40 research outputs found

    Pre-service teacher’s training in inclusive education: future teachers’ experiences and perceptions

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    Leopoldo Medina Sánchez – Universidad de Granada - ORCID: 0000-0002-0643-2491Recepción: 23.03.2020 | Aceptado: 02.02.2021Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Leopoldo Medina Sánchez - 0000-0002-0643-2491La formación inicial de las futuras maestras y maestros para atender a la diversidad es la base para el desarrollo de actitudes y prácticas inclusivas que contribuyan tanto a la construcción de entornos de aprendizaje seguros y accesibles como a la creación de sociedades más justas. Por esta razón, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer en profundidad las experiencias y percepciones de docentes en formación inicial respecto a la formación recibida en materia de educación inclusiva durante los tres primeros cursos correspondientes al módulo genérico del Grado en Educación Primaria (EP) de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada. Para ello, hemos utilizado un cuestionario por escrito estructurado y exploratorio, además de un análisis del plan de estudios del Grado en EP. Los principales resultados revelan que los participantes no se consideran lo suficientemente preparados para atender a la diversidad sobre todo en lo que respecta a una formación práctica de calidad. Asimismo, los datos sugieren la necesidad de un replanteamiento de la configuración del período de prácticas, así como del diseño del plan de estudios, de manera que se incrementen tanto la calidad como la cantidad de los contenidos teóricos y prácticos en materia de educación inclusiva.Pre-service teaching programs in attention to diversity are the basis for the development of inclusive attitudes and practices that contribute both to the construction of safe and inclusive learning environments, as well as to the creation of fairer societies. For this reason, the objective of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences and perceptions of pre-service teachers regarding their training in inclusive education during the first three academic courses which correspond to the generic module of the Degree in Primary Education (PE) of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada. To carry out this research, we have used a structured and exploratory written questionnaire, in addition to an analysis of the syllabus of the Degree in PE. The main results reveal that the participants do not consider themselves sufficiently prepared to attend to diversity, especially when it comes to an adequate training. Likewise, the data collected suggest the need to rethink the configuration of the school practices, as well as the design of the syllabus, so as to increase both the quality and quantity of the theoretical and practical content regarding inclusive education

    Teaching and Learning of Mathematics through CLIL, CBI, or EMI—A Systematic Literature Review

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    This study provides a systematic literature review of research in the field of teaching and learning mathematics through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Content-Based Instruction (CBI), and English Medium Instruction (EMI). The review aims to examine the most relevant literature with a focus on mathematics and CLIL, CBI, or EMI in Scopus and Web of Science per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines. Based on 151 sources, 52 papers were selected according to predefined selection criteria. The papers were analysed and coded according to the following categories: (1) geographical productivity, (2) diachronic productivity growth, (3) main objectives, (4) methodology, and research design, (5) variables and measurement instruments, (6) context and sample details, and (7) main findings. The results reveal that most of the research analysed has been carried out in the Asian continent, followed by Europe. The analysis of diachronic productivity shows that the study of the application of CLIL, CBI, and EMI programs in the teaching-learning process of mathematics has notably increased in recent years, especially in the last triennium (2020–2022). Regarding the objectives of the selected corpus, the majority aimed at teaching practices and learning processes, and outcomes in mathematics and language proficiency in CLIL, CBI, and/or EMI classrooms. The corpus analysed fits within one or more of the following categories: empirical, qualitative, descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional. The samples utilized in different studies differ significantly, both in terms of quantity –ranging from one person to 700– and in the educational level being studied, which would be primary, secondary, or tertiary education. The main variables studied in the corpus focus on mathematical competence, language proficiency, teaching practices, teacher training, science competence, and teachers’ perceptions. The most widely used instruments have been objective tests, such as questionnaires, together with standardized tests to measure some aspects related to mathematical competence and language proficiency. They are followed by an analysis of documents (academic records, teaching materials, official documents...), participant or non-participant observation, interviews, and video and audio recordings. In summary, in the scientific literature analysed, a positive or neutral view predominates on the effects of the CLIL, CBI, and EMI approaches on the learning of mathematics and the L2. This can be due to methodological issues fundamentally related to the methodology, research design, sample, and measurement instruments. Thus, we must highlight that some of the results from the selected papers must be interpreted with caution. Taking this factor into consideration, further comparative studies on a wider scale are required to examine thoroughly the effects of CLIL, CBI, and EMI on the teaching and learning of mathematics in an L2. Besides, it is important to study in greater depth the different levels of language acquisition since the research analysed shows that these have not been sufficiently addressed in the mathematical field of knowledge

