636 research outputs found

    Analytic Kramer kernels, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. In particular, when the involved kernel is analytic in the sampling parameter it can be stated in an abstract setting of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of entire functions which includes as a particular case the classical Shannon sampling theory. This abstract setting allows us to obtain a sort of converse result and to characterize when the sampling formula associated with an analytic Kramer kernel can be expressed as a Lagrange-type interpolation series. On the other hand, the de Branges spaces of entire functions satisfy orthogonal sampling formulas which can be written as Lagrange-type interpolation series. In this work some links between all these ideas are established

    Evaluación de la microdureza de cementos resinosos de uso odontológico: estudio in vitro

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    OBJETIVO: Es importante conocer las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales dentales para poder determinar críticamente su comportamiento y no limitarnos únicamente a la evaluación clínica. Por esa razón, el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la microdureza de cuatro cementos resinosos de uso odontológico teniendo en cuenta que existe correlación entre esta propiedad mecánica y el comportamiento clínico del material.MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se confeccionaron seis cuerpos de prueba para cada cemento evaluado: RelyXTM ARC(3M ESPE) = G1, Multilink® (IVOCLAR VIVADENT) = G2, MaxCem EliteTM (KERR CORPORATION) = G3 y RelyXTMU200 (3M ESPE) = G4, los que fueron almacenados durante 48 horas a temperatura ambiente y sometidos al ensayo deMicrodureza Vickers (VMH) con 200 g-f durante 10 segundos.RESULTADOS: Para el cemento resinoso dual convencional (grupo control) G1 el valor promedio de microdureza fue47.08 ± 4.52 VMH. El cemento resinoso dual de autograbado (G2) tuvo un valor promedio de 43.88 ± 2.35 VMH. Elvalor promedio de microdureza del cemento resinoso autoadhesivo G3 fue de 37.41 ± 3.10 VMH mientras que para elcemento resinoso autoadhesivo G4 se obtuvo un valor promedio de 50.58 ± 1.10 VMH.CONCLUSIÓN: Se concluye que el cemento resinoso autoadhesivo dual RelyXTM U200 presentaría un mejor comportamiento clínico ya que los valores de microdureza encontrados fueron los más altos, encontrando diferencias estadísticamente significativas con Multilink® y MaxCem EliteTM

    Shell structures in aluminum nanocontacts at elevated temperatures

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    Aluminum nanocontact conductance histograms are studied experimentally from room temperature up to near the bulk melting point. The dominant stable configurations for this metal show a very early crossover from shell structures at low wire diameters to ionic subshell structures at larger diameters. At these larger radii, the favorable structures are temperature-independent and consistent with those expected for ionic subshell (faceted) formations in face-centered cubic geometries. When approaching the bulk melting temperature, these local stability structures become less pronounced as shown by the vanishing conductance histogram peak structure

    Segregation of Mn, Si, Al, and oxygen during the friction stir welding of DH36 steel

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    This work investigates the role of welding speed in elemental segregation of Mn, Si, Al, and oxygen during friction stir welding (FSW) in DH36 steel. The experimental work undertaken showed that when the speed of the FSW process exceeds 500 RPM with a traverse speed of 400 mm/min, then elemental segregation of Mn, Si, Al, and O occurred. The mechanism of this segregation is not fully understood; additionally, the presence of oxygen within these segregated elements needs investigation. This work examines the elemental segregation within DH36 steel by conducting heat treatment experiments on unwelded samples incrementally in the range of 1200–1500 °C and at cooling rates similar to that in FSW process. The results of heat treatments were compared with samples welded under two extremes of weld tool speeds, namely W1 low tool speeds (200 RPM with traverse speed of 100 mm/min) and W2 high tool speeds (550 RPM with traverse speed of 400 mm/min). The results from the heat treatment trials showed that segregation commences when the temperature exceeds 1400 °C and Mn, Si, Al, and oxygen segregation progress occurs at 1450 °C and at a cooling rate associated with acicular ferrite formation. It was also found that high rotational speeds exceeding 500 RPM caused localized melting at the advancing-trailing side of the friction stir-welded samples. The study aims to estimate peak temperature limits at which elemental segregation does not occur and hence prevent their occurrence in practice by applying the findings to the tool’s rotational and traverse speed that correspond to the defined temperature

