91 research outputs found

    Effect of ruminal plastic bags on haematological and biochemical parameters of sheep and goats

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    A study was carried out with the objective of determining the haematological and blood biochemical parameters in sheep and goats with plastic bags in the rumen for a period of 42 days. This was to indicate the possible influence of plastic bags in the rumen on blood parameters. 16, one-year old castrate Dorper sheep with a mean body weight of 26.8 kg (± 0.3 kg) and 16 one-year old castrate small East African goats with a mean weight of 24.5 kg (± 0.3 kg) were used for the study. The 16 sheep and 16 goats were divided into 4 groups of 4 animals each (n = 4). Three groups of each species were implanted with 129 g, 258 g and 387 g of plastic bags, respectively, in the rumen through rumenotomy and the fourth group of each species was control on which rumenotomy was done but with no implanting of plastic bags. Blood samples were obtained by jugular venipuncture from all sheep and goats every 2 weeks for analysis. The only haematological parameter that had significant change was platelets, which significantly (p < 0.05) increased in both sheep and goats with plastic bags in the rumen. However, mean values of erythrocytes, packed cell volume, haemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume decreased but not significantly in the sheep and goats with plastic bags in the rumen. The sheep and goats with plastic bags in the rumen had hyponatraemmia, hypochloridaemia and decreased aspartate aminotransferase enzyme activity. The changes observed in haematological and biochemical parameters could be an indication of adverse effects on the production and well-being of sheep and goats that ingest these plastic bags. These finding may be of diagnostic importance in cases of rumen impaction with indigestible foreign bodies, particularly, plastic bags

    Clinical manifestations in sheep with plastic bags in the rumen

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    Sixteen 1-year-old castrate Dorper sheep were used for the study. The animals were divided into four groups of four animals (n = 4). Three groups were implanted with 129 g, 258 g and 387 g of thin plastic bags into the rumen through rumenotomy, while the fourth group was subjected to rumenotomy without implanting plastic bags, and served as control. All the animals were monitored daily for 6 weeks following implantation. Presence of plastic bags in the rumen was characterized by anorexia, severe depression, discomfort, dehydration, firmness and asymmetrical distension of the abdomen, ruminal hypomotility and diarrhoea with intermittent constipation, weight loss, terminal recumbency and death. The severity of these clinical manifestations increased with increased quantities of plastic bags and their duration in the rumen. Sheep implanted with 258 g and 387 g lost 7.8 percent and 14.2 percent of their initial mean body weight, respectively, by the end of 6 weeks. Presence of plastic bags in the rumen could interfere with digestion, with a gradual loss in body weight, productivity and occasional mortality. Plastic bags in the rumen should be considered as a differential diagnosis in sheep presenting the observed clinical signs, especially in urban and periurban areas

    Food variety, dietary diversity and perceived hunger among lactating women (0-6 months postpartum) in a low socio-economic area in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Breastfeeding has profound benefits for the child and has always been the gold standard for infant feeding. It is also an integral part in the physiologic completion of the reproductive cycle of mammals, including humans and the most energetically demanding phase of human reproduction. Therefore, it is important to determine the nutritional status of lactating women and guide them to optimal health since depleting maternal nutrient stores during lactation poses a risk of malnutrition to the mother. This study was conducted among lactating women to assess domestic hunger, food variety and dietary diversity in order to obtain information that can be used in nutrition intervention programs for optimising breast feeding. It was a descriptive cross-sectional survey carried out at Mbagathi District Hospital which is located at the edge of Kibera slum area (Nairobi). Convenience sampling was used in selecting 120 lactating women who volunteered and consented. The hunger scale was used for assessing domestic hunger and a 24 – hr recall (NFCS, 1999) was analysed for food variety and dietary diversity. Perceived hunger corresponded with narrow food variety and dietary diversity. The women had a mean Food Variety Score of 6.6 (±2.0) and Dietary Diversity Score of 4.3 (±1.0). The mean adequacy ratio (excluding niacin) was 0.74. The lowest median nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) for calcium was (0.41) and folic acid (0.59). The NAR for energy was 0.62. The highest frequency of consumption (100%) was from cereals, tubers/roots, other vegetables and oils/fats. Vitamin A rich vegetables/fruits (6.6%) and dairy products (1.7%) had the lowest frequency of consumption. Overall, 35.8% of households were food secure while 64.2% were either hungry (5 or more positive responses) or at risk of hunger (1-4 positive responses) (36.7% and 27.5% respectively).There seems to be a need for well designed nutrition intervention programs focusing on nutrient intake from culturally acceptable and affordable foods to increase dietary diversity of lactating women in this low socio-economic area, which will eventually improve their nutritional status.http://ajfand.net/am201

