332 research outputs found

    Asimetrías informativas entre los bancos comerciales y las empresas PyMEs en La Plata y localidades vecinas

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    El objetivo del presente documento es mostrar el análisis llevado a cabo en relación al grado de acceso al crédito por parte de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en el partido de La Plata y otras localidades vecinas. A tal efecto, el estudio revisó diversos preconceptos de amplia difusión entre los encargados de política e incluso entre personas con un importante conocimiento en el tema. En particular, este trabajo puso énfasis en el real alcance de la demanda de préstamos bancarios (tanto laborales como de inversión), los requisitos necesarios para acceder a un crédito, así como también el conocimiento y transparencia de los programas públicos que fomenta el estado provincial para el desarrollo PyME de la región. A partir de este análisis, fundamentado particularmente en argumentos teóricos y trabajos de campo realizado por medio de encuestas enviadas a las empresas y también con ayuda de modelos econométricos, se estableció cual es la situación que atraviesa la Ciudad de La Plata y demás ciudades vecinas con respecto al tema referido en primer término.The aim of this thesis is to show the analysis carried out with respect to the degree of access to credit by small and medium enterprises in the La Plata city and surroundings areas. To this end, the study reviews various preconceptions of widely spread among policy makers and even among people with significant experience in this area. In particular, this work emphasizes the extent of real demand for bank loans (both labor and investment), the requirements for accessing credit, as well as the knowledge and transparency of public programs which are encouraged by provincial government for the SME´s development in the region. From this analysis, which is based on theoretical arguments, field work conducted from surveys sent to businesses and also econometric models, it was established the situation in which the SME´s are at moment in La Plata and surroundings cities on the issue referred to in the first place.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Una pedagogía de la confianza el relato de un encuentro con lo literario

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    Lo que en estas páginas se cuenta, es el relato de una experiencia. La historia de cómo sus autores se plantearon ciertas preguntas respecto a los Estudios Literarios como disciplina, y de qué manera fueron resolviéndolas hasta llegar a formular las bases de una pedagogía. Da cuenta de todas aquellas personas con las que se encontraron en el trayecto, en agradecimiento por los aprendizajes compartidos, y los matices que le otorgaron a un objetivo multiforme y polifacético, relacionado con la literatura y sus posibilidades en un escenario de educación con adultos. Aquí se cocina el relato de una Pedagogía de la confianza y de su componente más importante: las prácticas literarias, una nueva perspectiva para pensar la ciencia literaria y su historia. Distintos conocimientos y perspectivas se mezclan aquí, dando origen al banquete teórico que sostiene este proyecto. Y finalmente, un sustancioso cierre con algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones, para aquellos maestros que deseen nutrirlas y continuar por este camino pedagógico.What is told in these pages, is the tale of an experience. The story of how its authors questioned themselves regarding Literature Studies as a discipline, and in which ways they resolved these inquiries along the road of formulating the foundation of a pedagogy. It accounts for all those people with whom they met on the way, in gratitude for shared learning, and the nuances they gave to a multiform and multifaceted objective, related to literature and its possibilities in a scenario of adult education. Here, the culinary story of a Pedagogy of trust is being cooked, as well as the one of its main component: the literary practices, a new perspective in order to think literary science and its history. Different knowledge and perspectives are mixed here, giving birth to the theoretical banquet holding this project. And finally, a substantial closure with some conclusions and recommendations, for those teachers who wish to nurture them and continue along this educational path.Profesional en Estudios LiterariosPregrad

    Diseño de una instalación acuática

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    [EN] This end-of-grade work consists of the conceptual and detailed development of an aquatic park aimed at a young audience to be enjoyed with the family. A comprehensive study has been carried out on the typologies of water and dry play facilities for the inclusion of novelties and innovations in this area.[ES] Este trabajo de fin de grado consiste en el desarrollo conceptual y de detalle de una instalación de juego acuática enfocada a un público joven para ser disfrutado en familia. Se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de las tipologías de instalaciones de juegos en agua, pero también en seco, para la inclusión de novedades e innovaciones en este ámbito.Heredia Ramírez, RM. (2017). Diseño de una instalación acuática. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88119TFG

