839 research outputs found

    High‐contiguity genome assembly of the chemosynthetic gammaproteobacterial endosymbiont of the cold seep tubeworm Lamellibrachia barhami

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    Symbiotic relationships between vestimentiferan tubeworms and chemosynthetic Gammaproteobacteria build the foundations of many hydrothermal vent and hydrocarbon seep ecosystems in the deep sea. The association between the vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and its endosymbiont Candidatus Endoriftia persephone has become a model system for symbiosis research in deep‐sea vestimentiferans, while markedly fewer studies have investigated symbiotic relationships in other tubeworm species, especially at cold seeps. Here we sequenced the endosymbiont genome of the tubeworm Lamellibrachia barhami from a cold seep in the Gulf of California, using short‐ and long‐read sequencing technologies in combination with Hi‐C and Dovetail Chicago libraries. Our final assembly had a size of ~4.17 MB, a GC content of 54.54%, 137X coverage, 4153 coding sequences, and a CheckM completeness score of 97.19%. A single scaffold contained 99.51% of the genome. Comparative genomic analyses indicated that the L. barhami symbiont shares a set of core genes and many metabolic pathways with other vestimentiferan symbionts, while containing 433 unique gene clusters that comprised a variety of transposases, defence‐related genes and a lineage‐specific CRISPR/Cas3 system. This assembly represents the most contiguous tubeworm symbiont genome resource to date and will be particularly valuable for future comparative genomic studies investigating structural genome evolution, physiological adaptations and host‐symbiont communication in chemosynthetic animal‐microbe symbioses

    Correction of SOHO CELIAS/SEM EUV Measurements saturated by extreme solar flare events

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    The solar irradiance in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectral bands has been observed with a 15 sec cadence by the SOHO Solar EUV Monitor (SEM) since 1995. During remarkably intense solar flares the SEM EUV measurements are saturated in the central (zero) order channel (0.1 -- 50.0 nm) by the flare soft X-ray and EUV flux. The first order EUV channel (26 -- 34 nm) is not saturated by the flare flux because of its limited bandwidth, but it is sensitive to the arrival of Solar Energetic Particles (SEP). While both channels detect nearly equal SEP fluxes, their contributions to the count rate is sensibly negligible in the zero order channel but must be accounted for and removed from the first channel count rate. SEP contribution to the measured SEM signals usually follows the EUV peak for the gradual solar flare events. Correcting the extreme solar flare SEM EUV measurements may reveal currently unclear relations between the flare magnitude, dynamics observed in different EUV spectral bands, and the measured Earth atmosphere response. A simple and effective correction technique based on analysis of SEM count-rate profiles, GOES X-ray, and GOES proton data has been developed and used for correcting EUV measurements for the five extreme solar flare events of July 14, 2000, October 28, November 2, November 4, 2003, and January 20, 2005. Although none of the 2000 and 2003 flare peaks were contaminated by the presence of SEPs, the January 20, 2005 SEPs were unusually prompt and contaminated the peak. The estimated accuracy of the correction is about 7.5% for large X-class events.Comment: To appear in Astron. Nachr. /A

    An absolutely calibrated survey of polarized emission from the northern sky at 1.4 GHz

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    A new polarization survey of the northern sky at 1.41 GHz is presented. The observations were carried out using the 25.6m telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Canada, with an angular resolution of 36 arcmin. The data are corrected for ground radiation to obtain Stokes U and Q maps on a well-established intensity scale tied to absolute determinations of zero levels, containing emission structures of large angular extent, with an rms noise of 12 mK. Survey observations were carried out by drift scanning the sky between -29 degr and +90 degr declination. The fully sampled drift scans, observed in steps of 0.25 degr to 2.5 degr in declination, result in a northern sky coverage of 41.7% of full Nyquist sampling. The survey surpasses by a factor of 200 the coverage, and by a factor of 5 the sensitivity, of the Leiden/Dwingeloo polarization survey (Spoelstra 1972) that was until now the most complete large-scale survey. The temperature scale is tied to the Effelsberg scale. Absolute zero-temperature levels are taken from the Leiden/Dwingeloo survey after rescaling those data by the factor of 0.94. The paper describes the observations, data processing, and calibration steps. The data are publicly available at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/konti/26msurvey or http://www.drao.nrc.ca/26msurvey.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Deep VLA Observations of the Cluster 1RXS J0603.3+4214 in the Frequency Range of 1–2 GHz

