8 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje colaborativo en Psicología de la Educación: innovación educativa en Educación Superior

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    La transformación que ha experimentado la Educación Superior durante los últimos veinte años ha supuesto numerosos cambios en los modelos formativos de las asignaturas de todas las titulaciones de las universidades españolas, públicas y privadas. Entre las metodologías educativas más frecuentes, el aprendizaje colaborativo ha cobrado una notable relevancia como estrategia potencial para impulsar el papel activo del estudiantado como agente crítico, reflexivo y responsable en su proceso de aprendizaje y adquisición de contenidos curriculares, así como en su desarrollo personal e interpersonal. En este sentido, el equipo docente del presente estudio asume el reto de diseñar e implementar en el contexto universitario una experiencia de innovación docente, en la asignatura de Psicología de la Educación incluida en al segundo curso del Grado en Psicología de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH) durante el curso 2021-22, y conocer la opinión del estudiantado. En este trabajo se presenta la estrategia de “Aprendizaje Colaborativo” unido a la utilización de e-rúbricas de autoevaluación y coevaluación a través de las Tecnologías de las Información, la Comunicación y el Ocio (TICO), tanto en la teoría como en la práctica de esta asignatura, justificando el interés de esta experiencia, presentando las bases que la sustentan, así como el desarrollo y procedimiento de la dinámica y evaluación durante el cuatrimestre. Finalmente, se realiza una valoración de la experiencia por parte del estudiantado, y se reflejan las limitaciones halladas en su implementación y las líneas de investigación-acción futuras

    Ansiedade social, depressão e saúde durante o ciclo de vida numa população portuguesa

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre ansiedad social, depresión y salud en la adolescencia, adultez y vejez en población portuguesa. Este estudio siguió una metodología cuantitativa con diseño transversal. El muestreo fue por conveniencia (n=849) entre 14 y 98 años (M = 49.72, DT = 22.59), distribuida en cuatro grupos de edad: 12-19, 20-39, 40-59 y 60 años o más. Las variables se evaluaron con: SPAI, SF-36 Health Survey y BDI. Se calcularon coeficientes de correlación de Pearson, teniendo en cuenta los tamaños del efecto. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre ansiedad social y depresión. Además, se encontraron correlaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas con las dimensiones de salud, disminuyendo con la edad. En general, las correlaciones de éstas con depresión fueron mayores que con ansiedad social en todos los grupos etarios. Estos resultados apoyan una reducción de la ansiedad social, así como un aumento de la depresión a lo largo del ciclo de vida en Portugal.The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between social anxiety, depression and health in adolescence, adulthood and old age in the Portuguese population. This study followed a quantitative methodology with a cross-sectional design. Sampling was for convenience (n=849) between 14 and 98 years old (M= 49.72, SD= 22.59), distributed in four age groups: 12-19, 20-39, 40-59 and 60 years or older. The variables were evaluated with SPAI, SF-36 Health Survey and BDI. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated, taking into account the effect sizes. Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between social anxiety and depression. In addition, negative and statistically significant correlations were found with the health dimensions, decreasing with age. In general, the correlations of these with depression were higher than with social anxiety in all age groups. These results support a reduction in social anxiety, as well as an increase in depression throughout the life cycle in Portugal.O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a relação entre ansiedade social, depressão e saúde na adolescência, idade adulta e velhice numa população portuguesa. Este estudo seguiu uma metodologia quantitativa com delineamento transversal. A amostragem foi por conveniência (n = 849) entre 14 e 98 anos (M = 49.72, DP = 22.59), distribuídos em quatro faixas etárias: 12-19, 20-39, 40-59 e 60 anos ou mais. As variáveis foram avaliadas com: SPAI, SF-36 Health Survey e BDI. Os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson foram calculados, levando em consideração os tamanhos de efeito. Correlações positivas e estatisticamente significativas foram encontradas entre ansiedade social e depressão. Além disso, foram encontradas correlações negativas e estatisticamente significativas com as dimensões de saúde, diminuindo com a idade. Em geral, as correlações destes com a depressão foram maiores do que com a ansiedade social em todas as faixas etárias. Estes resultados suportam uma redução da ansiedade social, bem como um aumento da depressão ao longo do ciclo de vida em Portugal

    Modeling the Effects of Trait Emotional Intelligence, Social-Emotional Problems, and Gender.

