250 research outputs found

    Reliability and validity of a self-administration version of DEMQOL-Proxy.

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    : This study aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of a self-administered version of DEMQOL-Proxy, a disease-specific instrument that measures health-related quality of life in people with dementia. : The sample consisted of 173 informal carers of people with dementia, aged 29 to 89 years old. Carers were mostly female, White/White British and closely related to the patient. They completed DEMQOL-Proxy (self-administered), EQ-5D-3L (proxy reported about the person with dementia), EQ-5D-3L (self-reported about their own health) and the Zarit Burden Interview. Using well-established methods from classical test theory, we evaluated scale level acceptability, reliability and convergent, discriminant and known-groups validity of DEMQOL-Proxy. : DEMQOL-Proxy (self-administered) showed high acceptability (3.5% missing data and 0% scores at floor or ceiling), high internal consistency reliability (α = 0.93) and good convergent and discriminant validity. Amongst others, we found a moderately high correlation with EQ-5D-3L proxy reported (r = 0.52) and low to essentially zero correlations with EQ-5D-3L self-reported (r = 0.20) and carer and patient background variables (r ≀ 0.20). As predicted, DEMQOL-Proxy (self-administered) showed a modest correlation with DEMQOL (r = 0.32). Known-groups differences on health-related quality of life (comparing people with versus people without cognitive impairment) were of moderate effect size (d = 0.38) and in the expected direction. : DEMQOL-Proxy (self-administered) has comparable acceptability, reliability and validity with DEMQOL-Proxy (interviewer administered). DEMQOL-Proxy (self-administered) can be used in a wider variety of contexts than its interviewer-administered version, including routine use in busy clinics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd.<br/

    The Norwich Patellar Instability Score:validity, internal consistency and responsiveness for people conservatively-managed following first-time patellar dislocation

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    Background: This paper assessed the validity, internal consistency, responsiveness and floor-ceiling effects of the Norwich Patellar Instability (NPI) Score for a cohort of conservatively managed people following first-time patellar dislocation (FTPD).  Methods: Fifty patients were recruited, providing 130 completed datasets over 12 months. The NPI Score, Lysholm Knee Score, Tegner Level of Activity Score and isometric knee extension strength were assessed at baseline, six weeks, six and 12 months post-injury.  Results: There was high convergent validity with a statistically significant correlation between the NPI Score and the Lysholm Knee Score (p < 0.001), Tegner Level of Activity Score (p < 0.001) and isometric knee extension strength (p < 0.002). Principal component analysis revealed that the NPI Score demonstrated good concurrent validity with four components account for 70.4% of the variability. Whilst the NPI Score demonstrated a flooring-effect for 13 of the 19 items, no ceiling effect was reported. There was high internal consistency with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.93 (95% CI: 0.91 to 0.93). The NPI Score was responsive to change over the 12 months period with an effect size of 1.04 from baseline to 12 months post-injury.  Conclusions: The NPI Score is a valid tool to assess patellar instability symptoms in people conservatively managed following FTPD.  Level of evidence: Level I

    Evaluative and discriminative properties of the Portuguese MacNew Heart Disease Health‐related Quality of Life Questionnaire.

