9,099 research outputs found

    Nesting behaviour influences species-specific gas exchange across avian eggshells

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    Carefully controlled gas exchange across the eggshell is essential for the development of the avian embryo. Water vapour conductance (GH2O) across the shell, typically measured as mass loss during incubation, has been demonstrated to optimally ensure the healthy development of the embryo while avoiding desiccation. Accordingly, eggs exposed to sub-optimal gas exchange have reduced hatching success. We tested the association between eggshell GH2O and putative life-history correlates of adult birds, ecological nest parameters and physical characteristics of the egg itself to investigate how variation in GH2O has evolved to maintain optimal water loss across a diverse set of nest environments. We measured gas exchange through eggshell fragments in 151 British breeding bird species and fitted phylogenetically controlled, general linear models to test the relationship between GH2O and potential predictor parameters of each species. Of our 17 life-history traits, only two were retained in the final model: wet-incubating parent and nest type. Eggs of species where the parent habitually returned to the nest with wet plumage had significantly higher GH2O than those of parents that returned to the nest with dry plumage. Eggs of species nesting in ground burrows, cliffs and arboreal cups had significantly higher GH2O than those of species nesting on the ground in open nests or cups, in tree cavities and in shallow arboreal nests. Phylogenetic signal (measured as Pagel's λ) was intermediate in magnitude, suggesting that differences observed in the GH2O are dependent upon a combination of shared ancestry and species-specific life history and ecological traits. Although these data are correlational by nature, they are consistent with the hypothesis that parents constrained to return to the nest with wet plumage will increase the humidity of the nest environment, and the eggs of these species have evolved a higher GH2O to overcome this constraint and still achieve optimal water loss during incubation. We also suggest that eggs laid in cup nests and burrows may require a higher GH2O to overcome the increased humidity as a result from the confined nest microclimate lacking air movements through the nest. Taken together, these comparative data imply that species-specific levels of gas exchange across avian eggshells are variable and evolve in response to ecological and physical variation resulting from parental and nesting behaviours

    Quantification of finite-temperature effects on adsorption geometries of π\pi-conjugated molecules

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    The adsorption structure of the molecular switch azobenzene on Ag(111) is investigated by a combination of normal incidence x-ray standing waves and dispersion-corrected density functional theory. The inclusion of non-local collective substrate response (screening) in the dispersion correction improves the description of dense monolayers of azobenzene, which exhibit a substantial torsion of the molecule. Nevertheless, for a quantitative agreement with experiment explicit consideration of the effect of vibrational mode anharmonicity on the adsorption geometry is crucial.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Overview of the Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) Standard

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    The Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) specification is a recent standard approved by the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG04 (MPEG) Video Coding. The main goal of LCEVC is to provide a standalone toolset for the enhancement of any other existing codec. It works on top of other coding schemes, resulting in a multi-layer video coding technology, but unlike existing scalable video codecs, adds enhancement layers completely independent from the base video. The LCEVC technology takes as input the decoded video at lower resolution and adds up to two enhancement sub-layers of residuals encoded with specialized low-complexity coding tools, such as simple temporal prediction, frequency transform, quantization, and entropy encoding. This paper provides an overview of the main features of the LCEVC standard: high compression efficiency, low complexity, minimized requirements of memory and processing power

    Observations of celestial X-ray sources above 20 keV with the high-energy scintillation spectrometer on board OSO 8

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    High-energy X-ray spectra of the Crab Nebula, Cyg- XR-1, and Cen A were determined from observations with the scintillation spectrometer on board the OSO-8 satellite, launched in June, 1975. Each of these sources was observed over two periods of 8 days or more, enabling a search for day-to-day and year to year variations in the spectral and temporal characteristics of the X-ray emission. No variation in the light curve of the Crab pulsar was found from observations which span a 15-day period in March 1976, with demonstrable phase stability. Transitions associated with the binary phase of Cyg XR-1 and a large change in the emission from Con A are reported

