25 research outputs found

    Single-particle structure of neutron-rich Sr isotopes via 2H(94,95,96Sr,p)^2H(^94,95,96Sr, p) reactions

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    Background: The region around neutron number N=60 in the neutron-rich Sr and Zr nuclei is one of the most dramatic examples of a ground-state shape transition from (near) spherical below N=60 to strongly deformed shapes in the heavier isotopes. Purpose: The single-particle structure of Sr95-97 approaching the ground-state shape transition at Sr98 has been investigated via single-neutron transfer reactions using the (d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics. These reactions selectively populate states with a large overlap of the projectile ground state coupled to a neutron in a single-particle orbital. Method: Radioactive Sr94,95,96 nuclei with energies of 5.5 AMeV were used to bombard a CD2, where D denotes H2, target. Recoiling light charged particles and γ rays were detected using a quasi-4π silicon strip detector array and a 12-element Ge array. The excitation energy of states populated was reconstructed employing the missing mass method combined with γ-ray tagging and differential cross sections for final states were extracted. Results: A reaction model analysis of the angular distributions allowed for firm spin assignments to be made for the low-lying 352, 556, and 681 keV excited states in Sr95 and a constraint has been placed on the spin of the higher-lying 1666 keV state. Angular distributions have been extracted for ten states populated in the H2(Sr95,p)Sr96 reaction, and constraints have been provided for the spins and parities of several final states. Additionally, the 0, 167, and 522 keV states in Sr97 were populated through the H2(Sr96,p) reaction. Spectroscopic factors for all three reactions were extracted. Conclusions: Results are compared to shell-model calculations in several model spaces and the structure of low-lying states in Sr94 and Sr95 is well described. The spectroscopic strength of the 0+ and 2+ states in Sr96 is significantly more fragmented than predicted. The spectroscopic factors for the H2(Sr96,p)Sr97 reaction suggest that the two lowest-lying excited states have significant overlap with the weakly deformed ground state of Sr96, but the ground state of Sr97 has a different structure

    Paracoccidioidomicose entre o grupo indígena Suruí de Rondônia, Amazônia, Brasil: registro de caso Paracoccidioidoniycosis among the Surui Indians, State of Rondonia, Amazonia, Brazil: a case report

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    Os Autores apresentam um caso de paracoccidioidomicose em indígena da tribo Suruí, Estado de Rondônia. Trata-se de paciente adulto, sexo masculino, tendo sido o diagnóstico confirmado com base em exame micológico, sorológico e radiográfico. Foi insitituída terapêutica com a associação sulfametoxazol 800 mg + trimetoprima 160 mg a cada 12 horas. A avaliação do paciente realizada seis meses após o início do tratamento revelou melhora no estado geral, regressão do quadro radiológico, negativação da prova de precipitação em tubo capilar e positivação da intradermorcação com paracoccidioidina. Os Autores também revêem os casos de paracoccidioidomicose descritos na região, em particular no que ser refere ao grupo indígena Suruí.<br>The Authors report a case of paracoccidioidomycosis in a Surui Indian patient from the state of Rondonia, Brazilian Amazon. The subject is an adult male, having been diagnosed on the basis of mycologic, Serologic, and radiographic exams. The prescribed therapy was sulfametoxazol 800 mg associated with trimetoprim 160 mg every 12 hours. A revaluation of the patient conducted six months after the beginning of chemotherapy indicated overall improvement of his physical condition and of the radiologic picture, negativeness of the test of precipitin in capillary tube, and positiveness of the skin test with paracoccidioidin. The Authors also reviewed the cases of paracoccidioidomycosis described in the region, especially among the Surui Indian population

    Parâmetros morfofisiológicos testiculares de camundongos (Mus musculus) suplementados com geleia real Morphophysiological parameters of mice (Mus musculus) testicles supplemented with royal jelly

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos da geleia real sobre os parâmetros morfofisiológicos testiculares de camundongos (Mus musculus). Utilizaram-se 57 machos Swiss, com quatro meses de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: T1: solução fisiológica, via intraperitoneal; T2: 0,1mg de geleia real, via intraperitoneal; T3: 0,2mg de geleia real, via intraperitoneal; T4: água destilada, via oral; T5: 0,1mg de geleia real, via oral; e T6: 0,2mg de geleia real, via oral. Após 45 dias de suplementação com geleia real, os animais sacrificados e pesados tiveram seus testículos coletados, incluídos em parafina e corados com hematoxilina/eosina. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos quanto aos: pesos corporal e testicular, índice gonadossomático, diâmetro tubular, altura do epitélio, comprimento total dos túbulos seminíferos, comprimento tubular por grama de testículo, índices tubulossomático e leydigossomático e valores de proporção volumétrica referentes à túnica própria, epitélio seminífero, vaso sanguíneo e vaso linfático. Foi encontrada diferença entre T1 e T3 em relação aos túbulos seminíferos e ao espaço intertubular.<br>The effects of royal jelly on the morphophysiological parameters of mice (Mus musculus) testicles were studied. Fifty-eight male Swiss mice were evaluated. They were four-month old and were randomly distributed in six treatments: T1: physiological solution, intraperitonial route; T2: 0.1mg of royal jelly, intraperitonial route; T3: 0.2mg of royal jelly, intraperitonial route; T4: distilled water, orally; T5: 0.1mg of royal jelly, orally; and T6: 0.2mg of royal jelly, orally. After 45 days of supplementation with royal jelly, the animals were weighted, slaughtered, and the testicles collected, included in paraffin, and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. No differences among treatments were observed for: body and testicular weights, gonadossomatic index, tubular diameter, epithelial height, total length of seminiferous tubules, tubular length per testicle gram, tubulossomatic and leydigossomatic indexes and the value of volumetric proportion related to tunic, seminiferous epithelium, blood vessel, and lymphatic vessel. Differences between T1 and T3 about the seminiferous tubules and intertubular space were found

