9 research outputs found
Assessment of Moisture Susceptibility for Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Carbon Fibers
Moisture induced damage in asphaltic pavement might be considered as a serious defect that contributed to growth other distresses such as permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. This paper work aimed through an experimental effort to assess the behaviour of asphaltic mixtures that fabricated by incorporating several dosages of carbon fiber in regard to the resistance potential of harmful effect of moisture in pavement. Laboratory tests were performed on specimens containing fiber with different lengths and contents. These tests are: Marshall Test, the indirect tensile test and the index of retained strength. The optimum asphalt contents were determined based on the Marshall method. The preparation of asphaltic mixtures involved three contents of carbon fiber namely (0.10%, 0.20%, and 0.30%) by weight of asphalt mixture and three lengths including (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) cm. The results of this work lead to several conclusions that mainly refer to the benefits of the contribution of carbon fibers to improving the performance of asphalt mixtures, such as an increase in its stability and a decrease in the flow value as well as an increase in voids in the mixture. The addition of 2.0 cm length carbon fibers with 0.30 percent increased indirect tensile strength ratio by 11.23 percent and the index of retained strength by 12.52 percent. It is also found that 0.30 % by weight of the mixture is the optimum fiber content for the three lengths
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar penagruh faktor budaya, faktor sosial, faktor pribadi, dan faktor psikologis terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen telepon selular Samsung berbasis Android di Indonesia, serta faktor manakah yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen telepon selular Samsung berbasis Android di Indonesia. Faktor-faktor yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor budaya, faktor sosial, faktor pribadi, dan faktor psikologis sebagai variabel independen, sedangkan keputusan pembelian sebagai variabel dependen.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang menggunakan telepon selular Samsung berbasis android di Indonesia. Teknik penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik nonprobability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling, sedangkan jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 400 konsumen yang menggunakan telepon selular Samsung berbasis android di Indonesia. Selain itu metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda pada taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%. Program yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Ver19.00.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara parsial dan simultan menunjukan bahwa faktor budaya, faktor sosial, faktor pribadi, dan faktor psikologis berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen telepon selular Samsung berbasis Android di Indonesia. Besarnya pengaruh faktor budaya, faktor sosial, faktor pribadi, dan faktor psikologis dalam memberikan kontribusi pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian adalah sebesar 75,1%. Selain itu hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa faktor psikologis merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen telepon selular Samsung berbasis Android di Indonesia yaitu sebesar 36,6%.
Kata Kunci : Faktor Budaya, Faktor Sosial, Faktor Pribadi, Faktor Psikologis, dan Keputusan Pembelian
The impact of the organization's future vision on enhancing social value (Analytical research at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs)
The current research aims to determine the nature of the future vision relationship and its role in enhancing the social value of the organization on which the research was conducted (Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs), as the future vision represents the compass that directs the organization’s activities towards achieving its goals, including creating and maintaining social value in the community in which the organization is located. The statement of problem revolved around exploring the nature of the relationship between the future vision and the creation of social value, and for this purpose the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs was chosen as a research community with a number of (850) individuals, while the research sample was deliberately chosen from the research community,represented by the general managers and their assistants, department managers and their assistants, division officials and their assistants, with a number (265), and the questionnaire was used as a research tool with a recovery rate of (98.1%). And the research came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of owning the organization The respondents have a clear future vision, with the fact that they must be characterized as expressing the organizational goals in a clear way and what they aspire to, with the ability to be applied in a practical way in addition to the need to be convincing to its members, as well as working to strengthen and diversify the social activities of the organization as it is necessary to achieve its social value
