56 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Perceptions regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health among high school students in Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Background: Nepal recently began teaching sexual education in the school system and has established youth friendly services in order to meet the need of increased sexual and reproductive knowledge among the youth. Objective: To examine the sexual and reproductive knowledge and perceptions among young people attending schools in Kathmandu. Method: A written questionnaire was distributed to 160 students, in a classroom environment, in four schools in Kathmandu. Results: Two thirds of the females and nearly 60% of the males knew that it was possible to get sexually transmitted infection (STI) during one sexual encounter and more than half of the students knew when in the menstrual cycle conception was more likely to occur . One third of the participants did not know that it was possible to become pregnant after having intercourse once. The males demonstrated less knowledge than the females regarding every aspect of sex and reproduction, with the exception of pregnancy prevention. Conclusion and clinical implications: For the youths in this study, it was more important to prevent unwanted pregnancies than to protect oneself from STIs. Establishment of a hotline on the internet, where personalized and confidential counselling can be offered may complement the comprehensive sexual education in schools

    Snapchat : jakt pÄ uppmÀrksamhet eller frigörelse av jaget?

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    Denna uppsats Àr skriven vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Den författades av Jakob Lundgren och Adam Mattebo under Àmnet media- och kommunikationsvetenskap och den Àr skriven pÄ en B-nivÄ. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka om anvÀndandet av mobilapplikationen Snapchat, som vÀxt vÀldigt snabbt de senaste Ären, skiljde sig Ät frÄn andra sociala medier. Uppsatsen Àmnade Àven att undersöka om konstruktionen av jaget skiljer sig i Snapchat frÄn andra sociala medier och i vilken grad anvÀndningen drevs av ett behov av uppmÀrksamhet. För att kunna undersöka detta inom ramarna av uppsatsen valdes fem intervjupersoner ut. Intervjuerna gjordes via telefon eller ansikte-mot-ansikte. Intervjuresultatet analyserades enligt Goffmans teorier om masker och framtrÀdande och Gillbergs teorier om uppmÀrksamhetssamhÀllet. Studien fann att anvÀndningen av Snapchat i lÀgre grad Àn andra sociala medier verkade drivas av ett behov av uppmÀrksamhet och att anvÀndarna i högre grad anvÀnde sig av applikationen för privata samtal snarare Àn för att skapa ett personligt varumÀrke

    Perceptions of the role of the man in family planning, during pregnancy and childbirth: A qualitative study with fifteen Nepali men

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    Introduction: In Nepal, by tradition, family life and marriage are generally controlled by patriarchal norms, sanctions, values and gender differences. Women in Nepal have limited possibilities to make decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health, as the husbands and other elders in the family make most of the decisions regarding family planning, pregnancy and childbirth. Aim: To describe the perceptions of Nepali men regarding the role of the man with respect to family planning, pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted with 15 Nepali men in both urban and rural areas. The material was analyzed through inductive content analysis. Findings: One main category and two generic categories were identified. One generic category contained six subcategories and the other five subcategories. The main category was labeled: “He leads – She follows” and the generic categories were labeled: “Supporting women in family planning, during pregnancy and childbirth” and “Withdrawal from supporting women in family planning, during pregnancy and childbirth”. Conclusion: The role of the Nepali men with respect to family planning, pregnancy and childbirth, was identified as a conflicted approach. This study highlights the importance of understanding the influence of culture and tradition when developing strategies for promoting sexual and reproductive health during family planning, pregnancy and childbirth among families in Nepal

    Vad Àr god kvalité pÄ distans? En samtalsintervjuundersökning om distansstuderandes lÀrandeprocesser

