11 research outputs found

    Competent (And/Or Responsible) Parenting as a Prerequisite for a Complete Child Development

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    The issue of parental pedagogical competence is becoming morepronounced particularly if it is understood in the context of raising childrenfor a competent and responsible behaviour. Parenting involves undertakingvarious activities aimed at taking care of the child, encouraging his/herdevelopment, and simultaneously developing interpersonal relations. In theirparenting, parents seek to fulfil various personal and social expectations, sothe key issue is how parents perceive their own pedagogical competence. Inorder to study how parents (self-)assess their pedagogical competence, aresearch was conducted on a sample of 90 parents of children of early andpre-school age. Factor analysis identified four factors: lack of knowledge andof confidence in child-rearing, blaming somebody else, and uncertainty inthe ability to influence the child, which explain the pedagogicalincompetence, and confidence factor in child-rearing which indicatesparental pedagogical competence. The T-test was performed and at thesignificance level of p <0.05 no significant difference was found in selfassessedparental competence with respect to the gender and age of the child.It is reasonable to argue that parents need occasional or more permanentsupport and help in the acquisition of knowledge of parenting, which can andshould be primarily provided by the educators in institutions

    Laboratory professionalsā€™ attitudes towards ISO 15189:2012 accreditation: an anonymous survey of three Croatian accredited medical laboratories

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    Effective implementation and continual compliance with ISO 15189:2012 require ongoing commitment and active involvement of laboratory staff. Our aim was to assess attitudes regarding accreditation implementation by conducting a survey in three Croatian accredited medical laboratories. An anonymous survey consisting of 34 questions was distributed either electronically or in a paper form a week prior to scheduled annual audits. Distributions of answers regarding age, work experience, laboratory workplace, and education level and according to the respective laboratory were compared. The overall response rate was 76% (225/297). Preference towards working in an accredited laboratory and a positive attitude were revealed by 70% and 56% participants, respectively, with better process documentation as the main advantage. Only 14% of responders considered themselves completely familiar with ISO 15189:2012. Total of 68% of responders felt that accreditation increases the usual workload, with excessive paperwork as the main contributor. Half of the responders declared partial agreement that accreditation requirements and expectations were clearly explained and claimed that their suggestions were taken into account only occasionally, which was especially emphasized by technical staff. The vast majority (89%) completely follow the prescribed protocols. Only 27% consider turnaround time monitoring useful. Competence assessment is considered efficient by 41% of responders. The majority (73%) prefer an online audit in times of COVID-19. Despite an overall positive attitude towards accreditation, further efforts are needed in providing better education about ISO 15189:2012 for technical staff and modifying formats of competence assessment, in order to achieve better adherence to ISO 15189:2012 requirements

    Translation of the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale Into the Croatian Language

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    Introduction: Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) is the most common and psychometrically sound instrument used to measure the impostor phenomenon. The aim of this study was to translate and make a cultural adaptation of the CIPS from English into Croatian. Materials and Methods: The translation process included two independent forward translations, combination of the forward translations into one single translation, back-translation, back-translation review, pre-piloting and drafting of the final translation after several revisions and minor adjustments by a professional reviewer. Results: We noticed no semantic differences when comparing the original and the back-translated versions of the CIPS. Thus, the final translation was only slightly changed in comparison with the first version. Conclusions: The version of the CIPS which was translated and culturally adapted into Croatian represents a reliable translation ready to be used in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

    SiromaŔtvo i iskoriŔtavanje prirodnih resursa u zemljama u razvoju

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    The exploitation of natural resources is one of the foundations of our existence. It is a requirement for our survival and well being considering our primary need for food, air, water and shelter, as well as development, both economic and social. Considering our modern-day world with an increase in urbanization and industrialization, high demands and alarming consumption, our natural resources are being over exploited, exhausted and destroyed. Ethical issues such as deontology, heterodoxy and megalomania should be considered when discussing a subject which concerns the whole population. The big challenge of both developed and developing countries is to find a way of handling and using the natural resources without high environmental damage so that the economic and social development is still being guaranteed. There is no doubt that poor nations are more vulnerable to changes in the environment compared to more developed countries and the gap of living standards has broadened. Rich countries benefit from those blessed with resources, which in turn leaves them with a calamity, causing the contrast that is getting more significant each day. In this paper, the connection between environmental sustainability and poverty will be discussed, as well as what the consequences and solutions to human activities are