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    Qual Life Res. 2005 Dec;14(10):2335-41. Evaluative and discriminative properties of the Portuguese MacNew Heart Disease Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire. Leal A, Paiva C, Höfer S, Amado J, Gomes L, Oldridge N. Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit, Hospital Sto AntĂłnio Porto, Largo Prof Abel Salazar 400, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract The aim of this study was to validate the Portuguese version of the self-administered MacNew Heart Disease Health-related Quality of Life (MacNew) questionnaire in patients after diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. The MacNew, with a Global score and physical, emotional and social subscales, the Short Form SF-36 (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were completed at baseline by 150 patients and again by 48 clinically stable patients 2-3 weeks later. A cohort of 50 different patients completed the same questionnaires before and after a cardiac rehabilitation program in order to examine responsiveness. Acceptance of the MacNew by the patients was good and the three factor model was substantiated and explained 52.2% of the variance. Internal consistency, intra-class-correlation, and test-retest reliability each exceeded 0.72. The predicted construct validity hypotheses were partially confirmed. The discriminative validity of the MacNew was confirmed with significantly higher MacNew scores for patients with normal left ventricular function, with improved health status, and who were not anxious or depressed. Even though MacNew scores improved significantly following cardiac rehabilitation, the evaluative validity of the MacNew was less robust with small responsiveness statistics. The Portuguese version of the MacNew HRQL questionnaire appears to be a reliable, valid, and moderately responsive instrument to evaluate health-related quality of life after diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. PMID: 16328913 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Variable length testing using the ordinal regression model.

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    Health questionnaires are often built up from sets of questions that are totaled to obtain a sum score. An important consideration in designing questionnaires is to minimize respondent burden. An increasingly popular method for efficient measurement is computerized adaptive testing; unfortunately, many health questionnaires do not meet the requirements for this method. In this paper, a new sequential method for efficiently obtaining sum scores via the computer is introduced, which does not have such requirements and is based on the ordinal regression model. In the assessment, future scores are predicted from past responses, and when an acceptable level of uncertainty is achieved, the procedure is terminated. Two simulation studies were performed to illustrate the usefulness of the procedure. The first used artificially generated symptom scores, and the second was a post hoc simulation using real responses on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale. In both studies, the sequential method substantially reduced the respondent burden while maintaining a high sum score quality. Benefits and limitations of this new methodology are discussed. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Rating the methodological quality in systematic reviews of studies on measurement properties: a scoring system for the COSMIN checklist

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    Background: The COSMIN checklist is a standardized tool for assessing the methodological quality of studies on measurement properties. It contains 9 boxes, each dealing with one measurement property, with 5-18 items per box about design aspects and statistical methods. Our aim was to develop a scoring system for the COSMIN checklist to calculate quality scores per measurement property when using the checklist in systematic reviews of measurement properties. Methods: The scoring system was developed based on discussions among experts and testing of the scoring system on 46 articles from a systematic review. Four response options were defined for each COSMIN item (excellent, good, fair, and poor). A quality score per measurement property is obtained by taking the lowest rating of any item in a box ("worst score counts"). Results: Specific criteria for excellent, good, fair, and poor quality for each COSMIN item are described. In defining the criteria, the "worst score counts" algorithm was taken into consideration. This means that only fatal flaws were defined as poor quality. The scores of the 46 articles show how the scoring system can be used to provide an overview of the methodological quality of studies included in a systematic review of measurement properties. Conclusions: Based on experience in testing this scoring system on 46 articles, the COSMIN checklist with the proposed scoring system seems to be a useful tool for assessing the methodological quality of studies included in systematic reviews of measurement properties. © The Author(s) 2011

    Translating and validating a Training Needs Assessment tool into Greek

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The translation and cultural adaptation of widely accepted, psychometrically tested tools is regarded as an essential component of effective human resource management in the primary care arena. The Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is a widely used, valid instrument, designed to measure professional development needs of health care professionals, especially in primary health care. This study aims to describe the translation, adaptation and validation of the TNA questionnaire into Greek language and discuss possibilities of its use in primary care settings.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A modified version of the English self-administered questionnaire consisting of 30 items was used. Internationally recommended methodology, mandating forward translation, backward translation, reconciliation and pretesting steps, was followed. Tool validation included assessing item internal consistency, using the alpha coefficient of Cronbach. Reproducibility (test – retest reliability) was measured by the kappa correlation coefficient. Criterion validity was calculated for selected parts of the questionnaire by correlating respondents' research experience with relevant research item scores. An exploratory factor analysis highlighted how the items group together, using a Varimax (oblique) rotation and subsequent Cronbach's alpha assessment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The psychometric properties of the Greek version of the TNA questionnaire for nursing staff employed in primary care were good. Internal consistency of the instrument was very good, Cronbach's alpha was found to be 0.985 (p < 0.001) and Kappa coefficient for reproducibility was found to be 0.928 (p < 0.0001). Significant positive correlations were found between respondents' current performance levels on each of the research items and amount of research involvement, indicating good criterion validity in the areas tested. Factor analysis revealed seven factors with eigenvalues of > 1.0, KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) measure of sampling adequacy = 0.680 and Bartlett's test of sphericity, p < 0.001.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The translated and adapted Greek version is comparable with the original English instrument in terms of validity and reliability and it is suitable to assess professional development needs of nursing staff in Greek primary care settings.</p

