2,007 research outputs found

    Empowering Maternal Resilience: A Prenatal Education Program for Mothers and Their Chosen Support Persons for Postpartum Depression

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    Calculating Vsin(i) of Planet-hosting Young Stars

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    Constraining the spin-orbit alignment of close-in planets in young systems can provide insight on their migratory history. We can combine Vsin(i) with measurements of the stellar rotation period and radius to determine the star\u27s orbital inclination, which we can compare to that of the planet as determined from the transit. Vsin(i) is determined from the rotational broadening on the star\u27s spectral lines, so it is ideal to work with young, fast-rotating stars where broadening is more easily measured. We measure Vsin(i) of seven planet-hosting stars within the Praesepe star cluster by using high-resolution spectra from the Immersion Grating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) in the K and H band. We develop a program to fit the model onto each order of the spectra using a set of optimized parameters which takes into account complicating factors such as instrumental broadening, stellar motion, and atmospheric turbulence. For our final result, we find that all planet hosts are spin-orbit aligned within measurement errors

    Empowering Maternal Resilience: A Prenatal Education Program for Mothers and Their Chosen Support Persons for Postpartum Depression

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    Previous research studies have demonstrated the positive impact education and social support has on reducing the risk of postpartum depression (PPD) when used separately. However, there exists a clear gap in understanding the combined effects of integrating both education and social support during the prenatal period on PPD. This longitudinal quasi-experimental study aims to evaluate the impact of an in-person prenatal PPD prevention program for the birthing person, requiring the presence of a support person on the reduction of PPD. Participants and their chosen support persons will receive information on PPD, including risk factors, signs and symptoms, preventative measures, and coping strategies. The study will involve 128 participants from a local obstetrics community clinic selected through convenience sampling, with 64 participants in the experimental group and 64 in the control group. Basic demographic data, as well as information on the relationship with the support person, will be collected prior to intervention. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale will be administered as a pre-test during the third trimester and as a post-test at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months postpartum. The experimental group will attend the in-person prenatal PPD program while the control group will instead receive the usual prenatal care. Two-tailed t-tests will be used to assess statistical significance in comparing PPD incidents between experimental and control groups at various postpartum time points. Pearson Correlation coefficient (Pearson r) will measure the linear association between pairs of continuous variables. If successful, the study could provide nurses with an evidence-based approach to PPD education and prevention. Importantly, it has the potential to enhance the well-being of the mother and baby. The more nurses can expose birthing persons and their support persons to patient and partner-centered PPD education, the lower the risk of PPD

    Impacto de la titulación colectiva en el consejo comunitario de Lloro-Cocoillo Choco Colombia 2012

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    En este trabajo de investigación, se llevara a cabo un análisis del impacto de la Titulación Colectiva, fundamentada en la ley 70 de 1993, en el Consejo Comunitario Integral de Lloro Cocoillo (Choco Colombia). Se dará a conocer el entorno social, económico, político y cultural de este Consejo Comunitario, forjando un panorama global del desarrollo integral de esta comunidad en busca del reconocimiento del derecho a la propiedad colectiva de las comunidades negras, en donde se deben surtir los trámites de ley que se amplían en el Decreto 1745 de 1995 en su artículo 20, para la Titulación Colectiva de las tierras que habitan.In this research work was carried out an analysis of the impact of collective ownership, based on Law 70 of 1993, the Consejo Comunitario Integral de Lloro Cocoillo (Choco Colombia). A notice of the social, economic, political and cultural development of the Consejo Comunitario, forging a global picture of the development of this community for the recognition of the right to collective ownership of black communities, where paperwork must be filled bill extending the Decree 1745 of 1995, article 20, for the collective titling of the lands they inhabit

    Diputacions : l’ens qüestionat

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932.Curs: 2014/2015Es presenta un reportatge que aprofundeix sobre l’administració provincial i les diputacions provincials. El reportatge desenvolupa el debat sobre la utilitat, avantatges i problemes de les diputacions provincials en l’actualitat. Aquesta discussió ha estat present en els darrers anys a l’esfera política i social. Des de l’any 2011, aquest debat es va fer més patent, quan en el moment més crític de la crisi econòmica, molts partits polítics van analitzar el funcionament de les diputacions i es van posicionar. El debat sobre l’eficàcia i la utilitat de les diputacions provincials inclou diferents temes, com el seu funcionament, la seva eficàcia i el seu futur. El reportatge ofereix diferents punts de vista de la situació actual de les diputacions mitjançant entrevistes de càrrecs polítics que han treballat per a l’administració i l’opinió experta d’un professor de dret que analitza aquesta administració.A report that involves the debate of the provincial administration and the provincial government. This report develops the debate about the usefulness, advantages and problems of the provincial government nowadays. The discussion about the utility of the provincial administration has been present regularly in the political and social sphere. Since 2011 it became more relevant when in the most critical moment of the economic crisis, political parties analyzed the situation of the administration. The debate over the usefulness and utility of the provincial administration covers several topics, such its functioning, their efficiency and its future. The report offers different points of view on the current situation of the provincial government with interviews to politicians who have worked in the administration and the expert opinion of a law professor that gives an outlook of the regional administrations

