56 research outputs found

    Nefroblastoma embrionario canino : caso clínico

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    Se describe un caso de nefroma embrionario canino o tumor de Wilms en un perro, macho, de dos meses de edad que presentaba distensión abdominal progresiva y pérdida de peso reciente. Se realiza una ecografía observándose una masa abdominal de gran tamaño. Se indica a los propietarios la necesidad de relizar una laparatomía exploratoria a la cual no acceden, pidiendo la eutanasia del animal. En la necropsia se aprecia el riñón derecho aumentado de tamaño y aspecto tumoral. El posterior estudio histológico confirmó el diagnóstico de nefroblastoma

    Tourism, indigenous peoples and cultural heritage in Mexico and Chile

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    En este artículo se explora la incorporación de los pueblos indígena a los procesos de patrimonialización y turistificación en México y Chile. Ambos países tuvieron un desarrollo histórico diferente, incluso opuesto, con respecto a su relación con sus pueblos originarios. No obstante, en los últimos años han coincidido en llevar a cabo políticas públicas de reconocimiento de ciertos derechos a la diversidad cultural. El uso cada vez más frecuente de las tradiciones, ceremonias, danzas, música y otras expresiones culturales indígenas por parte de la industria del turismo, contrasta con la falta de reconocimiento a sus derechos colectivos sobre sus territorios. La turistificación de las regiones indígenas es un ejemplo conspicuo que muestra la manera en que el multiculturalismo neoliberal en América Latina incorpora a los pueblos indígenas bajo ciertas premisas y condiciones, a la vez que los excluye bajo otras premisas y condiciones.This article explores the incorporation of indigenous peoples into the heritage and tourism processes in Mexico and Chile. Both countries have had different historical developments, that could even be considered diametrically opposed to one another, with respect to their native peoples. However, in recent years both have coincided in developing State policies for the recognition of certain rights to cultural diversity. The increasingly frequent use of traditions, ceremonies, dances, music and other indigenous cultural expressions by the tourism industry,contrasts with the lack of recognition of the native peoples’ collective rights over their territories. The touristization of the indigenous regions is a conspicuous example of how neoliberal multi‑culturalism in Latin America incorporates indigenous peoples using specific premises and conditions at the same time as it excludes them by using other equally specific, protocols

    Uso de las TICs para la docencia sobre heridas crónicas en enfermería

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    Present paper shows an e-learning project developed between the University of Cantabria, and the pharmaceutical company Smith & Nephew. For first time in our country, a complete master course about chronic wounds has been carrying out by professionals, for professional and post-graduated in the nursing and sanitary areas. This course is the result of six years effort of the personnel of University of Cantabria and the above mentioned company. Authors, show in the paper the importance of the communication and information technologies CITs to properly fit and complete the formation of the sanitary professionals, using e-learning platforms, as well as guaranteeing that the offered formation achieves the required degree of quality education

    Academia global de heridas: una iniciativa de formación virtual Universidad-Empresa

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    This paper shows a novel and valuable e-learning project developed between the University of Cantabria, and the pharmaceutical company Smith & Nephew. For first time in our country, a complete master course about chronic wounds has been carrying out by professionals, for professional and post-graduated in the nursing and sanitary areas. This course is the result of three years effort between two Spanish universities: University of Cantabria and Complutense University of Madrid and the above mentioned company. Authors, show in the paper the importance of the communication and information technologies CITs to properly fit and complete the formation of the sanitary professionals, using e-learning platforms, as well as guaranteeing that the offered formation achieves the required degree of quality education

    Bicellar systems to modify the phase behaviour of skin stratum corneum lipids

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    Bicellar systems are a fascinating category of versatile lipid assemblies that comprise bilayered disk-shaped nanoaggregates formed in water by long and short alkyl chain phospholipids. Bicelles bridge the gap between micelles and lipid vesicles by combining the attractive properties of both systems. These structures have recently been proposed in dermatological, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. Two new binary bicellar systems composed of cholesterol sulphate (SCHOL) and long-chain phospholipids (dimyristoyl- phosphatidylcholine, DMPC, or dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine, DPPC) are characterised herein by differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray scattering and microscopy. Additionally, a comparative study on skin treated with the new SCHOL systems (DMPC/SCHOL and DPPC/SCHOL) and classic DHPC systems (DMPC/DHPC and DPPC/DHPC) was performed. These studies were conducted to determinate how deeply bicelles penetrate into the skin and the extension of their effect on the phase behaviour of stratum corneum (SC) lipids using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that SCHOL modified the typical discoidal morphology and the phase behaviour of the systems, inducing coexistence of two phases, liquid-ordered and ripple phases. The effect of the systems on SC lipids depends on their composition and is related to the fluidity of the SC lipid alkyl chains. Thus, systems with DMPC induced more disorder in SC lipids than systems with DPPC, and SCHOL did not modify the lipid arrangement. Perdeuterated systems in the infrared spectroscopy technique supported a different distribution in the tissue for every system. DMPC systems were primarily at the first layers of the SC, whereas DPPC systems were more widely distributed. Systems with SCHOL had enhanced distribution and penetration of bicellar systems throughout the SC. This journal is © 2012 the Owner Societies

    Presència dels pares durant els procediments invasius als serveis d'urgències pediàtriques. Què passa a l'Estat espanyol?

