33 research outputs found

    Expedition Earth and Beyond: Engaging Classrooms in Student-Led Research Using NASA Data, Access to Scientists, and Integrated Educational Strategies

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    Classroom teachers are challenged with engaging and preparing today s students for the future. Activities are driven by state required skills, education standards, and high-stakes testing. Providing educators with standards-aligned, inquiry-based activities that will help them engage their students in student-led research in the classroom will help them teach required standards, essential skills, and help inspire their students to become motivated learners. The Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Education Program, classroom educators, and ARES scientists at the NASA Johnson Space Center created the Expedition Earth and Beyond education program to help teachers promote student-led research in their classrooms (grades 5-14) by using NASA data, providing access to scientists, and using integrated educational strategies

    A Framework for Successful Research Experiences in the Classroom: Combining the Power of Technology and Mentors

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    Authentic research opportunities in the classroom are most impactful when they are student-driven and inquiry-based. These experiences are even more powerful when they involve technology and meaningful connections with scientists. In today's classrooms, activities are driven by state required skills, education standards, and state mandated testing. Therefore, programs that incorporate authentic research must address the needs of teachers. NASA's Expedition Earth and Beyond (EEAB) Program has developed a framework that addresses teacher needs and incorporates the use of technology and access to mentors to promote and enhance authentic research in the classroom. EEAB is a student involvement program that facilitates student investigations of Earth or planetary comparisons using NASA data. To promote student-led research, EEAB provides standards-aligned, inquiry-based curricular resources, an implementation structure to facilitate research, educator professional development, and ongoing support. This framework also provides teachers with the option to incorporate the use of technology and connect students with a mentor, both of which can enrich student research experiences. The framework is structured by a modeled 9-step process of science which helps students organize their research. With more schools gaining increased access to technology, EEAB has created an option to help schools take advantage of students' interest and comfort with technology by leveraging the use of available technologies to enhance student research. The use of technology not only allows students to collaborate and share their research, it also provides a mechanism for them to work with a mentor. This framework was tested during the 2010/2011 school year. Team workspaces hosted on Wikispaces for Educators allow students to initiate their research and refine their research question initially without external input. This allows teams to work independently and rely on the skills and interests of team members. Once teams finalize their research question, they are assigned a mentor. The mentor introduces himself/herself, acknowledges the initial work the team has conducted, and asks a focused question to help open the lines of communication. Students continue to communicate with their mentor throughout their research. As research is completed, teams can share their investigation during a virtual presentation. These live presentations allow students to share their research with their mentor, other scientists, other students, parents, and school administrators. After the initial year of testing this authentic research process, EEAB is working to address the many lessons learned. This will allow the program to refine and improve the overall process in an effort to maximize the benefits. Combined, these powerful strategies provide a successful framework to help teachers enhance the skills and motivation of their students, preparing them to become the next generation of scientists, explorers, and STEM-literate citizens of our nation

    Spheres of Earth: An Introduction to Making Observations of Earth Using an Earth System's Science Approach. Student Guide

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    Scientists from the Image Science and Analysis Laboratory (ISAL) at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) work with astronauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) who take images of Earth. Astronaut photographs, sometimes referred to as Crew Earth Observations, are taken using hand-held digital cameras onboard the ISS. These digital images allow scientists to study our Earth from the unique perspective of space. Astronauts have taken images of Earth since the 1960s. There is a database of over 900,000 astronaut photographs available at http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov . Images are requested by ISAL scientists at JSC and astronauts in space personally frame and acquire them from the Destiny Laboratory or other windows in the ISS. By having astronauts take images, they can specifically frame them according to a given request and need. For example, they can choose to use different lenses to vary the amount of area (field of view) an image will cover. Images can be taken at different times of the day which allows different lighting conditions to bring out or highlight certain features. The viewing angle at which an image is acquired can also be varied to show the same area from different perspectives. Pointing the camera straight down gives you a nadir shot. Pointing the camera at an angle to get a view across an area would be considered an oblique shot. Being able to change these variables makes astronaut photographs a unique and useful data set. Astronaut photographs are taken from the ISS from altitudes of 300 - 400 km (~185 to 250 miles). One of the current cameras being used, the Nikon D3X digital camera, can take images using a 50, 100, 250, 400 or 800mm lens. These different lenses allow for a wider or narrower field of view. The higher the focal length (800mm for example) the narrower the field of view (less area will be covered). Higher focal lengths also show greater detail of the area on the surface being imaged. Scientists from the Image Science and Analysis Laboratory (ISAL) at NASA s Johnson Space Center (JSC) work with astronauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) who take images of Earth. Astronaut photographs, sometimes referred to as Crew Earth Observations, are taken using hand-held digital cameras onboard the ISS. These digital images allow scientists to study our Earth from the unique perspective of space. Astronauts have taken images of Earth since the 1960s. There is a database of over 900,000 astronaut photographs available at http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov . Images are requested by ISAL scientists at JSC and astronauts in space personally frame and acquire them from the Destiny Laboratory or other windows in the ISS. By having astronauts take images, they can specifically frame them according to a given request and need. For example, they can choose to use different lenses to vary the amount of area (field of view) an image will cover. Images can be taken at different times of the day which allows different lighting conditions to bring out or highlight certain features. The viewing angle at which an image is acquired can also be varied to show the same area from different perspectives. Pointing the camera straight down gives you a nadir shot. Pointing the camera at an angle to get a view across an area would be considered an oblique shot. Being able to change these variables makes astronaut photographs a unique and useful data set. Astronaut photographs are taken from the ISS from altitudes of 300 - 400 km (approx.185 to 250 miles). One of the current cameras being used, the Nikon D3X digital camera, can take images using a 50, 100, 250, 400 or 800mm lens. These different lenses allow for a wider or narrower field of view. The higher the focal length (800mm for example) the narrower the field of view (less area will be covered). Higher focal lengths also show greater detail of the area on the surface being imaged. There are four major systems or spheres of Earth. They are: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphe, and Litho/Geosphere

