263 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan aplikasi yang berbasis smartphone pada zaman sekarang menunjukan perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Contoh Android merupakan salah satu sistem operasi yang saat ini tengah berkembang di masyarakat. Seiring berkembangnya produk smartphone para produsen penyedia provider juga menyediakan layanan internet untuk memudahkan setiap penggunanya mendapatkan informasi yang diinginkan dimana saja dan kapan saja, salah satunya untuk mendapatkan informasi toko komputer. Dengan penggunaan sebuah sistem yang berbasis internet maka aplikasi informasi toko komputer dapat menjangkau masyarakat yang luas sehingga sistem aplikasi ini dapat diakses oleh pengguna yang berada dimanapun dengan internet. Aplikasi informasi toko komputer yang dibangun menggunakan aplikasi Android Studio. Aplikasi informasi dapat membantu pelanggan maupun pemilik toko lebih efektif dan efisien dalam melakukan transaksi. Dimana dengan adanya aplikasi ini pelanggan lebih mudah dan akurat dalam mendapatkan informasi toko dan produk. Begitupun dengan pemilik toko dapat dengan mudah mempromosikan produknya. pelanggan maupun pemilik toko lebih efektif dan efisien dalam melakukan transaksi. Dimana dengan adanya aplikasi ini pelanggan lebih mudah dan akurat dalam mendapatkan informasi toko dan produk. Begitupun dengan pemilik toko dapat dengan mudah mempromosikan produknya


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    Along with the development of a city, transportation needs are increasing and become one of the factors of traffic problems at intersections. Malang city is the main land transportation crossing between provinces in Java island and one of the intersections in Malang city is experiencing traffic problems, namely congestion. Congestion occurs during peak hours, precisely at the unsignalized intersection of Jl. Bandulan– Jl. Bandulan Barat – Jl. Tebo Utara. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the unsignalized intersection of Jl. Jl. Bandulan– Jl. Bandulan Barat – Jl. Tebo Utara, as well as knowing the right alternative solutions. Data obtained from primary surveys in the morning, afternoon dan evening, data were analyzed using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual, 1997. The current condition shows that degree of saturation is still stable with the highest degree of saturation at 0.50 and a delay of 9.70 sec/pcu. For the next five years, it is found that the value of the degree of saturation has exceeded the requirements, namely the value of the highest degree of saturation is 0.87. the result of the analysis show that the most appropriate alternative solution for improving the performance of the intersection is to widen the road, the highest degree of saturation is 0.84 and the highest delay is 14.03 sec/pcu


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar lay up shoot siswa di SMPN 1 Susukan. Salah satu faktor penyebab rendahnya hasil belajar lay up shoot dikarenakan tenaga pengajar (guru) dalam menyampaikan materi terlalu monoton dan membosankan. Oleh karena itu perlu diterapkan suatu gaya mengajar yang sesuai dengan karakteristik materi, dan kondisi peserta didik. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya mengajar dan kemampuan motorik terhadap hasil keterampilan lay up shoot pada permainan bolabasket di SMPN 1 Susukan. Metode penelitian pada penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimen , dengan desain penelitian pretes-posttes desain. Sampel yang digunakan adalah siswa putra kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Susukan. Instrument yang digunakan yaitu barrow ability tes dan tes lay up shoot yang mengambil rujukan dari buku Basketball – Steps to success 5 goal Hall Wissel. Berdasarkan pengolahan data yang telah dilakukan peneliti mendapatkan hasil bahwa: 1. Tidak terdapat interaksi antara gaya mengajar dengan kemampuan motorik dengan p-value 0,811 yang artinya data tidak signifikan, 2. Pada kelompok kemampuan motorik tinggi terjadi perubahan yang signifikan antara gaya mengajar divergen dan gaya mengajar resiprokal. Gaya mengajar divergen lebih cocok diterapkan pada siswa yang kemampuan motoriknya tinggi dengan p-value 0,004 yang artinya data signifikan, 3. Pada kelompok kemampuan motorik rendah tidak terjadi perubahan yang signifikan antara gaya mengajar divergen dan gaya mengajar resiprokal dengan data p-value 0,013 yang artinya data tidak signifikan. Pada penelitian ini penulis ingin memberi saran bahwa dalam mengajar perlu dengan yang namanya inovasi, inovasi tersebut dapat melalui penyampaian materi yang lebih bervariatif dengan cara menggunakan gaya mengajar yang sesuai dengan karakteristik, materi, dan keadaan peserta didik. This research was motivated by studying the results of the lay-up shoot students at SMPN1 Susukan. One of the causes of low yields due to shoot lay-up study of Educators(teacher) in presenting the material is too monotonous and boring. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a style of teaching that is in accordance with the characteristics of the material, and the condition of the learner. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of teaching style and motor function to the results of the shoot skill layup basketball game at SMPN1Susukan. The research method in this study is the experimental method, the research pretest-posttest design. The sample used was a male student of class VIII at SMPN1Susukan. The instrument used is the ability barrow layup tests and test shoot that takes references from the book Basketball-Steps to Success. Based on the data processing has been conducted by research hers obtain results that: 1.There is no interaction between he teaching styles of motor skills with the p-value of 0.811, which means the data is not significant, 2.In the group of high motor skills significant changes between divergent teaching styles and style reciprocal teaching. Divergent teaching styles are more appropriate to the motor skills of students with high p-value of 0.004, which means the data is significant,3.At low motor skills group did not change significantly between divergent teaching styles and teaching styles reciprocal with the datap-value0.013, which means data is not significant. In this study the authors would like to advise that in teaching need to be with the name of innovation, the innovation through the delivery of material that can be varied by using a teaching style that is appropriate to the characteristics, materials, and state of the learner