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    Titel: Vad Àr god kvalité pÄ distans? Undertitel: En samtalsintervjuundersökning om distansstuderandes lÀrandeprocesser Författare: Jonas Lidström & Jonathan Persson. Avslutad av Jonathan Mattebo Persson. Kurs: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, (JMG) Göteborgs universitet. Termin: VÄrterminen 2009. Uppdrag Uppdragsgivare Àr Göteborgs Universitet som vill veta hur deras distanskurs i massmediekommunikation pÄ 7,5 högskolepoÀng stÄr sig i jÀmförelse med liknande kurser pÄ andra universitet i Sverige. Syfte Vi undersöker studenters upplevelser av distansutbildningar i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap pÄ svenska universitet. Vi studerar vad deltagarna upplevt och tagit med sig frÄn olika A-kurser i medievetenskap, samt genom vilka lÀrandeprocesser de tillskansat sig dessa kunskaper. Genom en teoretisk analys av studenternas upplevelser avser vi bredda förstÄelsen av distanskursen som form och fenomen samt ge förslag till utveckling av Göteborgs universitets distanskurs i masskommunikation. Metod Uppsatsen Àr en kvalitativ studie vars empiriska material utgörs av femton telefonintervjuer speglade genom teorier frÄn erkÀnda forskare inom de pedagogiska och informations och kommunikations-didaktiska fÀlten. Resultat Studenterna i vÄrt urval anser att flexibilitet i tid och rum Àr de viktigaste faktorerna för en positiv distansstudieupplevelse. Grupparbeten har dÀrför överlag dÄligt rykte dÄ sÄdana krÀver synkronitet studenterna emellan, pÄ bekostnad av flexibilitet. Merparten av studenterna skapar förstÄelse för Àmnet med stor hjÀlp av sökmotorer samt fria encyklopedier pÄ internet utan ledning frÄn kursernas ledare. Studenterna anser dock att detta egenlÀrande inte till fullo ingÄr i det professionella skolmÀssiga arbetet. Det Àr kunskapande utanför lÀroplanen under eget ansvar. Studien visar att kunskapsintagande i form video fyller en viktig kulturell funktion för distansstudenterna dÄ de med hjÀlp av denna lÀr sig att hantera lÀroÀmnets sprÄkliga koder med lÀrarna som förebild. De skapar ocksÄ genom de rörliga bilderna en inre bild av bÄde hur deras lÀrare ser ut samt vilket vokabulÀr som Àr brukligt

    Citation needed : the perceived credibility of Wikipedia among high education students

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    This thesis is called “Citation needed – the perceived credibility of Wikipedia among higheducation students”. The purpose of this thesis is to discover the opinions about the credibilityof Wikipedia among high education students. The assumption is that students are aware ofbeing source criticizing and do not directly cite Wikipedia in academic works. The main research question is: what are the views of the perceived credibility of theinformation on Wikipedia among high education students? The theoretical framework is made out of previous research specific related to Wikipediabut also theories around memory creation, assessment of sources and credibility. The method used is qualitative, with semi-structured interviews. The material consists ofinterviews with nine participants. Their answers are transcribed and presented in themes andthen analyzed. The main results are that the perceived credibility of the information on Wikipedia amongthe students is that it is fairly credible and their views of the encyclopedia are that it is fastupdated and neutral. They also believe that Wikipedia isn’t for academic usage so in allaspects the students do not make a thoroughly assessment of the encyclopedia’s credibility. Further implications are that Wikipedia would be ruined if anyone tried to make itacademic. Wikipedia fulfills an educational tool for the public even though it is not alwayscorrect. It is important to be reminded that Wikipedia contains errors but no other source iscompletely flawless either. In that sense it would be smarter to start a new encyclopedia, ifthere is such a need, perhaps open for professors only and would in the end only containvetted information, however mostly/only in academic fields. The length of the thesis is 56 pages in total and approximately 21 000 words. Keywords: Wikipedia, encyclopedias, source criticism, credibility, Nationalencyclopedin,students, in-depth interviews

    Use of Pornography and its Associations with Sexual Experiences, Lifestyles and Health among Adolescents