    Caregiver Depression and Early Child Development: A Mixed-Methods Study From Rural China

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    Half of rural toddlers aged 0–3 years in China's Qinling Mountainous region are cognitively delayed. While recent studies have linked poor child development measures to the absence of positive parenting behaviors, much less is known about the role that caregiver depression might play in shaping child development. In this paper, a mixed methods analysis is used to explore the prevalence of depression; measure the association between caregiver depression and children's developmental delays, correlates of depression, and the potential reasons for caregiver depression among women in rural China. The analysis brings together results from a large-scale survey of 1,787 caregivers across 118 villages in one northwestern province, as well as information from in-depth interviews with 55 female caregivers from these same study sites. Participants were asked to respond to the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) as well as a scale to measure children's social-emotional development, the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional (ASQ-SE). We also administered a test of early childhood development, the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III), to all of the study household's infants and toddlers. The results show that the prevalence of depression may be as high as 23.5 percent among all female caregivers (defined as scoring in the mild or higher category of the DASS-21). Grandmothers have higher prevalence of depression than mother caregivers (p < 0.01). Caregiver depression also is significantly associated with a 0.53 SD worsening of children's social-emotional development (p < 0.01) and a 0.12 SD decrease in children's language development (p < 0.05). Our qualitative findings reveal six predominant reasons for caregiver depression: lack of social support from family and friends; the burden of caregiving; lack of control and agency within the household; within-family conflict; poverty; the perception of material wealth as a measure of self-worth. Our findings show a serious lack of understanding of mental health issues among rural women, and suggest that rural communities could benefit greatly from an educational program concerning mental health and its influence on child development. Our findings confirm the need for a comprehensive approach toward rural health, with particular attention paid to mental health awareness and support to elderly caregivers

    SEFT sebagai terapi mengatasi kecemasan menghadapi Covid-19

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    INDONESIA: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pandemi virus covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh belahan dunia. Pandemic ini membawa dampak baik langsung maupun tidak bagi hampir seluruh manusia. Perubahan pola hidup yang drastis dan tiba-tiba membuat banyak orang tidak memiliki kesiapan untuk menyesuaikan diri dan beradaptasi. Hal ini menyebabkan munculnya rasa panik dan cemas pada sebagian masyarakat. Kecemasan yang muncul bervariasi, speerti cemas tertular virus, cemas kondisi keuangan melemah atau bahkan memburuk, hingga cemas akan masa depan setelah pandemic ini berakhir. Kecemasan tersebut bila tidak terkontrol akan mempengaruhi pola pikir maupun perilaku sehingga dapat menjadi gangguan psikologis. Banyak teknik terapi telah dikembangkan untuk mengatasi kecemasan, salah satunya adalah Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT). SEFT telah terbukti mampu mengontrol dan menurunkan tingkat kecemasan secara umum. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisa bagaimanakah SEFT sebagai teknik terapi dalam mengatasi kecemasan akibat virus covid-19 serta bagaimana dampaknya pada individu yang melakukannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik kepustakaan serta studi kasus. Adapun variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik terapi SEFT serta kecemasan individu yang berkaitan dengan pandemic virus covid-19. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah kondisi dimana individu yang mengalaminya merasa tidak memiliki kemampuan, tidak berdaya serta tertekan terhadap suatu objek yang secara spesifik tidak jelas. Sementara SEFT merupakan sebuah teknik terapi kontemporer yang bertujuan menghilangkan atau membebaskan individu secara spiritual dan emosional dari kondisi-kondisi yang negatif. Hasil uji coba terhadap klien menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan tahapan yang tepat dari terapi SEFT, tingkat kecemasan klien menurun, sehingga dapat dianjurkan untuk dapat digunakan secara lebih luas kepada masyarakkat yang mengalami kecemasan akibat pandemic virus covid-19 ini. ENGLISH: This research is motivated by the covid-19 pandemic virus that occurs in all parts of the world. This pandemic impacts on humans either directly or indirectly. Change patterns of life that are drastic and suddenly make many people do not have the readiness to adjust. It causes many difficulties for most people. Anxiety that appears varies, such as suspected virus, decreases in financial, until how the future after this pandemic ends. This anxiety will affect the mindset or behavior even psychological disorders if not controlled well. Many techniques have been developed to overcome difficulties. One of those is Emotional Spiritual Freedom Technique (SEFT). SEFT has been proven to be able to control and reduce anxiety level generally. Therefore, this study tries to analyze the SEFT as a therapy to overcome the covid-19 virus and how it impacts in individuals who do. This research uses qualitative methods, with data collection methods using library techniques and case study. While the variables discussed in this study are SEFT therapy techniques and also individual’s anxiety caused by the covid-19 pandemic virus. The results of the analysis show that anxiety is interpreted as a condition where individuals who experience it do not have the ability, powerless and depressed against a specific object unclearly. While SEFT is a contemporary technique that helps or liberates spiritual and emotional individuals from negative conditions. The result of trial on client shows that by using the right stages of SEFT therapy, the level of client anxiety decreases, so we can use SEFT more broadly to overcome or decrease people’s anxiety impacted by the covid-19 pandemic virus

