activation, WNV disseminated into the central nervous system at earlier times and was associated with reduced CD8+ T cell responses yet near normal anti-WNV antibody profiles. Animals lacking the classical and lectin pathways had deficits in both B and T cell responses to WNV. Finally, and somewhat surprisingly, C1q was required for productive infection in the spleen but not for development of adaptive immune responses after WNV infection. Our results suggest that individual pathways of complement activation control WNV infection by priming adaptive immune responses through distinct mechanisms

    Quantum Channels and their Minimum Output Entropies

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    We investigate non-random quantum channels generated from the representation the- ory of orthogonal quantum groups to perform numerical computations for estimates of their minimum output entropies. In doing so, we address the violation of the additiv- ity conjecture for minimum output entropies, previously established through probabilistic proofs. This violation is relevant because given two quantum channels whose minimum output entropies sum to a value greater than the minimum output entropy of their tensor product channel it can be shown that more information can be sent with greater fidelity via the two channels in parallel than by using each separately. This is directly related to the relevance of quantum entanglement in quantum information theory. We numerically compute minimum output entropies for single quantum channels and tensor products of quantum channels with respect to both Von Neumann and Renyi en- tropies. We then proceed to compute entropy estimates for nonplanar channels directly with Temperley-Lieb Category Theory. We conclude by discussing which of our choices for channels are optimal for entangled inputs

    Verhaltensauffälligkeiten im Vorschulalter. Eine systematische Analyse diagnostischer Aspekte sowie die Analyse des mütterlichen Erziehungsverhaltens und der Lebensqualität unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des kindlichen Entwicklungsstands und des Migrationsstatus der Kinder.

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    The dissertation presented first focuses on diagnostical aspects of childrens behaviour problems. Subsequently, behavior problems of children with a background of migration and behaviour problems of native German children were compared. Quality of life (QoL) in children has emerged as an important concept to optimate prevention and intervention measures. Therefore, the present study examined the QoL of preschool aged children with and without a background of migration. Furthermore, QoL was compared for four groups and their mothers: Children with developmental delay, children with behavior problems, children with developmental delay and behavior problems, as well as a healthy control group. Finally, the paper investigated whether the pro-social behaviour of these children as well as their possible behaviour problems were associated with maternal parenting behaviour and if gender and migration status have an influence on maternal parenting practices

    Quantum Channels and their Minimum Output Entropies

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    We investigate non-random quantum channels generated from the representation the- ory of orthogonal quantum groups to perform numerical computations for estimates of their minimum output entropies. In doing so, we address the violation of the additiv- ity conjecture for minimum output entropies, previously established through probabilistic proofs. This violation is relevant because given two quantum channels whose minimum output entropies sum to a value greater than the minimum output entropy of their tensor product channel it can be shown that more information can be sent with greater fidelity via the two channels in parallel than by using each separately. This is directly related to the relevance of quantum entanglement in quantum information theory. We numerically compute minimum output entropies for single quantum channels and tensor products of quantum channels with respect to both Von Neumann and Renyi en- tropies. We then proceed to compute entropy estimates for nonplanar channels directly with Temperley-Lieb Category Theory. We conclude by discussing which of our choices for channels are optimal for entangled inputs

    An Ecological Basis for Ecosystem Management

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    This report was prepared by the Southwestern Regional Ecosystem Management Study Team composed of management and research biologists. The USDA Forest Service Southwestern Regions Regional Forester, Larry Henson, and the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Director, Denver Burns, chartered this team to recommend an ecological basis for ecosystem management. This report is not intended to provide details on all aspects of ecosystem management; it simply provides information and makes recommendations for an ecological basis for ecosystem management. The report is not a decision document. It does not allocate resources on public lands nor does it make recommendations to that effect. The report of this Study Team may be relied upon as input in processes initiated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Forest Management Act (NFMA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Administrative Procedures Act (APA), and other applicable laws. The information contained in this report is general in nature, rather than site specific. Implementation of ecosystem management and allocation of resources on Forest Service administered lands is the responsibility of the National Forest System in partnership with Forest Service Research and State and Private Forestry. Implementation is done through Forest and project plans that are subject to the NEPA process of disclosing the effects of proposed actions and affording the opportunity for public comment. The Southwestern Region follows a planning process for projects called Integrated Resource Management (IRM). The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, or the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The Study Team acknowledges the valuable input of more than 50 individuals from various agencies, universities, professional organizations, and other groups who provided thoughtful comments of an earlier draft of this document. Some of their comments are included in Appendix 3

