1,865 research outputs found

    Aperiodic String Transducers

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    Regular string-to-string functions enjoy a nice triple characterization through deterministic two-way transducers (2DFT), streaming string transducers (SST) and MSO definable functions. This result has recently been lifted to FO definable functions, with equivalent representations by means of aperiodic 2DFT and aperiodic 1-bounded SST, extending a well-known result on regular languages. In this paper, we give three direct transformations: i) from 1-bounded SST to 2DFT, ii) from 2DFT to copyless SST, and iii) from k-bounded to 1-bounded SST. We give the complexity of each construction and also prove that they preserve the aperiodicity of transducers. As corollaries, we obtain that FO definable string-to-string functions are equivalent to SST whose transition monoid is finite and aperiodic, and to aperiodic copyless SST

    Synthesis of satellite (MODIS), aircraft (ICARTT), and surface (IMPROVE, EPA-AQS, AERONET) aerosol observations over eastern North America to improve MODIS aerosol retrievals and constrain surface aerosol concentrations and sources

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    We use an ensemble of satellite (MODIS), aircraft, and ground-based aerosol observations during the ICARTT field campaign over eastern North America in summer 2004 to (1) examine the consistency between different aerosol measurements, (2) evaluate a new retrieval of aerosol optical depths (AODs) and inferred surface aerosol concentrations (PM2.5) from the MODIS satellite instrument, and (3) apply this collective information to improve our understanding of aerosol sources. The GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model (CTM) provides a transfer platform between the different data sets, allowing us to evaluate the consistency between different aerosol parameters observed at different times and locations. We use an improved MODIS AOD retrieval based on locally derived visible surface reflectances and aerosol properties calculated from GEOS-Chem. Use of GEOS-Chem aerosol optical properties in the MODIS retrieval not only results in an improved AOD product but also allows quantitative evaluation of model aerosol mass from the comparison of simulated and observed AODs. The aircraft measurements show narrower aerosol size distributions than those usually assumed in models, and this has important implications for AOD retrievals. Our MODIS AOD retrieval compares well to the ground-based AERONET data (R = 0.84, slope = 1.02), significantly improving on the MODIS c005 operational product. Inference of surface PM2.5 from our MODIS AOD retrieval shows good correlation to the EPA-AQS data (R = 0.78) but a high regression slope (slope = 1.48). The high slope is seen in all AOD-inferred PM2.5 concentrations (AERONET: slope = 2.04; MODIS c005: slope = 1.51) and could reflect a clear-sky bias in the AOD observations. The ensemble of MODIS, aircraft, and surface data are consistent in pointing to a model overestimate of sulfate in the mid-Atlantic and an underestimate of organic and dust aerosol in the southeastern United States. The sulfate overestimate could reflect an excessive contribution from aqueous-phase production in clouds, while the organic carbon underestimate could possibly be resolved by a new secondary pathway involving dicarbonyls

    Longitudinal changes in dietary patterns during adult life

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    Despite the growing interest in dietary patterns, there have been few longitudinal investigations. The objective of the present study was to extend an earlier method of dietary pattern assessment to longitudinal binary data and to assess changes in patterns over time and in relation to socio-demographic covariates. A prospective national cohort of 1265 participants completed a 5 d food diary at three time-points during their adult life (at age 36 years in 1982, 43 years in 1989 and 53 years in 1999). Factor analysis identified three dietary patterns for women (fruit, vegetables and dairy; ethnic foods and alcohol; meat, potatoes and sweet foods) and two patterns in men (ethnic foods and alcohol; mixed). Trends in dietary pattern scores were calculated using random effects models. Marked changes were found in scores for all patterns between 1989 and 1999, with only the meat, potatoes and sweet foods pattern in women recording a decline. In a multiple variable model that included the three time-points, socio-demographic variables and BMI time-dependent covariates, both non-manual social class and higher education level were also strongly associated with the consumption of more items from the ethnic foods and alcohol pattern and the mixed pattern for men (P&lt;0[middle dot]0001) and the fruit, vegetables and dairy pattern and the ethnic foods and alcohol pattern for women (P&lt;0[middle dot]01). In conclusion, longitudinal changes in dietary patterns and across socio-economic groups can assist with targeting public health initiatives by identifying stages during adult life when interventions to improve diet would be most beneficial to health.<br /

    Destructive effects of murine arthritogenic antibodies to type II collagen on cartilage explants in vitro

