Competent (And/Or Responsible) Parenting as a Prerequisite for a Complete Child Development


The issue of parental pedagogical competence is becoming morepronounced particularly if it is understood in the context of raising childrenfor a competent and responsible behaviour. Parenting involves undertakingvarious activities aimed at taking care of the child, encouraging his/herdevelopment, and simultaneously developing interpersonal relations. In theirparenting, parents seek to fulfil various personal and social expectations, sothe key issue is how parents perceive their own pedagogical competence. Inorder to study how parents (self-)assess their pedagogical competence, aresearch was conducted on a sample of 90 parents of children of early andpre-school age. Factor analysis identified four factors: lack of knowledge andof confidence in child-rearing, blaming somebody else, and uncertainty inthe ability to influence the child, which explain the pedagogicalincompetence, and confidence factor in child-rearing which indicatesparental pedagogical competence. The T-test was performed and at thesignificance level of p <0.05 no significant difference was found in selfassessedparental competence with respect to the gender and age of the child.It is reasonable to argue that parents need occasional or more permanentsupport and help in the acquisition of knowledge of parenting, which can andshould be primarily provided by the educators in institutions

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