1,559 research outputs found

    A review of the economic burden of ADHD

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    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder that is associated with broad functional impairment among both children and adults. The purpose of this paper is to review and summarize available literature on the economic costs of ADHD, as well as potential economic benefits of treating this condition. A literature search was performed using MEDLINE to identify all published articles on the economic implications of ADHD, and authors were contacted to locate conference abstracts and articles in press that were not yet indexed. In total, 22 relevant items were located including published original studies, economic review articles, conference presentations, and reports available on the Internet. All costs were updated and presented in terms of year 2004 US dollars. A growing body of literature, primarily published in the United States, has demonstrated that ADHD places a substantial economic burden on patients, families, and third-party payers. Results of the medical cost studies consistently indicated that children with ADHD had higher annual medical costs than either matched controls (difference ranged from 503to503 to 1,343) or non-matched controls (difference ranged from 207to207 to 1,560) without ADHD. Two studies of adult samples found similar results, with significantly higher annual medical costs among adults with ADHD (ranging from 4,929to4,929 to 5,651) than among matched controls (ranging from 1,473to1,473 to 2,771). A limited number of studies have examined other economic implications of ADHD including costs to families; costs of criminality among individuals with ADHD; costs related to common psychiatric and medical comorbidities of ADHD; indirect costs associated with work loss among adults with ADHD; and costs of accidents among individuals with ADHD. Treatment cost-effectiveness studies have primarily focused on methylphenidate, which is a cost-effective treatment option with cost-effectiveness ratios ranging from 15,509to15,509 to 27,766 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained. As new treatments are introduced it will be important to evaluate their cost-effectiveness to provide an indication of their potential value to clinicians, patients, families, and third-party payers

    Manufacturing A Consumer Culture Through Materialism and Consumerism

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    University of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156367/1/Matza-Final_Thesis_Paper.pd

    Collaboration and critique

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    What is the place for critical ethnography in global health and other related forms of international intervention? This essay explores this question through my experience collaborating with a nongovernmental organization (NGO) working to improve children’s well-being in El Salvador and with a team of quantitatively oriented researchers evaluating the NGO’s project. I adopt as an analytic lens one of the metrics the researchers used – the Battelle Developmental Inventory – in order to explore the possibilities for dialogue among quantitative and qualitative methods (and researchers). At issue is the place that critique can have in such dialogues, particularly when the aims of NGOs, public health researchers, and ethnographers can sometimes be at odds. Ultimately, I make the case that viewing critique as a praxis, keeping an eye on the commensurability of aims, and being prepared for occasional productive friction are some practical steps for bringing critical ethnographic perspectives into contact with interventions

    Fastener apparatus

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    A fastening apparatus is adapted to be inserted and removed from one side of a work piece having an opposite side which is substantially inaccessible to a worker. A first, externally threaded member is threadingly engaged with a receiving structure, and a second member is inserted within corresponding seats or grooves for interlocking the two members. In the preferred embodiment diverting seats are provided for forming the second member into locking engagement between the receiving structure and the first member. In one embodiment, seat structures are provided for engaging frangible panels or the like for high temperature applications

    California School Nurses\u27 Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention to Participate in Sexuality Education

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    A critical need exists to provide adolescents with sexual health education as demonstrated by our nation\u27s position in having the highest adolescent pregnancy rates among all the developed nations. The critical need is further pronounced by California\u27s changing demographic profile of young Latinos who are projected to be the majority in 2042 and continue to demonstrate higher pregnancy and birth rates than other racial and ethnic groups. Currently, there is limited evidence to confirm if California\u27s students are receiving sexual and reproductive health as required by law, nor is there evidence to link school nurses as teachers or consultants in sexuality education (SE). The purpose of this study is to describe the degree of knowledge, attitude, and subjective norm with intent to participate in SE. Three articles evolved from the dissertation: 1) a historical research article about the history and politics of adolescent sexual education policy and collaborative opportunities for bi-national nurses, 2) a methods article on the process of utilizing the content validity index on a pre-existing, theoretically-based instrument, and 3) the analysis of the research findings that resulted from a survey with California school nurses utilizing the adapted and recently validated questionnaire that describes the variables that lead to intention and participation in SE. This research is the first of its kind to describe the perspectives of school nurses as educators of sexual health content in the U.S. This study takes a step towards addressing gaps in research about school nurses and their contribution in sexual health education. This study will be instrumental in defining the role of the school nurse as sexual health educator and provides foundational data to advance school nurse research, translate knowledge into evidence based practice, and supports the need to incorporate sexuality education into nursing\u27s core curriculum