    Education for responsible behaviour of children of erly and preschool age in family

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    Obitelj se može definirati kao zajednica roditelja i djece. Kada se govori o obitelji nemoguće je ne spomenuti izazove s kojima se ona susreće u suvremenom druÅ”tvu, a posebno se govori o važnosti roditeljske odgovornosti. Roditeljstvo čine različite aktivnosti kojima je cilj skrb za dijete i poticanje dječjeg razvoja. Roditelji moraju ispuniti različita očekivanja pa se postavlja ključno pitanje ovog rada: kako roditelji vide vlastitu odgovornost za roditeljsku ulogu. Odgovornim roditeljem možemo smatrati onog roditelja koji prepoznaje vlastite potrebe, kao i potrebe svog djeteta. Kako bi se provjerila roditeljska odgovornost, provelo se istraživanje u kojem su roditelji samoprocjenili njihovu roditeljsku odgovornost. U istraživanju se pokazalo da roditelji sebe procjenjuju izrazito sigurnima u njihovoj roditeljskoj ulozi, sigurnima u vlastiti utjecaj na djecu, te ne prebacuju krivnju na druge, ali s druge strane procjenjuju kako nisu sigurni u vlastita znanja o roditeljstvu. Takav rezultat pokazuje da roditeljima treba pružiti pomoć u stjecanju znanja o roditeljstvu a u tome im posebnu podrÅ”ku moraju pružiti pedagozi

    SiromaŔtvo i iskoriŔtavanje prirodnih resursa u zemljama u razvoju

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    The exploitation of natural resources is one of the foundations of our existence. It is a requirement for our survival and well being considering our primary need for food, air, water and shelter, as well as development, both economic and social. Considering our modern-day world with an increase in urbanization and industrialization, high demands and alarming consumption, our natural resources are being over exploited, exhausted and destroyed. Ethical issues such as deontology, heterodoxy and megalomania should be considered when discussing a subject which concerns the whole population. The big challenge of both developed and developing countries is to find a way of handling and using the natural resources without high environmental damage so that the economic and social development is still being guaranteed. There is no doubt that poor nations are more vulnerable to changes in the environment compared to more developed countries and the gap of living standards has broadened. Rich countries benefit from those blessed with resources, which in turn leaves them with a calamity, causing the contrast that is getting more significant each day. In this paper, the connection between environmental sustainability and poverty will be discussed, as well as what the consequences and solutions to human activities are

    Education for responsible behaviour of children of erly and preschool age in family

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    Obitelj se može definirati kao zajednica roditelja i djece. Kada se govori o obitelji nemoguće je ne spomenuti izazove s kojima se ona susreće u suvremenom druÅ”tvu, a posebno se govori o važnosti roditeljske odgovornosti. Roditeljstvo čine različite aktivnosti kojima je cilj skrb za dijete i poticanje dječjeg razvoja. Roditelji moraju ispuniti različita očekivanja pa se postavlja ključno pitanje ovog rada: kako roditelji vide vlastitu odgovornost za roditeljsku ulogu. Odgovornim roditeljem možemo smatrati onog roditelja koji prepoznaje vlastite potrebe, kao i potrebe svog djeteta. Kako bi se provjerila roditeljska odgovornost, provelo se istraživanje u kojem su roditelji samoprocjenili njihovu roditeljsku odgovornost. U istraživanju se pokazalo da roditelji sebe procjenjuju izrazito sigurnima u njihovoj roditeljskoj ulozi, sigurnima u vlastiti utjecaj na djecu, te ne prebacuju krivnju na druge, ali s druge strane procjenjuju kako nisu sigurni u vlastita znanja o roditeljstvu. Takav rezultat pokazuje da roditeljima treba pružiti pomoć u stjecanju znanja o roditeljstvu a u tome im posebnu podrÅ”ku moraju pružiti pedagozi

    Education for responsible behaviour of children of erly and preschool age in family

