1,703 research outputs found

    Random walks in directed modular networks

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    Because diffusion typically involves symmetric interactions, scant attention has been focused on studying asymmetric cases. However, important networked systems underlain by diffusion (e.g. cortical networks and WWW) are inherently directed. In the case of undirected diffusion, it can be shown that the steady-state probability of the random walk dynamics is fully correlated with the degree, which no longer holds for directed networks. We investigate the relationship between such probability and the inward node degree, which we call efficiency, in modular networks. Our findings show that the efficiency of a given community depends mostly on the balance between its ingoing and outgoing connections. In addition, we derive analytical expressions to show that the internal degree of the nodes do not play a crucial role in their efficiency, when considering the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi and Barab\'asi-Albert models. The results are illustrated with respect to the macaque cortical network, providing subsidies for improving transportation and communication systems

    Reflectionless quasiconformal carpet cloak via parameterization strategy

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    In this work the possibility of using both the parameterization function and the least squares method to achieve a quasiconformal carpet cloak via a transformation optical design is demonstrated. The parameterization strategy allows us to obtain a continuous interface around the media, and, therefore, the resulting structure is reflectionless. Polynomial series are added to the coordinate transformation functions, providing a number of degrees of freedom (DoF) without modifying the device boundary conditions. The anisotropy reduction effects over the coordinate transformation are analyzed for different numbers of DoF in the parameterization function. The method's connection with the Riemann mapping theorem is also studied. Our results indicate that anisotropy can be reduced to very close to zero with increasing DoF without incurring edge reflections around the carpet cloak321224882493CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGnão temnão temnão te

    A trajetória da Abril Cultural

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    The Abril Publishing House trough Abril Cultural, from 1968 to 1982, released more than 200 installments, books and records in the Brazilian publishing market. This text intends to tell the path of this company trying to show some elements to reflect about part of the cultural production during the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). It’s analyzed the development context of the company; the editorial process of one collection and some prefaces of installments and collections.La Editora Abril, vía abril Cultural, de 1968 hasta 1982 lanzó más de 200 fascículos, libros y discos en el mercado brasileño. Este texto pretende narrar la trayectoria de esta empresa, teniendo como objetivo presentar algunos elementos para analizar la producción cultural durante la Dictadura Militar. En este sentido, se estudia el contexto del desarrollo de citada empresa; la dinámica editorial de una colección y algunos prefacios de fascículos y colecciones.A Editora Abril, via Abril Cultural, de 1968 até 1982, lançou mais de 200 fascículos, livros e discos no mercado editorial brasileiro. Este texto pretende narrar a trajetória desta empresa, procurando apresentar alguns elementos para se pensar a produção cultural durante a Ditadura Militar. Neste sentido, analisa-se o contexto de desenvolvimento da referida empresa, a dinâmica editorial de uma coleção e alguns prefácios de fascículos e coleções.

    Dissoluzioni, parodie o mutamenti?

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    Quale rapporto si sta costruendo fra le scienze storiche e Wikipedia? Come bisogna porsi di fronte alle voci di Wikipedia che trattano di storia? Quale potrà essere il ruolo della futura “enciclopedia libera” per lo studio e l’insegnamento della storia? A partire dall’analisi di alcune voci di Wikipedia operata dal gruppo di lavoro “Nicoletta Bourbaki”, sei autori animano una tavola rotonda sul rapporto tra l’enciclopedia libera e il mondo della storia.What kind of relationship do the historical sciences have with Wikipedia? How should a reader approach Wikipedia articles dealing with history? What role will the upcoming “free encyclopedia” play in the study and teaching of history? Starting from an analysis on some Wikipedia’s article performed by the “Nicoletta Bourbaki” working group, six authors animate a panel discussion on the relationship between the free encyclopedia and history

    Three-dimensional quasi-conformal transformation optics through numerical optimization