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    Trait Emotional intelligence (Trait EI) can be understood as a personality trait related to individual differences in recognition, processing, and the regulation of emotionally charged information. Trait EI has been considered a variable of great importance in determining psychosocial adjustment. However, most research on Trait EI has focused on adult and adolescent populations, while very few studies have explored its influence on children. The aim of this study was to analyze possible pathways into psychosocial adjustment in children by examining the combined effects of Trait EI and emotional and social problems. It also aimed to assess the possible mediating role of gender in this relationship. A total of 268 Spanish children participated in this study, ranging in age from 8 to 12 years (mean age = 10.09, SD = 1.32, 45.10% male). Selected measures were applied through a web-based survey called DetectaWeb. The regression and mediation/moderation analyses confirmed that psychosocial adjustment in children was determined by Trait EI directly and by emotional and social problems in an indirect way. Together, the three variables explained 46% of the variance in psychosocial adjustment, although Trait EI was the most powerful predictor (44%), demonstrating incremental validity over and above social and emotional problems. In addition, gender was shown to be a moderating variable between Trait EI and psychosocial adjustment; for girls specifically, lower Trait EI scores were a determinant of lower levels of psychosocial adjustment, regardless of emotional and social problems. It can be concluded that the identified pathways provide keys for emotional education interventions aimed at promoting psychosocial adjustment, well-being, and good mental health among children. Our findings support the buffer role of Trait EI against maladjustment risk in children, but more clearly in girls

    Aceptación/rechazo social infantil: relación con problemas emocionales e inteligencia emocional

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship of social acceptance/rejection whit anxiety-depressive symptomatology and emotional intelligence in Spanish children. The sample consisted of 94 students of Elementary School between 8 and 12 years. Results revelled the significant relationship between rejection index and symptomatology of social phobia, dysphoria and low self-stem, while the model for choices index is related whit social skills. In resume, social rejection is related whit emotional problems, whereas social acceptance does with emotional intelligence. This study suggests the relevance of developing socio-emotional competences programs to promote social acceptance and to prevent emotional disorders related with social rejection in childhood.El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación de la aceptación/rechazo social con la sintomatología ansioso-depresiva y la inteligencia emocional en niños españoles de 8 a 12 años. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 94 alumnos (45.7% varones, edad media = 9.76; DT = 1.09). Los resultados indicaron que el rechazo social se relaciona con la sintomatología de fobia social, disforia y baja autoestima, mientras que la aceptación social se relaciona con habilidades sociales. En resumen, el rechazo social se relaciona con problemas emocionales, mientras que la aceptación social lo hace con inteligencia emocional. Este estudio sugiere la importancia de desarrollar programas de competencias socio-emocionales para promover la aceptación social y prevenir los trastornos emocionales asociados al rechazo social en la infancia

    Socio-emotional strengths against psychopathology and suicidal ideation in fear of COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused a global health crisis. It also leads to different types of psychosocial problems in society as a result of preventive health measures and the disease itself. Among others, psychopathological symptoms and suicide behaviors have increased. The PsicorecurSOS COVID-19 online protocol was designed. At baseline, 1020 Spanish adults were assessed, during confinement, for sociodemographics, fear of COVID-19, anxious-depressive symptoms, covitality, and suicidal ideation. Reliability, descriptive, and frequency analyses were carried out, and the computer tool SPSS PROCESS was used to carry out a conditional process analysis (model 59). A total of 595 participants were included (58.30% response rate from baseline; mean age = 37.18 [SD = 13.30]; 72.44% female). Regarding suicidal ideation, 12% responded differently to “never,” 19.3% exceeded the cutoff point on the anxiety scale, and 24% on the depression scale. Moderate mediation analysis explained 27% of the variance in suicidal ideation. In addition, the indirect effect of moderate mediation was significant (b = −.004, SE = .002 with the presence of covitality; and b = .01, SE = .003 absence of covitality). Sex and age did not influence the overall outcome of the model. The data from this study can serve as a starting point for generating social and health treatment initiatives based on self-examination of anxiety-depressive symptoms and increasing socio-emotional skills in order to prevent and alleviate the psychosocial effects of the pandemic.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Ajuste psicosocial e inteligencia emocional en niños.

