214 research outputs found

    The Effects of Immigration on Developed Countries

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    The development of many nations came about through the act of people migrating from one area to another and thus has been crucial to the formation of countries worldwide. Immigration policies are enacted to regulate who enters the country in efforts to keep economic stability and national security. In various periods throughout time, views and policies on immigration have shifted from more relaxed and accepting of immigrants to firmer and less accepting of immigrants. It is widely acknowledged that during times of economic prosperity and less world conflict, immigration policies tend to be more relaxed, and the opposite holds true in times of greater tension and greater economic struggle. In the past couple decades, we have seen the topic of immigration in the middle of controversial statements and have heard opposing arguments on the effects immigration can have on an economy. States vary on how strict the policies are and their overall requirements for admittance. Likewise, it is also important to note that states also vary on their main pull factors, affecting the number of immigrants who desire to enter said country. For this research, I will be looking at the relationship between a country’s migrant stock, labor force, population growth rate, trade as a percentage of GDP and unemployment in regard to their effects on a country’s gross domestic product (GDP per capita). Specifically, the study looks at developed economies such as the United States, Japan, Canada, Spain, and China during the early 1990\u27s to present in order to study how immigration has impact the countries\u27 labor market and economic development. Overall, this study found that an increase in immigration ultimately leads to an increase in gross domestic product per capita and have little to no effect on unemployment rates

    Creación de un centro de estimulación temprana en el sector sur oste de la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    The idea of creating a Center for Early Stimulation means the implementation and adequacy of an area containing several games, they will be used for training of sensory and psychomotor children that are expected to improve their skills. The biggest problem that arises in this sector is that many families either through ignorance or lack of economic resources are not able to access the benefits they provide such treatments. Some hospitals have this service but unfortunately have a limited intake of infants, because the costs that are incurred are high, therefore the sessions are restricted. One of the most important objectives is to provide quality care with low prices and this will ensure that many children can access this service. As a result we can determine that by carrying out this project we benefit not only us in the economic but also bring in the social field, helping to improve the quality of life for children

    Impact of cricket protein powder replacement on wheat protein composition, dough rheology and bread quality

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Grain Science and IndustryScott R. BeanHulya DoganThe continuous rise in population, environmental concerns, and an increasing shift of consumers’ belief towards eating sustainable foods has led researchers to look for alternate sources of protein. Insect proteins are novel protein sources that are environmentally friendly due to their lower greenhouse gas emissions when compared to beef, poultry, and pork. Farming insects requires less resources compared to raising livestock. Insects are high in protein, contain chitin which is a source of fiber, and are a good source of B vitamins. There is a wide variation in nutritional and functional quality of protein depending on the type of insect. The objective of this project was to understand how cricket protein powder affects the mixing, pasting and dough development characteristics of bread dough. Two different cricket protein powders, GrioPro (G) and Entomo Farms (E), were tested at replacement levels of 10 and 20% (of total flour weight). Protein powders were first characterized for their functional properties. Dough samples collected at peak torque development were subjected to size exclusion-HPLC analysis to quantify the change in soluble polymeric proteins (SPP) and insoluble polymeric proteins (IPP). MixoLab constant and optimized water absorption protocols were used to study the effect of cricket protein powder replacement on dough development. Dough extensibility was tested using the Kieffer Rig protocol. Breads were baked with 5, 10, or 20% replacement levels of cricket protein powder. Loaf volume, and color were measured, and bread slices underwent C-Cell analysis and texture profile analysis (TPA) at 0, 1, 3 and 7 days. In general, incorporation of powders G and E led to two opposite effects. Dough samples with powder E showed lower peak areas (9,432 and 17,346 mAu) of IPP compared to the control (23360 mAu) while the SPP dough samples showed higher peak areas (41,414 and 44,133 mAu) to the control (41,212 mAu). Use of powder G led to an increased stability, significantly higher C1 torque (20% level), and an increase water absorption. Replacement of wheat flour with powder E led to softer doughs with a decreased stability at the 20% replacement level and no significant difference in water absorption. Peak viscosities were significantly decreased for all replacement levels of both G and E powders. Extensibility was significantly decreased as the replacement level increased for all treatments. Loaf volume also decreased as the replacement level increased for all treatments. Color results showed a significant decrease in L-value and a significant increase in a, and b-values thus producing a crumb color like that of whole wheat breads. Powder G at 10 and 20% replacement levels significantly decreased the area occupied by air cells, the average air cell diameter, and cell wall thickness. Both powder E and G led to a decreased amount of number of air cells. TPA results showed a significant increase in hardness at higher replacement levels with G being harder than E. Chewiness also increased as the replacement level increased while cohesiveness, springiness, and resilience decreased as the replacement levels increased for either G or E

    La descentralización de la política pública de combate a la pobreza: Programa de desarrollo humano de oportunidades como experiencia de análisis 2002-2012

