962 research outputs found

    Implantation of subcutaneous heart rate data loggers in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

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    Unlike most phocid species (Phocidae), Mirounga leonina (southern elephant seals) experience a catastrophic moult where they not only replace their hair but also their epidermis when ashore for approximately 1 month. Few studies have investigated behavioural and physiological adaptations of southern elephant seals during the moult fast, a particularly energetically costly life cycle’s phase. Recording heart rate is a reliable technique for estimating energy expenditure in the field. For the first time, subcutaneous heart rate data loggers were successfully implanted during the moult in two free-ranging southern elephant seals over 3–6 days. No substantial postoperative complications were encountered and consistent heart rate data were obtained. This promising surgical technique opens new opportunities for monitoring heart rate in phocid seals

    Animal thermoregulation: a review of insulation, physiology and behaviour relevant to temperature control in buildings

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    Birds and mammals have evolved many thermal adaptations that are relevant to the bioinspired design of temperature control systems and energy management in buildings. Similar to many buildings, endothermic animals generate internal metabolic heat, are well insulated, regulate their temperature within set limits, modify microclimate and adjust thermal exchange with their environment. We review the major components of animal thermoregulation in endothermic birds and mammals that are pertinent to building engineering, in a world where climate is changing and reduction in energy use is needed. In animals, adjustment of insulation together with physiological and behavioural responses to changing environmental conditions fine-tune spatial and temporal regulation of body temperature, while also minimizing energy expenditure. These biological adaptations are characteristically flexible, allowing animals to alter their body temperatures to hourly, daily, or annual demands for energy. They exemplify how buildings could become more thermally reactive to meteorological fluctuations, capitalising on dynamic thermal materials and system properties. Based on this synthesis, we suggest that heat transfer modelling could be used to simulate these flexible biomimetic features and assess their success in reducing energy costs while maintaining thermal comfort for given building types

    Temporal and embryonic lineage-dependent regulation of human vascular SMC development by NOTCH3.

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    Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), which arise from multiple embryonic progenitors, have unique lineage-specific properties and this diversity may contribute to spatial patterns of vascular diseases. We developed in vitro methods to generate distinct vascular SMC subtypes from human pluripotent stem cells, allowing us to explore their intrinsic differences and the mechanisms involved in SMC development. Since Notch signaling is thought to be one of the several key regulators of SMC differentiation and function, we profiled the expression of Notch receptors, ligands, and downstream elements during the development of origin-specific SMC subtypes. NOTCH3 expression in our in vitro model varied in a lineage- and developmental stage-specific manner so that the highest expression in mature SMCs was in those derived from paraxial mesoderm (PM). This pattern was consistent with the high expression level of NOTCH3 observed in the 8-9 week human fetal descending aorta, which is populated by SMCs of PM origin. Silencing NOTCH3 in mature SMCs in vitro reduced SMC markers in cells of PM origin preferentially. Conversely, during early development, NOTCH3 was highly expressed in vitro in SMCs of neuroectoderm (NE) origin. Inhibition of NOTCH3 in early development resulted in a significant downregulation of specific SMC markers exclusively in the NE lineage. Corresponding to this prediction, the Notch3-null mouse showed reduced expression of Acta2 in the neural crest-derived SMCs of the aortic arch. Thus, Notch3 signaling emerges as one of the key regulators of vascular SMC differentiation and maturation in vitro and in vivo in a lineage- and temporal-dependent manner.This project was supported by a grant from British Heart Foundation (BHF) (NH/11/1/28922) and the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. William G Bernard’s studentship is funded by the BHF (FS/11/77/29327). Dr Sanjay Sinha is a BHF Clinical Senior Research Fellow (FS/13/29/30024).This is the final version of the article. It was first published by Mary Ann Liebert Inc at http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/scd.2014.052

    Eye region surface temperature dynamics during acute stress relate to baseline glucocorticoids independently of environmental conditions

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    Reactions to acute stressors are critical for survival. Yet, the challenges of assessing underlying physiological processes in the field limit our understanding of how variation in the acute stress response relates to fitness in free-living animals. Glucocorticoid secretion during acute stress can be measured from blood plasma concentrations, but each blood sample can only provide information for one point in time. Also, the number of samples that can be extracted from an individual in the field is usually limited to avoid compromising welfare. This restricts capacity for repeated assessment, and therefore temporal resolution of findings within- and between-acute stress responses - both of which are important for determining links between acute stress and fitness. Acute stress induces additional body surface temperature changes that can be measured non-invasively, and at high frequencies using thermal imaging, offering opportunities to overcome these limitations. But, this method's usefulness in the field depends on the extent that environmental conditions affect the body surface temperature response, which remains poorly understood. We assessed the relative importance of individual physiology (baseline glucocorticoid concentrations) and environmental conditions (air temperature and relative humidity) in determining the eye region surface temperature (Teye) response to acute stress, in wild blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) during trapping, handling and blood sampling. When controlling for between-individual baseline variation, Teye initially dropped rapidly below, and then recovered above baseline, before declining more slowly until the end of the test, 160 s after trap closure. One measure of the amplitude of this response – the size of the initial drop in Teye – was dependent on environmental conditions, but not baseline corticosterone. Whereas, two properties defining response dynamics – the timing of the initial drop, and the slope of the subsequent recovery – were related to baseline corticosterone concentrations, independently of environmental conditions. This suggests inferring the acute stress response using thermal imaging of Teye will be practical under fluctuating environmental conditions in the field

