278 research outputs found

    Prensa y Guerra: Las relaciones de los diarios El Sol y La Voz con el Partido Nacionalista Vasco

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    El presente artículo analiza las consecuencias de la guerra civil española (1936- 1939) sobre un sector muy concreto, el de la prensa diaria en Madrid. Las dificultades y penurias que siguieron al inicial movimiento incautador, hicieron que dos de los más importantes diarios madrileños del período entreguerras, El Sol y La Voz, estuvieran a punto de convertirse en portavoces del Partido Nacionalista Vasco y del Gobierno de Euzkadi

    Effect of visual stimuli on the jumping ability of amateur soccer players

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    In soccer, high levels of strength applied in short durations are crucial for various performance-related actions such as accelerations, decelerations, sprints, jumps, and changes of direction. These actions often occur in the presence of visual stimuli that require attention and rapid reaction. Recent training methodologies propose integrating visual stimuli to enhance sport-specific physical abilities. However, limited research has investigated the impact of visual stimuli on explosive force production abilities. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the influence of reacting to non-specific visual stimuli on seated and counter-movement vertical jump performance. Seventeen senior amateur soccer players (age: 22.9 ± 2.8 years; height: 172.0 ± 8.5 cm; weight: 71.1 ± 7.3 kg) were recruited as participants for this study. Participants performed seated vertical jumps (SJsit-90º) and counter-movement vertical jumps (CMJ) under two conditions: with reaction to a visual stimulus (REAC) and without reaction (VOL). The order of the conditions was counterbalanced across participants. The statistical analysis revealed a significant decrease in the height of SJsit-90º in the REAC condition compared to the VOL condition (HeightVOL-REAC = 1.88 ± 2.16 cm; p < .001). Although a similar trend was observed, no significant differences were found in CMJ height between conditions (HeightVOL-REAC = 0.70 ± 0.63 cm; p = .277). It is concluded that the inclusion of non-specific visual stimuli to react to significantly and negatively affects the ability to apply force measured through seated vertical jumps. These findings emphasize the importance of considering the potential detrimental effects of external visual stimuli on explosive force production when designing training protocols for soccer players

    De la linealidad a la complejidad: hacia un nuevo paradigma

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    La Teoría del Caos y la Complejidad proponen un nuevo enfoque que reconcilia características propias de las organizaciones empresariales en un principio contrapuestas como el orden y la impredecibilidad. La Teoría de la Complejidad surge estrechamente vinculada a conceptos como incertidumbre, contradicción y totalidad, la Teoría del Caos, por su parte, podría entenderse como la ciencia de los sistemas complejos. Dado que las organizaciones empresariales se configuran como sistemas dinámicos, complejos y no lineales, el Enfoque de la Complejidad resulta especialmente adecuado para su estudio. Por ello, en el presente trabajo se abordan las posibles implicaciones de dicho enfoque sobre la gestión, la estrategia y la dinámica de las organizaciones empresariales, basadas en la importancia de conceptos tales como comportamiento cualitativo, retroalimentación, desorden, globalidad, adaptabilidad, flexibilidad, inestabilidad, endogeneidad, creatividad, aprendizaje, integración y frac talidad.Chaos and Complexity Theory propose a new approach that reconciles business organizations characteristics that are apparently opposed such as order and unpredictability. Complexity Theory is linked to concepts such as uncertainty, contradiction and totality, meanwhile Chaos Theory, can be considered as the complex systems science. Provided that business organizations are defined as dynamical,complex and nonlinear systems, the Complexity Paradigm turns out to be specially useful for its study. Therefore, in the present work the implications of this paradigm in management, strategy and business dynamics are shown. These implications are based on concepts such as qualitative behavior, feedback, globality, disorder, adaptability, flexibility, instability, endogenously, creativity, learning, integration and fractality

    Influence of surface location within depth of field on measuring by a conoscopic holography sensor integrated in a machining centre

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    Estudio de la influencia de la posición en el campo de trabajo sobre los resultados de medición de un sensor de holografía conoscópica integrado en un centro de mecanizado.In this work, a Conoscopic Holography (CH) sensor integrated in a Machining Centre (MC) was used for analysing how the measurements taken are influenced by the location of the digitized surface within depth of field (DOF). With this aim, two different digitizing strategies were conducted on a stepped specimen with flat surfaces. In the first strategy each step of the specimen was located at different positions within DOF whereas the CH sensor was kept at a constant height along the scanning of all steps. In the second strategy the sensor height was adapted so that each step was scanned at the same distance within DOF. The comparison between both strategies was performed by calculating the discrepancies between measurements taken by the CH sensor and those obtained by a touch probe (TP) also installed in the MC. Finally, the study provides a series of recommendations for practical application of the sensor.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (DPI2012-30987), the Regional Ministry of Economy and Employment of the Principality of Asturias (Spain) (SV-PA-13-ECOEMP-15) and the Government of the Principality of Asturias through the Programme “Severo Ochoa” 2014 of PhD grants for research and teaching (BP14-049)

