87 research outputs found


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    Anenský dvůr býval zemědělský statek uprostřed polí pouze několik desítek metrů od hranic s Rakouskem. Fungoval ještě v době padesátých let před vznikem železné opony. Zemědělská činnost pomalu utichla, lidé zmizeli. Příroda začala nenápadně, ale bez přestání, po malých částech přibírat na svou stranu dílek po dílku. Budovy a jejich blízké okolí se začaly měnit. Příroda za padesát let změnila místo k nepoznání. Jasně definované hranice jsou smazány, náletová zeleň se rozšířila do okolí a vytvořila specifický jednolitý celek vymezující se okolnímu chaosu. Takovýto stav je východiskem pro uspořádání hřbitova. Současné rozšířené obvodové hranice jsou posilněny výsadbou dubů, naopak vnitřní prostor je upraven. Většina náletových akátů a dalších keřů je odstraněna. Původní charakter místa, nivní louka, je posílen výsadbou nových listnatých stromů, jakými jsou například břízy nebo třešně. Nový hřbitov tvoří dva základní prostory - vnitřní upravovaná louka za jasně definovanou čtvercovou zdí, kde dochází k ukládání popela a naopak ve vnějším neformálním pásu vyrostlé louky se nacházejí jednotlivé pavilony hřbitova.Anenský dvůr used to be a farm surrounded by fields just a few dozen meters from the Austrian border. It worked even during the fifties before the creation of the Iron Curtain. Agricultural activity slowly subsided, people disappeared. Nature began quietly but ceaselessly, in small portions, getting on its side after the interval division. Buildings and their surroundings started to change. Nature has changed in fifty years place unrecognizable. Clearly defined boundaries are erased, flash greenery spread to the surrounding area and has created a specific single entity defining the surrounding chaos. Such a situation is the basis for the layout of the new cemetery. Current enhanced peripheral borders are strengthened by planting oaks, while the interior is modified. Most of invasive acacia and other shrubs are removed. The original character of the place, floodplain meadow is reinforced by planting new trees, such as birch or cherry.  The new cemetery consists of two main areas - internal groomed lawn under clearly defined square walls, which leads to deposition of ash and vice versa in the outer belt informal grown meadows are individual pavilions cemetery.

    The Role of a Forensic Expert in the Field of Self-Defense Under Current Legislation and Beyond

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    A forensic expert in the field of self-defense is a specialist with extensive knowledge in defence methods, close combat, defensive means, or coercive means. The core of the forensic expert's work in this field is the assessment of the facts of conflict situations in which physical violence between two or more persons has been used. The role of a forensic expert is to answer questions related to the parties' roles in the conflict, factors that influenced the conduct of the fight, the course of the fight and the possibility of resolving the conflict situation. Self-defense expertise is sometimes associated or confused with martial arts or combat sports expertise. This judgment is based on the assumption that most forensic experts in the field of self-defense also have experience or expertise in martial arts and combat sports. Such knowledge is an advantage for the profession of forensic expert in the field of self-defense, similar to knowledge in the field of weapons and ammunition, but it is not the same area as expertise in the field of self-defense or a condition for the exercise of this profession. The new Act No. 254/2019 Coll., on forensic experts, expert offices and expert institutes, faces professional criticism in several areas (expert duties, sanctions, division of specializations, etc.) and is likely to lead to pressure for further amendments. The article deals with these changes and the perspective in the coming years with the expert opinion of current forensic experts on the field of self-defense on the appropriate inclusion of this specialization in the future categorization of specializations

    Detection and molecular analysis of Hop latent virus and Hop latent viroid in hop samples from Poland

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    Die Überwachung von Viruskrankheiten bei Pflanzen ist wichtig für die Durchführung frühzeitiger Kontrollmaßnahmen und die Verhinderung der weiteren Ausbreitung der Erreger. In Polen wurde im Jahr 2004 ein Programm zur Eliminierung von Viren und Viroiden im Hopfen gestartet. In den Jahren 2012/13 wurden in vitro Pflanzen, Proben aus der IUNG-PIB Versuchsstation und aus kommerziellen polnischen Hopfengärten auf das Hop latent virus, Hop latent viroid und Hop stunt viroid getestet. Für die Virus­testung wurden RT-PCR und ELISA eingesetzt. Die Viroide wurden mittels RT-PCR nachgewiesen. Insgesamt war die Nachweishäufigkeit für Viren und Viroide geringer als vor dem Start des Programms. Klonierung und Sequenzierung lassen den Schluss zu, dass das Hop latent virus und das Hop latent viroid aus den polnischen Proben den „type“ Sequenzen und den tschechischen Viren/Viroiden sehr ähnlich sind. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.07.04, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.07.04Monitoring the occurrence of virus diseases in plants is important for the implementation of early control measures and prevention of further disease spread. In Poland, in 2004 a health programme for hop was started to eliminate viruses and viroids. In 2012/13, in vitro plants, samples from the IUNG-PIB experimental station and commercial hop gardens in Poland were tested for Hop latent virus (HpLV), and Hop latent and Hop stunt viroids (HpLVd and HpSVd). For virus testing, RT-PCR and ELISA methods were used. In order to detect hop viroids, RT-PCR was employed. The overall incidence of HpLV and hop viroids was lower than reported before the start of the programme. Cloning and sequencing revealed that the HpLV and the HpLVd from Polish sources are very similar to the type sequences and the Czech sources. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.07.04, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.07.0