    Methodological Adaptations In The Foreign Language Classroom For Students With Mild Intellectual Disability: A Case Study

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    El objetivo de este artículo es describir qué enfoques metodológicos, dinámicas de clase y material didáctico adaptado se utilizan para el aprendizaje del inglés de una alumna con discapacidad intelectual leve inscrita en un centro escolar de Educación Secundaria. Del mismo modo, analizamos la valoración de las condiciones de trabajo de la alumna realizada por sus docentes de inglés. Para ello, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio de caso. Las herramientas de recogida de datos empleadas son: análisis documental, observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad. El análisis de los resultados revela la primacía de una metodología de enseñanza tradicional en los enfoques metodológicos y dinámicas de clase observados y la necesidad de una mejora del material didáctico adaptado. Asimismo, la valoración de las docentes sobre las condiciones de trabajo pone de manifiesto, entre otras, la necesidad de una ratio de alumnado menos numerosa y de mayores recursos humanos e infraestructurales, los problemas de absentismo de la alumna y la importancia de una colaboración más estrecha entre el centro escolar y la familia.The purpose of this paper is to describe the methodological approaches, classroom dynamics, and teaching material employed for the EFL learning of a student with mild intellectual disability at a secondary school, as well as to elicit the appraisal and judgment of the student’s working conditions on the part of her English teachers. To this end, we have conducted a case study based on documentary analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observation. The results of the analysis manifest the adoption of an eclectic approach in which traditional methodologies play a major role, and the need to improve the teaching material specifically adapted for the student. Moreover, the discourse of the teachers reveals the urgency for a smaller class size, a greater amount of human and infrastructural resources, problems regarding the student’s absenteeism, and the importance of promoting a close collaboration between the school and the student’s family

    Coping with Challenges in Teaching Foreign Languages to Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: Stakeholders’ Perspectives

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    In this qualitative study, we aim to gain insight into the stakeholders’ perspectives around the inclusion of a mild intellectual disability (MID) student of perinatal origin in the foreign language (FL) classroom, and their perspectives on the student’s working conditions, and the support needed to effectively develop this student’s basic FL skills. The research hypothesis holds that the stakeholders face numerous technical, contextual, and formative challenges which hinder the MID student’s learning conditions in the FL classroom. The study was carried out in a state secondary school of the metropolitan area of Granada (Spain). Different stakeholders participated in this study. As an instrument of research, we designed an in-depth interview with open questions. The data were perused, sifted, and interpreted by means of a content analysis methodology. The main results confirm the research hypothesis since stakeholders’ perspectives are positive towards the theoretical bases of inclusive education. Conversely, we observe that these perspectives are negative when it comes to the real and effective practice of inclusive education in the FL classroom, which would allow them to tailor their teaching methodology to the real needs of the MID student and the rest of students with special educational needs (SEN)

    Pilularia minuta Durieu, a new fern for Córboba province (Andalusia, Spain).

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    Pilularia minuta Durieu, un nuevo helecho para la provincia de Córdoba (Andalucía, España) Key words. Pilularia, Marsileaceae, Córdoba, Western Andalusia, Iberian Peninsula. Palabras clave. Pilularia, Marsileaceae, Córdoba, Andalucía Occidental, Península Ibérica

    Manejo de n-acetilcisteina en amenaza de parto pretérmino.

