153 research outputs found

    Beyond Deaf Education:Manually Signed English as a Kinesthetic Tool for Hearing Language Learners

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    The Total Communication philosophy of teaching deaf students was seen as the middle-ground between the Oralist view of teaching deaf students English only through English, and those who thought that deaf students should use only signed languages. It does not take an “either/or” approach, but rather use both depending on the needs and the abilities of the students. Total Communication is giving way to the Bilingual-Bicultural model for education, but it still has the potential to be a tool for hearing language learners if it is used as a kinesthetic way to obtain and retain information. This paper will give an overview of the kinesthetic components of Total Communication and show how they may benefit hearing students

    Setting the Standard: An Overview of the History and Politics of Prohibiting and Promoting a National Japanese Sign Language

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    Japanese Sign Language (JSL) is the collective name for the natural visual-spatial languages used by deaf people in Japan. While they all share similar characteristics, they were formed in isolation or in limited contact of each other, causing regional variations in the way words are signed.This paper will give an overview of the reasons for the absence of a nation-wide sign language by exploring the origins of deaf education in Japan starting from the Meiji Era and the development of JSL at schools for the deaf and alumni associations. Next, the historical and current factors which prohibit the use or the spread of JSL, particularly policies by the Ministry of Education which stress the importance of oral-aural based education will be discussed. Finally, how community, government and non-profit agencies, while sometimes at odds, promote the use of sign language

    Interaction of alpha2-Adrenergic Receptors With G-Proteins

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    A wide variety of hormones and neurotransmitters have been shown to produce intracellular signals mediated by guanine-nucleotide binding proteins (G-proteins). These have been shown to form a link between receptors on the extracellular face of the cell membrane, and their intracellular second-message-generating effectors, such as phospholipase C and adenylyl cyclase. An increasing number of different heterotrimeric G-proteins have been isolated, with varying degrees (50-95%) of sequence homology. This similarity of sequence has raised questions of specificity of interaction of G-proteins: do individual G-proteins interact only with specific receptors and effectors, or are they more promiscuous in their interaction? This question has been addressed by examining the specificity of coupling of G-proteins to alpha2-adrenergic receptors in two model systems

    Molecular profiling and combinatorial activity of CCT068127: a potent CDK2 and CDK9 inhibitor

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    Deregulation of the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple cancer types. Consequently, CDKs have garnered intense interest as therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer. We describe herein the molecular and cellular effects of CCT068127, a novel inhibitor of CDK2 and CDK9. Optimised from the purine template of seliciclib, CCT068127 exhibits greater potency and selectivity against purified CDK2 and CDK9 and superior antiproliferative activity against human colon cancer and melanoma cell lines. X-ray crystallography studies reveal that hydrogen bonding with the DFG motif of CDK2 is the likely mechanism of greater enzymatic potency. Commensurate with inhibition of CDK activity, CCT068127 treatment results in decreased retinoblastoma protein (RB) phosphorylation, reduced phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II and induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The transcriptional signature of CCT068127 shows greatest similarity to other small molecule CDK and also HDAC inhibitors. CCT068127 caused a dramatic loss in expression of DUSP6 phosphatase, alongside elevated ERK phosphorylation and activation of MAPK pathway target genes. MCL1 protein levels are rapidly decreased by CCT068127 treatment and this associates with synergistic antiproliferative activity after combined treatment with CCT068127 and ABT263, a BCL2-family inhibitor. These findings support the rational combination of this series of CDK2/9 inhibitors and BCL2 family inhibitors for the treatment of human cancer

    Discovery and Characterization of 2-Anilino-4- (Thiazol-5-yl)Pyrimidine Transcriptional CDK Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents

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    The main difficulty in the development of ATP antagonist kinase inhibitors is target specificity, since the ATP-binding motif is present in many proteins. We introduce a strategy that has allowed us to identify compounds from a kinase inhibitor library that block the cyclin-dependent kinases responsible for regulating transcription, i.e., CDK7 and especially CDK9. The screening cascade employs cellular phenotypic assays based on mitotic index and nuclear p53 protein accumulation. This permitted us to classify compounds into transcriptional, cell cycle, and mitotic inhibitor groups. We describe the characterization of the transcriptional inhibitor class in terms of kinase inhibition profile, cellular mode of action, and selectivity for transformed cells. A structural selectivity rationale was used to optimize potency and biopharmaceutical properties and led to the development of a transcriptional inhibitor, 3,4-dimethyl-5-[2-(4-piperazin-1-yl-phenylamino)-pyrimidin-4-yl]-3H-thiazol-2-one, with anticancer activity in animal models

    A balance of positive and negative regulators determines the pace of the segmentation clock