    Non-invasive assessment of positive affective state using infra-red thermography in rats

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    The infra-red thermography equipment and software were funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK, grant number BB/K002775/1.With recent increased focus on positive welfare in animal welfare science, there is demand for objective positive welfare indicators. It is unclear whether changes in body surface temperature can be used to non-invasively identify and quantify positive states in mammals. We recorded continuous measurements of tail surface temperature using infra-red thermography (IRT) and concurrent behavioural observations in male and female Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). If tail surface temperature can differentiate between positive and negative experiences, we expect a qualitatively different response compared to negative experiences. Three groups of rats were presented with increasing magnitudes of food rewards (neutral/none, one and three rewards). The rats were placed in an arena to which they were habituated and filmed for 30 s before and 30 min after exposure to different rewards. Tail temperature initially decreased from the pre-reward baseline and subsequently returned towards baseline temperature. The overall pattern of the change was the same as for rats subjected to negative stimuli in previous studies. Nevertheless, dynamic changes in tail temperature, specifically the rate of recovery and the behavioural response (exploration), differed between neutral and rewarded rats but failed to distinguish reward magnitude. Sex differences were found in both thermal and behavioural responses, unrelated to reward magnitudes. Female rats exhibited a greater initial response with a slower recovery than male rats, emphasising the value of using of both sexes in animal welfare research. This study improves our understanding of the effects of positive emotions induced by food reward on peripheral body temperature and behaviour.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Eye region surface temperature reflects both energy reserves and circulating glucocorticoids in a wild bird

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    Body temperature of endotherms shows substantial within- and between-individual variation, but the sources of this variation are not fully understood in wild animals. Variation in body temperature can indicate how individuals cope with their environment via metabolic or stress-induced effects, both of which may relate to depletion of energy reserves. Body condition can reflect heat production through changes to metabolic rate made to protect energy reserves. Additionally, changes in metabolic processes may be mediated by stress-related glucocorticoid secretion, which is associated with altered blood-flow patterns that affect regional body temperatures. Accordingly, both body condition and glucocorticoid secretion should relate to body temperature. We used thermal imaging, a novel non-invasive method of temperature measurement, to investigate relationships between body condition, glucocorticoid secretion and body surface temperature in wild blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). Individuals with lower body condition had lower eye-region surface temperature in both non-breeding and breeding seasons. Eye-region surface temperature was also negatively correlated with baseline circulating glucocorticoid levels in non-breeding birds. Our results demonstrate that body surface temperature can integrate multiple aspects of physiological state. Consequently, remotely-measured body surface temperature could be used to assess such aspects of physiological state non-invasively in free-living animals at multiple life history stages

    Successful reconstruction of whole mitochondrial genomes from ancient Central America and Mexico

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    The northern and southern peripheries of ancient Mesoamerica are poorly understood. There has been speculation over whether borderland cultures such as Greater Nicoya and Casas Grandes represent Mesoamerican outposts in the Isthmo-Colombian area and the Greater Southwest, respectively. Poor ancient DNA preservation in these regions challenged previous attempts to resolve these questions using conventional genetic techniques. We apply advanced in-solution mitogenome capture and high-throughput sequencing to fourteen dental samples obtained from the Greater Nicoya sites of Jícaro and La Cascabel in northwest Costa Rica (n = 9; A.D. 800–1250) and the Casas Grandes sites of Paquimé and Convento in northwest Mexico (n = 5; A.D. 1200–1450). Full mitogenome reconstruction was successful for three individuals from Jícaro and five individuals from Paquimé and Convento. The three Jícaro individuals belong to haplogroup B2d, a haplogroup found today only among Central American Chibchan-speakers. The five Paquimé and Convento individuals belong to haplogroups C1c1a, C1c5, B2f and B2a which, are found in contemporary populations in North America and Mesoamerica. We report the first successfully reconstructed ancient mitogenomes from Central America, and the first genetic evidence of ancestry affinity of the ancient inhabitants of Greater Nicoya and Casas Grandes with contemporary Isthmo-Columbian and Greater Southwest populations, respectively

    Preliminary ceramic compositional analysis from the La Arenera site, Pacific Nicaragua

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    Ceramic compositional analysis has begun to provide critical support in understanding ceramic economy, especially production and distribution strategies, and archaeological typology in Pacific Nicaragua that was previously based primarily on surface decoration. Here it presents preliminary results of an ongoing study exploring the paste composition of Tempisque period (500B.C.–A.D. 250) Izalco-style Usulután and Rosales Zoned Engraved ceramic types from the site of La Arenera. Findings suggest that Rosales wares were produced within Pacific Nicaragua but, based on petrological composition, were likely produced beyond the site itself. Further, all Usulután-like samples were likely produced within Pacific Nicaragua—a contradiction to our original hypothesis that some of the Usulután-like wares were imports from El Salvador and others locally made. Of particular interest is the presence of two discrete compositional paste types for the Nicaraguan-produced Usulután-like wares which indicate distinct and unrelated parent rock (and thus geological and geographical) sources for the clays and inclusions. In the final discussion we explore what the results of this preliminary analysis may intimate about the local ceramic economy of La Arenera and its broader external social connections
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