954 research outputs found

    The control of pre-existing extensional structures on the evolution of the southern sector of the Aconcagua fold and thrust belt, southern Andes

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    The Aconcagua fold and thrust belt, located in the Andean mountains at 32°30′ to 34°S, has been described as a classic model of a thin-skinned thrust belt. However, new structural data from its southern sector have shown that it has a complex structural framework reflected in multiple Mesozoic extensional phases, overprinted by structural inversion, as well as thin- and thick-skinned tectonics. Two major superimposed extensional structural styles have been identified for the Mesozoic characterized by distinctly oriented stress fields. A key role in the evolution of this part of the fold and thrust belt was played by a Late Triassic to Early Jurassic depocentre and by Late Jurassic block faulting. Shortening was accommodated by a combination of inversion of pre-existing normal faults, development of footwall short cuts and both thin and thick-skinned thrusting. Synrift and postrift sedimentary rocks were uplifted by reactivation of normal faults, with further shortening along newly formed thin-skinned thrust faults. The geometry of thin-skinned fault systems is controlled by the architecture of the rift basin, competent footwalls forming barriers to the lateral propagation of detachments. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fil: Giambiagi, Laura Beatriz. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología. Laboratorio de Tectónica Andina; Argentina. Universidad de Mendoza. Departamento de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnologicas; ArgentinaFil: Medina Alvarez, Pamela María Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología. Laboratorio de Tectónica Andina; ArgentinaFil: Godoy, Estanislao. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería; ChileFil: Ramos, Victor Alberto. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología. Laboratorio de Tectónica Andina; Argentin

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de tortillas crocantes de tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis)

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    El presente proyecto de investigación es un estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de tortillas crocantes de tarwi, cuyo principal objetivo es determinar su viabilidad comercial, técnica, económica-financiera y social. Para ello, se ha dividido el presente trabajo en ocho capítulos. Al inicio se muestran los aspectos generales; se presenta la problemática abordada, los objetivos tanto generales como específicos planteados, así como la hipótesis y la justificación de la elaboración del proyecto, el marco referencial y el marco conceptual. Con el fin de evidenciar la viabilidad comercial, se realizó un análisis completo del sector industrial en cuestión y, adicionalmente, un estudio de mercado, con lo cual se determinó la demanda potencial y específica del proyecto, siendo esta última una cantidad de 213,357 bolsas (7,112 cajas de 30 bolsas cada una) del producto para el año 2026. Asimismo, los resultados hallados demostraron una creciente demanda a lo largo de la vida del proyecto lo cual demuestra la existencia actual y futura de un mercado que está dispuesto a consumir el producto. Asimismo, se empleó la metodología de ranking de factores para determinar la localización de la planta, para lo cual se tomaron en cuenta factores tanto de macro y micro localización. Con el resultado, se pudo determinar que el distrito de Villa El Salvador perteneciente a la ciudad de Lima era el lugar ideal y óptimo para la construcción de la planta industrial. Luego, se procedió con el cálculo del tamaño de planta, el cual toma en consideración la relación tamaño-mercado, tamaño recursos productivos, tamaño-tecnología y tamaño-punto de equilibrio, siendo el tamaño- mercado el limitante. Por ende se determinó un tamaño de planta de 213,357 bolsas de Tarchips. En el siguiente capítulo, entrando a la sección de ingeniería del proyecto, se definió técnicamente al producto, las tecnologías existentes, el proceso de producción, así como se mencionaron las características específicas de las instalaciones y los equipos. Asimismo, se indicó la capacidad instalada, las acciones para el resguardo de la calidad e inocuidad del producto, los detalles sobre el impacto ambiental que genera el proyecto, xviii las medidas para la seguridad y la salud ocupacional, las especificaciones sobre el sistema de mantenimiento, la presentación del diseño de la cadena de suministro y el programa de producción. Posteriormente, se procedió con el cálculo de los requerimientos de los insumos, servicios, personal indirecto y disposición de la planta. Esta última se realizó mediante la aplicación del análisis relacional y el método Guerchet para determinar el área mínima requerida de la zona de producción. Además, en este capítulo, también se elaboró un cronograma de implementación del proyecto, el cual permitirá una ejecución regulada y ordenada de éste en un futuro. En lo que respecta a la organización y la administración de la empresa, se detalló la formación y constitución de ésta, la cantidad de personal que se requería, con sus respectivas actividades y perfiles; y se presentó el esquema de la estructura organizacional u organigrama. En el siguiente capítulo, se procedió con la elaboración de los presupuestos y la evaluación económica y financiera del proyecto. Para ello se detallaron las inversiones, los costos de producción, los presupuestos operativos, los flujos de fondos económicos y financieros y; además, se realizó el análisis de los ratios financieros. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad, en el cual se demostró que, incluso con un escenario pesimista, el proyecto es efectivamente rentable. Finalmente, se hallaron los indicadores sociales, los cuales permitirán demostrar el impacto positivo que generaría el proyecto para la comunidad y, por último, se elaboraron las conclusiones y recomendaciones a tener en cuenta en futuros trabajos de investigación.This research project is a pre-feasibility study for the installation of a tarwi crispy tortilla production plant, whose main objective is to determine its commercial, technical, economic-financial and social viability. For this purpose, this work has been divided into eight chapters. At the beginning, the general aspects are shown; the problems addressed, the general and specific objectives, as well as the hypothesis and justification for the elaboration of the project, the frame of reference and the conceptual framework are presented. In order to demonstrate the commercial viability, a complete analysis of the industrial sector in question was carried out and, additionally, a market study was conducted to determine the potential and specific demand for the project. The results showed a growing demand throughout the life of the project, which demonstrates the current and future existence of a market that is willing to consume the product. Likewise, the factor ranking methodology was used to determine the location of the plant, for which both macro and micro location factors were taken into account. As a result, it was determined that Villa El Salvador district located in Lima city was the ideal and optimal location for the construction of the industrial plant. Then, we proceeded with the calculation of the plant size, which takes into consideration the size-market relationship, size of productive resources, size-technology and size-breakeven point, being the size-market the limiting factor and therefore the size of the plant. In the next chapter, entering the engineering section of the project, the product, the existing technologies, the production process and the specific characteristics of the facilities and equipment were technically defined. It also indicated the installed capacity, actions to safeguard product quality and safety, details on the environmental impact of the project, occupational health and safety measures, specifications on the maintenance system, presentation of the design of the supply chain and the production program. Subsequently, we proceeded with the calculation of the requirements for inputs, services, indirect personnel and plant layout. The latter was carried out by applying the relational xx analysis and the Guerchet method to determine the minimum required area of the production area. In addition, in this chapter, a project implementation schedule was also prepared, which will allow a regulated and orderly execution of the project in the future. With regard to the organization and administration of the company, the formation and constitution of the company, the number of personnel required, with their respective activities and profiles, and the organizational structure or organization chart were detailed. In the next chapter, the budgets and the economic and financial evaluation of the project were prepared. Investments, production costs, operating budgets, economic and financial cash flows, and financial ratios were also analyzed. A sensitivity analysis was also performed, which showed that, even with a pessimistic scenario, the project is indeed profitable. Finally, the social indicators were found, which will allow demonstrating the positive impact that the project would generate for the community and, finally, conclusions and recommendations to be taken into account in future research work were drawn up

