204 research outputs found

    Trilogy On Circular Economy

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    Circular economy has been on top of the EU agenda as a practical solution for global challenges on resources, environmental issues and social well-being. It has been said that circular economy can bring many opportunities, however, it requires system-level redesign. This change comprises of how we, as individuals and society, shift our values and how we function. Above all, it includes a change in how the system, products, and services operate and, primarily, how they are designed. This compilation thesis discusses circular economy through a trilogy of connected articles. The first article elaborates the concept of circular economy based on a previous research. The second article is dedicated to urban mines, which can play a major role in the transition towards a circular society. Finally, the third article closes the trilogy by debating design for circular economy. This article manifests circular design as the key factor of the resource challenge our society faces and resonates with the principles of circular economy. These thematically overlapping articles describe circular economy in a coherent document and thus contribute to increasing awareness and bring a better understanding of the paradigm.EU on asettanut kiertotalouden etusijalle ratkaisuna maailmanlaajuisiin raaka-aine-, ympäristö- ja sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin haasteisiin. Oikein suunniteltuna ja toteutettuna kiertotalous luo uusia mahdollisuuksia; toimiakseen se vaatii kuitenkin asenteiden ja toimintojen uudelleen suunnittelua ja arvojemme muuttamista. Ajattelutapojemme ja käyttäytymisen lisäksi muutoksen tulee koskea toimintaympäristön, tuotteiden ja palvelujen suunnittelua ja toimivuutta. Kierrätyksen esimerkiksi tulisi olla osa tuotteen suunnittelua. Tämä kiertotalouden trilogia on kooste kolmesta toisistaan linkittyvästä kiertotaloutta käsittelevästä artikkelista. Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa kerrataan kiertotalouden käsitettä aikaisemman tutkimuksen pohjalta.Toinen artikkeli käsittelee Urban mining -konseptia. “Louhinta” ihmisten ja infrastruktuurin keskellä nähdään olennaiseksi tekijäksi tavoitellessamme kiertotalousyhteiskuntaa. Lopputyön viimeinen artikkeli lopettaa trilogian käsittelemällä suunnittelun merkittävää osuutta kiertotaloudessa ja globaalien resurssien paremmassa hallinnassa. Esitetyissä artikkeleissa on tematiikaltaan luonnollisesti päällekkäisyyksiä. Ne muodostavat kuitenkin johdonmukaisen kokonaisuuden auttamaan konseptin ymmärtämisessä ja muutoksen tärkeyden merkitykset

    Regularity of solutions of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation

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    Let u be a solution of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation in G with the boundary condition g. It is shown that u ∈ L q (∂ G ) (equivalently, u ∈ Bq,21/q (G ) for 1 < q ≤ 2, u ∈ Lq 1/q (G ) for 2 ≤ q < ∞) if and only if the single layer potential corresponding to the boundary condition g  is in L q (∂ G ). As a consequence we give a regularity result for some nonlinear boundary value problem

    Regulation of polarised growth in fungi

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    Polarised growth in fungi occurs through the delivery of secretory vesicles along tracks formed by cytoskeletal elements to specific sites on the cell surface where they dock with a multiprotein structure called the exocyst before fusing with the plasmamembrane. The budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has provided a useful model to investigate the mechanisms involved and their control. Cortical markers, provided by bud site selection pathways during budding, the septin ring during cytokinesis or the stimulation of the pheromone response receptors during mating, act through upstream signalling pathways to localise Cdc24, the GEF for the rho family GTPase, Cdc42. Cdc42 in its GTP-bound activates a multiprotein protein complex called the polarisome which nucleates actin cables along which the secretory vesicles are transported to the cell surface. Hyphae can elongate at a rate orders of magnitude faster than the extension of a yeast bud, so understanding hyphal growth will require substantial modification of the yeast paradigm. The rapid rate of hyphal growth is driven by a structure called the Spitzenkörper, located just behind the growing tip and which is rich in secretory vesicles. It is thought that secretory vesicles are delivered to the apical region where they accumulate in the Spitzenkörper. The Spitzenkörper then acts as vesicle supply centre in which vesicles exit the Spitzenkörper in all directions, but because of its proximity, the tip receives a greater concentration of vesicles per unit area than subapical regions. There are no obvious equivalents to the bud site selection pathway to provide a spatial landmark for polarised growth in hyphae. However, an emerging model is the way that the site of polarised growth in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, is marked by delivery of the kelch repeat protein, Tea1, along microtubules. The relationship of the Spitzenkörper to the polarisome and the mechanisms that promote its formation are key questions that form the focus of current research