    Protection of the environmental tourist heritage in Chile. current system and deficiencies to overcome

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    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo dar cuenta de los principales instrumentos contenidos en la legislación chilena para proteger el patrimonio turístico, revisando las sanciones que se imponen ante la infracción de las obligaciones que pesan sobre los turistas. Junto con ello y a raíz de casos emblemáticos que han afectado al país, se pretende determinar la forma en que la legislación debe adaptarse para afrontar los desafíos que una actividad en crecimiento plantea a nuestro entorno.This work aims to give an account of the main instruments present in the Chilean legislation which protect the touristic heritage, by reviewing the sanctions imposed in tourists due to the possible infringement of their obligations. Along with this, and as a result of some emblematic cases that have affected the country, it is intended to determine the way in which the legislation should adapt to face up the challenges raised by a growing activity to our environment

    Evaluación del modelo walis para la estimación del balance hídrico en olivos cv. Arbequina

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    41 p.Walis es un modelo simple diseñado para evaluar el balance hídrico en sistemas de cultivo multiespecies en condiciones mediterráneas sin riego. Hasta ahora este modelo sólo ha sido evaluado en las condiciones vitivinícolas de Francia y no en las condiciones agrícolas chilenas, las cuales se caracterizan por presentar un manejo que incluye el riego como una de las labores fundamentales de manejo. Es por ello que el objetivo de esta investigación consiste en evaluar el modelo Walis para estimar el balance hídrico en el cultivo del olivo cv. Arbequina bajo condiciones de riego. El ensayo fue realizado en el Valle de Pencahue, en la Región del Maule, Chile (35 º 23 'LS, 71 º 44' LW, 96 m.s.n.m.) durante las temporadas de crecimiento 2009-2010 y 2010-2011. En este olivar se seleccionó una parcela experimental con una superficie de 4,25 hectáreas del cv. Arbequina bajo riego por goteo. Los olivos fueron plantados en 2005 en hileras con orientación E-O, con una densidad de plantación de 1333 árboles ha-1 (5,0 m entre hileras y 1,5 m entre los olivos). En base a los resultados obtenidos, fue posible concluir que el modelo Walis fue capaz de estimar de manera adecuada la evapotranspiración en un olivar para las dos temporadas de estudio (r2 ≥ 0,7 y un Índice de acuerdo ≥ 0,89). La calidad de las predicciones del modelo Walis para el agua disponible en el suelo (ASW) fue menos precisa que lo observado para la ET, como se observa en los valores de r2 e Índice de acuerdo, los cuales fueron de 0,49 y 0,85 respectivamente. La falta de ajuste del modelo en estimar la ASW podría explicarse en parte por un mal cálculo del compartimento de suelo que fue utilizado para el cultivo del olivo, el cual claramente es diferente al observado en un viñedo.Palabras claves: Balance hídrico, evapotranspiración, cultivo del olivo, Wallis, riego presurizado./ABSTRACT: Walis is a simple model designed to evaluate the water balance in multispecies cropping systems in non-irrigated Mediterranean conditions. Until now, this model has been evaluated only in the viniculture conditions of France and not in the Chilean agricultural conditions, which are characterized by a management that includes irrigation as one of the fundamental task of management. The aim of this research was to evaluate the Walis model for estimate the water balance in an olive orchard cv. Arbequina under irrigated conditions. The trial was conducted in the Pencahue valley, Maule Region, Chile (35 º 23 'LS, 71 º 44' LW, 96 m.a.s.l.), during 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 growing seasons. In this olive orchard was selected an experimental plot with an area of 4.25 hectares of cv. Arbequina under drip irrigation. The olive trees were planted in 2005 in rows oriented E-W, with a planting density of 1333 plants ha-1 (5.0 m between rows and 1.5 m between olive trees). Based on the results, it was possible to conclude that the Walis model was able to adequately estimate evapotranspiration in an olive orchard for both seasons (r2 ≥ 0.7 and an agreement index ≥ 0.89). The prediction quality of the Walis model for available soil water content (ASW) was less precise that observed for ET, as shown in r2 values and agreement index, which did not exceed 0.49 and 0.85, respectively. The lack of fit for the ASW could be explained in part by a mismatch of the soil compartment that was used for olive orchard, which is clearly different from that observed in a vineyard. Keywords: Water balance, evapotranspiration, olive orchard, Walis, pressurized irrigatio