    Facilitating self-adaptable inter-cloud management

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    Cloud Computing infrastructures have been developed as individual islands, and mostly proprietary solutions so far. However, as more and more infrastructure providers apply the technology, users face the inevitable question of using multiple infrastructures in parallel. Federated cloud management systems offer a simplified use of these infrastructures by hiding their proprietary solutions. As the infrastructure becomes more complex underneath these systems, the situations (like system failures, handling of load peaks and slopes) that users cannot easily handle, occur more and more frequently. Therefore, federations need to manage these situations autonomously without user interactions. This paper introduces a methodology to autonomously operate cloud federations by controlling their behavior with the help of knowledge management systems. Such systems do not only suggest reactive actions to comply with established Service Level Agreements (SLA) between provider and consumer, but they also find a balance between the fulfillment of established SLAs and resource consumption. The paper adopts rule-based techniques as its knowledge management solution and provides an extensible rule set for federated clouds built on top of multiple infrastructures. © 2012 IEEE

    Locking of accessible information and implications for the security of quantum cryptography

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    The unconditional security of a quantum key distribution protocol is often defined in terms of the accessible information, that is, the maximum mutual information between the distributed key S and the outcome of an optimal measurement on the adversary's (quantum) system. We show that, even if this quantity is small, certain parts of the key S might still be completely insecure when S is used in applications, such as for one-time pad encryption. This flaw is due to a locking property of the accessible information: one additional (physical) bit of information might increase the accessible information by more than one bit.Comment: 5 pages; minor change

    LAYSI: A layered approach for SLA-violation propagation in self-manageable cloud infrastructures

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    Cloud computing represents a promising comput ing paradigm where computing resources have to be allocated to software for their execution. Self-manageable Cloud in frastructures are required to achieve that level of flexibility on one hand, and to comply to users' requirements speci fied by means of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) on the other. Such infrastructures should automatically respond to changing component, workload, and environmental conditions minimizing user interactions with the system and preventing violations of agreed SLAs. However, identification of sources responsible for the possible SLA violation and the decision about the reactive actions necessary to prevent SLA violation is far from trivial. First, in this paper we present a novel approach for mapping low-level resource metrics to SLA parameters necessary for the identification of failure sources. Second, we devise a layered Cloud architecture for the bottom-up propagation of failures to the layer, which can react to sensed SLA violation threats. Moreover, we present a communication model for the propagation of SLA violation threats to the appropriate layer of the Cloud infrastructure, which includes negotiators, brokers, and automatic service deployer. © 2010 IEEE

    Regulatory Reform and the National Energy Board

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    Government regulation has been increasing rapidly for the past five decades. At present, boards, commissions, and other variously named administrative agencies pervade nearly every phrase of the nation\u27s economic and social activity. At the federal level, these groups are involved in formulating economic policy; they control the construction and operation of pipelines and other means of transport; they supervise most facets of the telecommunications and broadcasting industries; they regulate, in many ways, the exploration for and manufacturing and marketing of raw materials. At the provincial level, they are concerned with labour relations, education, and the use of property. In addition, an assortment of fire marshalls, engineers, inspectors, and registrars are among those who operate under municipal ordinances to maintain property according to certain guidelines, to regulate how and where structures will be built and maintained and, in many circumstances, to control how, when, and where individuals may operate businesses

    The High Energy X-ray Spectrum of 4U1700-37 Observed from OSO-8

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    The most intense hard X-ray source in the confused region in Scorpius is identified as 4U1700-37. The 3.4-day modulation is seen above 20 keV with the intensity during eclipse being consistent with zero flux. The photon-number spectrum from 20 to 150 keV is well represented by a single power law with a photo-number spectral index of -2.77 + or - 0.35 or by a thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum with kT = 27 96.8-min X-ray modulation previously reported at lower energies. Despite the difficulties in reconciling both the lack of periodic modulation in the emitted X-radiation and the orbital dynamics of the system with theories of the evolution and physical properties of neutron stars, the observed properties of 4U1700-37 are all consistent with the source being a spherically accreting neutron star rather than a black hole