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    Despite considerable success in study of Bordetella pertussis virulence factors, pathogenesis of whooping cough, duration of B.pertussis bacteria persistence, types and mechanisms of immune response are still keep underinvestigated. It can be explained by the absence of adequate experimental animal model for pertussis study. Our study estimates clinical and laboratory parameters of whooping cough in non-human primates of the Old World in the process of intranasal infection by virulent B.pertussis bacteria. Also the duration of B.pertussis bacteria persistence in animals was investigated. 14 animal units of 4 species of non-human primates of the Old World were used for intranasal infection. The examination of infect animals included: visual exploration of nasopharynx, thermometry, clinical and biochemical blood analyses, identification of B.pertussis, using microbiologic and molecular genetic analyses, estimation of innate and adoptive immune factors.  The development of infectious process was accompanied by generation of B.pertussis bacteria, catarrhal inflammation of nasopharyngeal mucosa, leucocytosis, hypoglycemia specific for pertussis, and activation of innate and adaptive immunity for all primates regardless of specie were seen. While repeated experimental infection in primates single bacterial colonies were registered during only first week after challenge. It occurs like the absence of inflammation of nasopharyngeal mucosa and the lack of laboratory marks of whooping cough, recorded after first challenge. The evident booster effect of humoral immunity was observed. As a model for investigation of B. pertussis bacteria persistence and immune response against whooping cough we suggest the usage of rhesus macaque as more available to experiments.  Несмотря на значительные успехи в изучении факторов вирулентности бактерий B.pertussis, патогенез коклюша, длительность персистенции возбудителя, механизмы и типы иммунного ответа до сих пор изучены недостаточно, что объясняется отсутствием адекватной экспериментальной животной модели коклюша. Целью настоящей работы явилась оценка клинико-лабораторных показателей коклюша у разных видов обезьян Старого Света при интраназальном заражении вирулентными бактериями B.pertussis и изучение сроков персистенции возбудителя. Для интраназального заражения использовано 14 особей четырех видов обезьян Старого Света. Обследование обезьян включало визуальный осмотр носоглотки, измерение температуры тела, общий и биохимический анализы крови, микробиологическую и молекуляно-генетическую идентификацию бактерий B.pertussis, определение параметров врожденного и адаптивного иммунитета. Установлено, что независимо от вида, развитие инфекционного процесса у всех обезьян сопровождалось размножением бактерий B.pertussisв верхних дыхательных путях, катаральным воспалением слизистой носоглотки, лейкоцитозом, характерной для коклюша гипогликемией и активацией факторов врожденного и адаптивного иммунитета. При повторном инфицировании обезьян бактериальную колонизацию носоглотки регистрировали только в первую неделю после заражения, при отсутствии воспаления слизистой верхних дыхательных путей и лабораторных показателей, выявленных при первичной коклюшной инфекции. Наблюдали выраженный бустерный эффект гуморального иммунного ответа. В качестве модели для изучения иммунного ответа при экспериментальном коклюше и персистенции бактерий B.pertussis предлагается использовать более доступных для экспериментов обезьян вида макак резус.

