3,083 research outputs found

    La educación permanente en los organismos internacionales y las nuevas concepciones

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    La Educación Permanente es un concepto, una política, una práctica, un objetivo, un método. Actualmente se observa que se ha convertido en la nueva frontera de la educación por una razón elemental: dado el crecimiento exponencial de los conocimientos, pronto obsoletos, pretender que la formación se circunscriba al período escolar en que el alumno es sólo estudiante, es mutilar toda posibilidad de actualización profesional y de progreso social. Por ello los organismos internacionales de educación la han convertido en un tema prioritario en sus recomendaciones. Sobre la base de estas ideas se pretende abordar, teniendo en cuenta la definición usada actualmente en España, la educación de personas adultas en el contexto de la Educación Permanente; la cual se ha convertido no sólo en exigencia, sino en necesidad ineludible para vivir en una sociedad dinámica que se abre al nuevo milenio con imponentes desafíos. Es así como este ensayo tiene como propósito principal presentar unavisión universal de la Educación Permanente originada en los planteamientos de organismos internacionales tales como la UNESCO, la OCDE y la Comisión Europea, dejando asentadas asimismo las nuevas concepciones internacionales que giran en torno a este término.Lifelong Learning is a concept, a policy, a practice, a goal, a method. Currently it is observed that has become the new frontier of education for one simple reason: given the exponential growth of knowledge, soon obsolete, pretend that training is limited to the school year in which the student is only student, is maul all possibility of professional development and social progress. Why international agencies have made education a priority in its recommendations. On the basis of these ideas is intended to address, taking into account the definition currently used in Spain, adult education in the context of Lifelong Learning; which it has become not only demand but inescapable to live in a dynamic society that opens the new millennium with daunting challenges need. Thus this test has as main purpose to present a universal vision of Lifelong Learning originated in the approaches of international organizations such as UNESCO, OECD and the European Commission, leaving also settled new international concepts that revolve around this term

    Novel application assigned to toluquinol: inhibition of lymphangiogenesis by interfering with VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 signalling pathway

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Lymphangiogenesis is an important biological process associated with the pathogenesis of several diseases, including metastatic dissemination, graft rejection, lymphoedema and other inflammatory disorders. The development of new drugs that block lymphangiogenesis has become a promising therapeutic strategy. In this study, we investigated the ability of toluquinol, a 2-methyl-hydroquinone isolated from the culture broth of the marine fungus Penicillium sp. HL-85-ALS5-R004, to inhibit lymphangiogenesis in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We used human lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) to analyse the effect of toluquinol in 2D and 3D in vitro cultures and in the ex vivo mouse lymphatic ring assay. For in vivo approaches, the transgenic Fli1:eGFPy1 zebrafish, mouse ear sponges and cornea models were used. Western blotting and apoptosis analyses were carried out to search for drug targets. KEY RESULTS Toluquinol inhibited LEC proliferation,migration, tubulogenesis and sprouting of new lymphatic vessels. Furthermore, toluquinol induced apoptosis of LECs after 14 h of treatment in vitro, blocked the development of the thoracic duct in zebrafish and reduced the VEGF-C-induced lymphatic vessel formation and corneal neovascularization in mice. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that this drug attenuates VEGF-C-induced VEGFR-3 phosphorylation in a dose-dependentmanner and suppresses the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Based on these findings, we propose toluquinol as a new candidate with pharmacological potential for the treatment of lymphangiogenesis-related pathologies. Notably, its ability to suppress corneal neovascularization paves the way for applications in vascular ocular pathologies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by personal funding by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MGC). Acknowledged are the supporting grants from the Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC) (Université de Liège), the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS), the Foundation Against Cancer (foundation of public interest), the Centre Anticancéreux près l’Université de Liège, the Fonds Léon Fredericq (University of Liège), the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme-Belgian Science Policy (all from Belgium) and the Plan National Cancer (« Service Public Federal » from Belgium). Research in the lab of A.R.Q. and M.A.M. was supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER)