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    Somitogenesis is regulated by a molecular oscillator that drives dynamic gene expression within the pre-somitic mesoderm. Previous mathematical models of the somitogenesis clock that invoke the mechanism of delayed negative feedback predict that its oscillation period depends on the sum of delays inherent to negative-feedback loops and inhibitor half-lives. We develop a mathematical model that explores the possibility that positive feedback also plays a role in determining the period of clock oscillations. The model predicts that increasing the half-life of the positive regulator, Notch intracellular domain (NICD), can lead to elevated NICD levels and an increase in the oscillation period. To test this hypothesis, we investigate a phenotype induced by various small molecule inhibitors in which the clock is slowed. We observe elevated levels and a prolonged half-life of NICD. Reducing NICD production rescues these effects. These data provide the first indication that tight control of the turnover of positive as well as negative regulators of the clock determines its periodicity. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.05842.00

    Antiproliferative effects of sapacitabine (CYC682), a novel 2′-deoxycytidine-derivative, in human cancer cells

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    This study assessed the antiproliferative activity of sapacitabine (CYC682, CS-682) in a panel of 10 human cancer cell lines with varying degrees of resistance or sensitivity to the commonly used nucleoside analogues ara-C and gemcitabine. Growth inhibition studies using sapacitabine and CNDAC were performed in the panel of cell lines and compared with both nucleoside analogues and other anticancer compounds including oxaliplatin, doxorubicin, docetaxel and seliciclib. Sapacitabine displayed antiproliferative activity across a range of concentrations in a variety of cell lines, including those shown to be resistant to several anticancer drugs. Sapacitabine is biotransformed by plasma, gut and liver amidases into CNDAC and causes cell cycle arrest predominantly in the G2/M phase. No clear correlation was observed between sensitivity to sapacitabine and the expression of critical factors involved in resistance to nucleoside analogues such as deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1, cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase and DNA polymerase-α. However, sapacitabine showed cytotoxic activity against dCK-deficient L1210 cells indicating that in some cells, a dCK-independent mechanism of action may be involved. In addition, sapacitabine showed a synergistic effect when combined with gemcitabine and sequence-specific synergy with doxorubicin and oxaliplatin. Sapacitabine is therefore a good candidate for further evaluation in combination with currently used anticancer agents in tumour types with unmet needs

    A phase I trial of the selective oral cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor seliciclib (CYC202; R-Roscovitine), administered twice daily for 7 days every 21 days

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    Seliciclib (CYC202; R-roscovitine) is the first selective, orally bioavailable inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 1, 2, 7 and 9 to enter clinical trial. Preclinical studies showed antitumour activity in a broad range of human tumour xenografts. A phase I trial was performed with a 7-day b.i.d. p.o. schedule. Twenty-one patients (median age 62 years, range: 39–73 years) were treated with doses of 100, 200 and 800 b.i.d. Dose-limiting toxicities were seen at 800 mg b.i.d.; grade 3 fatigue, grade 3 skin rash, grade 3 hyponatraemia and grade 4 hypokalaemia. Other toxicities included reversible raised creatinine (grade 2), reversible grade 3 abnormal liver function and grade 2 emesis. An 800 mg portion was investigated further in 12 patients, three of whom had MAG3 renograms. One patient with a rapid increase in creatinine on day 3 had a reversible fall in renal perfusion, with full recovery by day 14, and no changes suggestive of renal tubular damage. Further dose escalation was precluded by hypokalaemia. Seliciclib reached peak plasma concentrations between 1 and 4 h and elimination half-life was 2–5 h. Inhibition of retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation was not demonstrated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. No objective tumour responses were noted, but disease stabilisation was recorded in eight patients; this lasted for a total of six courses (18 weeks) in a patient with ovarian cancer

    Cyclic AMP induces IPC leukemia cell apoptosis via CRE-and CDK-dependent Bim transcription

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    The IPC-81 cell line is derived from the transplantable BNML model of acute myelogenic leukemia (AML), known to be a reliable predictor of the clinical efficiency of antileukemic agents, like the first-line AML anthracycline drug daunorubicin (DNR). We show here that cAMP acted synergistically with DNR to induce IPC cell death. The DNR-induced death differed from that induced by cAMP by (1) not involving Bim induction, (2) being abrogated by GSK3β inhibitors, (3) by being promoted by the HSP90/p23 antagonist geldanamycin and truncated p23 and (4) by being insensitive to the CRE binding protein (CREB) antagonist ICER and to cyclin-dependent protein kinase (CDK) inhibitors. In contrast, the apoptosis induced by cAMP correlated tightly with Bim protein expression. It was abrogated by Bim (BCL2L11) downregulation, whether achieved by the CREB antagonist ICER, by CDK inhibitors, by Bim-directed RNAi, or by protein synthesis inhibitor. The forced expression of BimL killed IPC-81WT cells rapidly, Bcl2-overexpressing cells being partially resistant. The pivotal role of CREB and CDK activity for Bim transcription is unprecedented. It is also noteworthy that newly developed cAMP analogs specifically activating PKA isozyme I (PKA-I) were able to induce IPC cell apoptosis. Our findings support the notion that AML cells may possess targetable death pathways not exploited by common anti-cancer agents