99 research outputs found

    Avaliação do ambiente térmico em piscinas cobertas

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo avaliar as condições do ambiente térmico em piscinas cobertas através de duas abordagens distintas. A abordagem objectiva consistiu na análise da temperatura da água e dos parâmetros de ambiente térmico. A abordagem subjectiva teve por base a aplicação de um questionário. Os resultados dos parâmetros físicos apresentaram-se elevados na maioria das situações avaliadas, nomeadamente no que respeita à temperatura da água e à humidade relativa. A análise subjectiva evidenciou percentagens de insatisfeitos inferiores à obtida na análise objectiva. Verificou-se ainda que os utilizadores das piscinas preferem ambientes considerados ligeiramente quentes ou quentes.This study aimed analyzed the thermal environment conditions in covered pools by two different approaches. The objective approach had consisted on the water temperature and thermal environment parameters analysis. The subjective approach was based on a questionnaire application. The results of physical parameters presents high to the most of assessed situations, namely in relation to water temperature and relative humidity. The subjective approach showed percentages of dissatisfied people below the expected by objective approach. It was also found that the users by pools prefer environments considered slightly warms or warms

    La question des types de discours

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    Le présent travail s’intègre dans le projet de recherche Pretexto (Praxis, Conhecimento e Texto) développé par le Centre de Linguistique de l’Université Nouvelle de Lisbonne. La problématique générale de ce projet s’intéresse aux relations entre la praxis ou les pratiques humaines, les textes et l’organisation de la connaissance et se situe dans la perspective de la Théorie du Texte. Comme cadre théorique et méthodologique, nous privilégions l’Interactionnisme Socio-Discursif (ISD) tout en ma..

    O imaginário e a imagem da avenida da Liberdade

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Arquitetura, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre

    Genres and Multimodality:The Role of The Text Plan for Teaching Reading

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    Neste artigo, parte-se das propostas de Leal (2019) e de Gonçalves e Jorge (2019), com vista a contribuir para o ensino/ aprendizagem da leitura de textos multimodais. Para tal, articula-se a noção de plano de texto, equacionada como noção teórica e transposta como ferramenta de trabalho válida no âmbito do ensino da língua, com a de composicionalidade, evidenciando a interação entre o linguístico e as outras semioses. A articulação entre as duas noções possibilita trabalhar com textos multimodais, através de uma abordagem macro, para o nível contextual e, de uma abordagem meso/micro, para o nível configuracional. Pretende-se, com o presente contributo, melhorar as práticas de ensino/aprendizagem da leitura, em particular em textos com multiplicidade de linguagens, evidenciando como as diversas formas de interação entre o verbal e o não verbal são complexas e precisam de um trabalho faseado.Starting from the proposals of Leal (2019) and Gonçalves and Jorge (2019), this paper aims at contributing to the teaching/learning of reading multimodal texts. To this end, the notion of a text plan is articulated, considered as a theoretical notion and transposed as a valid work tool in the context of language teaching with the one of compositionality, showing the interaction between linguistic and other semiosis. The articulation between the two notions makes it possible to work with multimodal texts, through a macro approach, for the contextual level, and a meso or intermediate approach, for the configurational level. The aim of this contribution is to improve teaching/learning reading practices, particularly texts with multiple languages, showing how the various forms of interaction between verbal and non-verbal are complex and need a phased work

    Percepções de clima, empenhamento organizacional e satisfação com o trabalho:um estudo de caso

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    O presente trabalho tem por objectivos: (i) perceber o quanto as percepções de clima organizacional influenciam as atitudes dos colaboradores (e.g. empenhamento organizacional e satisfação com o trabalho) e (ii) identificar se, na relação entre percepções de clima e as atitudes no trabalho, a satisfação com o trabalho é consequente ou antecedente do empenhamento organizacional. Através de um inquérito por questionário distribuído a uma amostra de 104 colaboradores apurou-se que: (i) as percepções favoráveis do clima da organização induzem os colaboradores a tornarem-se mais empenhados, levando-os a sentirem maiores níveis de satisfação com o trabalho (i.e. o empenhamento organizacional medeia a relação entre as percepções de clima e a satisfação no trabalho); (ii) as percepções de clima organizacional explicam 35% e 23% do empenhamento afectivo e normativo, respectivamente, e 12% da satisfação com o trabalho; (iii) o empenhamento organizacional explica 30% a satisfação