    Adaptación y montaje de diez obras de música andina colombiana para tiple y guitarra del énfasis de cuerdas típicas del programa de Licenciatura en Música de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    La realización de este proyecto se lleva a cabo al vivenciar la falencia en el material musical para el montaje de obras en formato de dueto de Tiple y Guitarra en el énfasis de cuerdas típicas en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, buscando soluciones se llega a este proyecto. El Dúo Solo Due, decide; bajo la dirección del Licenciado en Música Benjamín Cardona Osuna; tomar las obras del repertorio de la práctica de conjunto del énfasis de cuerdas típicas y hacerlo funcional para el formato de duo, dejando en los grupos que desarrollarán esta propuesta una solución y motivación para hacerlo efectivo en el programa de licenciatura en Música de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

    Two-week joint mobilization intervention improves self-reported function, range of motion, and dynamic balance in those with chronic ankle instability

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    We examined the effect of a 2-week anterior-to-posterior ankle joint mobilization intervention on weight-bearing dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), dynamic balance, and self-reported function in subjects with chronic ankle instability (CAI). In this prospective cohort study, subjects received six Maitland Grade III anterior-to-posterior joint mobilization treatments over 2 weeks. Weightbearing dorsiflexion ROM, the anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral reach directions of the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), and self-reported function on the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) were assessed 1 week before the intervention (baseline), prior to the first treatment (pre-intervention), 24–48 h following the final treatment (post-intervention), and 1 week later (1-week follow-up) in 12 adults (6 males and 6 females) with CAI. The results indicate that dorsiflexion ROM, reach distance in all directions of the SEBT, and the FAAM improved (p < 0.05 for all) in all measures following the intervention compared to those prior to the intervention. No differences were observed in any assessments between the baseline and pre-intervention measures or between the postintervention and 1-week follow-up measures (p > 0.05). These results indicate that the joint mobilization intervention that targeted posterior talar glide was able to improve measures of function in adults with CAI for at least 1 week

    The diffusion of energy technologies. Evidence from renewable, fossil, and nuclear energy patents

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    Technology innovation is widely recognised as a critical means in tackling climate change and fulfilling energy policy objectives. The objective of this paper is twofold: first, to provide a descriptive analysis of innovation in energy technology across countries and sectors and over time; and second, to explore the determining factors of patented knowledge diffusion of energy technologies by distinguishing between renewables and other energy patents, i.e., fossil and nuclear patents) thorough a regression analysis. The data employed in this paper consists of an original database on renewables and other energy patents applied by firms in the period 1990–2015 and contained in PATSTAT. By drawing on patent citations as an indicator of knowledge diffusion and focusing on characteristics extracted from patent documents, a set of econometric models is estimated. Our results show that those patents containing more citations to previous scientific literature and patents attain greater diffusion. Joint patents with other firms or universities exert a negligible effect on technology regarding renewables. Coownership with universities has a negative effect on the diffusion of other types of energy technology. Several policy implications can be determined from our results: for example, the justification for policies oriented towards enhancing the incorporation of scientific knowledge and co-inventorship in energy innovation

    Programa "colegios para los derechos humanos" aplicado a la institución educativa distrital Pestalozzi de barranquilla

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    El presente proyecto con enfoque diferencial en Derechos Humanos se formula ante la imperiosa necesidad de generar prácticas positivas en torno al ejercicio y goce de los Derechos en la escuela, la familia y la sociedad, basándose en la Educación en Derechos Humanos como herramienta principal para su materialización. De esta manera, se ha decidido fortalecer la formación escolar en materia de Derechos Humanos tomando como Institución base para su formulación, gestión y ejecución a la Institución Educativa Distrital Pestalozzi. Se trata entonces de una propuesta de sensibilización, formación y práctica de los Derechos Humanos, que permita a las y los niños comprender la razón de ser de los Derechos, así como la obligación social y moral de respetarlos. Se pretende que las niñas y niños alcanzados por el presente proyecto, sean personas con capacidad de afrontar diversos tipos de situaciones, resolviéndolas desde la perspectiva del respeto por la dignidad humana y garantizando un ambiente de vigencia de los Derechos Humanos, que inicie en el escenario escolar y trascienda a la intimidad de sus familias y de sus vidas en sociedad. El contenido del presente proyecto no se limita a la Institución Educativa Pestalozzi, sino que pretende estar plenamente articulado con estándares nacionales e internacionales sobre la materia, con el fin de ser aplicable a todos los planteles de educación de Barranquilla y Colombia