542 research outputs found

    Fostering Professional Learning Communities Beyond School Boundaries

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    During 2008-2009 while participating in a mathematics professional learning study, fifteen teachers, from seven different Australian primary schools, met as a group on five occasions to share their experiences and reflections on their teaching of mathematics. At each meeting, they discussed their goals, action plans and progress. To contextualise their experiences, each shared one or two 60-second snippets of digitally recorded video of their own classroom practice with the group. Audio-recordings of these five focus group meetings were analysed through a process of content analysis using a list of elements derived from the literature on professional learning communities. In essence, a framework of the key characteristics of the literature for professional learning communities was developed, tested and supported by a small-scale study. Three limitations of the findings are the number of participants, the possibility that the participants’ engagement levels were due to the Hawthorne effect, and the self-report nature of the data. Nevertheless, we argue that our results are robust enough to give new insights into a rarely acknowledged context for a professional learning community – one that crosses school boundaries

    Gerrymandering - A Threat to the Republic

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    This thesis explores the relationship between the concept of gerrymandering and the destruction of social trust. The first chapter discusses the history of gerrymandering in the United States. The second chapter examines the foundations of the current status of the issue by focusing on the foundation of the Political Question Doctrine and its offspring, the Judicially Manageable Standard, as described in Baker v. Carr. The final chapter explores the link between the concept of corruption and gerrymandering. The thesis concludes with discussion of the effects of corruption on social trust. Advisors – Dorothea Wolfson, Ph.D. Collin Paschall, Ph.D

    Perceiving the crust in 3D: a model integrating geological, geochemical, and geophysical data

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    Regional characterization of the continental crust has classically been performed through either geologic mapping, geochemical sampling, or geophysical surveys. Rarely are these techniques fully integrated, due to limits of data coverage, quality, and/or incompatible datasets. We combine geologic observations, geochemical sampling, and geophysical surveys to create a coherent 3-D geologic model of a 50 x 50 km upper crustal region surrounding the SNOLAB underground physics laboratory in Canada, which includes the Southern Province, the Superior Province, the Sudbury Structure and the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone. Nine representative aggregate units of exposed lithologies are geologically characterized, geophysically constrained, and probed with 109 rock samples supported by compiled geochemical databases. A detailed study of the lognormal distributions of U and Th abundances and of their correlation permits a bivariate analysis for a robust treatment of the uncertainties. A downloadable 3D numerical model of U and Th distribution defines an average heat production of 1.5−0.7+1.4^{+1.4}_{-0.7}μ\muW/m3^{3}, and predicts a contribution of 7.7−3.0+7.7^{+7.7}_{-3.0}TNU (a Terrestrial Neutrino Unit is one geoneutrino event per 1032^{32} target protons per year) out of a crustal geoneutrino signal of 31.1−4.5+8.0^{+8.0}_{-4.5}TNU. The relatively high local crust geoneutrino signal together with its large variability strongly restrict the SNO+ capability of experimentally discriminating among BSE compositional models of the mantle. Future work to constrain the crustal heat production and the geoneutrino signal at SNO+ will be inefficient without more detailed geophysical characterization of the 3D structure of the heterogeneous Huronian Supergroup, which contributes the largest uncertainty to the calculation.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, 6 table

    Integration of Satellite-Derived Cloud Phase, Cloud Top Height, and Liquid Water Path into an Operational Aircraft Icing Nowcasting System

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    Operational products used by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to alert pilots of hazardous icing provide nowcast and short-term forecast estimates of the potential for the presence of supercooled liquid water and supercooled large droplets. The Current Icing Product (CIP) system employs basic satellite-derived information, including a cloud mask and cloud top temperature estimates, together with multiple other data sources to produce a gridded, three-dimensional, hourly depiction of icing probability and severity. Advanced satellite-derived cloud products developed at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) provide a more detailed description of cloud properties (primarily at cloud top) compared to the basic satellite-derived information used currently in CIP. Cloud hydrometeor phase, liquid water path, cloud effective temperature, and cloud top height as estimated by the LaRC algorithms are into the CIP fuzzy logic scheme and a confidence value is determined. Examples of CIP products before and after the integration of the LaRC satellite-derived products will be presented at the conference

    The psychological burden of skin diseases: a cross-sectional multicenter study among dermatological out-patients in 13 European countries.