    Full transmission through perfect-conductor subwavelength hole arrays

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    Light transmission through 2D subwavelength hole arrays in perfect-conductor films is shown to be complete (100%) at some resonant wavelengths even for arbitrarily narrow holes. Conversely, the reflection on a 2D planar array of non-absorbing scatterers is shown to be complete at some wavelengths regardless how weak the scatterers are. These results are proven analytically and corroborated by rigorous numerical solution of Maxwell's equations. This work supports the central role played by dynamical diffraction during light transmission through subwavelength hole arrays and it provides a systematics to analyze more complex geometries and many of the features observed in connection with transmission through hole arrays.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    La crisis del sector eléctrico en california 2000–2001: reformas y desintegración vertical

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    El objetivo en este artículo es mostrar cómo se dio el proceso de desintegración vertical del sector eléctrico de California. Además de examinar el papel que desempeñó la regulación en este proceso y determinar los efectos de la reforma implementada en 1996 en este mercado. La crisis del mercado eléctrico en California finalizando la década de los noventa y principios de 2000, ha sido para muchas economía mundiales, un buen ejemplo de lo que no se debe hacer, dado el efecto negativo que esto tiene sobre la eficiencia económica.This paper seeks to analyze what factors determine the capital structure of the banking firms in Colombia. With this purpose, the existing literatura about the subject is reviewed and, assuming that the hypothesis of the existence of an optimal capital structure holds, an optimization model of a representative banking firm is implemented to observe how these factors affect the optimal capital structure. Additionally, a panel data model is run to contrast the theoretical results with the empirical evidence for the Colombian banking firms. Finally, some conclusions about the found results are postulated

    THROES: a caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars. I. PACS range spectroscopy

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    This is the first of a series of papers presenting the THROES (A caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars) project, intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the spectroscopic results obtained in the far-infrared (55-670 microns) with the Her- schel space observatory on low-to-intermediate mass evolved stars in our Galaxy. Here we introduce the catalogue of interactively reprocessed PACS (Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer) spectra covering the 55-200 microns range for 114 stars in this category for which PACS range spectroscopic data is available in the Herschel Science Archive (HSA). Our sample includes objects spanning a range of evolutionary stages, from the asymptotic giant branch to the planetary nebula phase, displaying a wide variety of chemical and physical properties. The THROES/PACS catalogue is accessible via a dedicated web-based inter- face (https://throes.cab.inta-csic.es/) and includes not only the science-ready Herschel spectroscopic data for each source, but also complementary photometric and spectroscopic data from other infrared observatories, namely IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) or AKARI, at overlapping wavelengths. Our goal is to create a legacy-value Herschel dataset that can be used by the scientific community in the future to deepen our knowledge and understanding of these latest stages of the evolution of low-to-intermediate mass stars.Comment: 38 page

    Influence of change of regulation on the goals achieved in futsal

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    Este artículo analiza la hipótesis de que los cambios introducidos en la normativa del fútbol sala modifican su lógica interna disminuyendo los goles totales y modificando su forma de ejecución. El objetivo de estudio es analizar los goles y manera de realizarlos en una temporada anterior y posterior al cambio de reglamentación para establecer cuantitativamente cómo el cambio de reglas del 2.006 afecta al juego. Se analizaron 3.126 goles en 442 partidos, 1.771 goles en 232 partidos en la temporada 2.002-2.003 y 1.355 goles en 210 partidos en la temporada 2.013-2.014. El método utilizado fue la metodología observacional, se utilizó el programa Lince vl.2.1. Los resultados muestran una reducción estadísticamente significativa en el número de goles de una temporada a otra. En la temporada 2.002-2.003 se lograron 1.927 goles con un promedio por equipo de 120,38 ± 28,58, y en la temporada 2.013-2.014 1.355 goles con un promedio de 90,40 ± 27,72This article analyses the hypothesis that the changes introduced in the regulation of futsal modify the inner logic of the game, what turns into a reduction of total goals and a significant variation in the form of execution. Therefore, it is set out as aim of study to analyze the goals and the way to achieve them in a previous season and in one subsequent to the change of regulation in order to establish quantitatively how the 2006 rules change has affected the game. Totally, 3126 goals were analyzed, scored in 442 matches, distributed in 1771 goals in 232 matches in season 2002-2003 and 1355 goals in 210 matches in season 2103-2014. The method used in this study was observational methodology. For the observational process, it has been used the observational software Lince vl.2.1. It has been carried out using the IBM SPSS 19.0.0 program. The results show a statistically significant reduction in the number of goals from one season to another. In season 2002-2003, 1927 goals were achieved with an average by team of 120.38±28.58, by 1355 goals in season 2013-2014 of 90.40±27.7

