648 research outputs found

    Investigation of the degradation of LSM-YSZ SOFC cathode by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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    Since 1 of April 2018, it is possible to register social entrepreneurship in Latvia as one of the type of business and to take advantage that is only suitable for this type of business. The study analyses how coud social entrepreneurship become one of the opportunities to address social problems, directly in rural areas, where today in Latvia is concentrated the largest population of a socially unprotected groups. This means that, while developing social enterprises and solving social problems in the regions of Latvia, at the same time, also address other issues that are actual today – lack of labour force. For entrepreneurs in rural areas, the lack of labour is the most significant, and there is no problem in Latvian regions with finding a place of residence. The development of social entrepreneurship would also be a contributory factor in the fact that the new generation would not leave the countryside, but try to build up their business using existing infrastructure, including a rural school, kindergarten – it helps to them continue to work as well. In the Latvian countryside most are farmers and crafts companies, whose business is most often expressed seasonality. At the rural areas farmers can support with works during sowing and harvesting, and some works during growing period on organic farms. There is also a growing lack of labour force in the sales companies who support farmers with new technologies, especially in aftersales – service departments. Social entrepreneurship could be one of the solutions, especially since it is very seasonal for repairs, so that it is possible to focus the work on the season by successfully management with the contingent in the countryside. There is a great opportunities to make cooperation with local authorities on this issue, the role of the social business in the development and social Affairs of the rural environment should be clarified. As a result of successful cooperation, social enterprises can become an important contribution to local authorities in addressing the societal challenges of the municipality. The study analyses how important to develop this model of cooperation, as it needs to convince local leaders before work on regional reform begins


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    Already, artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us, from self-driving cars and drones to virtual assistants and software that translate or invest. Impressive progress has been made in AI in recent years, driven by exponential increases in computing power and by the availability of vast amounts of data, from software used to discover new drugs to algorithms used to predict our cultural interests. Digital fabrication technologies, meanwhile, are interacting with the biological world on a daily basis. Engineers, designers, and architects are combining computational design, additive manufacturing, materials engineering, and synthetic biology to pioneer a symbiosis between microorganisms, our bodies, the products we consume, and even the buildings we inhabit. Companies in the technology, media, and telecommunications industry expect AI to have a significant impact on product offerings in the next five years. This research contains the data from a pilot survey from Latvian business executives’ expectations for AI and robotics for the next 5 years. The aim of this research is to find out if AI and robotics will make significant impact on workplaces in Latvia in the next five years


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    In the climacteric period, women present significant risk factors, increasing the predisposition for the occurrence of depressive symptoms and depression, thus, it is necessary to analyze the index of depression during the climacteric period. Thus, this study aimed to analyze, through an integrative review, the factors that influence depression in the climacteric period, aiming to observe the most frequent modifications that interfere in the quality of life of women. The study is an integrative review, with qualitative approaches, based on already published articles, in the databases (Lilacs, Scielo). To better understand the theme, the protocol of basic health care for women of the Ministry of Health Health (MS). The discussion of the results was organized into 5 subtopics: depression, climacteric, perimenopause, menopause and postmenopausal. It is concluded that it is extremely important to analyze the factors that influence depression during the climacteric period.No período do climatério as mulheres apresentam fatores de risco significativos, aumentando a predisposição para ocorrência de sintomas depressivos e depressão, desse modo, faz-se necessário analisar o índice de depressão no período do climatério. Sendo assim este estudo objetivou analisar, por meio de revisão integrativa os fatores que influenciam a depressão no período do climatério, visando observar as modificações mais frequentes que interferem na qualidade da vida da mulher. O estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, com abordagens qualitativa, baseado em artigos já publicados, nas bases de dados (Lilacs, Scielo), para maior compreensão do tema ultilizou-se o protocolo da atenção básica da saúde da mulher do Ministério da Saúde (MS). A discussão dos resultados foi organizada em 5 subtemas: depressão, climatério, perimenopausa menopausa e pós menopausa. Conclui-se que é e de extrema importância analisar os fatores que influenciam a depressão no período de climatério

    Analysis of relevant factors to romote social participation in the conservation units of the Brazilian Amazon