Evaluation Study of Free Spanning Subjected to Hydrodynamic Loads
تحدث ظاهرة الفضاء المعلق الغير مسنود بصورة عامة عند مد خطوط الأنابيب على ارض متموجة التي تحدث نتيجة لعوامل التعرية للتربة المحيطة بالأنبوب المكشوف الغير مدفون. لذلك من الضروري دراسة حركة المائع حول خط الانبوب المتولدة وحساب مقدار الهطول والاجهادات المتولدة لهكذا نوع من خطوط الأنابيب الغائصة تحت الماء. في هذا البحث تم تسليط الجهد لتخمين وتحري الاجهادات خلال جزء الأنبوب المعلق الغير مستند على تربة قاع البحر ودراسة تأثير خصائص هذه التربة عند نقاط الاستناد على سلوك خطوط الأنابيب. تم عمل نموذج لفضاء الأنبوب المعلق باستخدام برنامج (ANSYS) الذي يعتمد على نظرية العناصر المحددة وكذلك تم إدخال تأثير حركة الموجة والتيار لغرض وصف البيئة المحيطة بالأنبوب بدقة اكبر. بينت النتائج المستحصلة من الدراسة ان شدة الاجهادات تتزايد كلما اقتربنا إلى مركز الفضاء الحر.Suspended spans generally occur in subsea pipelines as a result of the irregularity of seabed. Additionally the suspended spans mostly result from the scouring phenomena around the installed non-buried pipeline. So as to discuss the hydrodynamic surrounding the pipeline and determining the significant deflections and associated stresses of the subsea pipeline in unsupported part, therefore, it’s very necessary to study the hydrodynamic surrounding the pipeline in detail. A two main aims have been done in this study, first assess the stresses at free span section and the second one was the effect of soil characteristics in contact area between pipeline and the seabed soil. A combined model of stresses/lateral displacement has been made. An ANSIS model has been built on the offshore pipelines as a consequence of the combined hydrodynamic loads such as wave/current effects. The calculations have been computed by using the finite element method for the free span to describe the surrounding environment in more accuracy. The pipeline stresses intensity increases with closing to free span center. This is attributed to the fact that UY and UZ have more maximum values at these region
Assessing the Impact of Proposed Regulator’s Construction on Water Quality of Shatt Al-Arab River-Iraq
The Shatt Al-Arab River, in southern Iraq, flows southeastwards through Basrah City to the Arabian Gulf. Seven creeks are branched off the river: Jubyla, Muftya, Robat, Khandek, Ashar, Khora, and Saraji, where they are affected by tidal phenomena. The change in the hydrological status of the river over the last decade has adversely affected the quality of the river's water. Urban sewage and industrial wastewater are usually discharged directly or indirectly into the river. The entire river's course is studied, starting at the point where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet in the Qurnah district and extending into the vicinity of the river's estuary. The use of the Shatt Al Arab River in modelling a planned regulator on the river is demonstrated as one of the solutions offered to address the deterioration of river water quality. Results showed a slight increase in organic nitrogen, nitrate, ammonia, organic phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand by (4.76, 3.61, 7.23, 4.44, 2.76, and 12.27%), respectively, and a decrease in dissolved oxygen by 2.6% were because of trapping pollutants fed by rivers branches and cleaning process stopping that was caused by the tides. This increase is expected. It does not cause significant harm compared to the benefit expected from constructing the regulator because of the high decrease in total dissolved solids by 30.58% and phytoplankton by 80.7%. In addition, there are government efforts to prevent this pollution by establishing a system of conveyor pipelines to get rid of these pollutants. It is concluded that there is a great benefit to establishing a regulator
Predictive Analytics: Bursa Malaysia Stocks price prediction
Forecasting the stock market with deep neural networks is a trend nowadays.
However, the results are very different between different models as well as within
the same model with different architecture. Therefore, a careful research should be
done on choosing type of model and selecting the architecture of the model. Also,
hyper-parameters should be properly selected based on type of data and a nature of
the problem. A lot of researches have been done on Bursa Malaysia stock market and
different algorithms have been tests in the past. Therefore, this paper objective is to
use the latest deep learning time series model known as long-short term memory to
forecast the stock prices of the Malaysian largest stock market