1,683 research outputs found

    A new characterization of supercooled clouds below 10,000 feet AGL

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    Icing caused by supercooled clouds below 10,000 feet were characterized with a view toward a change in FAA standards for civil aircraft ice protection standards. Current techniques in cloud physics were employed

    A Coherent Study of Emission Lines from Broad-Band Photometry: Specific Star-Formation Rates and [OIII]/H{\beta} Ratio at 3 < z < 6

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    We measure the H{\alpha} and [OIII] emission line properties as well as specific star-formation rates (sSFR) of spectroscopically confirmed 3<z<6 galaxies in COSMOS from their observed colors vs. redshift evolution. Our model describes consistently the ensemble of galaxies including intrinsic properties (age, metallicity, star-formation history), dust-attenuation, and optical emission lines. We forward-model the measured H{\alpha} equivalent-widths (EW) to obtain the sSFR out to z~6 without stellar mass fitting. We find a strongly increasing rest-frame H{\alpha} EW that is flattening off above z~2.5 with average EWs of 300-600A at z~6. The sSFR is increasing proportional to (1+z)^2.4 at z<2.2 and (1+z)^1.5 at higher redshifts, indicative of a fast mass build-up in high-z galaxies within e-folding times of 100-200Myr at z~6. The redshift evolution at z>3 cannot be fully explained in a picture of cold accretion driven growth. We find a progressively increasing [OIII]{\lambda}5007/H{\beta} ratio out to z~6, consistent with the ratios in local galaxies selected by increasing H{\alpha} EW (i.e., sSFR). This demonstrates the potential of using "local high-z analogs" to investigate the spectroscopic properties and relations of galaxies in the re-ionization epoch.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Rest-UV Absorption Lines as Metallicity Estimator: the Metal Content of Star-Forming Galaxies at z~5

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    We measure a relation between the depth of four prominent rest-UV absorption complexes and metallicity for local galaxies and verify it up to z~3. We then apply this relation to a sample of 224 galaxies at 3.5 = 4.8) in COSMOS, for which unique UV spectra from DEIMOS and accurate stellar masses from SPLASH are available. The average galaxy population at z~5 and log(M/Msun) > 9 is characterized by 0.3-0.4 dex (in units of 12+log(O/H)) lower metallicities than at z~2, but comparable to z~3.5. We find galaxies with weak/no Ly-alpha emission to have metallicities comparable to z~2 galaxies and therefore may represent an evolved sub-population of z~5 galaxies. We find a correlation between metallicity and dust in good agreement with local galaxies and an inverse trend between metallicity and star-formation rate (SFR) consistent with observations at z~2. The relation between stellar mass and metallicity (MZ relation) is similar to z~3.5, however, there are indications of it being slightly shallower, in particular for the young, Ly-alpha emitting galaxies. We show that, within a "bathtub" approach, a shallower MZ relation is expected in the case of a fast (exponential) build-up of stellar mass with an e-folding time of 100-200 Myr. Due to this fast evolution, the process of dust production and metal enrichment as a function of mass could be more stochastic in the first billion years of galaxy formation compared to later times.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables; Submitted to Ap

    Examining links between anxiety, reinvestment and walking when talking by older adults during adaptive gait

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    Falls by older adults often result in reduced quality of life and debilitating fear of further falls. Stopping walking when talking (SWWT) is a significant predictor of future falls by older adults and is thought to reflect age-related increases in attentional demands of walking. We examine whether SWWT is associated with use of explicit movement cues during locomotion, and evaluate if conscious control (i.e., movement specific reinvestment) is causally linked to falls-related anxiety during a complex walking task. We observed whether twenty-four older adults stopped walking when talking when asked a question during an adaptive gait task. After certain trials, participants completed a visual-spatial recall task regarding walkway features, or answered questions about their movements during the walk. In a subsequent experimental condition, participants completed the walking task under conditions of raised postural threat. Compared to a control group, participants who SWWT reported higher scores for aspects of reinvestment relating to conscious motor processing but not movement self-consciousness. The higher scores for conscious motor processing were preserved when scores representing cognitive function were included as a covariate. There were no group differences in measures of general cognitive function, visual spatial working memory or balance confidence. However, the SWWT group reported higher scores on a test of external awareness when walking, indicating allocation of attention away from task-relevant environmental features. Under conditions of increased threat, participants self-reported significantly greater state anxiety and reinvestment and displayed more accurate responses about their movements during the task. SWWT is not associated solely with age-related cognitive decline or generic increases in age-related attentional demands of walking. SWWT may be caused by competition for phonological resources of working memory associated with consciously processing motor actions and appears to be causally linked with fall-related anxiety and increased vigilance.This research was supported by The Royal Society (IE131576) and British Academy (SG132820)