    Detection and Quantification of Oestrogenic Endocrine Disruptors in Water in Mwanza Gulf in the Lake Victoria Basin, Tanzania

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    The aim of this study was to detect the presence and quantify the total oestrogens (estriol (E1), estradiol (E2), and estrone (E3)) in Lake Victoria water with a view of assessing their contribution to the health status of fish. A total of 27 water samples; three from each of the nine sampling sites were collected in Mwanza gulf in the city in May 2012. Solvent extraction procedures were used to obtain extracts of pollutants that were further analysed using the competitive Enzyme- Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) technique to detect and quantify the total oestrogens. Overall, the concentration of total oestrogens was low and ranged from 10 – 200 pg/L. Concentrations of these chemicals decreased along the gradient, being highest (107±81.4 pg/L) in rivers before entering into the lake and lowest (19±5.4 pg/L) in water samples collected in the lake at about 100 meters from inshore (intermediate sampling points). Levels of total oestrogens were significantly different between categories of water sources (P = 0.009). Two most polluted rivers were Butimba and Nyakurunduma with concentrations at 150 pg/L and 200 pg/L respectively. Dumping of wastes in rivers without treatment was the most likely source of the pollutants. Findings from this study have revealed the existence of oestrogens with endocrine disrupting properties at different concentrations, and that rivers are the main sources of oestrogenic endocrine disruptors in Lake Victoria water near Mwanza City.Keywords: ELISA, endocrine disruptors, oestrogens, pollutio

    Preliminary efficacy of a community health worker homebased intervention for the control and management of hypertension in Kiambu County, Kenya- a randomized control trial

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    Introduction In Sub Saharan Africa, there is a growing burden of non-communicable diseases, which poses a big challenge to the resource-limited health system in these settings. Objective The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a community health workers (CHWs) home-based lifestyle interventions to improve blood pressure (BP) control and body composition among hypertensive patients in low-income populations of Kiambu County, Kenya. Methods This was a randomized controlled trial (RCT) involving 80 patients with uncontrolled high BP (systolic BP (SBP) ≄140mmHg and/or diastolic BP (DBP) ≄90) randomized to either a CHW homebased intervention or a usual care (control) arm and followed up for 6 months. The intervention involved monthly CHW home-visits for health education and audits on behavioral risk factors that affect BP. An adapted WHO stepwise questionnaire and international physical activity questionnaire was used to collect data on behavioral cardiovascular risk factors. To assess the main outcomes of BP, body mass index (BMI) and waist-height-ratio (WHtR), a survey was conducted at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. Data regarding univariate, bivariate and multivariate (repeated measurements between and within groups) analysis at 5% level of significance were analyzed using STATA 18. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) for repeated measures were used to estimate changes in BP, BMI and WHtR, and to examine the association between the CHW intervention and BP control. Results The study revealed that 77.5% and 92.5% of the participants in usual care and intervention groups completed the follow-up, respectively. After 6 months of follow-up, there was a reduction in the mean SBP and DBP for both arms, and reductions in BMI and WHtR only in the intervention arm. The adjusted mean reduction in SBP (-8.4 mm Hg; 95% CI, -13.4 to -3.3; P = 0.001) and DBP (-5.2 mm Hg 95% CI, -8.3 to -2.0; P<0.001) were significantly higher in the intervention group compared to the control group. The proportion of participants who achieved the controlled BP target of <140/90 mm Hg was 62.2% and 25.8% for the intervention and usual care arm, respectively. The proportion with controlled BP was significantly higher in the intervention arm compared to the usual care arm after adjusting for baseline covariates (AOR 2.8, 95% CI 1.3–6.0, p = 0.008). There was no significant effect of the intervention on BMI and WHtR. Conclusion A home-based CHW intervention was significantly associated with reduction in BP among hypertensive patients compared to usual care. Future fully powered RCTs to test the effectiveness of such interventions among low-income populations are recommended. Trial registration Trial registration number: PACTR202309530525257

    Professional identity transitions, violations and reconciliations among new nurses in low- and middle-income countries

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    We examine how new nurses construct their professional identity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) when they enter clinical practice and encounter practical norms violating procedural standards. We conducted interviews and focus group discussions with 47 Kenyan nurses. We describe new nurses experiencing ‘shock’ entering nursing practice (working and learning alone while responsible for many patients and doing ‘dirty work’), which contrasted with their idealized image and expectations of nursing and prior training. We explain this transition using theory about identity and identity work, which we argue elucidates nurses' experiences in LMICs. We suggest that nurses' transition into clinical practice violated pre-existing expectations for their professional identities, which then triggered identity work of ‘toughening up’, ‘maturing through experience’, and ‘learning practical norms’. Through this identity work, and finally experiencing satisfaction from caring for and nursing patients back to health, some nurses were able to restore their valued professional identity

    What's normal? Oligosaccharide concentrations and profiles in milk produced by healthy women vary geographically.