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    [Resumo] As áreas naturais protexidas son un dos principais escenarios onde se desenvolven os procesos de Educación Ambiental (EA). En Brasil, estes espazos chámanse “Unidades de Conservación” (UC), contextos nos que se pretende garantir a participación efectiva das poboacións locais na xestión, de acordo coa lexislación brasileira. O obxectivo desta investigación é contribuír á análise e á avaliación das políticas públicas participativas desenvolvidas nas UC brasileiras, especialmente as da rexión amazónica. Trátase dun estudo exploratorio e descritivo e baséase na recollida de información bibliográfica e de xestión sobre políticas públicas no campo das UC e nunha análise cualitativa e cuantitativa dos datos recollidos a través de dúas enquisas diferentes aplicadas a diferentes mostras de expertos. Como resultado das análises levadas a cabo, viron diferentes visións: o grupo de xestores presentou unha visión máis práctica dos factores que favorecen a participación en comparación cos expertos que presentan visións máis idealistas sobre os factores avaliados. Neste sentido, recoméndase aumentar a planificación das políticas públicas, promover a capacitación cualificada e continua dos xestores en procesos participativos, aumentar o número de persoal efectivo das UC, promover procesos participativos para a súa xestión, ampliar coñecementos sobre o gama de actores sociais que interactúan e promoven procesos de diálogo e mediación de conflitos.[Abstract] Protected natural areas are one of the main scenarios where Environmental Education (EE) processes are developed. In Brazil, these spaces are called “Conservation Units” (UCs), contexts in which it is intended to ensure the effective participation of local populations in management, in accordance with Brazilian legislation. The objective of this research is to contribute to the analysis and evaluation of participatory public policies developed in Brazilian CUs, specifically those of the Amazonian region. It is an exploratory and descriptive study and is based on the compilation of bibliographic and managerial information about public policies in the field of UCs and in a qualitative-quantitative analysis of data collected through two different surveys applied to different samples of experts. As a result of the analyzes carried out, different visions have been seen: the group of managers presented a more practical view of the factors that favor participation compared to experts who present more idealistic views about the factors evaluated. In this sense, it is recommended to increase the planning of public policies, promote qualified and continuous training of managers in participatory processes, increase the number of effective personnel of the UCs, promote participatory processes for their management, expand knowledge about the range of social actors that interact and promote processes of dialogue and conflict mediation

    Emerald Ash Borer: Our Community\u27s First Response

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    When natural resource (NR) threats like Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) come to regions it is not uncommon for events to pass through underserved and vulnerable communities unbeknownst. For many communities, the lack of awareness is due to barriers like language access, non-prioritization of information sharing, or other life priorities. Before long, the impacts are realized with little understanding as to why or how, bringing greater disparity. Proactively working first with underserved and vulnerable communities helps dismantle barriers that delay awareness of threats like EAB and will empower people to prepare, respond, and build resiliency for future NR issues. One such community is Centro Cultural who has provided services and safe spaces for Latinos in Washington County for over 50 years. Centro also has several ash trees that provide great community value and losing these trees will have severe impacts on all who need Centro. To avoid severe impacts, Centro teamed up with Backyard Habitat Certification Program, Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, and Oregon Department of Forestry to develop a 6-month paid work-learn experience for Centro’s Climate Youth Justice program. A series of workshops were developed to introduce EAB, inventory methods, and management strategies to students so they may have the tools to develop a management plan unique to the community’s view and needs. You will hear from the partners and students in hopes that their effort may serve as a framework for other NR professionals and underserved communities to come together and proactively address EAB and future threats

    a experiência no estágio supervisionado.

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    This paper presents the changes in the geography teaching field, demonstrating the numerous methodologies and teaching resources. It aims to show the importance of methodologies in the teaching-learning process and the life experiences from the discipline Supervised Training in High School Campus Araguaína, where the stage was in the State College Rui Barbosa. We used as methodology the literature and interviews with students in the average level of their college education in order to obtain their considerations regarding the methodologies used by teachers in the teaching of geography. This research made it possible to deepen the knowledge about the different ways of teaching and the results obtained through the interviews to know the voice of the learners with regard to the use and influence on learning. In conclusion we note that all methodologies used are well accepted by the students and the teacher should ponder them and innovates them to facilitate learning.Este trabalho apresenta as modificações no campo de ensino da Geografia, demonstrando as inúmeras metodologias e os recursos didáticos. Tem como objetivo mostrar a importância das metodologias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e as experiências vivenciadas a partir da disciplina de Estágio Supervisionado no Ensino Médio, Campus Araguaína, onde o estágio ocorreu no Colégio Estadual Rui Barbosa. Utilizamos como metodologia o levantamento bibliográfico e entrevistas com educandos do nível médio de ensino do respectivo Colégio a fim de obtermos suas considerações com relação às metodologias aplicadas pelos professores no ensino da geografia. Esta pesquisa possibilitou aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre as diferentes formas de ensinar e com os resultados obtidos por meio das entrevistas saber a opinião dos educandos no que diz respeito ao uso e influencias na aprendizagem. Como conclusão notamosque todas as metodologias utilizadas são bem aceitas pelos alunos e cabe ao professor ponderá-las e inová-las para facilitar a aprendizagem

    O equipamento cultural como cenário de integração no bairro informal .

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetur

    Sorria com alegria

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Analisando a realidade das ações por meio de programas de extensão, com experiência desde 1.992, baseando-se na necessidade de melhorar a saúde bucal e aumentar a participação da população na prevenção, é necessário à criação de novas propostas em nível de informação, orientação, educação, conscientização, estimulação, e prática de noções de prevenção e conhecimento sobre lesões cancerígenas. A saúde bucal é de extrema importância para a manutenção da saúde em geral, contribuindo para o bem estar físico, psíquico e social da população. O programa de Educação Continuada em Saúde Bucal em Escolares através da Universidade Estadual de Londrina e o Curso de Odontologia com equipe de Técnicas em Higiene Dental, desenvolverá atividades preventivas, que visam orientar alunos, professores do ensino fundamental da cidade de Florianópolis/Santa Catarina, a melhorarem hábitos alimentares e métodos de prevenção. A saúde bucal é importante porque reflete diretamente na saúde geral e uma grande parte das doenças e a própria saúde do indivíduo começam pela boca. A higiene bucal é a melhor maneira para prevenir cáries, gengivite, periodontite e outros problemas na boca, como por exemplo, o mau-hálito ou halitose