    El concepto de cohesión territorial: escalas de aplicación, sistemas de medición y políticas derivadas

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    El concepto de cohesión territorial ha ido cobrando fuerza durante la última década como una de las expresiones más citadas en el ámbito temático de las políticas territoriales. Sin embargo, hasta fechas muy recientes ha adolecido de un escaso nivel de concreción, tanto teórica como práctica. Este texto se propone avanzar en dicha concreción, abordando las cuestiones clave del concepto de cohesión territorial en Europa, en cuanto a su definición; escala y ámbito de actuación; planteamiento de fórmulas para mejorar la cooperación y coordinación entre las políticas sectoriales y territoriales; o el debate, esencial para su aplicabilidad práctica, acerca del establecimiento de indicadores para la evaluación de las características y tendencias de dicha cohesión territorial. Todo ello en el contexto teórico del debate suscitado por la publicación del Libro Verde sobre la cohesión territorial, elaborado y difundido por la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas.The concept of territorial cohesion has gained strength during the last decade as one of the most quoted in the subject area of territorial policies. However, until very recently, has suffered from a low level of detail, both theoretical and practical. This paper seeks to be another step in specifying the main territorial cohesion-related issues by addressing the key issues of the concept in Europe, in terms of its definition, the scale and scope of territorial action; the question of how to improve co-operation and co-ordination between sectorial and territorial policies as well as the type of indicators that must be developed in order to evaluate both the characteristics and trends in territorial cohesion. These and other questions are addressed in the context of the theoretical debate raised after the publication in 2008 of the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion by the Commission of the European Communities

    Superior fruit total soluble solid content of red x pink F1 hybrids over nearly-isogenic parental lines

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    Comunicación realizada en el congresoPink-coloured tomatoes are reputed as good flavoured and are very popular in local markets. Pink tomatoes show a transparent, colourless fruit cuticle in contrast to the naringenin-chalcone flavonoid-rich, orange-yellow cuticle of normal, red tomatoes due to the y (colourless epidermis) recessive mutation in MYB12 gene located in chromosome 1. In order to investigate the basis of the alleged higher quality of pink vs. red tomatoes and, especially, our previous observations of good flavour in hybrids between red and pink tomato varieties, two red x pink F1 crosses between pairs of tomato near-isogenic lines were obtained, namely ‘Ailsa Craig’ wt/wt x ‘Ailsa Craig’ y/y and ‘Ponderosa Red’ wt/wt x ‘Ponderosa Red’ y/y, being the latter a pink tomato line in which y allele was introgressed from its closely related ‘Ponderosa Pink’ cultivar. The parental lines and the two F1 hybrids were grown to harvest in a greenhouse and total soluble solids (°Brix) and titratable acidity (TA) were measured in red ripe fruits. While no differences for °Brix were observed between the parents of each cross, significantly higher °Brix was measured in the two red x pink F1’s compared to their corresponding parental lines. No clear differences between parental lines and F1 crosses were shown for TA. The experiment was repeated but including also the pink x red, reciprocal F1 crosses. The overdominance for °Brix but not for TA was confirmed in the red x pink hybrids while the pink x red hybrids produced °Brix values similar to those of their parents.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estrategias en internet a partir de un modelo de dinámica competitiva

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    The present paper studies the characteristics and strategies suggested by a model of web sites competition dynamics, based on the Lotka-Volterra competition equations. The model captures the well know winner-take-all characteristic that is caused by the strong positive feedback mechanisms linked to high competence. From the analysis, both quantitative and qualitatively, of the model a series of strategic recommendations are offered to reach success, that prove to be coherent with the trends observed in the Internet real market. Among the above mentioned recommendations, the strategy of coopetition is highlighted as the most suitable option for small sites in order to deal with the leaders of the Net, being this one of the most interesting and novel behaviors that arise from the above mentioned analysis. This alternative strategy to the competition is backed by the predictions offered by a model of competitive dynamics. Furthermore, a series of interesting strategies for start-ups sites or new comers to the market are suggested, like segmentation and affiliation programs between vertical portals.En el presente trabajo se estudia un modelo que describe las principales características del mercado de Internet y las dinámicas competitivas de los denominados sitios web. Este modelo, basado en las ecuaciones de Lotka-Volterra, analiza situaciones del tipo ‘el ganador se lleva todo’ manifestadas recurrentemente en mercados altamente competitivos. Con base en su tratamiento tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo se ofrecen una serie de recomendaciones estratégicas para mejorar resultados, por supuesto, coherentes con las tendencias observadas en la realidad de la Red. Dentro de estas recomendaciones destaca la estrategia de competición, que se propone como una opción viable para que los sitios pequeños puedan hacer frente a los grandes líderes de Internet; reforzada por su fundamento en consonancia con las predicciones propias de un modelo de dinámica competitiva. Junto a ello, también se formulan diversas estrategias para los sitios de nueva creación o recién llegados al mercado (los conocidos start-ups) como la de segmentación y los programas de filiación entre portales verticales