79 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to describe the improvement of students’ learning outcomes using reciprocal teaching model. The improvement is measured based on the results of pre-test and posttest. 24 students of XI class at SMA Negeri 4 Wangi-Wangi taking sciences major participated in this study. This one group pre-test & post-test research design used an instrument (test) in the form of multiple-choice questions. The questions were constructed by considering the cognitive level in Bloom taxonomy. The study reveals that students’ improvement falls in the moderate category with the N-gain score of 0.69. The study also uncovered that students’ ability in answering questions decreases with the increase in the cognitive level of the question

    Implementation of Live Worksheets Assisted Interactive Student Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning

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    This study aims to ascertain the learning outcomes, effectiveness, and significant differences between printed worksheets on electrolytic cell material and interactive student worksheets based on discovery learning. This research is in a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research instrument consisted of multiple-choice test questions with research subjects in classes XII MIPA 6 and XII MIPA 8 at Public High School 1 Kendari. Data analysis techniques consisted of descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. According to the investigation's findings, students who used interactive student worksheets based on discovery learning and supported by Live Worksheets with printed student worksheets experienced increased post-test learning outcomes. Still, the increase in the experimental class was higher than in the control class. As a result, Live Worksheets-assisted interactive student worksheets based on discovery learning on electrolytic cell material are helpful in education because they can enhance student learning outcomes.  &nbsp

    Optimal Quaternary Hermitian Linear Complementary Dual Codes for Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error Correction

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    The objective of this thesis is to find suboptimal and optimal parameters from classical codes and import them into entanglement-assisted quantum codes. The thesis begins by introducing classical error correction, followed by a detailed introduction to quantum computing. Topics that are discussed in the introduction include qubits, quantum phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, and quantum gates/circuits. The thesis then reviews the basics of quantum error correction and provides Shor's code to reinforce the reader's understanding. Subsequently, the formalism of stabilizer codes is thoroughly examined. We then explain the generalized concept of stabilizer codes which is entanglement-assisted quantum codes. They do not require generators to satisfy the commutativity property. Rather, they utilize the usage of ebits to resolve the anti-commutativity constraint. Next, the thesis explains quaternary field and then the Java program implemented to find the optimal parameters. Lastly, the thesis concludes with presenting the parameters of the new codes that were obtained throughout the research. We have found the suboptimal largest distance for quaternary hermitian linear complementary dual codes that can be imported as entanglement-assisted quantum error correction for parameters [22, 9, 9 or 10]â‚„, [22, 12, 7 or 8]â‚„, [23, 8, 11 or 12]â‚„, [23, 10, 9 or 10]â‚„, [23, 13, 7 or 8]â‚„, [24, 10, 10 or 11]â‚„, [24, 11, 9 or 10]â‚„, [24, 14, 7 or 8]â‚„, [25, 12, 9 or 10]â‚„, [25, 13, 8 or 9]â‚„, as well as the optimal largest distance for [17, 11, 5]â‚„ and [17, 13, 3]â‚„


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    Liver is one of the most important organ for drug metabolism in the body. Thedamage to the liver can be marked by increased activity of the enzyme alanineaminotransferase (ALT) in the blood. Lycopene is an antioxidant that has the ability toeliminate free radicals and detoxifies electrophilic compounds that damage can beprevented. The purpose of this research is to know whether lycopene can inhibit theincrease alanine aminotransferase activity of SD (Sprague Dawley) rats induced byparasetamol. This experiment using 20 male rats Sprague Dawley. They were dividedinto 4 groups. Group I is a healthy control (baseline) was only given aquadest, group IIwere given paracetamol as pain control, group III and IV are treatment group wereeach given lycopene with a dosage 15 µg/kg BW and 30 µg/kg BW for 21 days. On 19thday group II, as well as all treatment groups induced paracetamol. The blood samplingwas performed on orbital sinus on 19th day (before induced by paracetamol) and on 21thday or two days after induced paracetamol to know the difference alanineaminotransferase activity. The data were analyzed using non-parametric statisticalmethods with Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Mann-Whitney test with 95% confidencelevel. The result has showed that the lycopene doses 15 µg/kgBW had alanineaminotransferase activity of 130.10 ± 11.83 U/I and lycopene doses 30 µg/kgBW hadalanine aminotransferase activity of 106.46 ± 2.36 U/I. If compared with paracetamolcontrol had alanine aminotransferase activity of 92.53 ± 2.57 U/I, should take asummary that the lycopene doses 15 ìg/kg BW and 30 ìg/kg BW couldn’t decreasealanine aminotransferase activity on SD (Sprague Dawley) male rats


