1,012 research outputs found

    Variabilidad en la concentración y composición de los tocoferoles en el aceite de híbridos de girasol tradicionales y “alto oleico” en Argentina

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    Tocopherols are natural antioxidants that increase the stability of food fat and fulfill an important biological requirement in humans. There are no previous studies on the variability of tocopherol concentration and composition in the oil of sunflower traditional hybrids (TH) and high oleic sunflower hybrids (HOH) from different environments in Argentina. The objective of this work was to detect and  examine that variability. Seed samples were obtained from i) seven TH grown in four locations (Experiment I) and, ii) five hybrids (three HOH and two traditional ones) grown in three locations (Experiment II). Concentrations of total tocopherol in oil ranged from 634 to 1054 μg g oil–1. α-tocopherol accounted for 90.8 to 97% of the total tocopherols. Total and α-tocopherol concentrations were highly genetically determined (more than 80%). In Experiment I, a significant, although low in value, interaction between hybrid and location was found for total and α-tocopherol concentrations. In Experiment II, mean values for total tocopherol concentration in HOH and in each environment were larger than in TH. Significant differences for total and α-tocopherol concentration were not found among HOH and environments. The variation of tocopherol concentration for each hybrid across environments was higher than the variation among hybrids in the same environment. To obtain oil with high tocopherol concentration, both hybrid and environment must be selected.Los tocoferoles son antioxidantes naturales que aumentan la estabilidad de los aceites y cumplen una importante actividad biológica en humanos. No son conocidos estudios sobre la variabilidad del contenido y composición de tocoferoles en el aceite de híbridos de girasol tradicionales (HT) y “alto oleico” (HAO) sembrados en diferentes ambientes en Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue detectar y examinar esa variabilidad. Las semillas fueron obtenidas de a) 7 HT sembrados en 4 localidades (Experimento I), y, b) 5 híbridos ( 3 HAO y 2 HT) sembrados en 3 localidades (Experimento II). La concentración de tocoferoles totales varió entre 634 y 1054 μg g aceite–1. El α-tocoferol aportó con el 90.8 a 97.0% del contenido total de tocoferol. Las concentraciones de α-tocoferol y tocoferol total estuvieron genéticamente determinadas (más del 80%). Para ambas variables, la interacción híbrido x localidad en el Experimento I fue significativa aunque de pequeño valor. La concentración media de tocoferoles totales entre ambientes y en cada ambiente fue mayor en los HAO que en los HT en el Experimento II, mientras que no hubo diferencias significativas entre HAO ni entre ambientes para esta variable, ni para α-tocoferol. En ambos experimentos, la variabilidad en la concentración de tocoferoles para cada híbrido a través de los ambientes fue más alta que la ocurrida entre híbridos en un mismo ambiente. Para obtener aceite de girasol con alta concentración de tocoferoles deben seleccionarse tanto el genotipo como el ambiente

    Environmental assessment of central solar heating plants with seasonal storage located in Spain

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    Renewable energies can play a very important role in the development of a new energy model contributing effectively towards a more sustainable development in the mid and long term. In this context Central Solar Heating Plants with Seasonal Storage (CSHPSS) are able to provide space heating and Domestic Hot Water (DHW) to residential buildings with high solar fractions (>50%). These systems are already being used in Central and Northern Europe, as well as in Canada, where there is an important experience in district heating systems. The study presented herein presents an environmental assessment, applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, of a CSHPSS, which should cover the space heating and DHW demand of 500 dwellings of 100 m2, located in Zaragoza, Spain. Environmental burdens through the life cycle of the system are estimated based on greenhouse gas emissions, and comprehensive environmental indicators as the ReCiPe and Cumulative Energy Demand (CED). These indicators allow to evaluate the reduction of the environmental load achieved by the CSHPSS analyzed with respect to conventional space heating and DHW systems, as well as to identify the most critical aspects from the environmental perspective. In this article, the environmental behavior of the CSHPSS is decoupled into the two demands covered, heating and DHW, in order to quantify the environmental impact of each generation system. A detailed life cycle inventory is presented with the aim of promoting the development of increasingly efficient technologies from the environmental point of view, not only in the operation phase but also in the construction of the equipment. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis is performed to evaluate the variation of the environmental impact depending on the climatic conditions. The CSHPSS is also dimensioned in different Spanish cities and a LCA is carried out for nine locations. The results can help different stakeholders to make decisions in order to optimize the renewable energy generation systems taking in account its whole life cycle and to point out the necessity to evaluate the environmental impact essentially in the production phase for all renewable energy systems

