73 research outputs found

    Fruit Salad As A New Vehicle For Probiotic Bacteria

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)This work aimed to study the use of fruit salads as carriers for Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001. We evaluated the viability of this probiotic in fruit salads and the phsyico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of this food. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to verify microorganism adhesion on the fruit tissues. The viability of L. rhamnosus in fruit salads was 8.49 log CFU.g(-1) after 120 hours. SEM images showed that fruit tissue provided protection for probiotic. Adhesion sites were observed in higher quantity in banana, apple and guava. The addition of L. rhamnosus did not alter texture of fruits (p > 0.05). Fruit salads containing probiotic had different values of pH and acidity compared to the control (p 0.05). Fruit salads containing L. rhamnosus showed counts of psychotrophic microorganisms of at least 2.0 log CFU.g(-1) lower than control salad after 120 h of refrigerated storage. The fruit salad was well accepted by consumers. Therefore, this product can be used as a carrier for probiotic and an alternative to consuming functional foods.363540548Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Fruit salad as a new vehicle for probiotic bacteria

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    This work aimed to study the use of fruit salads as carriers for Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001. We evaluated the viability of this probiotic in fruit salads and the phsyico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of this food. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to verify microorganism adhesion on the fruit tissues. The viability of L. rhamnosus in fruit salads was 8.49 log CFU.g-1 after 120 hours. SEM images showed that fruit tissue provided protection for probiotic. Adhesion sites were observed in higher quantity in banana, apple and guava. The addition of L. rhamnosus did not alter texture of fruits (p > 0.05). Fruit salads containing probiotic had different values of pH and acidity compared to the control (p 0.05). Fruit salads containing L. rhamnosus showed counts of psychotrophic microorganisms of at least 2.0 log CFU.g-1 lower than control salad after 120 h of refrigerated storage. The fruit salad was well accepted by consumers. Therefore, this product can be used as a carrier for probiotic and an alternative to consuming functional foods363540548CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçãoSem informaçã

    GOODS-Herschel: Separating High Redshift active galactic Nuclei and star forming galaxies Using Infrared Color Diagnostics

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    We have compiled a large sample of 151 high redshift (z=0.5-4) galaxies selected at 24 microns (S24>100 uJy) in the GOODS-N and ECDFS fields for which we have deep Spitzer IRS spectroscopy, allowing us to decompose the mid-infrared spectrum into contributions from star formation and activity in the galactic nuclei. In addition, we have a wealth of photometric data from Spitzer IRAC/MIPS and Herschel PACS/SPIRE. We explore how effective different infrared color combinations are at separating our mid-IR spectroscopically determined active galactic nuclei from our star forming galaxies. We look in depth at existing IRAC color diagnostics, and we explore new color-color diagnostics combining mid-IR, far-IR, and near-IR photometry, since these combinations provide the most detail about the shape of a source's IR spectrum. An added benefit of using a color that combines far-IR and mid-IR photometry is that it is indicative of the power source driving the IR luminosity. For our data set, the optimal color selections are S250/S24 vs. S8.0/S3.6 and S100/S24 vs. S8.0/S3.6; both diagnostics have ~10% contamination rate in the regions occupied primarily by star forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei, respectively. Based on the low contamination rate, these two new IR color-color diagnostics are ideal for estimating both the mid-IR power source of a galaxy when spectroscopy is unavailable and the dominant power source contributing to the IR luminosity. In the absence of far-IR data, we present color diagnostics using the WISE mid-IR bands which can efficiently select out high z (z~2) star forming galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 13 pages, 8 figure

    Evidence for a wide range of UV obscuration in z ~ 2 dusty galaxies from the GOODS-Herschel survey

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    Dusty galaxies at z ~ 2 span a wide range of relative brightness between rest-frame mid-infrared (8um) and ultraviolet wavelengths. We attempt to determine the physical mechanism responsible for this diversity. Dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs), which have rest-frame mid-IR to UV flux density ratios > 1000, might be abnormally bright in the mid-IR, perhaps due to prominent AGN and/or PAH emission, or abnormally faint in the UV. We use far-infrared data from the GOODS-Herschel survey to show that most DOGs with 10^12 L_Sun < L_IR < 10^13 L_Sun are not abnormally bright in the mid-IR when compared to other dusty galaxies with similar IR (8--1000um) luminosities. We observe a relation between the median IR to UV luminosity ratios and the median UV continuum power-law indices for these galaxies, and we find that only 24% have specific star formation rates which indicate the dominance of compact star-forming regions. This circumstantial evidence supports the idea that the UV- and IR-emitting regions in these galaxies are spatially coincident, which implies a connection between the abnormal UV faintness of DOGs and dust obscuration. We conclude that the range in rest-frame mid-IR to UV flux density ratios spanned by dusty galaxies at z ~ 2 is due to differing amounts of UV obscuration. Of galaxies with these IR luminosities, DOGs are the most obscured. We attribute differences in UV obscuration to either: 1) differences in the degree of alignment between the spatial distributions of dust and massive stars, or 2) differences in the total dust content.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by Ap