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    Permasalahan balita pendek (stunting) merupakan salah satu masalah gizi yang serius,khususnya terutama di negara-negara miskin dan berkembang. Perkembangan yang lambat adalah retardasi pertumbuhan menyebabkan gangguan pertumbuhan linier pada balita karena akumulasi nutrisi yang tidak memadai dalam jangka waktu yang lama, mulai dari kehamilan sampai 24 bulan. Mal nutrisi selama pertumbuhan perkembangan anak sejak usia dini akan menghambat perkembangan fisik, meningkat menyakitkan, mengganggu perkembangan mental anak bahkan menyebabkan kematian.Data dari wilayah kerja UPT.Puskesmas Terjun Kota Medan terdapat 34 kasus stunting berdasarkan setiap masing-masing kelurahan yang direkap datanya oleh wilayah kerja UPT.Puskesmas Terjun Kota Medan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam percepatan penurunan stunting di UPT Puskesmas Terjun Kota Medan.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus (case study) dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam yang menggunakan pedomanebijakan percepatan penurunan stunting, Lokasi dalam penelitian ini di UPT.Puskesmas Terjun Kota Medan dan waktu penelitian ini dilakukan mulai Februari 2023 sampai dengan Juni 2023, Penentuan informan dalam penelitian kualitatif ini dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan dalam percepatan penurunan stunting di UPT.Puskesmas Terjun sudah sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 Tahun 2021 dan Peraturan Wali Kota Medan Nomor 18 Tahun 2020 tentang penurunan stunting.Akan tetapi masih adanya hambatan dari sumber daya,sarana dan prasarana serta lingkungan dalam kebijakan tersebut sehingga dapat membuat pelaksanaan belum berjalan secara optimal


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    This study aims to: determine the quality and readability of acid-base worksheets based on discovery learning. The research method used is R&D (Research and Development) with research stages adapted to the Borg and Gall theory modified by Sugiyono. The research stages carried out were data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, limited trial, and product revision. The quality of the worksheet student developed was validated by 3 material experts. The readability test of the LKPD developed was seen from the responses of  9 students. The results showed that the average validator assessment was 92.11% (very valid category). The average assessment of the readability test by students is 3.46 with a good category (limited scale trial). Based on the validation of experts and student responses, the LKPD developed was valid and suitable to be used as a learning tool in acids and base

    Petroleum Hydrocarbons Pollution o n the Sudanese Red Sea Coastal Water

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the extent of petroleum hydrocarbons pollution on the Sudanese Red Sea coast (Portsudan harbor and Bashayer Marine Terminal (BMT)), to achieve this goal laboratory work was conducted to determine hydrocarbons concentration. The highest concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in seawater was found at strip I (dockyard) with the average of 80.2 mg/l, the next to the highest concentration was generally occurred at strip IV (BMT), the ranges of concentrations were between 5.8 and 24.2 mg/l with mean value of 14.98 mg/l. Values of oil concentration at strip II (South port) are much lower than those of strip I (6.8 to 10 mg/l). Higher concentrations, ranging from nil to1320 mg/kg were detected in the sediment samples. It can be concluded on this basis that most of the Portsudan harbor and BMT suffers from oil pollution in different degrees according to UNEP and AIDMO. No oil contamination was observed at strip III (North port). The GC measurements proved those hydrocarbons contaminations were due to biologic and petrogenic origins, most oil samples light and middle fractions