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    The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate pornography consumption and its relation to sexual experiences, lifestyles, health and perceptions of sexuality and pornography. One qualitative study (focus group discussions) and one prospective longitudinal quantitative study (baseline and follow-up questionnaires) are included. The core category emerging from the focus group discussions, among personnel working with adolescents, was “Conflicting messages about sexuality”. The participants’ stated that the message conveyed by pornography was contradictory to the message conveyed by national public health goals and laws. A professional approach was emphasized, and adequate methods and knowledge to improve sexuality and relationship education were requested (I). Participants at baseline in 2011 were 477 boys and 400 girls, aged 16 years. Almost all boys (96%) and 54% of the girls had watched pornography. The boys were categorized into frequent users (daily), average users (every week or a few times every month) and nonfrequent users (a few times a year, seldom or never) of pornography. A higher proportion of frequent users reported experience of sex with friends, the use of alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, peer-relationship problems and obesity. One-third watched more pornography than they actually wanted to (II). There were few differences between pornography-consuming girls and boys regarding fantasies about sexual acts, attempted sexual acts inspired by pornography and perceptions of pornography. Predictors for being sexually experienced included: being a girl, attending a vocational high school programme, stating that boys and girls are equally interested in sex, and having a positive perception of pornography. Boys were generally more positive towards pornography than girls (III). Participants at follow-up in 2013 were 224 boys (47%) and 238 girls (60%). Being male, attending a vocational high school programme and being a frequent user of pornography at baseline predicted frequent use at follow-up. Frequent use of pornography at baseline predicted psychosomatic symptoms to a higher extent at follow-up than depressive symptoms (IV). In conclusion, pornography has become a part of everyday life for many adolescents. Frequent users of pornography were mainly boys, and there were minor differences in sexual experiences between the male consumption groups. Frequent use was associated with lifestyle problems, such as the use of alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle to a higher extent than with sexual experiences and physical symptoms. In the longitudinal analyses frequent use of pornography was more associated to psychosomatic symptoms compared with depressive symptoms. Access to pornography will presumably remain unrestrained. It is therefore important to offer adolescents arenas for discussing pornography in order to counterbalance the fictional world presented in pornography, increase awareness regarding the stereotyped gender roles in pornography and address unhealthy lifestyles and ill health among adolescents

    The knowledge not to discriminate : A qualitative study about the recruiters’ experiences of continuing education on non-discrimination recruitment of individuals with a functional variation

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    Att kÀnna sig bortvald under en rekryteringsprocess Àr vanligt förekommande hos individer med en funktionsvariation jÀmfört med den normativa individen. För att inte personer med en funktionsvariation av nÄgot slag ska rÄka ut för diskriminering vid en rekryteringsprocess sÄ krÀvs det att rekryteraren besitter kunskaper om hur en icke-diskriminerande rekrytering ska gÄ till i enlighet med lagstiftningen. Denna kvalitativa studie fokuserar pÄ just detta problemomrÄde, med syftet att undersöka hur rekryteraren tillgodoser sig med den kunskap som krÀvs för att en rÀttvis rekrytering ska bedrivas. Denna kvalitativa studie har syftat till att genom fyra kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur rekryterare upplever sig ha fÄtt kunskaper för att hantera arbetssökande personer med funktionsvariation pÄ ett icke-diskriminerande vis. I resultatet ÄskÄdliggörs bland annat att den formella utbildningen som rekryterare tilldelats av sin arbetsgivare inte upplevs vara tillrÀcklig pÄ grund av dess generella karaktÀr och dÀrför tillÀmpas informellt lÀrande som ett komplement. Det beskrivs dessutom att formulerandet av kravprofiler och intervjufrÄgor Àr rekryterarens frÀmsta tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för att undvika diskriminering under rekryteringsprocessen. Studien har identifierat dessa omrÄden som fortsatt intressanta och förhoppningsvis vidareutvecklas forskandet om diskriminering i rekryteringsprocessen, i samband med rekryterares kompetens, i framtiden eftersom det fattas forskning.Betygsdatum 2021-06-07</p

    Motivation som leder till lÀrande

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    Syftet med undersökningen har varit att undersöka hur lÀrare motiverar elever sÄ att de fÄr bÀsta möjliga förutsÀttningar för inlÀrning. De frÄgor som stÀllts Àr vad som styr lÀrares planering och genomförande av undervisningen, vilka de viktigaste faktorerna Àr som stimulerar inlÀrning och vad som enligt eleverna sjÀlva motiverar dem. Metoden utgörs av en kvalitativ, explorativ studie, med hjÀlp av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med tre lÀrare, observationer av dem samt intervjuer med sex elever. Resultatet visar att samhÀllstrender, lÀroplaner och Àven kollegor till en viss del styr arbetet. LÀrarna poÀngterar att den egna personligheten har stor betydelse för att skapa motivering hos elever. Eleverna sjÀlva vill ha varierad undervisning med klara och tydliga riktlinjer. Slutsatsen Àr att faktorer som elevinflytande och intresse samt lÀrares engagemang Àr överordnat vilka olika teorier eller modeller som anvÀnds. Engagerade, fantasifulla och positiva lÀrare har stora möjligheter att stimulera elevers inlÀrning med hjÀlp av varierande/aktiverande pedagogik