    Experiencias del personal de enfermería en el manejo del catéter central de inserción periférica neonatal: Experiências do pessoal de enfermagem na gestão do cateter central neonatal periférico inserido

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    El estudio determinó las experiencias del personal de enfermería en el manejo del catéter central de inserción periférica neonatal. La investigación fue de tipo cualitativo narrativo que respeta el enfoque fenomenológico hermético en donde participaron 10 profesionales de enfermería selectos a través de criterios de inclusión y exclusión para posteriormente analizar la información a través de la metodología Damaziere y Dubart, cabe destacar que en todo momento la investigación respeto los criterios bioéticos enmarcado en la declaración de Helsinki. Los resultados obtenidos fueron divididos en 5 categorías que denotan las experiencias vividas por los participantes en donde se logró identificar varios aspectos como el conocimiento que poseen, sus preferencias y las acciones tomadas para mitigar complicaciones, experiencias como la gran responsabilidad que tiene a su cargo, la trayectoria que tiene en salas de neonatología o la percepción del dolor, que aunque el paciente recién nacido no lo verbaliza no hace que haya ausencia del mismo por lo que  el enfermero/a debe mitigar la fatiga a la que se expone su paciente exponiendo de tal forma la diada que se forma entre el profesional y paciente. Además se  triangulo la información, cotejando criterios personales con varios estudios científicos. Se concluye que el profesional de enfermería está capacitado técnica y académicamente para realizar el procedimiento de inserción de un catéter central periférico, y aunque en algunos estudio se habla de este como un procedimiento fácil, no lo es del todo ya que existen riesgos que atentan contra la salud del recién nacidos

    Vignette-based utilities: usefulness, limitations, and methodological recommendations

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    Health technology assessment agencies often prefer that utilities used to calculate quality-adjusted life years in cost-utility analyses (CUAs) are derived using standardized methods, such as generic preference-based measures completed by patients in clinical trials. However, there are situations when no standardized approach is feasible or appropriate for a specific medical condition or treatment that must be represented in a CUA. When this occurs, vignette-based methods are often used to estimate utilities. A vignette (sometimes called a “scenario,” “health state description,” “health state vignette,” or “health state”) is a description of a health state that is valued in a preference elicitation task to obtain a utility estimate. This method is sometimes the only feasible way to estimate utilities representing a concept that is important for a CUA. Consequently, vignette-based studies continue to be conducted and published, with the resulting utilities used in economic models to inform decision making about healthcare resource allocation. Despite the potential impact of vignette-based utilities on medical decision making, there is no published guidance or review of this methodology. This article provides recommendations for researchers, health technology assessment reviewers, and policymakers who may be deciding whether to use vignette-based methods, designing a vignette study, using vignette-based utilities in a CUA, or evaluating a CUA that includes vignette-based utilities. Recommendations are provided on: (A) when to use vignette-based utilities, (B) methods for developing vignettes, (C) valuing vignettes, (D) use of vignette-based utilities in models, and (E) limitations of vignette methods


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    Corruption in Procurement of Goods and Services in Makassar City

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    The rise of corruption cases in Indonesia at this time every year is always increasing, this causes the community to feel uneasy with corruptors who are still rampant everywhere. The percentage and network of corruption Edy of the supreme court judge’s Decision no.23 /Pid.Sus-TPK/2019/Pn Mks is quite interesting to examine especially if we can see who the dominant actors are in this case, both from the planning process, the bidding process, the bid evaluation process, and implementation and evaluation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which illustrates the phenomenon of Edy corruption case in the supreme court’s decision no.23/Pid.Sus-TPK/ 2019/Pn Mks. Descriptive analysis in this study uses the Nvivo 12 Plus software. Data from this study were sourced from the supreme court decision no.23/Pid.Sus-TPK/2019/Pn Mks and previous research relating to the corruption of edy. the results of this discussion the conclusions that the author can take from the presentation of the analysis above are based on the decision of the supreme court no.23 / Pid.Sus-TPK/2019/Pn Mks analyzed with nvivo12 Plus in general from the four processes above can be seen corporate 44%, Government 52%.


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