1,046 research outputs found

    90GHz and 150GHz observations of the Orion M42 region. A sub-millimeter to radio analysis

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    We have used the new 90GHz MUSTANG camera on the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) to map the bright Huygens region of the star-forming region M42 with a resolution of 9" and a sensitivity of 2.8mJy/beam. 90GHz is an interesting transition frequency, as MUSTANG detects both the free-free emission characteristic of the HII region created by the Trapezium stars, normally seen at lower frequencies, and thermal dust emission from the background OMC1 molecular cloud, normally mapped at higher frequencies. We also present similar data from the 150GHz GISMO camera taken on the IRAM telescope. This map has 15" resolution. By combining the MUSTANG data with 1.4, 8, and 21GHz radio data from the VLA and GBT, we derive a new estimate of the emission measure (EM) averaged electron temperature of Te = 11376K by an original method relating free-free emission intensities at optically thin and optically thick frequencies. Combining ISO-LWS data with our data, we derive a new estimate of the dust temperature and spectral emissivity index within the 80" ISO-LWS beam toward OrionKL/BN, Td = 42K and Beta=1.3. We show that both Td and Beta decrease when going from the HII region and excited OMC1 interface to the denser UV shielded part of OMC1 (OrionKL/BN, Orion S). With a model consisting of only free-free and thermal dust emission we are able to fit data taken at frequencies from 1.5GHz to 854GHz.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Multi-level selectional stalemate in a simple artificial chemistry

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    We describe a simple artificial chemistry which abstracts a small number of key features from the origin of life "replicator world" hypotheses. We report how this can already give rise to moderately complex and counter-intuitive evolutionary phenomena, including macro- evolutionary deterioration in replication fidelity (which corresponds to intrinsic replicator fitness in this model). We briefly describe the extension of this model to incorporate a higher, protocell, level of selection. We show that the interaction between the two levels of selection then serves to control parasitic exploitation at the molecular level, while still significantly constraining accessible evolutionary trajectories at the protocell level. We conclude with a brief discussion of the implications for further work

    Atomic Carbon in M82: Physical conditions derived from simultaneous observations of the [CI] fine structure submillimeter wave transitions

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    We report the first extragalactic detection of the neutral carbon [CI] 3P2-3P1 fine structure line at 809 GHz. The line was observed towards M82 simultaneously with the 3P1-3P0 line at 492 GHz, providing a precise measurement of the J=2-1/J=1-0 integrated line ratio of 0.96 (on a [K km s^-1] -scale). This ratio constrains the [CI] emitting gas to have a temperature of at least 50 K and a density of at least 10^4 cm^-3. Already at this minimum temperature and density, the beam averaged CI-column density is large, 2.1 10^18 cm^-2, confirming the high CI/CO abundance ratio of approximately 0.5 estimated earlier from the 492 GHz line alone. We argue that the [CI] emission from M82 most likely arises in clouds of linear size around a few pc with a density of about 10^4 cm^-3 or slightly higher and temperatures of 50 K up to about 100 K.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ApJL in press, postscript also available at ftp://apollo.ph1.uni-koeln.de/pub/stutzki/m82_pap.ps.gz e-mail-contact:[email protected]

    J.S. Bell's Concept of Local Causality

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    John Stewart Bell's famous 1964 theorem is widely regarded as one of the most important developments in the foundations of physics. It has even been described as "the most profound discovery of science." Yet even as we approach the 50th anniversary of Bell's discovery, its meaning and implications remain controversial. Many textbooks and commentators report that Bell's theorem refutes the possibility (suggested especially by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in 1935) of supplementing ordinary quantum theory with additional ("hidden") variables that might restore determinism and/or some notion of an observer-independent reality. On this view, Bell's theorem supports the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation. Bell's own view of his theorem, however, was quite different. He instead took the theorem as establishing an "essential conflict" between the now well-tested empirical predictions of quantum theory and relativistic \emph{local causality}. The goal of the present paper is, in general, to make Bell's own views more widely known and, in particular, to explain in detail Bell's little-known mathematical formulation of the concept of relativistic local causality on which his theorem rests. We thus collect and organize many of Bell's crucial statements on these topics, which are scattered throughout his writings, into a self-contained, pedagogical discussion including elaborations of the concepts "beable", "completeness", and "causality" which figure in the formulation. We also show how local causality (as formulated by Bell) can be used to derive an empirically testable Bell-type inequality, and how it can be used to recapitulate the EPR argument.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Mixing and matching N, N - and N, O -chelates in anionic Mg( i ) compounds: synthesis and reactivity with RN 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 C NR and CO †