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    The contribution of psychological disorders to the burden of skin disease has been poorly explored, and this is a large-scale study to ascertain the association between depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation with various dermatological diagnoses. This international multicenter observational cross-sectional study was conducted in 13 European countries. In each dermatology clinic, 250 consecutive adult out-patients were recruited to complete a questionnaire, reporting socio-demographic information, negative life events, and suicidal ideation; depression and anxiety were assessed with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. A clinical examination was performed. A control group was recruited among hospital employees. There were 4,994 participants--3,635 patients and 1,359 controls. Clinical depression was present in 10.1% patients (controls 4.3%, odds ratio (OR) 2.40 (1.67-3.47)). Clinical anxiety was present in 17.2% (controls 11.1%, OR 2.18 (1.68-2.82)). Suicidal ideation was reported by 12.7% of all patients (controls 8.3%, OR 1.94 (1.33-2.82)). For individual diagnoses, only patients with psoriasis had significant association with suicidal ideation. The association with depression and anxiety was highest for patients with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hand eczema, and leg ulcers. These results identify a major additional burden of skin disease and have important clinical implications.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Perfluorinated alkyl acids and fecundity assessment in striped mullet (\u3ci\u3eMugil cephalus\u3c/i\u3e) at Merritt Island national wildlife refuge

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    This study investigated wild caught striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (MINWR) for levels of 15 perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) in tandem with individual fecundity measurements (Oocyte sub-stage 2 late, n=42) and oocyte reproductive stages (Stages 1–5, n=128). PFAAmeasurementswere quantified in stripedmullet liver (n=128),muscle (n=49), and gonad (n=10). No significant negative impacts of liver PFAA burden on wild-caught,mullet fecundity endpoints were observed in this study; however, changes in PFAAwere observed in the liver asmullet progressed through different sub-stages of oocyte development. Of the PFAA with significant changes by sub-stage of oocyte development, the carboxylic acids (perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorononanoic acid, and perfluorotridecanoic acid) increased in the liver with increasing sub-stage while the sulfonic acid and its precursor (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanesulfonamide, respectively) decreased in the liver with increasing sub-stage of oocyte development. This is a unique find and suggests PFAA change location of compartmentalization as mullet progress towards spawning. Investigations also revealed higher than expected median muscle and gonad levels of PFOS in striped mullet collected at MINWR (9.01 ng/g and 80.2 ng/g, respectively)

    Implantable Therapeutic Reservoir Systems for Diverse Clinical Applications in Large Animal Models

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    Regenerative medicine approaches, specifically stem cell technologies, have demonstrated significant potential to treat a diverse array of pathologies. However, such approaches have resulted in a modest clinical benefit, which may be attributed to poor cell retention/survival at the disease site. A delivery system that facilitates regional and repeated delivery to target tissues can provide enhanced clinical efficacy of cell therapies when localized delivery of high doses of cells is required. In this study, a new regenerative reservoir platform (Regenervoir) is described for use in large animal models, with relevance to cardiac, abdominal, and soft tissue pathologies. Regenervoir incorporates multiple novel design features essential for clinical translation, with a focus on scalability, mechanism of delivery, fixation to target tissue, and filling/refilling with a therapeutic cargo, and is demonstrated in an array of clinical applications that are easily translated to human studies. Regenervoir consists of a porous reservoir fabricated from a single material, a flexible thermoplastic polymer, capable of delivering cargo via fill lines to target tissues. A radiopaque shear thinning hydrogel can be delivered to the therapy reservoir and multiple fixation methods (laparoscopic tacks and cyanoacrylate bioadhesive) can be used to secure Regenervoir to target tissues through a minimally invasive approach.In this study, a new regenerative reservoir platform (Regenervoir) is described for use in large animal models that are easily translated to human studies, with relevance to cardiac, abdominal, and soft tissue pathologies. Regenervoir incorporates multiple novel design features essential for clinical translation, with a focus on scalability, mechanism of delivery, fixation, and filling/refilling with a therapeutic cargo.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155890/1/adhm202000305.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155890/2/adhm202000305_am.pd
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