    Validation of an Estonian version of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Diagnosis and management of Parkinson's disease (PD) rely heavily on evaluation of clinical symptoms and patients' subjective perception of their condition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity, acceptability, and reliability of the Estonian version of the 39-question Parkinson 's disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study subjects were approached during their regular clinic follow-up visits. 104 patients consented to the study and 81 completed questionnaires were used for subsequent testing of psychometric characteristics, validity and reliability.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The content validity was assessed through qualitative content analysis during the pilot study. The patients indicated that the questions were relevant to measure the quality of life of people with PD.</p> <p>The analysis of means showed that the ceiling and floor effects of domain results were within the limits of 15% of Summary Index and of all domains except Stigma, Social Support and Communication where the ceiling effect was 16% to 24% of the responses. Convergent validity was interpreted through correlation between disease severity and PDQ-39 domains. There was a statistically significant difference between the domain scores in patients with mild versus moderate PD in domains of Mobility, ADL, and Communication but not for Stigma, Social Support and Cognition. The reliability was good, Cronbach alpha for all domains and summary index was over 0.8 and item-test correlations between domains and summary index ranged from 0.56 to 0.83.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The psychometric characteristics of an Estonian version of the PDQ-39 were satisfactory. The results of this study were comparable to the results of previous validation studies in other cultural settings in UK, USA, Canada, Spain and Italy.</p> <p>The Estonian version of the PDQ-39 is an acceptable, valid and reliable instrument for quality of life measurement in PD patients.</p

    Prioritisation of patients on waiting lists for hip and knee arthroplasties and cataract surgery: Instruments validation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prioritisation instruments were developed for patients on waiting list for hip and knee arthroplasties (AI) and cataract surgery (CI). The aim of the study was to assess their convergent and discriminant validity and inter-observer reliability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Multicentre validation study which included orthopaedic surgeons and ophthalmologists from 10 hospitals. Participating doctors were asked to include all eligible patients placed in the waiting list for the procedures under study during the medical visit. Doctors assessed patients' priority through a visual analogue scale (VAS) and administered the prioritisation instrument. Information on socio-demographic data and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) (HUI3, EQ-5D, WOMAC and VF-14) was obtained through a telephone interview with patients. The correlation coefficients between the prioritisation instrument score and VAS and HRQOL were calculated. For the reliability study a self-administered questionnaire, which included hypothetic patients' scenarios, was sent via postal mail to the doctors. The priority of these scenarios was assessed through the prioritisation instrument. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between doctors was calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Correlations with VAS were strong for the AI (0.64, CI95%: 0.59–0.68) and for the CI (0.65, CI95%: 0.62–0.69), and moderate between the WOMAC and the AI (0.39, CI95%: 0.33–0.45) and the VF-14 and the CI (0.38, IC95%: 0.33–0.43). The results of the discriminant analysis were in general as expected. Inter-observer reliability was 0.79 (CI95%: 0.64–0.94) for the AI, and 0.79 (CI95%: 0.63–0.95) for the CI.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show acceptable validity and reliability of the prioritisation instruments in establishing priority for surgery.</p