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    Reduction of [Mg(NON)]2 ([NON]2− = [O(SiMe2NDipp)2]2−, Dipp = 2,6-iPr2C6H3) affords Mg(i) species containing NON- and NNO-ligands ([NNO]2− = [N(Dipp)SiMe2N(Dipp)SiMe2O]2−). The products of reactions with iPrNCNiPr and CO are consistent with the presence of reducing Mg(i) centres. Extraction with THF affords [K(THF)2]2[(NNO)Mg–Mg(NNO)] with a structurally characterised Mg–Mg bond that was examined using density functional theory

    Recovery of the Historical SN1957D in X-rays with Chandra

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    SN1957D, located in one of the spiral arms of M83, is one of the small number of extragalactic supernovae that has remained detectable at radio and optical wavelengths during the decades after its explosion. Here we report the first detection of SN1957D in X-rays, as part of a 729 ks observation of M83 with \chandra. The X-ray luminosity (0.3 - 8 keV) is 1.7 (+2.4,-0.3) 10**37 ergs/s. The spectrum is hard and highly self-absorbed compared to most sources in M83 and to other young supernova remnants, suggesting that the system is dominated at X-ray wavelengths by an energetic pulsar and its pulsar wind nebula. The high column density may be due to absorption within the SN ejecta. HST WFC3 images resolve the supernova remnant from the surrounding emission and the local star field. Photometry of stars around SN1957D, using WFC3 images, indicates an age of less than 10**7 years and a main sequence turnoff mass more than 17 solar masses. New spectra obtained with Gemini-South show that the optical spectrum continues to be dominated by broad [O III] emission lines, the signature of fast-moving SN ejecta. The width of the broad lines has remained about 2700 km/s (FWHM). The [O III] flux dropped precipitously between 1989 and 1991, but continued monitoring shows the flux has been almost constant since. In contrast, radio observations over the period 1990-2011 show a decline rate inf the flux proportional to t**-4, far steeper than the rate observed earlier, suggesting that the primary shock has overrun the edge of a pre-SN wind.Comment: 28 pages, including 3 tables and 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    ALMA detection of a disc-dominated [C II] emission line at z = 4.6 in the luminous QSO J1554+1937

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    We present observations and analysis of an unusual [C ii] emission line in the very luminous quasi-stellar object (QSO) SDSS J155426.16+193703.0 at z ~ 4.6. The line is extremely broad (full width at half-maximum 735 km s−1) and seems to have a flat-topped or double-peaked line profile. A velocity map of the line shows a gradient across the source that indicates large-scale rotation of star-forming gas. Together, the velocity map and line profile suggest the presence of a massive rotating disc with a dynamical mass Mdyn ≳5×1010 M☉. Using the assumption of a rotating disc origin, we employ an empirical relation between galaxy disc circular velocity and bulge velocity dispersion (σ) to estimate that σ > 310 km s−1, subject to a correction for the unknown disc inclination. This result implies that this source is consistent with the local M–σ relation, or offset at most by an order of magnitude in black hole mass. In contrast, the assumption of a bulge origin for the [C ii] emission line would lead to a conclusion that the black hole is nearly two orders of magnitude more massive than predicted by the M–σ relation, similar to previous findings for other high-redshift QSOs. As disc rotation may be a common origin for [C ii] emission at high redshifts, these results stress that careful consideration of dynamical origins is required when using observations of this line to derive properties of high-redshift galaxies