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian identifikasi persebaran reservoir karbonat dilakukan pada Cekungan Jawa Tengah Utara Formasi Baturaja, yang didominasi oleh litologi batugamping. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan nilai persebaran reservoir karbonat pada Formasi Baturaja dengan menggunakan metode atribut seismik amplitudo dan inversi impedansi akustik. Penggunaan metode tersebut mempermudah penulis untuk menganalisis keberadaan zona reservoir karbonat. Data yang digunakan yaitu data sumur, data seismik 2D PSTM, dan geologi. Metode atribut seismik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu amplitudo root mean square (RMS), sedangkan metode inversi impedansi yang digunakan yaitu metode inversi model based. Nilai korelasi pada setiap sumur yang dihasilkan dalam proses pra-inversi sangat tinggi yaitu 0,9. Analisis atribut amplitudo root mean square (RMS) menunjukkan nilai persebaran reservoir karbonat berada di sebelah barat daya dan barat laut dari setiap sumur dengan kontras nilai amplitudo yang tinggi yaitu 3000 sampai 12000. Analisis inversi impedansi akustik model based menunjukkan bahwa persebaran reservoir karbonat pada Formasi Baturaja ditandai dengan nilai impedansi 18456 sampai 33689 (ft/s)*(gr/cc). Potensi hidrokarbon pada reservoir karbonat terdapat pada nilai impedansi yang relatif rendah yaitu 18456 sampai 27596 (ft/s)*(gr/cc).Kata kunci: Cekungan Jawa Tengah Utara, Formasi Baturaja, reservoir karbonat, atribut seismik, inversi impedansi akustik.ABSTRACTIdentification research of the carbonate spread reservoirs was carried out in the North Central Java Basin of the Baturaja Formation, which is dominated by limestone lithology. The purpose of this research was to obtain the distribution value of the carbonate reservoir in the Baturaja Formation by using the amplitude seismic attribute method and acoustic impedance inversion. The use of this method makes it easier for the authors to analyze the presence of a carbonate reservoir zone. The data used are well data, 2D PSTM seismic data, and geology. The seismic attribute method used in this study is the amplitude root mean square (RMS), while the impedance inversion method used is the model based inversion method. The correlation value for each well produced in the pre-inversion process was very high, namely 0.9. The root mean square (RMS) amplitude attribute analysis shows the value of the distribution of carbonate reservoirs in the southwest and northwest of each well with a high contrast amplitude value of 3000 to 12000. Model-based acoustic impedance inversion analysis shows that the distribution of carbonate reservoirs in the Baturaja Formation is marked with an impedance value of 18456 to 33689 (ft/s)*(gr/cc). The hydrocarbon potential in the carbonate reservoir is found at a relatively low impedance value, namely 18456 to 27596 (ft/s)*(gr/cc).Keywords: North Central Java Basin, Baturaja Formation, carbonate reservoir, seismic attributes, acoustic impedance inversio

    PENGARUH KAMPANYE HITAM (BLACK CAMPAIGN) PADA PEMILIH PEMULA (Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Kampanye Hitam (Black Campaign) Pada Kampanye Calon Presiden Dan Calon Wakil Presiden Pemilu 2014 Melalui Media Sosialisasi Dan Diskusi Terhadap Pemahaman Pemilihan Umum Dikalangan Pemilih Pemula Di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo)

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    Early voters have key role on the public elective. Early voters are active and more selective voter because they have strong tendency to know about something and have strong willingness to participate on the public elective. Through experimental method with give socialitation and open discussion, this research want to find if there is differences in message reception on early voters before and after research treatment. Data were collected by using questionnaire and interview. The population of this research were early voters whose age between 17 – 21 years old and the sample of this research were 15 students of class XII SMA N 1 Purworejo. Hypotesis was tested using T – Paired test. The results were showed that there was differences between understanding and message reception. The differences were showed by T – paired test result using computer’s program SPSS 23. T –paired test pre test and post – test experiment group showed mean of black campaign understanding before experiment was 34,6667 and mean of black campaign understanding after experiment was 42,26667 or there is 7,8 increase with correlation between group before and after treatment is strong, r : 0,544 and significant p : 0,036 at level of significant 95% and p < 0,05 and mean of message reception before treatment was 32,2667 and mean of message reception after treatment was 38,8000 or there is 6,5333 increase with correlation between group before and after treatment is r : 0,163 and significant : 0,561 at level of significant 95% and p < 0,05. It can be concluded that there were differences of public elective understanding and message reception by class XII student of SMA N 1 Purworejo after given treatments such as socialication and open discussion