    O turismo de base comunitária no contexto de um empreendimento econômico solidário no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul

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    This article aims to understand, from a qualitative research, how the perspective of community-based tourism can be inserted in the dynamics of a Solidary Economic Enterprise (SEE) located in the city of Corumbá, in the Pantanal of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Brazilian Midwest. As a strategy for data collection, in-depth interviews were conducted with people who are part of the SEE. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. For the analysis and interpretation of the data, Critical Discourse Analysis techniques were used. In addition, the texts resulting from the transcription of the interviews were submitted to the Iramuteq software, which, among a series of possibilities, allows word clouds to be generated with the most recurring terms in people's speeches. In summary, the results of the article indicate that, in the scope of the SEE studied, community-based tourism, although not yet a reality in the SEE, reveals itself as an activity with significant potential to generate occupation and income for people historically subalternized in the territory, in a scenario coherent with the principles of solidarity, cooperation and fraternity, which characterize community tourism and the solidarity economy movement itself. Finally, it should be noted that the results of the article point to the demand that the government and other businesses in the tourism production chains be protagonists in the development of strategies and policies that insert the SEE in the tourist itineraries of the territory.Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender, a partir de una investigación cualitativa, cómo la perspectiva del turismo comunitario puede insertarse en el desempeño de una Empresa Económica Solidaria (EES) ubicada en la ciudad de Corumbá, en el Pantanal del Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, en el medio oeste de Brasil. Como subterfugio para obtener datos para el estudio, se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad con las personas que forman parte del EES. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y transcritas. Para el análisis e interpretación de los datos, se utilizaron técnicas de Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Además, los textos resultantes de la transcripción de las entrevistas se colocaron en el software Iramuteq, que, entre una serie de posibilidades, permite generar nubes de palabras con los términos más recurrentes en los discursos. En resumen, los resultados del artículo indican que, dentro del alcance del EES estudiado, el turismo comunitario, aunque todavía no es una realidad en el EES, se revela como una actividad con un potencial significativo para generar ocupación e ingresos para las personas históricamente excluidas en el territorio, en una dinámica coherente con los principios de solidaridad, cooperación y fraternidad, que caracterizan el turismo comunitario y el movimiento de economía solidaria. Finalmente, cabe señalar que los resultados del artículo apuntan a la demanda de que las autoridades públicas y otras empresas de las cadenas de producción turística sean protagonistas en el desarrollo de estrategias y políticas que inserten los EES en las rutas turísticas del territorio.O presente artigo tem como objetivo compreender, a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa, o modo como a perspectiva do turismo de base comunitária pode se inserir na dinâmica de atuação de um Empreendimento Econômico Solidário (EES) localizado na cidade de Corumbá, no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Como subterfúgio para a coleta de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com pessoas que integram o EES. As entrevistas foram gravadas e, posteriormente, transcritas. Para a análise e interpretação dos dados, foram empregadas técnicas de Análise Crítica do Discurso. Ademais, os textos decorrentes da transcrição das entrevistas foram submetidos ao software Iramuteq que, dentre várias possibilidades, permite com que sejam geradas nuvens de palavras com os termos mais recorrentes nos discursos das pessoas. Em suma, os resultados do artigo apontam que, no âmbito do EES estudado, o turismo de base comunitária, muito embora ainda não seja uma realidade no EES, revela-se enquanto uma atividade com significativo potencial de geração de ocupação e renda à pessoas historicamente subalternizadas no território, numa dinâmica coerente com os princípios de solidariedade, cooperação e fraternidade, que caracterizam o turismo comunitário e o próprio movimento de economia solidária. Por fim, deve-se ressaltar que os resultados do artigo apontam para a demanda de que o poder público e os demais negócios das cadeias de produção do turismo sejam protagonistas no desenvolvimento de estratégias e políticas que insiram os EES nos roteiros turísticos do território

    Rapid, progressive neuropathic arthropathy of the hip in a patient co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus and tertiary syphilis: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Syphilis is a chronic infection that is classified into three stages. In its tertiary stage, syphilis spreads to the brain, heart and other organs; the lesions may involve the skin, mucous membranes and bones. Neuropathic arthropathy associated with tertiary syphilis has rarely been described in Europe and its association with HIV-HCV co-infection has not been reported so far.This article reports the case of a man with tertiary syphilis presenting with rapidly evolving neuropathic arthropathy of the hip and extensive bone destruction. CASE PRESENTATION: On initial presentation, the patient complained of progressively worsening left-sided coxalgia without localized or generalized inflammation. The patient reported to have no history of previous infections, trauma or cancer. Plain x-ray films of the left coxofemoral joint showed marked degeneration with necrosis of the proximal epiphysis of femur and morphological alterations of the acetabulum without protrusion. Primary coxarthrosis was diagnosed and hip arthroplasty was offered, but the patient declined treatment. Three months later, the patient presented a marked deterioration of his general condition. He disclosed that he was seropositive for HCV and HIV, as confirmed by serology. Syphilis serology testing was also positive. A Girdlestone's procedure was performed and samples were collected for routine cultures for bacteria and acid fast bacilli, all resulting negative.Although histological findings were inconclusive, confirmed positive serology for syphilis associated with progressive arthropathy was strongly suggestive of tertiary syphilis, probably exacerbated by HIV-HCV co-infection. The patient partially recovered the ability to walk. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the resurgence of syphilis, this disease should be considered as a possible cause of neuropathic arthropathy when other infectious causes have been ruled out, particularly in patients with HIV and/or HCV co-infection