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    We report L-band VLA observations of 1RXS J0603.3+4214, a cluster that hosts a bright radio relic, known as the Toothbrush, and an elongated giant radio halo. These new observations allow us to study the surface brightness distribution down to one arcsec resolution with very high sensitivity. Our images provide an unprecedented detailed view of the Toothbrush, revealing enigmatic filamentary structures. To study the spectral index distribution, we complement our analysis with published LOFAR and GMRT observations. The bright `brush' of the Toothbrush shows a prominent narrow ridge to its north with a sharp outer edge. The spectral index at the ridge is in the range −0.70≤α≤−0.80-0.70\leq\alpha\leq-0.80. We suggest that the ridge is caused by projection along the line of sight. With a simple toy model for the smallest region of the ridge, we conclude that the magnetic field is below 5 μG5\,\rm\mu G and varies significantly across the shock front. Our model indicates that the actual Mach number is higher than that obtained from the injection index and agrees well with the one derived from the overall spectrum, namely M=3.78−0.2+0.3{\cal M}=3.78^{+0.3}_{-0.2}. The radio halo shows an average spectral index of α=−1.16±0.05\alpha=-1.16\pm0.05 and a slight gradient from north to south. The southernmost part of the halo is steeper and possibly related to a shock front. Excluding the southernmost part, the halo morphology agrees very well with the X-ray morphology. A power-law correlation is found between the radio and X-ray surface brightnessComment: 23 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Overview of Science Objectives, Instrument Design, Data Products, and Model Developments

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    The highly variable solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation is the major energy input to the Earth’s upper atmosphere, strongly impacting the geospace environment, affecting satellite operations, communications, and navigation. The Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will measure the solar EUV irradiance from 0.1 to 105 nm with unprecedented spectral resolution (0.1 nm), temporal cadence (ten seconds), and accuracy (20%). EVE includes several irradiance instruments: The Multiple EUV Grating Spectrographs (MEGS)-A is a grazing-incidence spectrograph that measures the solar EUV irradiance in the 5 to 37 nm range with 0.1-nm resolution, and the MEGS-B is a normal-incidence, dual-pass spectrograph that measures the solar EUV irradiance in the 35 to 105 nm range with 0.1-nm resolution. To provide MEGS in-flight calibration, the EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) measures the solar EUV irradiance in broadbands between 0.1 and 39 nm, and a MEGS-Photometer measures the Sun’s bright hydrogen emission at 121.6 nm. The EVE data products include a near real-time space-weather product (Level 0C), which provides the solar EUV irradiance in specific bands and also spectra in 0.1-nm intervals with a cadence of one minute and with a time delay of less than 15 minutes. The EVE higher-level products are Level 2 with the solar EUV irradiance at higher time cadence (0.25 seconds for photometers and ten seconds for spectrographs) and Level 3 with averages of the solar irradiance over a day and over each one-hour period. The EVE team also plans to advance existing models of solar EUV irradiance and to operationally use the EVE measurements in models of Earth’s ionosphere and thermosphere. Improved understanding of the evolution of solar flares and extending the various models to incorporate solar flare events are high priorities for the EVE team.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (contract NAS5-02140

    Methanol maps of low-mass protostellar systems: the Serpens Molecular Core

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    Observations of Serpens have been performed at the JCMT using Harp-B. Maps over a 4.5'x5.4' region were made in a frequency window around 338 GHz, covering the 7-6 transitions of methanol. Emission is extended over each source, following the column density of H2 but showing up also particularly strongly around outflows. The rotational temperature is low, 15-20 K, and does not vary with position within each source. The abundance is typically 10^-9 - 10^-8 with respect to H2 in the outer envelope, whereas "jumps" by factors of up to 10^2 -10^3 inside the region where the dust temperature exceeds 100 K are not excluded. A factor of up to ~ 10^3 enhancement is seen in outflow gas. In one object, SMM4, the ice abundance has been measured to be ~ 3x10^-5 with respect to H2 in the outer envelope, i.e., a factor of 10^3 larger than the gas-phase abundance. Comparison with C18O J=3-2 emission shows that strong CO depletion leads to a high gas-phase abundance of CH3OH not just for the Serpens sources, but for a larger sample of protostars. The observations illustrate the large-scale, low-level desorption of CH3OH from dust grains, extending out to and beyond 7500 AU from each source, a scenario which is consistent with non-thermal (photo-)desorption from the ice. The observations also illustrate the usefulness of CH3OH as a tracer of energetic input in the form of outflows, where methanol is sputtered from the grain surfaces. Finally, the observations provide further evidence of CH3OH formation through CO hydrogenation proceeding on grain surfaces in low-mass envelopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A

    Facing erythrocytosis: Results of an international physician survey.

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    We observed a good agreement among hematologists regarding the diagnostic procedures and a widespread awareness regarding the importance of the new 2016 WHO criteria and bone marrow his-tology. On the other side, we observed a marked heterogeneity in treatment practice, regarding both the Hct threshold and the use of anti-platelet agents

    Thinking about Later Life: Insights from the Capability Approach

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    A major criticism of mainstream gerontological frameworks is the inability of such frameworks to appreciate and incorporate issues of diversity and difference in engaging with experiences of aging. Given the prevailing socially structured nature of inequalities, such differences matter greatly in shaping experiences, as well as social constructions, of aging. I argue that Amartya Sen’s capability approach (2009) potentially offers gerontological scholars a broad conceptual framework that places at its core consideration of human beings (their values) and centrality of human diversity. As well as identifying these key features of the capability approach, I discuss and demonstrate their relevance to thinking about old age and aging. I maintain that in the context of complex and emerging identities in later life that shape and are shaped by shifting people-place and people-people relationships, Sen’s capability approach offers significant possibilities for gerontological research
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