259 research outputs found
Consolidacion de las normas que regulan la calificacion del asilo diplomatico en la Convencion Americana de Caracas de 1954
La maestrante entrega dos ejemplares empastadas de su tesis y tres CD conteniendo la misma en WORD y en formato PDFEste trabajo en síntesis refleja un estudio del Asilo Diplomático en la Convención Americana de 1954 y la necesidad de la consolidación de las normas que regulan su calificación. Puesto que al Asilo diplomático se le ha dado un tratamiento potestativo por parte del Estado que otorga el asilo, con relación a la calificación unilateral del delito y de la urgencia del caso, sin que sea consideren preeminentes los derechos humanos del asilado. De ahí que se hace necesaria la propuesta de una enmienda al instrumento que en la actualidad constituye el sistema de normas para la calificación del asilo diplomático, esto es, la Convención de Asilo Diplomático de 1954. De esta forma, concurridos por nociones empíricas, recolección de datos, fuentes bibliográficas, entrevistas, su procesamiento, entendimiento, inducción y deducción; a fin de lograr el objetivo general de este estudio, que es la consolidación de las normas del sistema de calificación de asilo diplomático; mediante la definición del camino para solventar los principios del asilo diplomático en la Convención de Asilo de 1954, de acuerdo a la tutela efectiva de los derechos humanos del asilado y su derecho a la no extradición por delitos de orden político, por lo que finalmente propondremos una enmienda a la Convención Americana de Asilo Diplomático de 1954.This work reflects a synthesis study of Diplomatic Asylum in the American Convention of 1954 and the need for consolidation of the rules governing qualification. Since diplomatic asylum has been given a facultative treatment by the State granting asylum, in relation to the unilateral qualification of the crime and the urgency of the case, without being considered pre-eminent human rights of asylum. Hence the proposal for an amendment to the instrument that today is the system of rules for the qualification of diplomatic asylum is necessary, that is, the Convention on Diplomatic Asylum of 1954. Thus, frequented by empirical notions, collection data, literature sources, surveys, processing, understanding, induction and deduction; in order to achieve the overall objective of this study, that is the consolidation of the rules of the rating system of diplomatic asylum; by defining the way to resolve the principles of diplomatic asylum in the Convention on Asylum of 1954, according to the effective protection of human rights of asylum and the right to non-extradition for crimes of a political nature, so eventually propose an amendment to the American Convention on Diplomatic Asylum of 1954.Universidad de Guayaquil. Instituto Superior de Postgrado en Ciencias Internacionales "Dr Antonio Parra Velasco
Crystallization of PNIPAM-hydrogel nanospheres inferred by static light scattering
In this paper we present a kinetic study on crystallization of a colloidal dispersion formed by thermosensitive Poly-N- Isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) nanospheres. The liquid-crystal transition is induced by decreasing the temperature of the dispersion and the crystallization process is monitored by measuring the evolution of the static structure factor of the dispersion by means of light scattering techniques. The measured static structure factor confirms the formation of a mesoscopic crystal array at the final equilibrium state, which is preceded by two stages: nucleation and crystal growth
Direct characterization of functional materials by haptenized fluorescent dendrimers for in vitro allergic drug diagnose
β-lactams are the most widely drug prescribed against infections, but they are the most commonly
reported medication allergy too. A correct diagnosis of these allergic reactions is crucial to avoid
rejecting them by other more expensive broad-spectrum antibiotics, with potential risk factors for the
development of multiple drug-resistant bacteria. [1] Skin testing is the most consensual approach to
diagnose β-lactam allergy, but this in vivo test is not risky free and should be performed under strict
hospital surveillance.[2] In vitro testing is not still widely used on account of their low sensitivity. We
report the use of already haptenized fluorescent dendrimers [3] to control the preparation of materials
for in vitro test, and their verification by testing on patient sera samples. This fluorescent dendrimer is
obtained from a dye with two orthogonal functional groups suitable for click chemistry. [4]
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by: MINECO CTQ2016-75870P, Andalusian Regional
Ministry Health (PI-0250-2016); European Regional Development Fund and “Plan Propio Universidad