    Class 1 Integrons in Environments with Different Degrees of Urbanization

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    BACKGROUND: Class 1 integrons are one of the most successful elements in the acquisition, expression and spread of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) among clinical isolates. Little is known about the gene flow of the components of the genetic platforms of class 1 integrons within and between bacterial communities. Thus it is important to better understand the interactions among "environmental" intI1, its genetic platforms and its distribution with human activities. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: An evaluation of two types of genetic determinants, ARG (sul1 and qacE1/qacEΔ1 genes) and lateral genetic elements (LGE) (intI1, ISCR1 and tniC genes) in a model of a culture-based method without antibiotic selection was conducted in a gradient of anthropogenic disturbances in a Patagonian island recognized as being one of the last regions containing wild areas. The intI1, ISCR1 genes and intI1 pseudogenes that were found widespread throughout natural communities were not associated with urbanization (p>0.05). Each ARG that is embedded in the most common genetic platform of clinical class 1 integrons, showed different ecological and molecular behaviours in environmental samples. While the sul1 gene frequency was associated with urbanization, the qacE1/qacEΔ1 gene showed an adaptive role to several habitats. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The high frequency of intI1 pseudogenes suggests that, although intI1 has a deleterious impact within several genomes, it can easily be disseminated among natural bacterial communities. The widespread occurrence of ISCR1 and intI1 throughout Patagonian sites with different degree of urbanization, and within different taxa, could be one of the causes of the increasing frequency of multidrug-resistant isolates that have characterized Argentina for decades. The flow of ARG and LGE between natural and clinical communities cannot be explained with a single general process but is a direct consequence of the interaction of multiple factors operating at molecular, ecological, phylogenetic and historical levels

    Virtual Screening of Plant Volatile Compounds Reveals a High Affinity of Hylamorpha elegans (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Odorant-Binding Proteins for Sesquiterpenes From Its Native Host

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceHylamorpha elegans (Burmeister) is a native Chilean scarab beetle considered to be a relevant agricultural pest to pasture and cereal and small fruit crops. Because of their cryptic habits, control with conventional methods is difficult; therefore, alternative and environmentally friendly control strategies are highly desirable. The study of proteins that participate in the recognition of odorants, such as odorant-binding proteins (OBPs), offers interesting opportunities to identify new compounds with the potential to modify pest behavior and computational screening of compounds, which is commonly used in drug discovery, may help to accelerate the discovery of new semiochemicals. Here, we report the discovery of four OBPs in H. elegans as well as six new volatiles released by its native host Nothofagus obliqua (Mirbel). Molecular docking performed between OBPs and new and previously reported volatiles from N. obliqua revealed the best binding energy values for sesquiterpenic compounds. Despite remarkable divergence at the amino acid level, three of the four OBPs evaluated exhibited the best interaction energy for the same ligands. Molecular dynamics investigation reinforced the importance of sesquiterpenes, showing that hydrophobic residues of the OBPs interacted most frequently with the tested ligands, and binding free energy calculations demonstrated van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions to be the most important. Altogether, the results suggest that sesquiterpenes are interesting candidates for in vitro and in vivo assays to assess their potential application in pest management strategies.http://jinsectscience.oxfordjournals.org/content/16/1/3