    Instalación y configuración del S.O. zentyal server 6.2 para disponer de los servicios de infraestructura IT

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    El presente trabajo muestra una solución basada en GNU/Linux a través de la instalación, configuración y puesta en marcha de Zentyal Server como sistema operativo base para disponer de los servicios de Infraestructura IT que permiten dar Solución a necesidades específicas. Se implementó bajo el Zentyal Server servicios de gestión de infraestructura IT como DHCP Server, DNS Server y Controlador de Dominio, Proxy no transparente, cortafuegos, VPN, File Server y Print ServerThis work shows a solution based on GNU / Linux through the installation, configuration and start-up of Zentyal Server as a base operating system to have IT Infrastructure services that allow to provide a solution to specific needs. It was implemented under the Zentyal Server IT infrastructure management services such as DHCP Server, DNS Server and Controller of Domain, Non-transparent Proxy, Firewall, VPN, File Server and Print Serve

    Impacto de la reforma educativa del nivel secundario en el campo de la enseñanza de las Ciencias Económicas. 16H326

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    Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: Análisis y debate normativo/conceptual:compilación de documentos que abordaran el marco legislativo que avala los cambios en la educación secundaria en l actual reforma y a partir de los cuales, efectuar un análisis comparativo en búsqueda de los puntos relevantes /sustantivos de los cambios educativos que se proponen; Encuadre legal de los cambios curriculares en la Educación Secundaria; Relevamiento de la implementación: Escuelas, directivos, docentes frente a los cambios curriculares; Elaboración y formulación de entrevistas: diseño de instrumentos de recolección de datos y consulta con metodólogos; elaboración de una guía de entrevista para docentes y directivos de las diferentes instituciones escolares seleccionadas; Reflexión, análisis y producción El equipo llevó a cabo diversas reuniones para la reflexión sobre del desarrollo de la investigación y los aspectos implícitos en ella. Está en la fase de discusión de los documentos de base y del análisis de los resultados de las entrevistas a docentes y directivos de la orientación Economía y Administración. Elaboró un documento de trabajo sobre propuestas de actualizaciones curriculares del Programa de Formación Docente en Ciencias Económicas