    Implementation of sustainability in the food and catering supply chains of UK HE institutions

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    Both organisations and customers are becoming more aware of the current economic, environmental and social challenges that the world faces today. In this context, it can be argued that universities are amongst the most important organisations that could contribute effectively in sustainability development in any society through producing and teaching sustainability related knowledge. This puts an ethical obligation upon these organisations to introduce and implement sustainability within their premises and operations. The procurement function is one of the main functions that can contribute effectively in the overall sustainability agenda of any university due to the large variety of products and services that this type of organisation procures and the related supply chain issues that they manage. However, the extant literature on Sustainability in Higher Education (SHE) suffers from a significant dearth of studies that specifically address Sustainable Procurement (SP) and Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) in universities. Thus, this thesis contributes to filling this particular gap through conducting exploratory research in order to investigate the implementation of SP initiatives in the current buying practices of UK based HE Institutions (Universities) and their supply chains, with a particular focus on the food and catering procurement area. This thesis, therefore, has two main overarching research questions, which are: “How are sustainability issues incorporated into the current food and catering procurement practices of UK based HE Institutions?” and “How are food and catering SP practices extended to multiple actors and multiple tiers across the existing supply chains of UK based HE Institutions?”. These two questions have been answered through three inter-related papers that tackle the following three topics: the implementation of SP initiatives through different implementation modes employed by universities (i.e., in-house catering vs outsourced catering); local sourcing as one of the main sustainability initiatives within universities’ sustainability agendas; and the impact of institutional pluralism on the implementation of sustainability initiatives within the university food and catering supply chain. The thesis uses three well-established theoretical lenses, (i.e., Transaction Cost Economics, Legitimacy Theory, and Institutional Theory), in the three papers respectively. Beside their own findings and contributions, the three papers collectively provide important contributions to both the SHE literature and the SSCM literature. In terms of the SHE literature, they: provide insights into the implementation of SP in HE institutions and their food supply chains; compensate for the dearth of studies on SSCM in HE; and enhance the theoretical authentication of the SHE literature. In terms of the SSCM literature, they: provide a new context for three theories; include a real supply chain perspective by including multiple tiers in the data collection and analysis; include the TBL in studying SSCM; and provided a theoretical generalisation of the results for the wider SSCM context

    The Relationship Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension: An Assessment Prespective

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    In reading comprehension has some factors that influence the skill. One of the factors is vocabulary mastery. The objective of this research is to know whether there is any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and the degree of correlation. The total of the participants of this research was 30 students in VII A of the seventh grade students of SMPN 7 Metro. Cluster random sampling technique was used to get the sample. A correlatinal analysis was employed to know the relationship between scores in the reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery test. Based on the research calculation by using correlation product moment, it was obtained that  is 0,462, and  is 0,367 in significant 5% and 0,470 in significant 1%. The average of vocabulary mastery was 61,6. The finding also indicate that the students’ achievement in the vocabulary was poor. The average score of reading comprehension was 62,4. It means that the students’ achivement in the reading comprehension was fair. Therefore, the findings provide that there was a positive correlation between vocabuary mastery and reading comprehension of the seventh grade students of SMP N 7 Metro

    Working with Latinos

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    For this article, our topic was “Working with Latinos/Hispanics”. We used social media, search engines such as google, worldly news, and other scholarly articles to research this topic. What we concluded was that many people had a stereotypical idea of what working with latinos was like. Many people don’t realize the cultural difference that America has in the workplace compared to other countries. As well as, the stereotyped idea of what jobs Latino/Hispanics work, how they carry out those jobs, and the struggles they face in those workplaces. In this paper we will discuss more, in detail, about what it means to work with latinos
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