    In C andida albicans hyphae, Sec2p is physically associated with SEC2 mRNA on secretory vesicles

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    andida albicans hyphae grow in a highly polarized fashion from their tips. This polarized growth requires the continuous delivery of secretory vesicles to the tip region. Vesicle delivery depends on Sec2p, the Guanine Exchange Factor (GEF) for the Rab GTPase Sec4p. GTP bound Sec4p is required for the transit of secretory vesicles from the trans-Golgi to sites of polarized growth. We previously showed that phosphorylation of Sec2p at residue S584 was necessary for Sec2p to support hyphal, but not yeast growth. Here we show that on secretory vesicles SEC2 mRNA is physically associated with Sec2p. Moreover, we show that the phosphorylation of S584 allows SEC2 mRNA to dissociate from Sec2p and we speculate that this is necessary for Sec2p function and/or translation. During hyphal extension, the growing tip may be separated from the nucleus by up to 15 μm. Transport of SEC2 mRNA on secretory vesicles to the tip localizes SEC2 translation to tip allowing a sufficient accumulation of this key protein at the site of polarized growth

    Computational Model Explains High Activity and Rapid Cycling of Rho GTPases within Protein Complexes

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    Formation of multiprotein complexes on cellular membranes is critically dependent on the cyclic activation of small GTPases. FRAP-based analyses demonstrate that within protein complexes, some small GTPases cycle nearly three orders of magnitude faster than they would spontaneously cycle in vitro. At the same time, experiments report concomitant excess of the activated, GTP-bound form of GTPases over their inactive form. Intuitively, high activity and rapid turnover are contradictory requirements. How the cells manage to maximize both remains poorly understood. Here, using GTPases of the Rab and Rho families as a prototype, we introduce a computational model of the GTPase cycle. We quantitatively investigate several plausible layouts of the cycling control module that consist of GEFs, GAPs, and GTPase effectors. We explain the existing experimental data and predict how the cycling of GTPases is controlled by the regulatory proteins in vivo. Our model explains distinct and separable roles that the activating GEFs and deactivating GAPs play in the GTPase cycling control. While the activity of GTPase is mainly defined by GEF, the turnover rate is a sole function of GAP. Maximization of the GTPase activity and turnover rate places conflicting requirements on the concentration of GAP. Therefore, to achieve a high activity and turnover rate at once, cells must carefully maintain concentrations of GEFs and GAPs within the optimal range. The values of these optimal concentrations indicate that efficient cycling can be achieved only within dense protein complexes typically assembled on the membrane surfaces. We show that the concentration requirement for GEF can be dramatically reduced by a GEF-activating GTPase effector that can also significantly boost the cycling efficiency. Interestingly, we find that the cycling regimes are only weakly dependent on the concentration of GTPase itself

    Эффективность метода ПЦР-РВ для этиологической диагностики атипичных форм коклюша