    The meridian incision : a technical modification in the conservative surgery of the impacted maxillary canine

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    We describe a technical modification of the apical repositioning flap in the conservative surgical treatment of the impacted canine in buccal position. This amendment improves the tooth?s eventual visualization, thus permitting a better evolutive follow-up of its eruption process and, most importantly, providing the tooth with buccal attached gingiva that will accompany it in its downward progression, procuring a cervical contour without retraction, a satisfactory esthetic outcome and a physiologically correct periodontal ridge. The traditional apical repositioning flap also bestows the canine with attached gingiva; however, since the flap is sutured apically and its width is significantly smaller than the remaining surgical defect, the wound?s closure is compromised at one of its edges and often requires healing by second intention at an undesired location next to the buccal sulcus. We believe the introduction of the meridian incision is a simple, expedient technical modification with efficient results

    Magnetic Interplay between π-Electrons of Open-Shell Porphyrins and d-Electrons of Their Central Transition Metal Ions.

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    Magnetism is typically associated with d- or f-block elements, but can also appear in organic molecules with unpaired π-electrons. This has considerably boosted the interest in such organic materials with large potential for spintronics and quantum applications. While several materials showing either d/f or π-electron magnetism have been synthesized, the combination of both features within the same structure has only scarcely been reported. Open-shell porphyrins (Pors) incorporating d-block transition metal ions represent an ideal platform for the realization of such architectures. Herein, the preparation of a series of open-shell, π-extended Pors that contain magnetically active metal ions (i.e., CuII , CoII , and FeII ) through a combination of in-solution and on-surface synthesis is reported. A detailed study of the magnetic interplay between π- and d-electrons in these metalloPors has been performed by scanning probe methods and density functional theory calculations. For the Cu and FePors, ferromagnetically coupled π-electrons are determined to be delocalized over the Por edges. For the CoPor, the authors find a Kondo resonance resulting from the singly occupied CoII dz 2 orbital to dominate the magnetic fingerprint. The Fe derivative exhibits the highest magnetization of 3.67 μB (S≈2) and an exchange coupling of 16 meV between the π-electrons and the Fe d-states

    Hacia una normalización de la representación de flujogramas en el ámbito hospitalario

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    This article presents a proposal of standardization for the representation of hospital protocols using flowcharts. In the clinical field, highly complex processes are typically developed. If these processes are not appropriately managed, fatal consequences for patients and the healthcare personnel could appear. Using a clear notation for modelling the tasks to be performed is mandatory to keep the risks under control. In practice, the most widely used flowchart language for years (due to its simplicity and versatility) is defined in ISO 5807:1985 standard. However, this language is insufficiently expressive to represent all the essential aspects of a health protocol. In recent years, this type of protocols has become increasingly sophisticated in order to improve the control of critical aspects that influence the safety of medicines, patients and practitioners. In this way, a widespread practice has been the implementation of the HACCP methodology for hazard analysis and control. During the modelling of these protocols (and because of the expressivity problems of traditional flowchart notation), each hospital has adopted its proposal that complements the elements included in the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard. This practice forces practitioners to become familiar with the ad-hoc defined notation for that center. In addition, these adaptations usually fall into ambiguous and non-formal definitions. In the standardization proposal presented in this article, new graphic stereotypes are introduced. These can be easily integrated into the ISO notation and are designed to represent the critical aspects of the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) plan. For the definition of these new elements, a series of requirements have been prioritized. First, it is taken into account the tools that are commonly used and the simplicity for final users. Moreover, it is mandatory to avoid ambiguities assuring that the introduced elements do not interfere with the base notation contained in the original ISO standard. This standardization proposal enriches the ISO5807:1985 language with expression mechanisms to represent essential information related to protocol security by reducing ambiguities and proposing a standardized notation.En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de normalización para la representación de protocolos hospitalarios a través de diagramas de flujo. En el ámbito clínico se desarrollan procesos de gran complejidad que, si no se gestionan adecuadamente, podrían dar lugar a consecuencias fatales para los pacientes o el personal sanitario implicado. Utilizar una notación clara que formalice las tareas que deben realizarse es un aspecto fundamental para mantener los riesgos controlados. En la práctica, el lenguaje de flujogramas más utilizado desde hace años debido a su sencillez y versatilidad es el definido por la norma ISO 5807:1985. No obstante, este lenguaje resulta insuficientemente expresivo para representar todos los aspectos importantes de un protocolo sanitario. Durante los últimos años este tipo de protocolos han aumentado su complejidad con el fin de dar un paso hacia adelante en el control de aspectos críticos que influyen en la seguridad de los medicamentos, pacientes y personal sanitario. En esta línea, una práctica muy común ha sido la implantación de la metodología APPCC (Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control). Durante el modelado de estos protocolos (dado que la notación de flujogramas tradicional no es suficientemente expresiva) cada centro hospitalario ha adoptado una propuesta propia que complementa los elementos incluidos en la norma ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Con esta práctica se obliga a que el personal tenga que familiarizarse con la notación definida ad-hoc para ese centro que, además de no estar estandarizada, cae en ocasiones en definiciones ambiguas y poco formales. En la propuesta de normalización presentada en este artículo se plantean nuevos estereotipos gráficos fácilmente integrables en la notación ISO y diseñados para representar los aspectos críticos de la metodología APPCC. Para la definición de estos nuevos elementos se han priorizado una serie de requisitos que tienen en cuenta tanto los aspectos relativos a las herramientas software ya existentes como la simplicidad para los usuarios finales en la práctica diaria. Al mismo tiempo se tratan de evitar ambigüedades asegurando que los elementos introducidos no interfieren con la notación base contenida en la norma ISO original. En definitiva, esta propuesta de normalización consigue enriquecer el lenguaje ISO5807:1985 con mecanismos de expresión suficientes para representar la información básica relacionada con la seguridad de los protocolos reduciendo las ambigüedades y facilitando una notación estandarizada