de Málaga” (UMA-Andalucía-TECH).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
New Approaches in the Manufacture of Biomaterials for Betalactam Allergic Diagnose
Betalactams are the most widely utilized drugs against infections but are the primary cause of allergic reactions to
antibiotic drugs. REF1 An accurate diagnosis of these allergic reactions to betalactams is crucial to avoid the use of
unnecessary alternative antibiotics that may reduce efficacy, lead to prolonged treatments, have a higher toxicity or induce
bacterial resistance. The most consensual approach to diagnose betalactam allergy are in vivo tests. However, they are not
risky free, require experienced personnel and are both time-consuming and expensive for health-care systems, being so in
vitro test more appropriate or complementary to the in vivo tests. In vitro tests are not still widely used on account of their
low sensitivity. Current efforts are in progress to improve these assays, thus allowing for better diagnosis of allergic responses
within patients. REF 2
We report progress in the preparation of new functional materials for in vitro allergic diagnosis testing. In particular,
the application of new approaches employing orthogonally functionalised fluorescent dyes based upon 4-amino-1,8
naphthalimide joined with the multivalence of polyamide dendrimers. REF 3 The in vitro diagnosis capabilities of these
functional materials was verified by testing on patient sera samples, with results demonstrating their potential for application
within the healthcare industry.
Acknowledgments: The present study has been supported by MINECO CTQ2016-75870P; by Andalusian Regional
Ministry Health (grants: PI-0250-2016); by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and “Plan Propio
Universidad de Málaga” (UMA-Andalucía-TECH).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Caracterización óptica de sistemas coloidales
En el capítulo se ha descrito brevemente la técnica de dispersión de luz utilizada comúnmente para caracterizar las propiedades estáticas y dinámicas de sistemas coloidales. En particular, se ha mostrado su utilidad para caracterizar el proceso de cristalización de una dispersión de microgeles de PNIPAM a partir de la evolución temporal del factor de estructura del sistema.Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados-UAEMex
Does the food ingredient pectin provide a risk for patients allergic to non-specific lipid-transfer proteins?
Pectin, a dietary fiber, is a polysaccharide that is widely used in food industry as a gelling agent. In addition, prebiotic and beneficial immunomodulatory effects of pectin have been demonstrated, leading to increased importance as food supplement. However, as cases of anaphylactic reactions after consumption of pectin-supplemented foods have been reported, the present study aims to evaluate the allergy risk of pectin. This is of particular importance since most of the pectin used in the food industry is extracted from citrus or apple pomace. Both contain several allergens such as non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs), known to induce severe allergic reactions, which could impair the use of pectins in nsLTP allergic patients. Therefore, the present study for the first time was performed to analyze residual nsLTP content in two commercial pectins using different detection methods. Results showed the analytical sensitivity was diminished by the pectin structure. Finally, spiking of pectin with allergenic peach nsLTP Pru p 3 led to the conclusion that the potential residual allergen content in both pectins is below the threshold to induce anaphylactic reactions in nsLTP-allergic patients. This data suggests that consumption of the investigated commercial pectin products provides no risk for inducing severe reactions in nsLTP-allergic patients
Synthetic antigenic determinants of clavulanic acid induce dendritic cell maturation and specific T cell proliferation in patients with immediate hypersensitivity reactions
Immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHRs) to clavulanic acid (CLV) have increased in the last decades due to a higher consumption alongside amoxicillin (AX). Due to its chemical instability, diagnostic procedures to evaluate IDHRs to CLV are difficult, and current in vitro assays do not have an optimal sensitivity. The inclusion of the specific metabolites after CLV degradation, which are efficiently recognised by the immune system, could help to improve sensitivity of in vitro tests.
Recognition by dendritic cells (DCs) of CLV and the synthetic analogues of two of its hypothesised antigenic determinants (ADs) was evaluated by flow cytometry in 27 allergic patients (AP) and healthy controls (HC). Their ability to trigger the proliferation of T cells was also analysed by flow cytometry.