    Aplicación de una estrategia pedagógico-didáctica basada en las artes para la mediación de los conflictos escolares en los estudiantes del Colegio Gimnasio Superior Empresarial Bilingüe de Bucaramanga/Santander

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    EncuestaEn el presente proyecto aplicado, se plantea una propuesta educativa basada en la música y las manualidades como estrategias de mediación en el conflicto escolar de los estudiantes del colegio Gimnasio Superior Empresarial-Bilingüe de la ciudad de Bucaramanga/Santander. La propuesta busca mitigar los índices de violencia en el ambiente escolar e incentivar a su vez el dialogo y respeto por las diferencias con el fin de crear un ambiente más armónico que promueva una cultura de paz en la cotidianidad de la comunidad estudiantil. Así mismo, teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, a través de la encuesta y la observación, se plantea la estrategia pedagógica basada en las artes, con el fin de mitigar las conductas agresivas que se presentan entre los miembros de la comunidad estudiantil. En consecuencia, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de cambiar su visión sobre las artes y su aplicabilidad en la vida de cada uno de ellos, ya que estas, se constituyen en el medio formativo que permite expresar de manera libre y objetiva todos los sentimientos y emociones que se viven en el día a día del ambiente escolar en el Gimnasio Superior Empresarial Bilingüe Finalmente, la vinculación de las expresiones artísticas, fue clave para establecer la ruta de trabajo en el Colegio. Actividades basadas en la música, las manualidades, y la pintura, además de la adecuación de espacios de relajación, salones de creatividad, rincones de música y esparcimiento, fueron clave para lograr el objetivo planteado. La propuesta educativa se ejecuta con el apoyo de las coordinaciones de convivencia, los docentes y los estudiantes quienes vieron en ésta, una manera diferente de concretar acuerdos entre compañeros y disminuir las diferencias entre pares.The purpose of this research is to generate a culture of peace, where holistic behaviors are shown that contribute to the strengthening of interpersonal relations, encouraging respect for differences and employing a lessening of emotions and dialogue, as the main source of mediation in the disagreements of everyday school life. As Pythagoras says, "Educate the child and it will not be necessary to punish the man." in this sense, education is an essential tool to train and empower students through new knowledge that allows them to make changes in their behavior and thus contributes to the transformation of a hostile school environment to harmonious school environment. In order to achieve a meaningful student experience in the peaceful resolution of conflict in the school environment, it is important to implement an innovative proposal that draws students' attention and motivates them to peacefully correct their differences, acquiring new practices that contribute to building a culture of peace

    miR-125b Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in Breast Tumorigenesis via Its Novel Direct Targets ENPEP, CK2-α, CCNJ, and MEGF9

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in diverse biological processes and are emerging as key regulators of tumorigenesis and tumor progression. To explore the dysregulation of miRNAs in breast cancer, a genome-wide expression profiling of 939 miRNAs was performed in 50 breast cancer patients. A total of 35 miRNAs were aberrantly expressed between breast cancer tissue and adjacent normal breast tissue and several novel miRNAs were identified as potential oncogenes or tumor suppressor miRNAs in breast tumorigenesis. miR-125b exhibited the largest decrease in expression. Enforced miR-125b expression in mammary cells decreased cell proliferation by inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest and reduced anchorage-independent cell growth of cells of mammary origin. miR-125b was found to perform its tumor suppressor function via the direct targeting of the 3'-UTRs of ENPEP, CK2-alpha, CCNJ, and MEGF9 mRNAs. Silencing these miR-125b targets mimicked the biological effects of miR-125b overexpression, confirming that they are modulated by miR-125b. Analysis of ENPEP, CK2-alpha, CCNJ, and MEGF9 protein expression in breast cancer patients revealed that they were overexpressed in 56%, 40-56%, 20%, and 32% of the tumors, respectively. The expression of ENPEP and CK2-alpha was inversely correlated with miR-125b expression in breast tumors, indicating the relevance of these potential oncogenic proteins in breast cancer patients. Our results support a prognostic role for CK2-alpha, whose expression may help clinicians predict breast tumor aggressiveness. In particular, our results show that restoration of miR-125b expression or knockdown of ENPEP, CK2-alpha, CCNJ, or MEGF9 may provide novel approaches for the treatment of breast cancer