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    Obitelj se može definirati kao zajednica roditelja i djece. Kada se govori o obitelji nemoguće je ne spomenuti izazove s kojima se ona susreće u suvremenom druÅ”tvu, a posebno se govori o važnosti roditeljske odgovornosti. Roditeljstvo čine različite aktivnosti kojima je cilj skrb za dijete i poticanje dječjeg razvoja. Roditelji moraju ispuniti različita očekivanja pa se postavlja ključno pitanje ovog rada: kako roditelji vide vlastitu odgovornost za roditeljsku ulogu. Odgovornim roditeljem možemo smatrati onog roditelja koji prepoznaje vlastite potrebe, kao i potrebe svog djeteta. Kako bi se provjerila roditeljska odgovornost, provelo se istraživanje u kojem su roditelji samoprocjenili njihovu roditeljsku odgovornost. U istraživanju se pokazalo da roditelji sebe procjenjuju izrazito sigurnima u njihovoj roditeljskoj ulozi, sigurnima u vlastiti utjecaj na djecu, te ne prebacuju krivnju na druge, ali s druge strane procjenjuju kako nisu sigurni u vlastita znanja o roditeljstvu. Takav rezultat pokazuje da roditeljima treba pružiti pomoć u stjecanju znanja o roditeljstvu a u tome im posebnu podrÅ”ku moraju pružiti pedagozi

    Aroma Profile and Chemical Composition of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Concentrates of Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon

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    Wine aroma represents one of the main properties that determines the consumer acceptance of the wine. It is different for each wine variety and depends on a large number of various chemical compounds. The aim of this study was to prepare red wine concentrates with enriched aroma compounds and chemical composition. For that purpose, Cabernet Sauvignon red wine variety was concentrated by reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) processes under different operating conditions. Different pressures (2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 MPa) and temperature regimes (with and without cooling) were applied on Alfa Laval LabUnit M20 equipped with six composite polyamide RO98pHt M20 or NF M20 membranes. Higher pressure increased the retention of sugars, SO2, total and volatile acids and ethanol, but the temperature increment had opposite effect. Both membranes were permeable for water, ethanol, acetic acid, 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol and their concentration decreased after wine filtration. RO98pHt membranes retained higher concentrations of total aroma compounds than NF membranes, but both processes, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration, resulted in retentates with different aroma profiles comparing to the initial wine. The retention of individual compounds depended on several factors (chemical structure, stability, polarity, applied processing parameters, etc.)

    Epidemiology, Practice of Ventilation and Outcome for Patients at Increased risk of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: Las Vegas - an Observational Study in 29 Countries

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    BACKGROUND Limited information exists about the epidemiology and outcome of surgical patients at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs), and how intraoperative ventilation was managed in these patients. OBJECTIVES To determine the incidence of surgical patients at increased risk of PPCs, and to compare the intraoperative ventilation management and postoperative outcomes with patients at low risk of PPCs. DESIGN This was a prospective international 1-week observational study using the ā€˜Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia risk scoreā€™ (ARISCAT score) for PPC for risk stratification. PATIENTS AND SETTING Adult patients requiring intraoperative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery in 146 hospitals across 29 countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcome was the incidence of patients at increased risk of PPCs based on the ARISCAT score. Secondary outcomes included intraoperative ventilatory management and clinical outcomes. RESULTS A total of 9864 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The incidence of patients at increased risk was 28.4%. The most frequently chosen tidal volume (VT) size was 500 ml, or 7 to 9 ml kg1 predicted body weight, slightly lower in patients at increased risk of PPCs. Levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were slightly higher in patients at increased risk of PPCs, with 14.3% receiving more than 5 cmH2O PEEP compared with 7.6% in patients at low risk of PPCs (P < 0.001). Patients with a predicted preoperative increased risk of PPCs developed PPCs more frequently: 19 versus 7%, relative risk (RR) 3.16 (95% confidence interval 2.76 to 3.61), P < 0.001) and had longer hospital stays. The only ventilatory factor associated with the occurrence of PPCs was the peak pressure. CONCLUSION The incidence of patients with a predicted increased risk of PPCs is high. A large proportion of patients receive high VT and low PEEP levels. PPCs occur frequently in patients at increased risk, with worse clinical outcome