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    La mejora de la inteligencia emocional en niños, es un tema de enorme actualidad e interés social y educativo, debido a su alta implicación en la salud física y mental. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es conocer la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y dos de los principales indicadores de ajuste psicosocial infantil: el aspecto social (aceptación y rechazo social, estatus social, dinámica de victimización-agresión, etc.) y el emocional (sintomatología ansioso-depresiva, emociones positivas, etc.). Además de diseñar e implementar un programa breve de inteligencia emocional para niños de 8 a 12 años, que supone las principales dificultades que vienen presentando este tipo de programas. Los resultados muestran una estrecha relación entre la aceptación/rechazo social infantil con: inteligencia emocional, indicadores de ajuste psicosocial, y problemas emocionales. Los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión interfieren en el ajuste psicosocial infantil y la inteligencia emocional es considerada como una variable protectora. Los dos programas diseñados muestran algunos resultados favorables, en primer lugar, el programa cognitivo conductual breve de prevención del rechazo social infantil disminuye la sintomatología ansioso-depresiva asociada al éste, y mejora la inteligencia emocional y estatus social. En segundo lugar, el programa breve de IE, Pro-emocion@l, proporciona efectos beneficiosos en variables de fortaleza psicológica como la inteligencia emocional, y contribuye a la disminución de síntomas de problemas emocionales infantiles. Todo ello resalta la importancia de diseñar herramientas de acercamiento a la enseñanza de las habilidades socio-emocionales e inteligencia emocional en los niños, con el fin de promover el ajuste psicosocial infantil desde las aulas, y afianzar los cimientos de una vida sólida

    Reliability and validity evidence of the School Anxiety Inventory scores in a sample of Spanish children: A new self-report

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    Anxiety and school fears are relatively frequent in childhood. Psychology and education professionals need to have assessment instruments for screening for school anxiety in schools. This study aimed to develop, adapt, and examine the reliability and validity evidence of the School Anxiety Inventory for Primary Education (SAI-PE) scores. Using random cluster sampling, a sample of 843 Spanish students (51.7% girls), ages ranging from 8 to 12 years (M = 10.03, SD = 1.25), was selected from public and concerted schools. The content validity of the SAI-PE scores was analyzed through experts' judgment and students' assessment of their comprehension of the instrument's items. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses support the validity of the SAI-PE scores. The results revealed a multifactorial structure for the scores of anxiety reactions (cognitive, psychophysiological, and behavioral) and school situations scores (school punishment, victimization, social, and academic evaluation). The study conclusions reinforce the importance of having instruments that assess the complexity of emotional responses such as school anxiety, favoring its early detection and evaluating the effectiveness of preventive and/or therapeutic programs in schools.This work was supported by Project EDU2012-35124 belonging to the Aid Plan for Research Projects of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), Non-Oriented Fundamental Research Projects Subprogram: 2012 Call, awarded to Prof. José M. García-Fernández, PhD

    Reliability and validity evidence of the School Anxiety Inventory scores in a sample of Spanish children: A new self-report

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    Anxiety and school fears are relatively frequent in childhood. Psychology and education professionals need to have assessment instruments for screening for school anxiety in schools. This study aimed to develop, adapt, and examine the reliability and validity evidence of the School Anxiety Inventory for Primary Education (SAI-PE) scores. Using random cluster sampling, a sample of 843 Spanish students (51.7% girls), ages ranging from 8 to 12 years (M = 10.03, SD = 1.25), was selected from public and concerted schools. The content validity of the SAI-PE scores was analyzed through experts' judgment and students' assessment of their comprehension of the instrument's items. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses support the validity of the SAI-PE scores. The results revealed a multifactorial structure for the scores of anxiety reactions (cognitive, psychophysiological, and behavioral) and school situations scores (school punishment, victimization, social, and academic evaluation). The study conclusions reinforce the importance of having instruments that assess the complexity of emotional responses such as school anxiety, favoring its early detection and evaluating the effectiveness of preventive and/or therapeutic programs in schools