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the PCR-RТ method using the PCR-RТ-IS test system for the etiological diagnosis of whooping cough in the examination of patients with infectious respiratory pathology with prolonged cough and in contact persons. 113 children aged from 1 month to 17 years, 11 months and 29 days, and 146 contact family members were examined. Regardless of the initial diagnosis, all children were examined for whooping cough by bacteriological, molecular genetic and serological methods. For molecular genetic diagnostics a commercial kit and PCR-RT-IS test-system developed at the Gamaleya Research Center were used. The contact persons were examined by the bacteriological method and using the PCR-RT-IS test-system. During the initial examination the diagnoses «Acute respiratory viral infectious», «Acute rhinopharyngitis», «Acute laryngotracheitis», «Acute bronchitis», «Pneumonia» were established. The severity of cough in contact persons was different – from a typical spastic «whooping cough» to complete absence of cough. By using the PCR-RT-IS test-system we developed, the DNA of pertussis pathogen was detected in groups of patients with «Acute rhinopharyngitis» in 34.4% of cases, «Acute laryngotracheitis» – in 64.3%, «Acute bronchitis» – in 69%, with a diagnosis of «Pneumonia» – in 33.3% of cases. In a number of cases combined course of whooping cough with respiratory infections (respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus and others) was detected. In the examined contact persons the causative agent of pertussis was detected using the PCR-RT-IS test-system in 51,4% of cases.Цель: оценить эффективность применения метода ПЦР-РВ с использованием тест-системы ПЦР-РВ-IS для этиологической диагностики коклюша при обследовании больных с инфекционной респираторной патологией с затяжным и длительным кашлем и у контактных с ними лиц.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 113 детей в возрасте от 1 месяца до 17 лет 11 месяцев и 29 дней и 146 контактных с ними членов семей. Независимо от первичного диагноза все дети обследованы на коклюш бактериологическим, молекулярно-генетическим и серологическим методами. Для молекулярно-генетической диагностики использовали коммерческий набор и тест-систему ПЦР-РВ-IS, разработанную в ФНИЦЭМ им. Н.Ф. Гамалеи. Контактные лица обследованы бактериологическим методом и с помощью тест-системы ПЦР-РВ-IS.Результаты. При первичном осмотре установлены диагнозы «ОРВИ, острый ринофарингит», «Острый ларинготрахеит», «Острый бронхит», «Пневмония». Степень выраженности кашля у контактных лиц была различной – от типичного спастического «коклюшного» кашля до полного отсутствия кашля. С помощью разработанной нами тест-системы ПЦР-РВ-IS ДНК возбудителя коклюша выявлена в группах пациентов с «ОРВИ, острым ринофарингитом» в 34,4% случаев, «Острым ларинготрахеитом» – в 64,3%, «Острым бронхитом» – в 69%, с диагнозом «Пневмония» – в 33,3% случаев. В ряде случаев было выявлено сочетанное течение коклюша с респираторными инфекциями (респираторно-синцитиальной, риновирусной и другими). У обследованных контактных лиц возбудитель коклюша с помощью тест-системы ПЦР-РВ-IS выявлен в 51,4% случаев

    Epizootic pertussis focus of hamadryad baboons

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    The absence of an adequate experimental animal model makes difficult study of immunity against whooping cough and its pathogenesis. Experimental whooping cough reported by us earlier in pubescent non-human primates of the Old World was accompanied by specific clinical and laboratory marks in the absence of cough. The possibility of pertussis modelling while experimental whooping cough in impuberal hamadryad baboons was investigated. In the process of selection of monkeys for the further studies for perfecting of experimental model for pertussis research unexpectedly were detected specific pertussis antibodies in impuberal hamadryad baboons.The aim of the study: revealing of source of infection and transmission of pertussis to hamadryad baboons and investigation of response of antibody-positive impuberal hamadryad baboons to secondary contagion by B. pertussis bacteria while experimental infection.Results. 18 veterinary checked, somatically healthy hamadryad baboons of various gender managed in two neighboring cages. Specific pertussis IgM and IgG antibodies were found in blood serum of all the animals and one of the monkey keepers. By real-time PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs of the monkey keeper and three 7- and 9-month-old hamadryad baboons were registered single B. pertussis genom equivalents. Seropositive impuberal hamadryad baboons were experimentally challenged by virulent B. pertussis 475 strain. Quantity of B. pertussis genom equivalents and percentage of IgM and IgG antibodies in impuberal hamadryad baboons after experimental infection were detected. These results were comparable with such received after secondary experimental challenge of monkeys by B. pertussis. Humoral immuneresponse was characterized by booster effect and rapid B. pertussis elimination.Conclusion. The case of transmission of B.pertussis bacteria to hamadryad baboons by natural contagion and epizootic focus of pertussis in apery conditions were registered. In dynamics of immune response and level of bacterial load in experimentally infected impuberal and pubescent hamadryad baboons were not revealed significant differences. The possibility of asymptomatic B.pertussis transmission from man to monkey and from monkey to man without definitive spasmodic cough was reviewed. Pertussis research perspectives using experimental model of non-human primates of the Old World were marked