1,151 research outputs found

    Enhancing English Language Proficiency in HRM: A Strategic Imperative for Logistics Efficiency

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    Good human resource management is critical to organizational success in the frantic logistics environment. The importance of English language skills in this setting cannot be overstated. This study piece dives into the interconnected connection between human resource management and English language abilities in the logistics sector. The internationalization of trade and the spread of supply chains across borders has prompted the development of a common language for communication. English, as the international corporate lingua franca, is critical in overcoming linguistic gaps across varied logistics teams and stakeholders. This article discusses the significant impact that English proficiency has on numerous facets of logistics operations. This study looks into the critical importance of English language competency in human resource management in the logistics industry, focusing on cross-cultural communication, talent acquisition, and retention. A comprehensive analysis of the literature, case studies, and surveys within the logistics industry was conducted to assess the significance of English language skills. Our research demonstrates a significant link between English language competency and effective cross-cultural communication, which is essential for timely information exchange in logistics operations. The strategic importance of English language ability for logistics organizations is highlighted by this research. In order to enable the staff to communicate effectively and promote operational excellence, it highlights the need for ongoing investment in language training programs. The findings of this study highlight the fact that comprehending English is a strategic need in the field of global logistics, not just a desired talent

    Gene Expression Profiling of Placenta from Normal to Pathological Pregnancies

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    The placenta is a unique temporary organ essential for growth of the fetus, which determines the success of pregnancy. Its originality relies on a combination of nutritive, endocrine and immunological functions that control maternal immune tolerance to fetus. In the present chapter, we review gene expression programs of placenta from placenta tissue to isolated cells using high throughput transcriptomic approach. Beside trophoblasts, we focused on immune cells including macrophages, dendritic cells and mast cells. From the gene expression signatures, we identify key pathways for the different trimesters of the normal pregnancy and pathological alterations including preeclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus

    Cadherin-dependent cell aggregation is affected by decapeptide derived from rat extracellular super-oxide dismutase

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    AbstractA synthetic HAV-containing decapeptide homologous to the amino acid sequence 44R-Q53 in rat extracellular superoxide dismutase B affects cadherin-dependent cell aggregation. Cell lines, some of them transfected, expressing different types of cadherins were tested using in vitro cell aggregation and cell dissociation assays. A concentration-dependent inhibition of aggregation by the EC-SOD-derived HAV-containing peptide was detected only in N-cadherin expressing cells. These results suggest the localisation and possible protective role of EC-SOD B for cells expressing N-cadherin


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    A well-managed supply chain flow will make the product distribution up to the final consumers runs effectively and efficiently. This study aimed to analyze the rice supply chain flow in Demak Regency, Central Java Province. Using a qualitative descriptive method, the authors conducted field observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions with several parties as informants. The informants consisted of farmers, merchant collectors, rice grinders, wholesalers, retailers, and the Department of Agriculture and Trade Office officers. The results showed that the rice supply chain in Demak Regency starts from farmers to traders and mills, then to the wholesalers, retailers, Indonesian Bureau of Logistics, supermarkets, and final consumers. The government can encourage and facilitate every process to create effectiveness and efficiency in the rice supply chain in Demak Regency. Keywords: distribution, rice, supply chai

    Redox (In)activations of Metalloenzymes: A Protein Film Voltammetry Approach

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    International audienceRedox metalloenzymes are omnipresent in living organisms where they catalyze key cellular reactions with great efficiency. These enzymes can often be reversibly placed into inactive states following changes in redox conditions. This is a hindrance for their use in biotechnological devices, and also a complication for their study via a structure/function approach, because structural data alone usually is not enough to discriminate between active and inactive states. However, these inactive states can also inform on the chemistry of the enzyme's active sites and on their catalytic cycles. A technique that has proved particularly valuable in the last decades for studying these processes is protein film voltammetry (PFV), in which an enzyme is immobilized on an electrode in a configuration where direct electron transfer is possible. In this article, we review the studies of redox (in)activation processes using PFV, present the theory for a number of cases (reversible inactivations, irreversible activations), and give guidelines to obtain and interpret suitable kinetic data


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Rentabilitas, Efisiensi, Kualitas Aset, dan Likuiditas terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Periode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah selama 4 tahun, mulai dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2014. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 41 perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2011-2014. Teknik pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dan diperoleh 26 perusahaan perbankan yang digunakan sebagai sampel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear beganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, secara parsial Return On Asset berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio, Return On Equity berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio, rasio Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional tidak berpengaruh terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Loan tidak berpengaruh terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Asset Ratio berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio. Berdasarkan uji Anova, diketahui nilai F statistik sebesar 9,061 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Nilai adjusted RSquare sebesar 0,32, hal ini berarti kemampuan variabel independen dalam menjelaskan variasi variabel dependen adalah sebesar 32%, sedangkan sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel lain di luar model penelitian

    Solutions analytiques en dynamique non-linéaire avec couplage fluide-structure

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    As the seismic loadings are increasing in accordance to the recent regulations regarding Earthquake design, the use of sliding devices in structures is becoming more common. These devices limitate the internal forces by creating a rigid body sliding. It is then necessary to estimate the global displacement of the structure, especially concerning structures that are immersed in a reservoir. In this case, the displacement must be well estimated in order to prevent impacts between the sliding structure and the boundaries of the reservoir. We can find such structures in : bridges, costal structures in brick and masonry, or in the nuclear industry with the underwater fuel storage racks, ...The governing equations for the behaviour of these structures are non linear and must be solved using time-consuming computer simulations which are not fit for a stochastic study. Our method consists in, firstly, evaluating analytically the added masses of the fluid-structure interaction, secondly, a semi-analytical solving of the governing equations including the updating of the dimensions of the fluid layers surrounding the sliding structure. The results of this new method are in accordance with the numerical simulations and can be obtained in a short time (1 or 2 seconds) which offers the possibility to make a stochastic analysis of the non linear behaviourAvec la hausse des niveaux de dimensionnement sismique il est devenu nécessaire de limiter les chargements internes dans les structures, notamment en utilisant des dispositifs glissants. Ces dispositifs plafonnent les efforts internes en déclenchant un glissement de la structure. Il devient cependant nécessaire d'estimer l'amplitude des déplacements de corps rigide, notamment pour les structures stockées dans des réservoirs. Dans ce cas, il est nécessaire de prévenir les impacts entre la structure glissante et les bords du réservoir pour contrôler les risques de fuite. Parmi les structures glissantes immergées, on citera les ponts, les structures côtières en maçonnerie, les râteliers de stockage de combustible nucléaire, etc...Les équations de dynamique associées au comportement de ces structures sont non-linéaires et nécessitent l'utilisation de simulations numériques coûteuses en temps de calcul et ne permettant pas de faire des études de sensibilité rapides. On propose donc une méthode de résolution quasi-analytique de ces équations en traitant dans un premier temps, l'évaluation analytique des matrices de masses ajoutées du couplage fluide-structure, dans un second temps, une méthode de résolution quasi-analytique du glissement d'une structure quelconque immergée dans un fluide avec une actualisation de la géométrie de lames d'eau. Les résultats obtenus présentent une bonne adéquation avec des simulations numériques et offrent un temps de calcul quasiment instantané compatible avec une étude paramétrique ou stochastique de ces structure