645 research outputs found

    Faciliter l’accès à la contraception des jeunes majeures : Évaluation des « Pass Contraception »

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    Adopté par la moitié des régions de France métropolitaine, le Pass contraception est un carnet de coupons facilitant un accès anonyme et gratuit à la contraception. Comment évaluer ce type de dispositif ? Qu’apportent réellement les Pass contraception ? Faut-il les pérenniser et/ou les généraliser à toutes les régions ? Sous quelles conditions ? Nous livrons ici les premiers constats et les limites de notre évaluation

    Retinoblastoma and Its Binding Partner MSI1 Control Imprinting in Arabidopsis

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    Parental genomic imprinting causes preferential expression of one of the two parental alleles. In mammals, differential sex-dependent deposition of silencing DNA methylation marks during gametogenesis initiates a new cycle of imprinting. Parental genomic imprinting has been detected in plants and relies on DNA methylation by the methyltransferase MET1. However, in contrast to mammals, plant imprints are created by differential removal of silencing marks during gametogenesis. In Arabidopsis, DNA demethylation is mediated by the DNA glycosylase DEMETER (DME) causing activation of imprinted genes at the end of female gametogenesis. On the basis of genetic interactions, we show that in addition to DME, the plant homologs of the human Retinoblastoma (Rb) and its binding partner RbAp48 are required for the activation of the imprinted genes FIS2 and FWA. This Rb-dependent activation is mediated by direct transcriptional repression of MET1 during female gametogenesis. We have thus identified a new mechanism required for imprinting establishment, outlining a new role for the Retinoblastoma pathway, which may be conserved in mammals

    A Scalable Genome-Editing-Based Approach for Mapping Multiprotein Complexes in Human Cells

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    SummaryConventional affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (AP-MS) analysis is a broadly applicable method used to decipher molecular interaction networks and infer protein function. However, it is sensitive to perturbations induced by ectopically overexpressed target proteins and does not reflect multilevel physiological regulation in response to diverse stimuli. Here, we developed an interface between genome editing and proteomics to isolate native protein complexes produced from their natural genomic contexts. We used CRISPR/Cas9 and TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) to tag endogenous genes and purified several DNA repair and chromatin-modifying holoenzymes to near homogeneity. We uncovered subunits and interactions among well-characterized complexes and report the isolation of MCM8/9, highlighting the efficiency and robustness of the approach. These methods improve and simplify both small- and large-scale explorations of protein interactions as well as the study of biochemical activities and structure-function relationships

    Chronostratigraphy of two Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in the Rhône Valley (southeast France)

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    International audienceA sedimentological and chronostratigraphical investigation was carried out on two loess sections located in the Mediterranean area in southeast France along the Rhône River (Lautagne) and the lower reach of a tributary of the Rhône River (Collias). High-resolution sampling (5–20 cm) for magnetic susceptibility, grain size distribution (including non-parametric end-member modelling), colour reflectance and geochemistry was performed. The chronology was based on luminescence dating of quartz grains and radiocarbon dating of small gastropod shells, coupled with hierarchical Bayesian modelling. The Collias section (~8 m thick) records the whole last climatic cycle. It comprises a thick red basal pedocomplex S1 developed during the Last Interglacial and the Early Glacial, similar to that observed elsewhere in southern and southeastern Europe. Loess deposition occurred during the Lower (L1L2) and the Upper Pleniglacial (L1L1). It was interrupted by soil formation during the Middle Pleniglacial, of which a brown Bwk horizon has been preserved (L1S1). By contrast, the ~5 m thick Lautagne section provides a detailed record of the Upper Pleniglacial. Weakly developed hydromorphic soils are correlated with the Greenland Interstadials GI-4 to GI-2, while the main period of coarse loess sedimentation corresponds to the Greenland Stadials GS-5 to GS-2. At a regional scale, the time of loess deposition ranges between 38.5 ka and 12 ka, with a peak at ~28–24 ka, overlapping with the maximal advance of the Alpine Ice Sheet (AIS). This strongly suggests that regional glacier dynamics was the main driver of loess sedimentation

    Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results

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    International audienceThe Asfalda project aims to develop a French corpus with frame-based semantic annotations and automatic tools for shallow semantic analysis. We present the first part of the project: focusing on a set of notional domains, we delimited a subset of English frames, adapted them to French data when necessary, and developed the corresponding French lexicon. We believe that working domain by domain helped us to enforce the coherence of the resulting resource, and also has the advantage that, though the number of frames is limited (around a hundred), we obtain full coverage within a given domain

    Solu Fighting Championship (SFC) - spontaanista ideasta Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijatapahtumaksi

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    Tutkimuksessani kartoitan Solu Fighting Championship (SFC) -opiskelijatapahtumaan osallistuneiden Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijoiden keskeisiä kokemuksia tapahtumasta, hyötyjä, joita he tapahtumaan liittävät, tarvetta tapahtumalle sekä kehittämisehdotuksia. Tältä pohjalta selvitän tapahtuman onnistuneisuutta. Pyrkimykseni on osoittaa, että parhaimmat ideat opiskelijatapahtumiksi lähtevät opiskelijoista itsestään. Opinnäytetyöni viitekehyksenä on korkeakouluopiskelijan fyysinen, psyykkinen ja sosiaalinen hyvinvointi. Opinnäytetyöni on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, johon olen kerännyt aineistoa sähköpostitse lähettämälläni kyselyllä. Aineiston olen analysoinut kvalitatiivisesti eli laadullisesti. Kyselyn kohdejoukkona on 20 SFC -tapahtumaan osallistunutta opiskelijaa. Heistä 19 vastasi kyselyyni. Näistä naisia oli kolme ja miehiä 17. Jokainen vastaaja oli osallistunut SFC -tapahtumaan sekä ottelijana että katsojana. Tutkimukseni osoitti, että SFC -tapahtuma on onnistunut. Se koetaan myönteiseksi opiskelijatapahtumaksi, joka innostaa kamppailu-urheiluun ja tarjoaa matalan kynnyksen kokeilla kamppailulajeja sekä niissä ottelemista. Kannustaessaan liikkumaan, tapahtuma edistää fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja lisää fyysistä hyvinvointia. SFC -tapahtumalla koetaan olevan myös välillinen merkitys poliisin työn ja voimankäytön tukena. Tapahtuma edesauttaa opiskelijoiden tutustumista toisiinsa ja yhdistää myös opiskelijoita ja opettajia. Se vahvistaa koulun yhteisöllisyyttä ja yhteishenkeä ja tukee näin opiskelijan sosiaalista ja psyykkistä hyvinvointia. SFC erottuu edukseen erilaisena opiskelijatapahtumana, jossa kamppailu-urheilu, viihde ja päihteetön yhdessäolo yhdistyvät. SFC -tapahtuman keskeisimmät kehittämisehdotukset liittyvät ajan- ja tilankäytön haasteisiin