    Electric and magnetic dipolar response of Germanium spheres: Interference effects, scattering anisotropy and optical forces

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    We address the scattering cross sections, and their consequences, for submicrometer Germanium spheres. It is shown that there is a wide window in the near infrared where light scattering by these particles is fully described by their induced electric and magnetic dipoles. In this way, we observe remarkable anisotropic scattering angular distributions, as well as zero forward or backward scattered intensities, which until recently was theoretically demonstrated only for hypothetically postulated magnetodielectric spheres. Also, interesting new effects of the optical forces exerted on these objects are now obtained.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Needs and Motivations in Students at the “Guadiato Valley Continuing Education Centre” in Cordoba, Spain

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    El objetivo de la investigación en la que está basado el artículo fue identificar las necesidades y las motivaciones de los estudiantes del Centro de Educación Permanente (CEPER) Valle del Guadiato de Córdoba, España. Se parte de diferentes teorías para su fundamentación, como las aportadas por Maslow (2005), McClelland (1989), García Aretio (1988), Paz (1984), Palladino (1981), entre otros. Se utilizó la metodología comparada cuyas unidades de comparación se corresponden con las unidades espaciales, que en este estudio son los municipios: Belmez, Espiel, Fuente Obejuna, Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo, Villanueva del Rey y Villaviciosa de Córdoba. Para la recogida de datos se utiliza el estudio documental, el cuestionario escrito y la observación cualitativa. El universo poblacional del “CEPER Valle del Guadiato” lo conformaron 606 personas adultas del período escolar 2011-2012 (592 estudiantes, 14 maestros), siendo la muestra de 265 personas (251 estudiantes, 14 maestros). Entre las principales conclusiones destacan que las necesidades sociales, laborales y personales de los estudiantes del Centro objeto de estudio se derivan básicamente del deseo de aprender, del deseo de superación personal, y del interés por el tema. Las motivaciones giran en torno a la oportunidad de ocupar sus tiempos libres, a la posibilidad de tener mejores oportunidades de encontrar trabajo, y al apoyo de la familia.The aim of the research on which this article is based, was to identify the needs and motivations of students at the Continuing Education Center (CEC) in the Guadiato Valley, Cordoba, Spain. Theories supporting the research are provided by Maslow (2005), McClelland (1989), Garcia (1988), Peace (1984) and Palladino (1981), among others. The methodology is comparative; the comparison units correspond to spatial units, represented in this study by the municipalities of Belmez, Espiel, Fuente Obejuna, Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo, Villanueva del Rey and Villaviciosa de Cordoba. To collect data, a documentary study, written questionnaire and qualitative observation were used. The population universe of CEC Guadiato Valley consisted of 606 adults during the 2011-2012 school period (592 students, 14 teachers); the sample consisted of 265 people (251 students, 14 teachers). The main conclusions highlight that the social, occupational and personal needs of the students at the Centre under study derive basically from desire to learn, the desire for personal improvement and interest in the subject. Motivations revolve around the opportunity to fill their free time, the possibility of better job opportunities and family suppor