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    Background: Human milk is a complex fluid comprised of myriad substances, with one of the most abundant substances being a group of complex carbohydrates referred to as human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). There has been some evidence that HMO profiles differ in populations, but few studies have rigorously explored this variability.Objectives: We tested the hypothesis that HMO profiles differ in diverse populations of healthy women. Next, we examined relations between HMO and maternal anthropometric and reproductive indexes and indirectly examined whether differences were likely related to genetic or environmental variations.Design: In this cross-sectional, observational study, milk was collected from a total of 410 healthy, breastfeeding women in 11 international cohorts and analyzed for HMOs by using high-performance liquid chromatography.Results: There was an effect of the cohort (P 4 times higher in milk collected in Sweden than in milk collected in rural Gambia (mean ± SEM: 473 ± 55 compared with 103 ± 16 nmol/mL, respectively; P < 0.05), and disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT) concentrations ranged from 216 ± 14 nmol/mL (in Sweden) to 870 ± 68 nmol/mL (in rural Gambia) (P < 0.05). Maternal age, time postpartum, weight, and body mass index were all correlated with several HMOs, and multiple differences in HMOs [e.g., lacto-N-neotetrose and DSLNT] were shown between ethnically similar (and likely genetically similar) populations who were living in different locations, which suggests that the environment may play a role in regulating the synthesis of HMOs.Conclusions: The results of this study support our hypothesis that normal HMO concentrations and profiles vary geographically, even in healthy women. Targeted genomic analyses are required to determine whether these differences are due at least in part to genetic variation. A careful examination of sociocultural, behavioral, and environmental factors is needed to determine their roles in this regard. This study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02670278

    The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project:Inferring the environmental context of human evolution from eastern African rift lake deposits

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    Funding for the HSPDP has been provided by ICDP, NSF (grants EAR-1123942, BCS-1241859, and EAR-1338553), NERC (grant NE/K014560/1), DFG priority program SPP 1006, DFG-CRC-806 “Our way to Europe”, the University of Cologne (Germany), the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (grant no. HKBU201912), the Peter Buck Fund for Human Origins Research (Smithsonian), the William H. Donner Foundation, the Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation, Whitney and Betty MacMillan, and the Smithsonian’s Human Origins Program.The role that climate and environmental history may have played in influencing human evolution has been the focus of considerable interest and controversy among paleoanthropologists for decades. Prior attempts to understand the environmental history side of this equation have centered around the study of outcrop sediments and fossils adjacent to where fossil hominins (ancestors or close relatives of modern humans) are found, or from the study of deep sea drill cores. However, outcrop sediments are often highly weathered and thus are unsuitable for some types of paleoclimatic records, and deep sea core records come from long distances away from the actual fossil and stone tool remains. The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) was developed to address these issues. The project has focused its efforts on the eastern African Rift Valley, where much of the evidence for early hominins has been recovered. We have collected about 2 km of sediment drill core from six basins in Kenya and Ethiopia, in lake deposits immediately adjacent to important fossil hominin and archaeological sites. Collectively these cores cover in time many of the key transitions and critical intervals in human evolutionary history over the last 4 Ma, such as the earliest stone tools, the origin of our own genus Homo, and the earliest anatomically modern Homo sapiens. Here we document the initial field, physical property, and core description results of the 2012–2014 HSPDP coring campaign.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Orbital control of Pleistocene euxinia in Lake Magadi, Kenya

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    Lake Magadi is an internally drained, saline and alkaline terminal sump in the southern Kenya Rift. Geochemistry of samples from an ∌200 m core representing the past ∌1 m.y. ofthe lake’s history shows some of the highest concentrations of transition metals and metalloidsever reported from lacustrine sediment, including redox-sensitive elements molybdenum,arsenic, and vanadium. Elevated concentrations of these elements represent times when thelake’s hypolimnion was euxinic—that is, anoxic, saline, and sulfide-rich. Euxinia was commonafter ca. 700 ka, and after that tended to occur during intervals of high orbital eccentricity.These were likely times when high-frequency hydrologic changes favored repeatedepisodes of euxinia and sulfide precipitation. High-amplitude environmental fluctuations atpeak eccentricity likely impacted water balance in terrestrial habitats and resource availabilityfor early hominins. These are associated with important events in human evolution,including the first appearance of Middle Stone Age technology between ca