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    This research was investigated the impact of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) as a type of cooperative learning to be acted as an endeavor to improve students scientific creativity and mastery concept in learning global warming. The method that was used in this experiment was combination of descriptive and pre experiment with one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample was taken based on convenient situation (n=19 students) grade 7 in a Private Bilingual School. The quantitative data was gained through mastery concept test and scientific creativity test, while qualitative data was gathered trough rubrics and questionnaire. Based on the analysis of the results, it is shown that students’ scientific creativity improved in all indicators tested and the normalized gain results for mastery concept shown 0.59 which categorized as medium improvement.All of the results are supported with the responseof students towards NHT implementationwhich showed positive response in all indicators. This research indicated that NHT implementation in Global Warmingtopic can improve students’scientific creativity and mastery concept. Penelitian ini mengungkap efek dari Numbered Heads Together (NHT) yang merupakan salah satu tipe dari cooperative learning sebagai sebuah usaha untuk meningkatan kreatifitas ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep siswa dalam topik pemanasan global. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah gabungan antara deskriptif dan pre-experiment dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Sampel diambil menggunakan convenient sampling di sebuah sekolah bilingual kelas 7 dengan (n=19 Siswa). Data kuantitatif didapat dari test penguasaan konsep dan kreativitas ilmiah, sedangkan data kualitatif didapatkan melalui rubric dan Kuisioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kreativitas ilmiah siswa mengalami peningkatan di seluruh indicator, begitu pula dengan penguasaan konsep menunjukkan hasil normalized gain sebesar 0.59 yang dikategorikan seabagai peningkatan yang medium. Seluruh hasil pun didukung dengan respons positif dari siswa selama pengimplementasian NHT. Maka, penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa pengimplementasian NHT pada topic pemansan global dapat meningkatakan kemampuan kreativitas ilmiah dan penguasaan konsep pada siswa


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    Kegiatan Praktikum dapat berjalan dengan baik apabila ditunjang dengan informasi-informasi praktikum yang up to date dan mudah untuk diakses. Informasi yang dimaksud meliputi penjelasan mengenai praktikum, dosen praktikum, lokasi praktikum, dan jadwal praktikum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang dan mengetahui kelayakan dari media infromasi berbasis website yang didalamnya terhimpun berbagai informasi penunjang praktikum. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan model pengembangan perangkat lunak waterfall yang terdiri dari enam tahapan, yaitu analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, implementasi, pengujian, penyebaran dan pemeliharaan. Hasil penilaian kelayakan media informasi website ini didapat dari ujicoba kepada ahli media, ujicoba kelompok kecil dan uji coba lapangan. Hasil penilaian dari ahli media terhadap aspek kebergunaan, keberfungsian, dan komunikasi visual adalah sangat layak untuk digunakan sebagai media penghimpun informasi penunjang prtaktikum. Hasil uji kelompok kecil dan uji coba lapangan terhadap aspek kebergunaan sistem, kualitas informasi, dan kualitas tampilan tatap muka menunjukkan bahwa website ini sangat layak;---Practicum activity is one of many ways to forge the psychomotor aspect. Practicum activities can run well if carried out with the latest practicum information with easy access. The information is practicum explained, practicum lecturer, practicum location, and practicum schedule. The purpose of this study is to design and to find out the feasibility information media based on websites which contains much information to support practicum activity. This research was conducted with a waterfall device development model consisting of six stages, namely the need for analysis, system design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The results of this feasibility of media information websites were obtained from trials for media experts, small group trials and field trials. The results from media experts on the aspects of usefulness, functionality, and visual communication are very necessary to be used as a support media to collect information on practicum activities. The results of group trials and trials of system availability, quality of information, and quality of face-to-face display indicate that students strongly agree with the media collecting information supporting the practicum based on website

    Geopolitics of Portugal in Atlantic Sea

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    Neo-realism argues that states belong to an anarchic world in which there is no great power governing on it. State is required to have survival capability in a self-help system. Inter-state relations may encourage a country to exercise their power as a means of survival in an anarchist world. The Atlantic Sea plays a vital role in maintaining international stability and security to balance the power distribution within the region. Since days of discovery, Portugal have shown their capabilities in navigating the sea, through high seas, islands and across continents in looking for most-wanted sources at the time, spices. They have cemented their dominance at various strategic points along international shipping lanes. Further, having the longest coastline in Europe makes Portugal´s politics in maritime realm quite decisive. Based on the neo-realism perspective developed by Kenneth Waltz, the author outlines the strategic steps adopted by Portuguese towards transition of global power during post World-War II. This article reveals that construction of Portuguese national identity determines their national interest in regards of their foreign policy in maritime security policy
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