    Documentation of myofascial pain syndrome with infrared imaging Marcos

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    Os pontos-gatilho (PG) miofasciais são encontrados em muitas lesões cervicais com hiperextensão/hiperflexão, discopatias e lesões/ desordens por esforço repetitivo. Desde o extremo da simulação, ao frustrante dilema na investigação objetiva da dor crônica, uma das indicações básicas e melhores da comprovação por imagem infravermelha (IR) é a de documentar afecções de tecidos moles, particularmente nos casos em que não são demonstradas por exames radiológicos, eletroneuromiográficos ou laboratoriais. Os autores revisaram a literatura sobre imagem IR na documentação da síndrome dolorosa miofascial. O exame por IR é complemento essencial do diagnóstico clínico mostrando objetivamente PG na forma de pontos aquecidos hiperradiantes. Estas áreas hiperradiantes, correspondem a PG dolorosos anotados no exame clínico. Estes são corroborados pela sensibilidade local e confirmação da dor pelos pacientes. As áreas dolorosas referidas se apresentam termicamente assimétricas com o lado oposto. Os PG latentes, não objetivamente queixados pelos pacientes durante o exame IR, também são descritos sob a forma de pontos hiperradiantes. A presença destes PG latentes pode ser confirmada pela algometria de pressão nestas áreas. Após infiltração/agulhamento há alteração do perfil térmico cutâneo demonstrando resposta neurovegetativa simpática imediata. As alterações de imagem IR se constituem, assim, em importante recurso objetivo na demonstração de PG miofasciais, correlatos com as queixas objetivas do paciente. A documentação dos PG por imagem IR é útil no direcionamento para causa da dor, orientação do tratamento adequado, assim como avaliação de sua resposta.The myofascial trigger points (TP) are involved as much pathologies of hyperextension/hyperflexion cervical injuries, disc injuries, and overuse injuries. One of the basic indications and clinical uses of infrared (IR) imaging is documentation of soft tissue pathology, particularly in conditions which cannot be demonstrated on radiologic tests, electroneuromyography or laboratory workup. The authors review the literature regarding IR imaging in the documentation of myofascial pain syndrome. The IR imaging is a diagnostic test which objectively documents TP in the form of hyperradiant hot spots. These hyperradiant spots corresponding to areas of pain usually represent active TP in clinical examination. They can be corroborated by local tenderness in the region, thus confirming the patient’s complaint. The areas of pain are presented as thermal asymmetry between corresponding areas of opposite sides of the body. Latent TP, not subject to patient complaints at the time of IR imaging examination, are detected in the form of hyperradiant spots. The presence of these latent TP can be documented by abnormal pressure threshold measurement in these areas. There was an alteration of the skin thermal profile after TP local anesthesia/dry needling demonstrating an immediate neurovegetative sympathetic response. The IR imaging findings represent an objective mean to document TP, thus corroborating with the subjective patient’s complaints. The documentation of TP by IR imaging is important to introduce the most adequate treatment directed the pain cause as well as to evaluate its response

    HIV-1/HAART-Related Lipodystrophy Syndrome (HALS) Is Associated with Decreased Circulating sTWEAK Levels

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    Background and Objectives Obesity and HIV-1/HAART-associated lipodystrophy syndrome (HALS) share clinical, pathological and mechanistic features. Tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) is a multifunctional cytokine that plays an important role in obesity and related diseases. We sought to explore the relationship between HALS and circulating levels of soluble (s) TWEAK and its scavenger receptor sCD163. Methods This was a cross-sectional multicenter study of 120 HIV-1-infected patients treated with a stable HAART regimen; 56 with overt HALS and 64 without HALS. Epidemiological and clinical variables were determined. Serum levels of sTWEAK and sCD163 levels were measured by ELISA. Results were analyzed with Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U and χ2 test. Pearson and Spearman correlation were used to estimate the strength of association between variables. Results Circulating sTWEAK was significantly decreased in HALS patients compared with non-HALS patients (2.81±0.2 vs. 2.94±0.28 pg/mL, p = 0.018). No changes were observed in sCD163 levels in the studied cohorts. On multivariate analysis, a lower log sTWEAK concentration was independently associated with the presence of HALS (OR 0.027, 95% CI 0.001-0.521, p = 0.027). Conclusions HALS is associated with decreased sTWEAK levels

    Equation for the potential of an electron system with slowly varying density in the energy-functional formalism

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    A second-order differential equation is derived for the electric potential of an electron system with slowly varying density. It includes consistently the first-gradient corrections to both the kinetic energy and the exchange energy. In the regime of high density, the equation reduces to the one derived by Schwinger Phys. Rev. A 24 2353 (1981
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