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    Certain monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to type II collagen (CII) induce arthritis in vivo after passive transfer and have adverse effects on chondrocyte cultures and inhibit self assembly of collagen fibrils in vitro. We have examined whether such mAbs have detrimental effects on pre-existing cartilage. Bovine cartilage explants were cultured over 21 days in the presence of two arthritogenic mAbs to CII (CIIC1 or M2139), a non-arthritogenic mAb to CII (CIIF4) or a control mAb (GAD6). Penetration of cartilage by mAb was determined by immunofluorescence on frozen sections and correlated with changes to the extracellular matrix and chondrocytes by morphometric analysis of sections stained with toluidine blue. The effects of mAbs on matrix components were examined by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM). A possible role of Fc-binding was investigated using F(ab)(2 )from CIIC1. All three mAbs to CII penetrated the cartilage explants and CIIC1 and M2139, but not CIIF4, had adverse effects that included proteoglycan loss correlating with mAb penetration, the later development in cultures of an abnormal superficial cellular layer, and an increased proportion of empty chondrons. FTIRM showed depletion and denaturation of CII at the explant surface in the presence of CIIC1 or M2139, which paralleled proteoglycan loss. The effects of F(ab)(2 )were greater than those of intact CIIC1. Our results indicate that mAbs to CII can adversely affect preformed cartilage, and that the specific epitope on CII recognised by the mAb determines both arthritogenicity in vivo and adverse effects in vitro. We conclude that antibodies to CII can have pathogenic effects that are independent of inflammatory mediators or Fc-binding

    In-Vivo Evaluation of Peripheral Refraction Changes with Single Vision and Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses

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    This study investigated in-vivo changes of peripheral refraction with commercially available single vision and multifocal soft contact lenses, utilizing different designs and various corrective power values. Starting at the fovea, wave-front aberrations were measured up to 30o nasal retinal eccentricity, in 10o increments, using a commercially available Shack-Hartmann aberrometer. Three different types of contact lenses were fitted in an adult subject’s right eye: Acuvue Oasys Single Vision (ASV), Proclear Multifocal D with 2.50 diopters (D) add power (PMD), and ArtMost SoftOK (SOK). Each lens type was fitted in corrective power values of -2.00 D, -4.00 D, and -6.00 D. Refractive errors were computed in power vector notation: The spherical equivalent (M), the Cartesian Jackson-Cross-Cylinder (J0), and the oblique Jackson Cross Cylinder (J45) from measured second order Zernike terms. Acuvue Oasys Single Vision lenses produced a slight myopic shift at 30o retinal periphery (-0.32 D ± 0.05) without significant differences between the various lens power values. Proclear Multifocal D lenses did not create clinically significant myopic shifts of at least -0.25 D. All SOK lenses produced clinically significant relative myopic shifts at both 20o (-0.61 D ± 0.08) and 30o (-1.42 D ± 0.15) without significant differences between the various lens power values. For all lens types and power values, off-axis astigmatism J0 was increased peripherally and reached clinical significance beyond 20o retinal eccentricity. The increased amount of off-axis astigmatism J0 did not show a significant difference for the same type of lenses with different dioptric power. However, at 30o retinal eccentricity, SOK lenses produced significantly higher amounts of off-axis astigmatism J0, compared with ASV and PMD lenses (SOK versus ASV versus PMD: -1.67 D ± 0.09, -0.81 D ± 0.07, and -0.72 D ± 0.15). Both ASV and SOK lenses showed no clinically significant differences in the amount of introduced astigmatic retinal image blur, with various lens power values. Proclear Multifocal D lenses showed a systematic increase of astigmatic retinal image blur with an increase of add power. At 30o retinal eccentricity, -6.00 D SOK lenses introduced 0.73 D astigmatic retinal image blur, while PMD and ASV lenses introduced 0.54 D and 0.37 D, respectively. In conclusion, relative peripheral refractions, measured in-vivo, were independent of the contact lenses central corrective power. The SOK contact lenses demonstrated a stronger capability in rendering relative peripheral myopic defocus into far periphery, compared to the other lens designs used in this study. This was accompanied by higher amounts of introduced astigmatic retinal image blur

    Kansas environmental and resource study: A Great Plains model

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Improvement in the land use classification accuracy of ERTS-1 MSS multi-images over Kansas can be made using two distances between neighboring grey tone N-tuples instead of one distance. Much more information is contained texturally than spectrally on the Kansas image. Ground truth measurements indicate that reflectance ratios of the 545 and 655 nm wavebands provide an index of plant development and possibly physiological stress. Preliminary analysis of MSS 4 and 5 channels substantiate the ground truth interpretation. Results of the land use mapping experiment indicate that ERTS-1 imagery has major potential in regionalization. The ways in which land is utilized within these regions may then be studied more effectively than if no adequate regionalization is available. A model for estimating wheat yield per acre has been applied to acreage estimates derived from ERTS-1 imagery to project the 1973 wheat yields for a ten county area in southwest Kansas. The results are within 3% of the preharvest estimates for the same area prepared by the USDA. Visual identification of winter wheat is readily achieved by using a temporal sequence of images. Identification can be improve by stratifying the project area into subregions having more or less homogeneous agricultural practices and crop mixes