The inclusion of synthetic analogues of CLV ADs, significantly increased the expression of maturation markers on DCs from AP compared to HC. A different recognition pattern could be observed with each AD, and, therefore, the inclusion of both ADs achieves an improved sensitivity. The addition of synthetic ADs analogues increased the proliferative response of CD4+Th2 compared to the addition of native CLV. The combination of results from both ADs increased the sensitivity of proliferative assays from 19% to 65% with a specificity higher than 90%.
Synthetic ADs from CLV are efficiently recognised by DCs with ability to activate CD4+Th2 cells from AP. The combination of analogues from both ADs, significantly increased the sensitivity of DC maturation and T-cell proliferation compared to native CLV.This work has been supported by Institute of Health ‘Carlos III’ (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (grants co-funded by European Regional Development Fund: PI15/01206, PI17/01237, PI18/00095, PI20/01734, RETICS ARADYAL RD16/0006/0001); Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (grants PI-0241-2016, PE-0172-2018, PI-0127-2020); Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyectos de I+D+I «Programación Conjunta Internacional», EuroNanoMed 2019 (PCI2019-111825-2), Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación (PID2019-104293GB-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of MINECO (RD16/0006/0012), Junta de Andalucía ( PY20_00384 ). AA and NPS hold Senior Postdoctoral Contracts (RH-0099-2020 and RH-0085-2020) from Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (cofunded by European Social Fund (ESF): ‘Andalucía se mueve con Europa’). JLP holds a Sara Borrell fellowship (CD19/00250) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF, “El FSE invierte en futuro”). GB holds a ‘Juan Rodes’ contract (JR18/00054) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). MIM holds a ‘Miguel Servet II’ grant (CPII20/00028) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). ML holds a ‘Rio Hortega’ contract (CM20/00210) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). CM holds a ‘Nicolas Monardes’ research contract by Andalusian Regional Ministry Health (RC-0004-2021). NMR experiments for characterizing molecule structures have been performed in the ICTS ‘NANBIOSIS’, by the U28 Unit at the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag
MEP-2®: Programa de computador para manejo de praderas con bovinos en el trópico colombiano I. Desarrollo informático
A software called Manejo Experto de Praderas (MEP 2.O™) was designed for simulating pasture use by cattle for predicting optimum pasture grazing and rest periods based on biomass yield, nutritive value and feed intake, according to a dry matter intake (DMI) simulation model. The programme was previously written on a spreadsheet and then transferred to Visual Basic 6™. The basic information relating to farm, animals grazing system and grass species was stored in Access™ format. The programme structure was built into six sequentially opening windows. Two were for calculating forage yield according to grass growth type (lying or erect). Two windows were for farm and paddock data and the last two windows were for results; one was for numerical results and one for interpreting numerical results with recommendations for improving grazing management on cattle farms. The project was aimed at helping farmers by providing them with a tool for better decision making in pasture management, contributing towards pasture sustainability and greater animal efficiency. Se diseñó y desarrolló una herramienta informática (Manejo Experto de praderas: MEP-2) para simular el comportamiento de las gramíneas tropicales frente al pastoreo con bovinos y para establecer los períodos de uso y recuperación de las praderas, en función de la producción de biomasa comestible, su calidad y consumo por parte de los animales. Así mismo, MEP-2® incorpora variables de calidad del forrraje y de distensión del rumen, de acuerdo con un modelo de simulación de consumo de materia seca (MS) simple y de fácil implementación. EI sistema fue estructurado previamente en hoja de cálculo y posteriormente trasladado a Visual Basic 6™; la información de identificación de la finca, tipo de ganado, especies de pastos y sistema de pastoreo se almacenó en formato Access™. El programa consta de seis ventanas que se abren secuencialmente una vez se diligencia la información solicitada: dos ventanas corresponden a la evaluación de la disponibilidad de forraje según el tipo de gramínea: erecta o postrada. Otras dos ventanas registran información de la finca y las praderas con sus características individuales. De las dos ventanas finales, una corresponde a los resultados de la simulación y la otra a su interpretación, además de algunas recomendaciones generales. El propósito de la herramienta es proporcionar a ganaderos y asistentes técnicos un sistema objetivo para la toma de decisiones en el manejo de las praderas contribuyendo de esta manera a su sostenibilidad y a una mayor eficiencia de los animales.
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