    Serous Macular Detachment Associated with Dome-Shaped Macula and Tilted Disc

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    Introduction: An entirely new type of staphyloma has been recently described as dome-shaped macula (DSM). It is characterized by an abnormal convex macular contour within the concavity of a posterior staphyloma. We found DSM associated with serous macular detachment (SMD) and tilted disc in two consecutive cases. Case Reports: Case 1: A 37-year-old female presented to our department because of sudden onset blurred vision in her right eye (OD). The best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.5 in both eyes. Funduscopy evidenced bilateral tilted disc associated with posterior staphyloma. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) demonstrated a DSM with SMD in her OD. After 15 months of follow-up, BCVA of her OD remained stable with chronic SMD. Case 2: A 32-year-old female presented to our department because of blurred vision in her OD. The BCVA was 0.4 in the OD and 1.0 in the left eye (OS). Bilateral tilted disc and posterior staphyloma were evidenced in the funduscopy. OCT demonstrated a bilateral DSM with SMD in her OD. After 45 months of follow-up, two further episodes of transient SMD were observed in her OD and seven in her OS. The final BCVA was 0.63 in the OD and 0.8 in the OS. Discussion: SMD associated with tilted disc constitutes a potential cause of subretinal fluid accumulation in myopic patients. OCT is essential for the detection of both SMD and DSM

    Evaluación de centrales solares térmicas con acumulación estacional para el sector residencial en España

