Siromaštvo i iskorištavanje prirodnih resursa u zemljama u razvoju


The exploitation of natural resources is one of the foundations of our existence. It is a requirement for our survival and well being considering our primary need for food, air, water and shelter, as well as development, both economic and social. Considering our modern-day world with an increase in urbanization and industrialization, high demands and alarming consumption, our natural resources are being over exploited, exhausted and destroyed. Ethical issues such as deontology, heterodoxy and megalomania should be considered when discussing a subject which concerns the whole population. The big challenge of both developed and developing countries is to find a way of handling and using the natural resources without high environmental damage so that the economic and social development is still being guaranteed. There is no doubt that poor nations are more vulnerable to changes in the environment compared to more developed countries and the gap of living standards has broadened. Rich countries benefit from those blessed with resources, which in turn leaves them with a calamity, causing the contrast that is getting more significant each day. In this paper, the connection between environmental sustainability and poverty will be discussed, as well as what the consequences and solutions to human activities are

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