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    Una tarea esencial en el desenvolvimiento de las funciones del Estado es la generación de políticas públicas como agentes creadores de estabilidad social. Es en busca de dicha estabilidad que se diseñan programas de combate a la pobreza que a lo largo del tiempo pretendieron sanear los males sociales. En el contexto nacional se han instaurado cursos de acción como el Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (Pronasol), el Programa de Educación, Salud y Alimentación (Progresa) y en tiempos recientes el Programa de Desarrollo Humano Oportunidades, todos ellos con el fin de ser un anclaje seguro ante los vertiginosos cambios del mercado y males sociales. El presente trabajo toma como objeto de aplicación del conocimiento al Programa Oportunidades debido a su papel fundamental en el tratamiento a la pobreza y como referente de análisis en la construcción de una propuesta de descentralización. Para ello se efectúa la revisión de teorías como federalismo y descentralización, además de revisar los marcos de análisis referentes a las relaciones intergubernamentales (RIG´s), política pública y política social. Hablar de federalismo es hablar de la importancia que juegan los órdenes de gobierno en el sano desenvolvimiento de las funciones del Estado con el fin último de lograr el bien común

    Efectos de la sobrecarga de colesterol sobre la función Mitocondrial y la producción de especies reactivas de oxigenó. Papel del factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos sobre el control del estrés oxidante

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    NAFLD is the most common chronic liver disease worldwide, affecting between 25 and 30% of people. The cholesterol overloading in the liver has a toxic effect mainly mediated by ROS generation and is involved in the induction and progression from NAFLD through NASH. Recently, major advance in understanding the NAFLD pathogenesis, have shown that ROS and mitochondrial impairment are engaged as principals causes of hepatocellular damage. Nonetheless, the mechanism by which NAFLD promote NASH is complex and multifactorial. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of cholesterol overloading in mitochondrial function and ROS production. In the present work we fed mice with a hypercholester olemic diet (HC, 2% cholesterol and 0.5% sodium cholate). After that, we proceeded to sacrifice animals in order to obtain liver tissue, parallel animals were subjected to liver perfusion to obtain hepatocytes. Livers from HC animals exhibited a steatotic phenotype, and main liver function tester were increased such as ALT, AST and ALP. Liver histology presented lost in architecture and picnotic nuclei. HC diet present an increase in ROS, protein oxidation and in the content of main antioxidant proteins, in comparison with Chow diet fed animals. Interestingly, mitochondria proteins were not significantly oxidized. Liver tissue from HC animals presented inhibition of autophagy and apoptosis, and an increment in the activation of Stat3 suggesting a survival response. Our group has shown that HGF can display an antioxidant response in hepatic cells, for this reason we also were focused to figure out the protective role of HGF in cholesterol overloaded hepatocytes. Isolated hepatocytes showed an overload of free cholesterol and neutral lipids that was related to oxidative stress and protein oxidation versus control hepatocytes, this effect was reverted by HGF treatment in a time dependent manner. The expression and activity of catalase was diminished 50% in comparison with Chow hepatocytes, however, GCS, G6PD, MGST, and GPx were significantly increased when cells were treated with HGF for 12h. Finally, the data show that HGF induced the biosynthesis of GSH due to the ratio GSH/GSSG at 12h of treatment was significantly elevated.La enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólica (NAFLD) es el padecimiento hepático crónico más común en todo el mundo que afecta entre el 25 y 30 % de la población general. La sobrecarga de colesterol en el hígado ha mostrado efectos tóxicos mediante la sobreproducción de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ERO) y por tanto como consecuencia, la inducción en la progresión de la NAFLD a esteatohepatitis (NASH). Recientemente se han realizado importantes avances que han permitido una mejor comprensión sobre la patogénesis en NAFLD, en donde resalta su asociación con la sobreproducción de ERO y la disfunción mitocondrial como una de las principales causas de daño hepatocelular. Sin embargo, el mecanismo de daño es complejo y multifactorial; por ello, el primer objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la sobrecarga de colesterol sobre la función mitocondrial y la producción de ERO. En el presente trabajo hemos alimentado a ratones con una dieta hipercolesterolémica (HC, 2% de colesterol y 0.5% de colato de sodio). Posteriormente fueron sacrificados para estudios histológicos o fueron perfundidos para obtener hepatocitos. Los hígados de los ratones alimentados con la dieta hipercolesterolémica presentaron una acumulación de lípidos, además de daño hepático, evaluado por un incremento de los marcadores séricos (ALT, AST y ALP). La histología reveló hiperplasia e hiperpigmentación de núcleos en los hepatocitos y la pérdida de la arquitectura hepática. La dieta elevada de colesterol indujo un aumento en la generación de ERO y la oxidación de proteínas; aun cuando las proteínas de la mitocondria se observaron menos oxidadas y las enzimas antioxidantes mitocondriales se encontraron elevadas. La sobrecarga de colesterol VIII indujo un cambio morfológico, la disminución en la síntesis de ATP y el desacoplamiento de la mitocondria. Los hígados de los ratones alimentados con la dieta hipercolesterolémica presentaron una inhibición de la mitofagia y de la apoptosis, y un aumento de la activación de STAT 3 y sus genes blancos como mecanismo de resistencia a la muerte celular. Por otro lado, se ha demostrado que el control del estado redox celular y/o e l estrés oxidante, previene la progresión del daño hepático. Nuestro grupo ha demostrado que el factor de crecimiento de hepatocitos (HGF) induce una respuesta antioxidante en las células hepáticas. Por ello, el segundo objetivo fue determinar el efecto protector de este factor de crecimiento en los hepatocitos sobrecargados de colesterol. Las concentraciones de HGF en suero y la expresión de c - Met disminuyeron en los ratones alimentados con la dieta HC. La acumulación de lípidos (lípidos neutros y colesterol libre) se conservó en el cultivo primario de hepatocitos de los ratones alimentados con la dieta alta en colesterol. La dieta HC indujo un incremento de las ERO y de la oxidación de proteínas comparadas con las células control. Sin embargo, este incremento de ERO y oxidación proteica es revertida por el HGF en los hepatocitos HC en función al tiempo. La expresión y actividad de catalasa se ve disminuida en un 50% en los hepatocitos HC con respecto a los hepatocitos control a las 24 h de tratamiento con HGF. Los hepatocitos del ratón HC presentaron un incremento en las enzimas antioxidantes (GCS, G6PD, MGST, GPx) con respecto a los controles y al ser tratados con el HGF, se ve potenciado el efecto en todos los casos a partir de las 12 h. Por último, los datos muestran que HGF induce la biosíntesis de GSH, al observar un incremento en el cociente GSH/GSSG a las 12 h de exposición con HGF