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    Las centrales solares térmicas con acumulación estacional, denominadas CSHPSS por sus siglas en ingles (Central Solar Heating Plants with Seasonal Storage) aprovechan la radiación solar para producir energía térmica a lo largo del año, incluido el periodo de verano, para cubrir parte de las necesidades de calefacción en invierno y las de ACS durante todo el año. Estos sistemas de gran tamaño (ejemplo planta en Marstal: 17.000 m2 de captadores solares y 10.000 m3 de acumulador de agua) producen energía térmica de forma centralizada y la distribuyen a través de una red de distrito para cubrir parte de las necesidades térmicas de una comunidad que en la mayoría de los casos supera las 1000 viviendas. En este trabajo se presenta: I) Un estudio del desarrollo actual de los sistemas CSHPSS y de las posibilidades de integración energética que ofrecen. II) Un modelo de simulación dinámica de estos sistemas con la aplicación informática TRNSYS. El modelo toma en cuenta las características específicas de la demanda de energía térmica y de los datos climatológicos en España, y es capaz de calcular sistemas CSHPSS con una fracción solar superior al 50%. Con este modelo se ha estudiado un subconjunto representativo de ciudades españolas con consumos elevados de calefacción determinando el área de captadores y el volumen de acumulación necesario según la localización. Para cada ciudad de estudio se han utilizado datos climáticos representativos de radiación y temperatura, así como demandas de calefacción obtenidas mediante la simulación térmica de edificios que cumplen la normativa española de eficiencia energética. III) La tercera parte del proyecto consiste en la propuesta de un método simplificado de cálculo de los sistemas CSHPSS que ha sido validado con el modelo TRNSYS. Este método simple supone un avance en el desarrollo de herramientas de cálculo de estas instalaciones. Se pretende con ello facilitar la evaluación del potencial de estos sistemas y servir como aproximación al diseño en España de sistemas CSHPSS. El método permite su estudio y pre-diseño conociendo una mínima información de la localidad de ubicación. La aplicación del modelo simple ha facilitado la evaluación del potencial económico de estos sistemas en España; se han obtenido criterios de diseño para distintas zonas geográficas en función de la fracción solar deseada, el número de viviendas atendidas, etc. Se ha elaborado un mapa en el que puede verse cómo la localización geográfica afecta a las necesidades de instalación de campos de captadores y de acumuladores estacionales para demandas de 1000 ó más viviendas, consiguiendo fracciones solares superiores al 50%. También se ha establecido en qué zonas los sistemas CSHPSS están próximos a alcanzar el umbral de rentabilidad respecto al aprovisionamiento convencional de ACS y calefacción; e incluso en qué condiciones pueden resultar económicamente viables

    Molluscs as bioindicators of the regression of a Zostera marina bed in southern Spain

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    Seagrass beds are experiencing a sharp decline worldwide and, unfortunately, a continued decrease is expected, mainly due to anthropogenic influence, with negative repercussions for coastal biodiversity. One of these declining seagrasses is Zostera marina L. which is the most widespread in the northern hemisphere (North America, Europe and Asia). One of the most recent observed cases of eelgrass decline occurred in the Special Area of Conservation “Acantilados de Maro - Cerro Gordo” (southern Spain) between 2005 and 2007. These eelgrass beds were probably the deepest ones (5–18 m depth) in Europe and supported a highly diverse associated fauna (Rueda et al., 2009). Different methods have been designed for evaluating ecological integrity or condition status of coastal waters. In general, there is an increasing interest in developing assessment tools for different physicochemical or biological elements of the ecosystems. Taking this into account, what might be the characteristics of a good ecological indicator? In Europe, and within the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2008/56/EC), biological elements are limited to composition, abundance (and biomass) of phytoplankton, other aquatic flora, benthic invertebrate fauna, and fishes. The data used to quantify these biological elements describe distributions/gradients, ratios, biodiversity indices and classification schemes. Environmental science must complement the structural ecosystem properties through an approach towards the ecosystem function and dynamics. In this way, trophic webs constitute probably an appropriate type of measurement of the ecosystem function. Molluscs constitute ca. 25% of the benthos and their dynamics have been shown to reflect the dynamics of the whole community. Therefore, we analyzed the changes in the molluscan taxocoenosis associated with the regression of a Zostera marina bed from the SAC of Acantilados de Maro - Cerro Gordo from 2005 to 2009. We analyzed changes in biotic variables: species richness, abundance, diversity index, biotic indexes and trophic diversity of the molluscan assemblage, and abiotic variables: grain size and percentage of organic matter in sediment. The aim was to check which of these indicators expressed better the environmental changes caused by the regression of the eelgrass bed. Species richness was the best indicator for showing loss of species and the Trophic Index (Danovaro et al., 2004) was the indicator that better expressed the drastic change of the assemblage, with a strong reduction of the trophic groups. Regarding biotic indexes, AMBI, MAMBI and MEDOCC, the absence of eutrophication makes these indicators less accurate to reflect the environmental change caused by the loss of the eelgrass bed. In fact, the best descriptor for this event would be the integrity of seafloor, because the regression of the eelgrass bed changes completely the bottom landscape. The loss of seagrasses and its effects are going to be one of the important topics in future scientific studies due to this continuous declining trend, so tools allowing us to anticipate this threat are becoming essential. In southern Spain, protection of seagrasses is urgently needed for preserving not only the beds but also the diverse communities associated with them