    Impact of adding milk whey, probiotic and prebiotic in passion fruit drinks / Impacto da adição de soro, probiótico e prebiótico em bebidas de maracujá

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of adding milk whey, probiotic and prebiotic to passion fruit drinks in order to develop potentially symbiotic foods. Four formulations containing Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) were prepared and evaluated. An increase in acidity and reduction in pH were found during storage at 6.5 ºC. The soluble solids, lactose and protein contents of the drinks increased in proportion with the whey concentration used in the formulations. All formulations presented LGG viability above 107 CFU/mL throughout storage (28 days) and can therefore be classified as potentially probiotic products. The addition of LGG and FOS to the drinks did not compromise acceptance of the products, and informing the consumers of the presence of probiotic, prebiotic and milk whey had a positive impact on the evaluation when compared with the tropical passion fruit juice without such additions. These results highlight the potential use of milk whey as an ingredient in the production of a new product, meeting the consumer demand for functional products, as well as minimizing the problem of whey disposal, principally by small scale dairy plants

    Minimally-invasive treatments for benign thyroid nodules: a Delphi-based consensus statement from the Italian minimally-invasive treatments of the thyroid (MITT) group

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    Benign thyroid nodules are a common clinical occurrence and usually do not require treatment unless symptomatic. During the last years, ultrasound-guided minimally invasive treatments (MIT) gained an increasing role in the management of nodules causing local symptoms. In February 2018, the Italian MIT Thyroid Group was founded to create a permanent cooperation between Italian and international physicians dedicated to clinical research and assistance on MIT for thyroid nodules. The group drafted this list of statements based on literature review and consensus opinion of interdisciplinary experts to facilitate the diffusion and the appropriate use of MIT of thyroid nodules in clinical practice. (#1) Predominantly cystic/cystic symptomatic nodules should first undergo US-guided aspiration; ethanol injection should be performed if relapsing (level of evidence [LoE]: ethanol is superior to simple aspiration = 2); (#2) In symptomatic cystic nodules, thermal ablation is an option when symptoms persist after ethanol ablation (LoE = 4); (#3) Double cytological benignity confirmation is needed before thermal ablation (LoE = 2); (#4) Single cytological sample is adequate in ultrasound low risk (EU-TIRADS 643) and in autonomously functioning nodules (LoE = 2); (#5) Thermal ablation may be proposed as first-line treatment for solid, symptomatic, nonfunctioning, benign nodules (LoE = 2); (#6) Thermal ablation may be used for dominant lesions in nonfunctioning multinodular goiter in patients refusing/not eligible for surgery (LoE = 5); (#7) Clinical and ultrasound follow-up is appropriate after thermal ablation (LoE = 2); (#8) Nodule re-treatment can be considered when symptoms relapse or partially resolve (LoE = 2); (#9) In case of nodule regrowth, a new cytological assessment is suggested before second ablation (LoE = 5); (#10) Thermal ablation is an option for autonomously functioning nodules in patients refusing/not eligible for radioiodine or surgery (LoE = 2); (#11) Small autonomously functioning nodules can be treated with thermal ablation when thyroid tissue sparing is a priority and 6580% nodule volume ablation is expected (LoE = 3)

    Pêssego minimamente processado enriquecido com bactérias probióticas / Minimally processed peach as enriched with probiotic bacteria

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a contagem de Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus e Lactobacillus plantarum em pêssego minimamente processado e verificar as características físico-químicas e microbiológicas dos produtos obtidos. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura também foi realizada para avaliar a aderência dos microrganismos ao tecido da fruta. A adição dos probióticos não alterou (p&gt;0,05) parâmetros físico-químicos sólidos solúveis, acidez e pH do pêssego minimamente processado. As concentrações de vitamina C não diferiram de forma significativa (p&gt;0,05) durante a armazenagem, mas o conteúdo de carotenoides totais reduziu do inicio para o final da vida de prateleira (p&lt;0,05) dos pêssegos, variando de 0,0053 mg/100g a 0,0018 mg/100g.  A coordenada de cor b* diferiu (p&lt;0,05) entre as amostras havendo influência do tempo (p&lt;0,05) até às 120 horas de armazenamento, indicando perda da cor amarela da fruta. A contagem das bactérias probióticas após 120 horas de armazenamento foi acima de 107 UFC/g quantidade ideal para se garantir benefícios ao consumidor. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura revelou excelente aderência dos lactobacilos ao tecido do pêssego indicando boa interação dos probióticos com a fruta, que apresentou qualidade microbiológica satisfatória e pode ser um veículo promissor das bactérias probióticas para a população