    Mycorrhiza induced resistance against pests: from the lab to the field

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    1 página - Conferencia invitada presentada en Iberian Plant Biology 2023. XVIII Portuguese-Spanish Congress on Plant Biology and the XXV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology. 9-12 Julio 2023, Braga, PortugalArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can prime plant defences increasing their resistance against pathogens and insect herbivores. Using tomato as a model, we have shown that inoculation with different AMF reduces the performance of the chewing herbivore Spodoptera exigua and the leaf miner Tuta absoluta. Transcriptomic and metabolomics analyses revealed that this Mycorrhiza Induced Resistance (MIR) is associated to boosted activation of plant direct and indirect defences in response to the attackers. We found primed accumulation in attacked leaves of antiherbivore metabolites, including alkaloids and polyamine conjugates, and functional analyses demonstrated that some of the identified compounds significantly inhibit herbivore development. In addition, the symbiosis altered the volatile blends released by the plant, and enhanced the attraction of natural enemies of the pests (Nesidiocoris tenuis, commonly used in biocontrol programs). Finally, networks analyses allowed the identification of key regulators of the primed response within the jasmonic acid and ethylene signalling pathways. Despite the many studies showing induced resistance by microorganisms in different plant‐pest systems, the variability in the protection achieved under agronomic settings is hindering the application of this strategy in agriculture. Plant‐microbe‐herbivore interactions are highly context dependent, with multiple biotic and abiotic factors influencing the final output. Identifying such factors is essential to optimize the application of microbial inoculants for crop protection in agriculture. We found that the plant genotype and nutrient availability are important drivers of the context dependency of MIR in tomato. Despite of the variability, comparisons across different experimental scales, from controlled lab set‐ups to commercial production conditions, confirmed that MIR can be achieved under crop production conditions and is compatible with other biocontrol methods. Accordingly, MIR can be a relevant addition to current Integrated Pest Management Programs

    Young Nursing Student’s Knowledge and Attitudes about Contraceptive Methods

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    We would like to thank all the nursing students who voluntarily participated in this studyPurpose: Adolescence is considered a period in which individuals are particularly at risk of negative consequences related to sexual health. Increased knowledge levels have traditionally been used as an indicator of the effectiveness of educational programs, but attitudes are not addressed and are a key element for the success of such programs. The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptive methods among nursing students. A multicenter cross-sectional study was carried out. In total, 2914 university students (aged 18–25 years) enrolled in the study. Participants completed two validated scales to measure knowledge level and attitudes toward contraceptive use. Nursing degree students who received training about contraceptives obtained a success rate of over 70%, compared to 15.3% among students who had not received such training (p < 0.001). The mean attitude score was 43.45 points (10–50), but there were no significant differences in terms of student training (p = 0.435), although they were significantly higher among students who used contraceptives at first or last sexual intercourse (p < 0.001). There was a significant weak correlation between the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptives. An adequate level of knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive methods does not correspond to positive attitudes toward their use, although having an excellent attitude toward contraceptive use is related to their use during youth and adolescence

    Contrastar las dificultades y demandas que tienen los estudiantes con diversidad en el acceso a primer curso de los estudios de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    Conocer la opinión de los coordinadores de la Oficina para la Inclusión de Personas con Diversidad de las facultades y centros adscritos y del profesorado de primer curso de grado que tengan matriculado estudiantes con diversidad funcional y/o necesidades educativas especificas en sus asignaturas, para identificar las dificultades y demandas que tienen este perfil de estudiantes en las adaptaciones curriculares en el acceso a primer curso de los estudios, en la Universidad Complutense de Madri

    The Raman Laser Spectrometer for the ExoMars Rover Mission to Mars

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    The Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) on board the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars 2020 mission will provide precise identification of the mineral phases and the possibility to detect organics on the Red Planet. The RLS will work on the powdered samples prepared inside the Pasteur analytical suite and collected on the surface and subsurface by a drill system. Raman spectroscopy is a well-known analytical technique based on the inelastic scattering by matter of incident monochromatic light (the Raman effect) that has many applications in laboratory and industry, yet to be used in space applications. Raman spectrometers will be included in two Mars rovers scheduled to be launched in 2020. The Raman instrument for ExoMars 2020 consists of three main units: (1) a transmission spectrograph coupled to a CCD detector; (2) an electronics box, including the excitation laser that controls the instrument functions; and (3) an optical head with an autofocus mechanism illuminating and collecting the scattered light from the spot under investigation. The optical head is connected to the excitation laser and the spectrometer by optical fibers. The instrument also has two targets positioned inside the rover analytical laboratory for onboard Raman spectral calibration. The aim of this article was to present a detailed description of the RLS instrument, including its operation on Mars. To verify RLS operation before launch and to prepare science scenarios for the mission, a simulator of the sample analysis chain has been developed by the team. The results obtained are also discussed. Finally, the potential of the Raman instrument for use in field conditions is addressed. By using a ruggedized prototype, also developed by our team, a wide range of terrestrial analog sites across the world have been studied. These investigations allowed preparing a large collection of real, in situ spectra of samples from different geological processes and periods of Earth evolution. On this basis, we are working to develop models for interpreting analog processes on Mars during the mission. Key Words: Raman spectroscopy—ExoMars mission—Instruments and techniques—Planetary sciences—Mars mineralogy and geochemistry—Search for life on Mars. Astrobiology 17, 627–65