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    In this paper we demonstrate the possibility to achieve 3-dimensional quasi-conformal transformation optics through parametrization and numerical optimization without using sliding boundary conditions. The proposed technique, which uses a quasi-Newton method, is validated in two cylindrical waveguide bends as design examples. Our results indicate an arbitrarily small average anisotropy can be achieved in 3D transformation optics as the number of degrees of freedom provided by the parametrization was increased. The waveguide simulations confirm modal preservation when the residual anisotropy is neglected24151646516470CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFINANCIADORA DE ESTUDOS E PROJETOS - FINEPFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão temnão temnão temnão temnão te

    Gambaran Karies Gigi Pada Anak Tunagrahita Di Slb C Kota Semarang

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    A intellectual development disorder child is more comprehensively defined as individuals who have significant intelligence below average and are accompanied by the inability of the behavior adaptation, which appear in the developmental period. Dental caries and gingivitis occurs more frequently in children with special needs compared to a normal child. The prevalence of caries in Indonesia reaches 60-80% of the entire population, while one of the dental caries on mentally disabled children reaches 82,6%. This research was observational analytic with cross sectional study design. The population in this research is whole intelectual development disorder children aged 6-12 years. The cariesdata collection was obtained from the children's DMF-T examination. Out of the 101 respondents, this study found 83,2% in caries

    Full three-dimensional isotropic carpet cloak designed by quasi-conformal transformation optics

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    A fully three-dimensional carpet cloak presenting invisibility in all viewing angles is theoretically demonstrated. The design is developed using transformation optics and threedimensional quasi-conformal mapping. Parametrization strategy and numerical optimization of the coordinate transformation deploying a quasi-Newton method is applied. A discussion about the minimum achievable anisotropy in the 3D transformation optics is presented. The method allows to reduce the anisotropy in the cloak and an isotropic medium could be considered. Numerical simulations confirm the strategy employed enabling the design of an isotropic reflectionless broadband carpet cloak independently of the incident light direction and polarization25192351723522CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGnão temnão temnão te

    Thermal performance and comfort condition analysis in a vernacular building with a glazed balcony

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    The increase in global environmental problems requires more environmentally efficient construction. Vernacular passive strategies can play an important role in helping reducing energy use and CO2 emissions related to buildings. This paper studies the use of glazed balconies in the North of Portugal as a strategy to capture solar gains and reduce heat losses. The purpose is understanding thermal performance and comfort conditions provided by this passive heating strategy. The methodology includes objective (short and long-term monitoring), to evaluate the different parameters affecting thermal comfort and air quality, and subjective assessments to assess occupants? perception regarding thermal sensation. The results show that the use of glazed balconies as a passive heating strategy in a climate with cold winters is viable. During the mid-seasons, the rooms with balcony have adequate comfort conditions. In the heating season, it is possible to achieve comfort conditions in sunny days while in the cooling season there is a risk of overheating. Regarding indoor air quality, carbon dioxide concentrations were low, but the average radon concentration measured was high when the building was unoccupied, rapidly decreasing to acceptable values, during occupation periods when a minimum ventilation rate was promoted. Occupants? actions were essential to improving building behavior.The authors would like to acknowledge the support granted by the FEDER funds through the Competitively and Internationalization Operational Programme (POCI) and by national funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the scope of the project with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029328, and of the Ph.D. grant with the reference PD/BD/113641/2015, that were fundamental for the development of this study

    Implementasi Algoritma Greedy Untuk Melakukan Graph Coloring: Studi Kasus Peta Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    This paper will describe us how to coloring a graph by using greedy algorithm with the case study province of Jawa Timur. From this research we will know that for graph coloring at Jawa Timur Province only use four difference colors. Keywords: edge, graph coloring, vertex. Paper ini akan memperlihatkan sebuah teknik penggunaan algoritma Greedy untuk melakukan pewarnaan graf (graph coloring) pada peta Propinsi Jawa Timur. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa untuk melakukan pewarnaan graph di Propinsi Jawa Timur dibutuhkan sebanyak empat buah warna yang berbeda