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    Background. The importance of parental involvement during invasive procedures (IP) in Pediatric Emergency Departments (PED) has been documented. Objective. 1) To determine the frequency of parental presence during different IP in Spanish PED; 2) To assess the reasons for restricting their presence; and 3) To evaluate the agreement among healthcare professionals. Method. Descriptive multicenter study based on questionnaires distributed among the chiefs of 32 Spanish PED. Results. Family presence is allowed during some IP, including wound suture (23/32), lumbar puncture (17/32), or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (3/32), with no significant differences among hospitals. The main reasons for restricting parental presence are the perception of parents not being prepared to witness the procedure (17/31), the concern that their presence would adversely affect the performance by the healthcare provider (12/31), or parental anxiety (11/31). Occasionally, problems derived from the parental presence have been reported, such as dizziness (20/32) or the need to interrupt the procedure (13/32). Healthcare professionals agree with the presence of parents during some invasive procedures (19/23), but not during the most invasive ones (30/32). Twenty-seven PED chiefs stated the need to develop educational programs, working groups, and dedicated protocols to regulate the presence of parents during IP. Conclusions. Despite the usual presence of parents during IP in the PED, the existence of reasons for restriction, as well as the lack of consistent agreement among healthcare professionals on the types of IP where parental presence should be permitted, highlights the need to develop educational initiatives about the benefits of parental presence

    Study on the Evaluation of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security

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    The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) was established in 2004. The Agency provides advice and recommendations, data analysis, and supports awareness raising and cooperation by the EU bodies and Member States in the field of cybersecurity. ENISA uses its expertise to improve cooperation between Member States, and between actors from the public and private sectors, as well as to support capacity building. The present study involves the evaluation of ENISA over the 2013-2016 period, assessing the Agency’s performance, governance and organisational structure, and positioning with respect to other EU and national bodies. It assesses ENISA’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) with regard to the new cybersecurity and digital privacy landscape. It also provides options to modify the mandate of the Agency to better respond to new, emerging needs and assesses their financial implications. The findings of the evaluation study show that ENISA has made some important achievements towards increasing NIS in the EU. However, a fragmented approach to cybersecurity across the EU and issues internal to the Agency, including limited financial resources, hinder ENISA’s ability to respond to the ever growing needs of stakeholders in a context of technological developments and evolving cybersecurity threats

    Hospital emergency room diagnosis of acute appendicitis in patients aged 2 to 20 years: the INFURG-SEMES score from the emergency infections study of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine

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    Objetivo. Derivar una escala clínico-analítica diagnóstica de apendicitis aguda (AA) en pacientes entre 2 y 20 años atendidos por dolor abdominal con sospecha de AA en servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH), y comparar su capacidad diagnóstica con la Escala de Alvarado (EA). Métodos. Estudio observacional de cohorte prospectivo que incluyó de forma consecutiva pacientes entre 2 y 20 años con dolor abdominal sospechoso de AA de menos de 72 horas de evolución atendidos en 4 SUH españoles entre junio y diciembre de 2014. Se recogieron datos demográficos, clínicos, analíticos (recuento leucocitario, fórmula y proteína C reactiva) y radiológicos (ecografía y/o TC) y, si procedía, quirúrgicos. La variable resultado principal fue el diagnóstico final de AA en los 14 días desde la visita índice. Resultados. Se incluyeron 331 pacientes con edad media de 11,8 (DE 3,8) años, siendo 175 (52,9%) hombres. Ciento dieciséis (35,0%) tuvieron diagnóstico final de AA. La escala INFURG-SEMES incluye sexo masculino, dolor en fosa ilíaca derecha a la exploración, dolor a la percusión, dolor al caminar, presencia de neutrofilia y proteína C reactiva elevada. El área bajo la curva (ABC) de la característica operativa del receptor (COR) de dicha escala fue 0,84 (IC 95% 0,79-0,88) y para la EA 0,77 (IC95% 0,72-0,82) siendo la diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,002). Conclusiones. La escala INFURG-SEMES podría ser una herramienta de ayuda para el diagnóstico de AA en los pacientes entre 2 y 20 años atendidos con dolor abdominal sospechoso de apendicitis en los SUH, y ha mostrado una mayor capacidad discriminativa que la EA

    Experimental archeology at Cuevas de la Araña (Málaga, Spain)

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    En este trabajo abordamos las actividades de Arqueología Experimental desarrolladas en las Cuevas de La Araña. Éstas, cubren los campos más significativos de la Arqueología y sus protocolos -de campo y laboratorio-, así como la reproducción de los procesos tecnológicos con que se tuvieron que enfrentar los grupos prehistóricos para su supervivencia, desde el Paleolítico Inferior hasta el Calcolítico. Con la reproducción de las diversas tecnologías se obtiene una información más directa, y se aprecia mejor las dificultades inherentes a cada una de ellas, obteniéndose una visión más ajustada de la propia evolución tecnológica, y los avances conseguidos en cada periodo culturalThe following paper addresses a series ofexperimental archeology activities performed at the Archeological Site ofLa Araña. They cover the most significant aspects ofArcheology and its protocols -includingfield and laboratory work-as well as the replication of technological processes prehistoric groups had to face for their survival, from the Lower Paleolithic to the Chalcolithic. With the reenactment of the various technologies more immediate information is obtained, and the difficulties inherent to each of them are better appreciated, building a more accurate perspective of the technological evolution itself, andthe advances achieved in each cultural perio