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    La amenaza de parto pretérmino, es causa de morbilidad-mortalidad neonatal, entre la 22 y 37 semanas de gestación, afecta al 10%-15% de  los nacimientos, según la OMS,  el Ecuador  está dentro de los 10 países con las mayores tasas de nacimientos prematuros por cada 100 nacimientos en relación 5:1. En  países de bajos ingresos, las  causas de nacimientos prematuros incluye stress, traumatismos, patología cervical,  alta incidencia de infección  de vías urinarias y vaginosis; los objetivos del trabajo: determinar la eficacia del uso de N- acetilcisteina como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de amenaza de parto pretérmino causada por infección de vías urinarias y/o vaginosis; sus efectos en la prolongación del embarazo hasta la semana 37 y evaluar el porcentaje de reingreso hospitalario. El estudio se realizó en el servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia del Hospital General Isidro Ayora de Loja, enero-abril 2014. Estudio de tipo experimental aleatorizado, controlado con placebo, en 63 gestantes con amenaza de parto pretérmino que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los resultados:  N-acetilcisteina, prolongó el periodo de gestación, alcanzando una media de 37,19 semanas;  en el grupo placebo la media fue de 35,78 semanas; el reingreso hospitalario en el grupo N-acetilcisteina  28.1%,  en el grupo placebo  45,2%.  El uso de N-acetilcisteina es efectivo en la prolongación del embarazo en amenaza de parto pretérmino  por  infección de vías urinarias-vaginosis bacteriana, reduce el reingreso hospitalario en un 72%. Se recomienda incrementar el uso de N-acetilcisteina como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de amenaza de parto pretérmino

    Metabolites involved in cellular communication among human cumulus-oocyte-complex and sperm during in vitro fertilization

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    Background: Fertilization is a key physiological process for the preservation of the species. Consequently, different mechanisms affecting the sperm and the oocyte have been developed to ensure a successful fertilization. Thus, sperm acrosome reaction is necessary for the egg coat penetration and sperm-oolema fusion. Several molecules are able to induce the sperm acrosome reaction; however, this process should be produced coordinately in time and in the space to allow the success of fertilization between gametes. The goal of this study was to analyze the metabolites secreted by cumulus-oocyte-complex (COC) to find out new components that could contribute to the induction of the human sperm acrosome reaction and other physiological processes at the time of gamete interaction and fertilization. Methods: For the metabolomic analysis, eighteen aliquots of medium were used in each group, containing: a) only COC before insemination and after 3 h of incubation; b) COC and capacitated spermatozoa after insemination and incubated for 16–20 hours; c) only capacitated sperm after 16–20 h in culture and d) only fertilization medium as control. Six patients undergoing assisted reproduction whose male partners provided normozoospermic samples were included in the study. Seventy-two COC were inseminated. Results: The metabolites identified were monoacylglycerol (MAG), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and phytosphingosine (PHS). Analysis by PCR and in silico of the gene expression strongly suggests that the cumulus cells contribute to the formation of the PHS and LPC. Conclusions: LPC and PHS are secreted by cumulus cells during in vitro fertilization and they could be involved in the induction of human acrosome reaction (AR). The identification of new molecules with a paracrine effect on oocytes, cumulus cells and spermatozoa will provide a better understanding of gamete interaction.This study was supported by grant GV/2009/097 from Department of Education, Generalitat Valenciana, Vicerrectorado de Investigación, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain (Vigrob-137), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012-40180-C03-02 and Fundación Seneca (04542/GERM/06)

    La investigación botánica y fúngica en el Real Jardín Botánico, cómo sobrevivir a los cambios ambientales

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    El Real Jardín Botánico (RJB) ocupa un lugar muy prominente en la ciencia botánica y de los hongos, y es un centro de excelencia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) que lleva a cabo una investigación multidisciplinar en 5 de los 6 reinos de organismos eucariotas del árbol de la vida. Las investigaciones del RJB se enfocan en comprender la sistemática y evolución de la diversidad de organismos de estos 5 reinos, desde sus genes, las especies y los ecosistemas de los que forman parte. El RJB desarrolla líneas de investigación frontera enfocadas desde la sistemática y florística de plantas vasculares, la biodiversidad, biogeografía y sistemática molecular de hongos, hasta la biología evolutiva de plantas y sus patrones, procesos y mecanismos, la colonización y evolución en islas oceánicas, y la biodiversidad escondida, ahondando en el estudio de su ecología, evolución y conservación. El RJB está situado en un lugar privilegiado de Madrid, junto a la Glorieta de Atocha, y ha de sobrevivir a las nuevas como son el cambio global, incluido el cambio climático y la contaminación atmosférica. En este artículo se hace referencia a los objetivos y las actividades que desarrolla este importante centro de investigación botánic