    Enhancement of anti-DIII antibodies by the C3d derivative P28 results in lower viral titers and augments protection in mice

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    Antibodies generated against West Nile virus (WNV) during infection are essential for controlling dissemination. Recent studies have demonstrated that epitopes in all three domains of the flavivirus envelope protein (E) are targets for neutralizing antibodies, with determinants in domain III (DIII) eliciting antibodies with strong inhibitory properties. In order to increase the magnitude and quality of the antibody response against the WNV E protein, DNA vaccines with derivatives of the WNV E gene (full length E, truncated E, or DIII region, some in the context of the pre-membrane [prM] gene) were conjugated to the molecular adjuvant P28. The P28 region of the complement protein C3d is the minimum CR2-binding domain necessary for the adjuvant activity of C3d. Delivery of DNA-based vaccines by gene gun and intramuscular routes stimulated production of IgG antibodies against the WNV DIII region of the E protein. With the exception of the vaccine expressing prM/E given intramuscularly, only mice that received DNA vaccines by gene gun produced protective neutralizing antibody titers (FRNT80 titer >1/40). Correspondingly, mice vaccinated by the gene gun route were protected to a greater level from lethal WNV challenge. In general, mice vaccinated with P28-adjuvated vaccines produced higher IgG titers than mice vaccinated with non-adjuvanted vaccines

    The Human Antibody Response to Dengue Virus Infection

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    Dengue viruses (DENV) are the causative agents of dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Here we review the current state of knowledge about the human antibody response to dengue and identify important knowledge gaps. A large body of work has demonstrated that antibodies can neutralize or enhance DENV infection. Investigators have mainly used mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to study interactions between DENV and antibodies. These studies indicate that antibody neutralization of DENVs is a “multi-hit” phenomenon that requires the binding of multiple antibodies to neutralize a virion. The most potently neutralizing mouse MAbs bind to surface exposed epitopes on domain III of the dengue envelope (E) protein. One challenge facing the dengue field now is to extend these studies with mouse MAbs to better understand the human antibody response. The human antibody response is complex as it involves a polyclonal response to primary and secondary infections with 4 different DENV serotypes. Here we review studies conducted with immune sera and MAbs isolated from people exposed to dengue infections. Most dengue-specific antibodies in human immune sera are weakly neutralizing and bind to multiple DENV serotypes. The human antibodies that potently and type specifically neutralize DENV represent a small fraction of the total DENV-specific antibody response. Moreover, these neutralizing antibodies appear to bind to novel epitopes including complex, quaternary epitopes that are only preserved on the intact virion. These studies establish that human and mouse antibodies recognize distinct epitopes on the dengue virion. The leading theory proposed to explain the increased risk of severe disease in secondary cases is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), which postulates that weakly neutralizing antibodies from the first infection bind to the second serotype and enhance infection of FcγR bearing myeloid cells such as monocytes and macrophages. Here we review results from human, animal and cell culture studies relevant to the ADE hypothesis. By understanding how human antibodies neutralize or enhance DENV, it will be possible to better evaluate existing vaccines and develop the next generation of novel vaccines

    Modelling cross-reactivity and memory in the cellular adaptive immune response to influenza infection in the host

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    The cellular adaptive immune response plays a key role in resolving influenza infection. Experiments where individuals are successively infected with different strains within a short timeframe provide insight into the underlying viral dynamics and the role of a cross-reactive immune response in resolving an acute infection. We construct a mathematical model of within-host influenza viral dynamics including three possible factors which determine the strength of the cross-reactive cellular adaptive immune response: the initial naive T cell number, the avidity of the interaction between T cells and the epitopes presented by infected cells, and the epitope abundance per infected cell. Our model explains the experimentally observed shortening of a second infection when cross-reactivity is present, and shows that memory in the cellular adaptive immune response is necessary to protect against a second infection.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figure

    Complement as an Endogenous Adjuvant for Dendritic Cell-Mediated Induction of Retrovirus-Specific CTLs

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    Previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of complement (C) in induction of efficient CTL responses against different viral infections, but the exact role of complement in this process has not been determined. We now show that C opsonization of retroviral particles enhances the ability of dendritic cells (DCs) to induce CTL responses both in vitro and in vivo. DCs exposed to C-opsonized HIV in vitro were able to stimulate CTLs to elicit antiviral activity significantly better than non-opsonized HIV. Furthermore, experiments using the Friend virus (FV) mouse model illustrated that the enhancing role of complement on DC-mediated CTL induction also occurred in vivo. Our results indicate that complement serves as natural adjuvant for DC-induced expansion and differentiation of specific CTLs against retroviruses