    Misalignment between cold gas and stellar components in early-type galaxies

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    Recent work suggests blue ellipticals form in mergers and migrate quickly from the blue cloud of star-forming galaxies to the red sequence of passively evolving galaxies, perhaps as a result of black hole feedback. Such rapid reddening of stellar populations implies that large gas reservoirs in the pre-merger star-forming pair must be depleted on short time-scales. Here we present pilot observations of atomic hydrogen gas in four blue early-type galaxies that reveal increasing spatial offsets between the gas reservoirs and the stellar components of the galaxies, with advancing post-starburst age. Emission line spectra show associated nuclear activity in two of the merged galaxies, and in one case radio lobes aligned with the displaced gas reservoir. These early results suggest that a kinetic process (possibly feedback from black hole activity) is driving the quick truncation of star formation in these systems, rather than a simple exhaustion of gas suppl

    Geometrical tests of cosmological models. I. Probing dark energy using the kinematics of high redshift galaxies

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    We suggest to use the observationally measured and theoretically justified correlation between size and rotational velocity of galactic discs as a viable method to select a set of high redshift standard rods which may be used to explore the dark energy content of the universe via the classical angular-diameter test. Here we explore a new strategy for an optimal implementation of this test.We propose to use the rotation speed of high redshift galaxies as a standard size indicator and show how high resolution multi-object spectroscopy and ACS/HST high quality spatial images, may be combined to measure the amplitude of the dark energy density parameter ΩQ, or to constrain the cosmic equation of state parameter for a smooth dark energy component (w = p/ρ, −1 ≀ w < −1/3). Nearly 1300 standard rods with high velocity rotation in the bin V = 200 ± 20 km s−1 are expected in a field of 1 sq. degree and over the redshift baseline 0 < z < 1.4. This sample is sufficient to constrain the cosmic equation of state parameter w at a level of 20% (without priors in the [Ωm,ΩQ] plane) even when the [OII]λ3727 Å linewidth-diameter relationship is calibrated with a scatter of ∌40%. We evaluate how systematics may affect the proposed tests, and find that a linear standard rod evolution, causing galaxy dimensions to be up to 30% smaller at z = 1.5, can be uniquely diagnosed, and will minimally bias the confidence level contours in the [ΩQ, w] plane. Finally, we show how to derive, without a priori knowing the specific functional form of disc evolution, a cosmologyevolution diagram with which it is possible to establish a mapping between different cosmological models and the amount of galaxy disc/luminosity evolution expected at a given redshift

    The green valley is a red herring : Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early-and late-type galaxies

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. The version of record [Kevin Schawinski, et al, 'The green valley is a red herring: Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early- and late-type galaxies' MNRAS, Vol. 440(1): 889-907, May 2014] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stu327.We use SDSS+GALEX+Galaxy Zoo data to study the quenching of star formation in lowredshift galaxies. We show that the green valley between the blue cloud of star-forming galaxies and the red sequence of quiescent galaxies in the colour-mass diagram is not a single transitional state through which most blue galaxies evolve into red galaxies. Rather, an analysis that takes morphology into account makes clear that only a small population of blue early-type galaxies move rapidly across the green valley after the morphologies are transformed from disc to spheroid and star formation is quenched rapidly. In contrast, the majority of blue star-forming galaxies have significant discs, and they retain their late-type morphologies as their star formation rates decline very slowly. We summarize a range of observations that lead to these conclusions, including UV-optical colours and halo masses, which both show a striking dependence on morphological type. We interpret these results in terms of the evolution of cosmic gas supply and gas reservoirs. We conclude that late-type galaxies are consistent with a scenario where the cosmic supply of gas is shut off, perhaps at a critical halo mass, followed by a slow exhaustion of the remaining gas over several Gyr, driven by secular and/or environmental processes. In contrast, early-type galaxies require a scenario where the gas supply and gas reservoir are destroyed virtually instantaneously, with rapid quenching accompanied by a morphological transformation from disc to spheroid. This gas reservoir destruction could be the consequence of a major merger, which in most cases transforms galaxies from disc to elliptical morphology, and mergers could play a role in inducing black hole accretion and possibly active galactic nuclei feedback.Peer reviewe