    Why Economics Does Not An Ethics Make: A Case Study

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    This essay is a multidisciplinary case study of environmental injustice. It demonstrates that misuse of the environment can ultimately impact humans unjustly and further that attempts to remediate injustice in one area merely shifts the burden of injustice to others. After providing the historical, sociological and scientific facts surrounding the 50-acre site, an ethical assessment is presented. It was determined that the actors in this case study were not employing any ethical valuing in their decision making process, but rather relied upon economic values to make their choices. The authors then suggest that judging them from within their own economic valuing system that the actors’ decisions had failed to meet their own values, i.e. good economics

    One Health in Action:Operational Aspects of an Integrated Surveillance System for Zoonoses in Western Kenya

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    Surveillance of diseases in Kenya and elsewhere in East Africa is currently carried out by both human and animal health sectors. However, a recent evaluation highlighted the lack of integration between these sectors, leading to disease under-reporting and inefficiencies. This project aimed to develop an integrated and cost-effective surveillance and reporting system for 15 zoonotic diseases piloted in the counties of Bungoma, Busia, and Kakamega in western Kenya. Specifically, in this paper we describe the operational aspects of such a surveillance system. Interviews were carried out with key informants, and this was followed by field visits to identify sentinel sites and liaise with relevant stakeholders. Based on this information, a sampling strategy comprising 12 sentinel sites, 4 in each county, was developed. Each sentinel site comprised of a livestock market, 1–2 neighboring slaughter houses/slabs, and a hospital in the vicinity; each of the 12 sites, comprising 12 × 3 = 36 sampling locations, was visited every 4 weeks for 20 cycles. At each site, animal or patient sampling included a clinical examination and collection of blood, feces, and nasal swabs; in slaughtered animals, mesenteric lymph nodes, hydatid cysts, and flukes were also collected. At the end of each field visit, data on staff involved and challenges encountered were recorded, while biological samples were processed and tested for 15 zoonotic diseases in the field laboratory in Busia, Kenya. Public engagement sessions were held at each sentinel site to share preliminary results and provide feedback to both stakeholders and study participants. A livestock market visit lasted just over 3 h, and the most common challenge was the frequent refusals of animal owners to participate in the study. At the slaughterhouses, visits lasted just under 4 h, and challenges included poorly engaged meat inspectors or slaughter processes that were too quick for sampling. Finally, the hospital visits lasted around 4 h, and the most frequent challenges included low patients turn-out, frequent staff turn-over leading to poor institutional memory, and difficulty in obtaining patient stool samples. Our experiences have highlighted the importance of engaging with local stakeholders in the field, while also providing timely feedback through public engagement sessions, to ensure on-going compliance

    Cardiomyocyte-Specific Human Bcl2-Associated Anthanogene 3 P209L Expression Induces Mitochondrial Fragmentation, Bcl2-Associated Anthanogene 3 Haploinsufficiency, and Activates p38 Signaling

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    The Bcl2-associated anthanogene (BAG) 3 protein is a member of the BAG family of cochaperones, which supports multiple critical cellular processes, including critical structural roles supporting desmin and interactions with heat shock proteins and ubiquitin ligases intimately involved in protein quality control. The missense mutation P209L in exon 3 results in a primarily cardiac phenotype leading to skeletal muscle and cardiac complications. At least 10 other Bag3 mutations have been reported, nine resulting in a dilated cardiomyopathy for which no specific therapy is available. We generated αMHC-human Bag3 P209L transgenic mice and characterized the progressive cardiac phenotype in vivo to investigate its utility in modeling human disease, understand the underlying molecular mechanisms, and identify potential therapeutic targets. We identified a progressive heart failure by echocardiography and Doppler analysis and the presence of pre-amyloid oligomers at 1 year. Paralleling the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases (eg, Parkinson disease), pre-amyloid oligomers–associated alterations in cardiac mitochondrial dynamics, haploinsufficiency of wild-type BAG3, and activation of p38 signaling were identified. Unexpectedly, increased numbers of activated cardiac fibroblasts were identified in Bag3 P209L Tg+ hearts without increased fibrosis. Together, these findings point to a previously undescribed therapeutic target that may have application to mutation-induced myofibrillar myopathies as well as other common causes of heart failure that commonly harbor misfolded proteins