    Syndrome of hiperinfection by Strongyloides stercoralis

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    Se presenta el caso de una estrongiloidiasis diseminada en una paciente con tratamiento crónico de corticoides y una tumoración en región bulbar, que cursa con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo y lesiones dérmicas, aislándose la larva en el aspirado de secresión bronquial y biopsia de piel.It is showed a disseminated strongyloidiasis in a patient under chronic treatment with corticosteroids and a bulbar tumor, with acute respiratory distress syndrome and skin lesions, and isolation of the larva in bronchial secretion aspirate and skin biopsy

    Tip60 functions as a potential corepressor of KLF4 in regulation of HDC promoter activity

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    KLF4 is a transcription factor that is highly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. Previously we have demonstrated that KLF4 represses HDC promoter activity in a gastric cell line through both an upstream Sp1 binding GC box and downstream gastrin responsive elements. However, the mechanism by which KLF4 inhibits HDC promoter is not well defined. In the current study, by using yeast two-hybrid screening, Tip60 was identified as a KLF4 interacting protein. Further coimmunoprecipitation and functional reporter assays support the interaction between these two proteins. In addition, Tip60 and HDAC7, previously shown to interact with each other and repress transcription, inhibited HDC promoter activity in a dose-dependent fashion. Consistently, knock down of Tip60 or HDAC7 gene expression by specific shRNA increased endogenous HDC mRNA level. Co-immunoprecipitation assays showed that HDAC7 was pulled down by KLF4 and Tip60, suggesting that these three proteins form a repressive complex. Further chromatin immuno-precipitation indicated that all three proteins associated with HDC promoter. Two-hour gastrin treatment, known to activate HDC gene expression, significantly decreased the association of KLF4, Tip60 and HDAC7 with HDC promoter, suggesting that gastrin activates HDC gene expression at least partly by decreasing the formation of KLF4/Tip60/HDAC7 repressive complexes at the HDC promoter

    Physical and immunological aspects of exercise in chronic diseases.

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    Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyles are believed to be independent risk factors for the occurrence of numerous diseases, including, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, cancer and mental health, all leading to substantial morbidity and/or premature death. It has been found that regular exercise, is associated with better quality of life and health outcomes, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Here, we review the effects regular exercise has on mental health and well-being, on the immune system and in cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity and metabolic syndrome. Is exercise the new immunotherapy to treat diseases