    Single-particle structure in neutron-rich Sr isotopes approaching the N=60N=60 shape transition

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    International audienceBackground: Neutron-rich nuclei around neutron number N=60 show a dramatic shape transition from spherical ground states to prolate deformation in Sr98 and heavier nuclei. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the single-particle structure approaching the shape transitional region. Method: The level structures of neutron-rich Sr93,94,95 were studied via the H2(Sr94,95,96,t) one-neutron stripping reactions at TRIUMF using a beam energy of 5.5 AMeV. γ-rays emitted from excited states and recoiling charged particles were detected by using the TIGRESS and SHARC arrays, respectively. States were identified by gating on the excitation energy and, if possible, the coincident γ radiation. Results: Triton angular distributions for the reactions populating states in ejectile nuclei Sr93,94,95 were compared with distorted wave Born approximation calculations to assign and revise spin and parity quantum numbers and extract spectroscopic factors. The results were compared with shell-model calculations and the reverse (d,p) reactions and good agreement was obtained. Conclusions: The results for the H2(Sr94,t)Sr93 and H2(Sr95,t)Sr94 reactions are in good agreement with shell-model calculations. A two-level mixing analysis for the 0+ states in Sr94 suggest strong mixing of two shapes. For the H2(Sr96,t)Sr95 reaction the agreement with the shell-model is less good. The configuration of the ground state of Sr96 is already more complex than predicted, and therefore indications for the shape transition can already be observed before N=60

    Efeito da inibição da óxido nítrico sintase induzível na capacitação in vitro de espermatozoides bovinos Effect of inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase on in vitro capacitation of bovine spermatozoa

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    Avaliaram-se o papel do óxido nítrico (NO) por meio da inibição da enzima óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS), após a adição da aminoguanidina (AG), na motilidade, no vigor e na integridade da membrana plasmática nos tempos de 15, 60, 120, 180, 240 e 300min e a atividade mitocondrial e a capacitação de espermatozoides bovinos após 300min de cultivo. Adicionaram-se diferentes concentrações (0,001, 0,01 e 0,1M) de AG durante a capacitação induzida pela heparina e 500&#956;M de nitroprussiato de sódio (SNP, doador de NO) à concentração deletéria. A adição de 0,1M de AG diminuiu a motilidade e o vigor espermático e a integridade da membrana (P<0,05). A adição de SNP ao meio de cultivo com 0,1M de AG somente reverteu a integridade da membrana após 300min. A inibição da síntese de NO pela adição de AG não alterou a atividade mitocondrial. A percentagem de oócitos penetrados com espermatozoides tratados com 0,01 e 0,1M de AG diminuiu 20,3 e 100%, respectivamente, em relação aos não tratados (controle) (P<0,05), contudo houve aumento de 15% na percentagem de oócitos desnudados penetrados com espermatozoides capacitados em presença de 0,1M de AG. Conclui-se que a inibição da síntese de NO pela AG diminuiu a qualidade espermática durante a capacitação de espermatozoides bovinos in vitro, exceto a atividade mitocondrial. Somente a integridade da membrana foi revertida após adição de NO, sugerindo diferentes vias de ação do NO na qualidade espermática ao longo da capacitação in vitro de espermatozoides bovinos.<br>The role of nitric oxide (NO) was evaluated by inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), with aminoguanidine (AG) on motility, vigor, and plasmatic membrane integrity of bovine spermatozoa culture after 15, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300min and on mitochondrial activity and capacitation after 300min, respectively. Different concentrations, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1M of AG were added during the heparin induced capacitation and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, NO donor-500&#956;M) to the deleterious concentration. The addition of 0.1M of AG diminished progressive motility, spermatic vigor, and membrane integrity (P<0.05). SNP addition to the 0.1M of AG did revert only plasmatic membrane integrity after 300min. Mitochondrial activity was not influenced by addition of AG. Percentage of penetrated oocytes after addition of 0.01 and 0.1M of AG diminished, 20.3 and 100%, respectively, in relation to the control oocytes (P<0.05). However, an increase of 15% was observed when denuded oocytes were used with 0.1M AG treated sperm (P<0.05). It was concluded that the inhibition of NO synthesis with aminoguanidine diminished sperm quality during in vitro capacitation of bovine spermatozoa, except the mitochondrial activity. Only membrane integrity was reverted with the addition of NO to culture medium, suggesting different pathways of NO action on bovine sperm quality during in vitro capacitation