    Biomass burning and pollution aerosol over North America: Organic components and their influence on spectral optical properties and humidification response

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    Thermal analysis of aerosol size distributions provided size resolved volatility up to temperatures of 400°C during extensive flights over North America (NA) for the INTEX/ICARTT experiment in summer 2004. Biomass burning and pollution plumes identified from trace gas measurements were evaluated for their aerosol physiochemical and optical signatures. Measurements of soluble ionic mass and refractory black carbon (BC) mass, inferred from light absorption, were combined with volatility to identify organic carbon at 400°C (VolatileOC) and the residual or refractory organic carbon, RefractoryOC. This approach characterized distinct constituent mass fractions present in biomass burning and pollution plumes every 5–10 min. Biomass burning, pollution and dust aerosol could be stratified by their combined spectral scattering and absorption properties. The “nonplume” regional aerosol exhibited properties dominated by pollution characteristics near the surface and biomass burning aloft. VolatileOC included most water-soluble organic carbon. RefractoryOC dominated enhanced shortwave absorption in plumes from Alaskan and Canadian forest fires. The mass absorption efficiency of this RefractoryOC was about 0.63 m2 g−1 at 470 nm and 0.09 m2 g−1 at 530 nm. Concurrent measurements of the humidity dependence of scattering, γ, revealed the OC component to be only weakly hygroscopic resulting in a general decrease in γ with increasing OC mass fractions. Under ambient humidity conditions, the systematic relations between physiochemical properties and γ lead to a well-constrained dependency on the absorption per unit dry mass for these plume types that may be used to challenge remotely sensed and modeled optical properties

    Observations of heterogeneous reactions between Asian pollution and mineral dust over the Eastern North Pacific during INTEX-B

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    In-situ airborne measurements of trace gases, aerosol size distributions, chemistry and optical properties were conducted over Mexico and the Eastern North Pacific during MILAGRO and INTEX-B. Heterogeneous reactions between secondary aerosol precursor gases and mineral dust lead to sequestration of sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine in the supermicrometer particulate size range. Simultaneous measurements of aerosol size distributions and weak-acid soluble calcium result in an estimate of 11 wt% of CaCO_3 for Asian dust. During transport across the North Pacific, ~5–30% of the CaCO_3 is converted to CaSO_4 or Ca(NO_3)_2 with an additional ~4% consumed through reactions with HCl. The 1996 to 2008 record from the Mauna Loa Observatory confirm these findings, indicating that, on average, 19% of the CaCO_3 has reacted to form CaSO_4 and 7% has reacted to form Ca(NO_3)_2 and ~2% has reacted with HCl. In the nitrogen-oxide rich boundary layer near Mexico City up to 30% of the CaCO_3 has reacted to form Ca(NO_3)_2 while an additional 8% has reacted with HCl. These heterogeneous reactions can result in a ~3% increase in dust solubility which has an insignificant effect on their optical properties compared to their variability in-situ. However, competition between supermicrometer dust and submicrometer primary aerosol for condensing secondary aerosol species led to a 25% smaller number median diameter for the accumulation mode aerosol. A 10–25% reduction of accumulation mode number median diameter results in a 30–70% reduction in submicrometer light scattering at relative humidities in the 80–95% range. At 80% RH submicrometer light scattering is only reduced ~3% due to a higher mass fraction of hydrophobic refractory components in the dust-affected accumulation mode aerosol. Thus reducing the geometric mean diameter of the submicrometer aerosol has a much larger effect on aerosol optical properties than changes to the hygroscopic:hydrophobic mass fractions of the accumulation mode aerosol. In the presence of dust, nitric acid concentrations are reduced to 85% to 60–80% in the presence of dust. These observations support previous model studies which predict irreversible sequestration of reactive nitrogen species through heterogeneous reactions with mineral dust during long-range transport

    Optical Rehabilitation of a Patient with Keratoconus and Nystagmus

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    Keratoconus is a progressive corneal disease characterized by bilateral yet usually asymmetric thinning of the cornea with an onset typically in teenage years.  While it often presents as an isolated condition, keratoconus may also be associated with many systemic and/or ocular diseases, such as connective tissue and chromosomal disorders.  Its association with nystagmus has been described in Leber’s congenital amaurosis, where patients also exhibit abnormal pupillary responses, early-onset retinal dystrophy, mental developmental delays, and eventual blindness.  The case described here, however, was a high-functioning teenager with keratoconus and infantile nystagmus, and oscillopsia on left gaze and a compensatory head turn to the patient’s left. The initial distance visual acuities of 20/60 and 20/150 in the right and left eye, respectively improved to 20/25 and 20/40 by the use of corneal rigid gas permeable contact lenses. In addition, the patient’s neck strain and overall gait were eased by yoked prism spectacles