    Conceptual design of light off-road sports vehicle

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    Bakalářské práce se zabývá koncepčním návrhem lehkého sportovního terénního vozidla. Úvodní část je zaměřena na rešerši dosavadního vývoje lehkých terénních vozidel. Dále je zpracována orgánová struktura, na jejímž základě je zvolena optimální varianta řešení. Následuje koncepční návrh s popisem funkce a umístění jednotlivých komponentů vozidla.Katedra konstruování strojůObhájenoBachelor thesis deals with the conceptual design of light off-road sports vehicle. The first part is focused on the research developments of light terrain vehicles. It is processed the organ structure, on which is based selection of the optimal solution. The following is a conceptual proposal describing the function and location of each vehicle components

    NEW ON THE „OLD“ – Brno, Bratislavská - Stará Corner

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    The project of new buildings on the corner of Oldbstrees Bratislavska street creates a compact volume with several features. It continous with the surrounding block development where is significantly separated public and private space. The building is divided into several distinct masses, which correspond to measure their surrounding areas. Individual masses are united in the same tectonic principle facade. Abandoning figure in the southern part of the site creates space in front of the theater Radost and at the same time it achieves better insolation of new apartments. The newly designed building contains typologically different apartments

    "Medicinal" compounds and molecular analysis of hop genes.

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    Recent analyses of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) secondary metabolites confirm a role of hop as a "molecular factory" crop being a rich source for new medicaments. New studies have particularly focused on prenylated flavonoids and to biochemical potential of Xanthohumol as a fascinating cancer-chemopreventive compound acting at all stages of carcinogenesis. The recent finding that Xanthohumol can be converted to the most potent plant phytoestrogen, 8-prenylnaringenin by human intestinal microflora, increases the availability of this compound from natural hop products.The first food supplement made from hop, so-called MenoHop has been released to the market as a real medicament beneficial for overcoming symptoms of human menopause. In parallel, there is an increasing effort to exploit molecular genetics to produce new hop varieties with higher content of prenylflavonoids. In our studies the oligofamily of hop genes called chs_H1, codetermining biosynthesis of prenylated chalcones has been identified. According to the analysis of promoter elements of chs_H1 genes, they are regulated by factors MYB R2R3.Two full R2R3 mybs designated HlMyb1 and HlMyb5, were cloned from Czech hop Osvald 72. In addition, even MYB factor from Arabidopsis called PAP1 has been shown in our studies to stimulate production of chalcones mediated by natural chs_H1 genes. Thus, myb biotechnology is expected to be a powerful tool to produce hop transgenotes as a new breeding materials.Recent analyses of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) secondary metabolites confirm a role of hop as a "molecular factory" crop being a rich source for new medicaments. New studies have particularly focused on prenylated flavonoids and to biochemical potential of Xanthohumol as a fascinating cancer-chemopreventive compound acting at all stages of carcinogenesis. The recent finding that Xanthohumol can be converted to the most potent plant phytoestrogen, 8-prenylnaringenin by human intestinal microflora, increases the availability of this compound from natural hop products.The first food supplement made from hop, so-called MenoHop has been released to the market as a real medicament beneficial for overcoming symptoms of human menopause. In parallel, there is an increasing effort to exploit molecular genetics to produce new hop varieties with higher content of prenylflavonoids. In our studies the oligofamily of hop genes called chs_H1, codetermining biosynthesis of prenylated chalcones has been identified. According to the analysis of promoter elements of chs_H1 genes, they are regulated by factors MYB R2R3.Two full R2R3 mybs designated HlMyb1 and HlMyb5, were cloned from Czech hop Osvald 72. In addition, even MYB factor from Arabidopsis called PAP1 has been shown in our studies to stimulate production of chalcones mediated by natural chs_H1 genes. Thus, myb biotechnology is expected to be a powerful tool to produce hop transgenotes as a new breeding materials

    Design of validation loop of a solar power plant with parabolic trough mirrors

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem experimentálního zařízení na ověření funkčních principů a komponent pro výrobu elektrické energie pomocí koncentrace solární energie průběžnými parabolickými zrcadly, kde je tepelná energie předávána tekutému kovu zajišťujícímu akumulaci a přenos energie do konverzní jednotky přeměňující tepelnou energii na elektrickou.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis deals with the design of an experimental apparatus for verification of functional principles and components for the production of electric energy by the concentration of solar energy, which is utilized by parabolic mirrors. The thermal energy is converted to the liquid metal, which ensures the accumulation and transfer of thermal energy into the conversion unit, which perform transformation of the thermal energy into the electricity