    Reproductive behaviors among school-based health center clients in New Mexico

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    IntroductionSchool-based health centers (SBHCs) are an evidence-based model for providing contraceptives to adolescents. SBHCs ability to provide reproductive health services is often limited by school district policies, state laws, and health center policies.MethodsWe used data from the Teens Exploring and Managing Prevention (TEMPO) study to document demographic characteristics and birth control methods among patients at four SBHCs in New Mexico. A total of 264 teens were included in the baseline data collection at SBHCs in New Mexico. A baseline survey was administered via iPad, that specifically focused on questions related to sexual experiences and sexual health topics. Baseline questions included demographic questions, gender identity, sexual orientation, reasons for visits, reproductive practices, and birth control methods. Descriptive statistics were calculated, including means and standard deviations for continuous variables and categorical frequencies.ResultsOur findings present reproductive health behaviors among New Mexican patients attending schools with SBHCs. More than 74% of respondents were Hispanic or Latino. The most common reason teens went to the SBHC was for birth control, and just 62% of teens reported using birth control methods in the past.DiscussionThese behaviors are essential for policymakers to consider as they address policy gaps, the complex landscape of parental permission, reproductive rights, and health as a human right


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    El esquema de Solvencia II está fundamentado en tres pilares de acción. El primer pilar se enfoca a los requerimientos cuantitativos, y toca aspectos relacionados a la medición 7 de activos, pasivos y capital de la compañía; mientras que el segundo pilar, está enfocado a los requerimientos cualitativos y procesos de supervisión; un punto importante es el gobierno corporativo, pues es en éste, en el cual se plantea la administración de riesgos y la cultura de negocio de la compañía. Finalmente, el tercer pilar, enfocado a la disciplina de mercado, aborda temas referentes a la transparencia de la información, tanto para las empresas como para los consumidores. Pese a que todos y cada uno de los pilares del nuevo esquema de solvencia son de suma importancia para el buen funcionamiento de la compañía, el presente trabajo está orientado al estudio del Pilar I, específicamente a la constitución de reservas y al cálculo del mejor estimador, también conocido como BEL por sus siglas en inglés (Best Estimate Liabilities). La implementación de Solvencia II en el sector asegurador mexicano, y las consecuencias de dicho régimen, aún es muy controversial, por tal motivo, surge el interés en realizar esta investigación. Debido a que este nuevo esquema de solvencia, plantea el cambio de un marco regulador de carácter estático a un marco que implementa métodos dinámicos, la pregunta central del presente trabajo es la siguiente ¿el uso de métodos estocásticos, es mejor para la proyección de reservas que un método determinístico? Dando respuesta a esta pregunta de investigación se formuló la hipótesis siguiente. La hipótesis de la presente investigación es, que los métodos estocásticos son mejores para la proyección de reservas que un método determinístico, es decir, el cálculo del BEL de Siniestros bajo Solvencia II, es más preciso que el método determinístico de Solvencia I