    The FMOS-COSMOS survey of star-forming galaxies at z~1.6. IV: Excitation state and chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium

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    We investigate the physical conditions of ionized gas in high-z star-forming galaxies using diagnostic diagrams based on the rest-frame optical emission lines. The sample consists of 701 galaxies with an Ha detection at 1.4â‰Čzâ‰Č1.71.4\lesssim z\lesssim1.7, from the FMOS-COSMOS survey, that represent the normal star-forming population over the stellar mass range 109.6â‰ČM∗/M⊙â‰Č1011.610^{9.6} \lesssim M_\ast/M_\odot \lesssim 10^{11.6} with those at M∗>1011 M⊙M_\ast>10^{11}~M_\odot being well sampled. We confirm an offset of the average location of star-forming galaxies in the BPT diagram ([OIII]/Hb vs. [NII]/Ha), primarily towards higher [OIII]/Hb, compared with local galaxies. Based on the [SII] ratio, we measure an electron density (ne=220−130+170 cm−3n_e=220^{+170}_{-130}~\mathrm{cm^{-3}}), that is higher than that of local galaxies. Based on comparisons to theoretical models, we argue that changes in emission-line ratios, including the offset in the BPT diagram, are caused by a higher ionization parameter both at fixed stellar mass and at fixed metallicity with additional contributions from a higher gas density and possibly a hardening of the ionizing radiation field. Ionization due to AGNs is ruled out as assessed with Chandra. As a consequence, we revisit the mass-metallicity relation using [NII]/Ha and a new calibration including [NII]/[SII] as recently introduced by Dopita et al. Consistent with our previous results, the most massive galaxies (M∗≳1011 M⊙M_\ast\gtrsim10^{11}~M_\odot) are fully enriched, while those at lower masses have metallicities lower than local galaxies. Finally, we demonstrate that the stellar masses, metallicities and star formation rates of the FMOS sample are well fit with a physically-motivated model for the chemical evolution of star-forming galaxies.Comment: 38 pages; Accepted for publication in Ap

    The FMOS-COSMOS survey of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1.6. I. H\alpha -based star formation rates and dust extinction

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    We present the first results from a near-IR spectroscopic survey of the COSMOS field, using the Fiber Multi-Object Spectrograph on the Subaru telescope, designed to characterize the star-forming galaxy population at 1.4<z<1.71.4<z<1.7. The high-resolution mode is implemented to detect Hα\alpha in emission between 1.6−1.8ÎŒm1.6{\rm -}1.8 \mathrm{\mu m} with fHα≳4×10−17f_{\rm H\alpha}\gtrsim4\times10^{-17} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}. Here, we specifically focus on 271 sBzK-selected galaxies that yield a Hα\alpha detection thus providing a redshift and emission line luminosity to establish the relation between star formation rate and stellar mass. With further JJ-band spectroscopy for 89 of these, the level of dust extinction is assessed by measuring the Balmer decrement using co-added spectra. We find that the extinction (0.6â‰ČAHαâ‰Č2.50.6\lesssim A_\mathrm{H\alpha} \lesssim 2.5) rises with stellar mass and is elevated at high masses compared to low-redshift galaxies. Using this subset of the spectroscopic sample, we further find that the differential extinction between stellar and nebular emission \hbox{Estar(B−V)/Eneb(B−V)E_\mathrm{star}(B-V)/E_\mathrm{neb}(B-V)} is 0.7--0.8, dissimilar to that typically seen at low redshift. After correcting for extinction, we derive an Hα\alpha-based main sequence with a slope (0.81±0.040.81\pm0.04) and normalization similar to previous studies at these redshifts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table. Published in ApJ Letter
