21 research outputs found

    Myosin-driven peroxisome partitioning in S. cerevisiae

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the class V myosin motor Myo2p propels the movement of most organelles. We recently identified Inp2p as the peroxisome-specific receptor for Myo2p. In this study, we delineate the region of Myo2p devoted to binding peroxisomes. Using mutants of Myo2p specifically impaired in peroxisome binding, we dissect cell cycle–dependent and peroxisome partitioning–dependent mechanisms of Inp2p regulation. We find that although total Inp2p levels oscillate with the cell cycle, Inp2p levels on individual peroxisomes are controlled by peroxisome inheritance, as Inp2p aberrantly accumulates and decorates all peroxisomes in mother cells when peroxisome partitioning is abolished. We also find that Inp2p is a phosphoprotein whose level of phosphorylation is coupled to the cell cycle irrespective of peroxisome positioning in the cell. Our findings demonstrate that both organelle positioning and cell cycle progression control the levels of organelle-specific receptors for molecular motors to ultimately achieve an equidistribution of compartments between mother and daughter cells

    Kinetics of moisturizing and firming effects of cosmetic formulations.

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    The assessment of cosmetic efficacy is rarely performed in studies comparing different concentrations of active compounds. The aim of the present study was to determine the skin hydrating and the skin firming dose-response effects of cosmetic formulations enriched in compounds derived from algae and fish collagen. A series of factors were studied including the type of formulation (cream or serum), the concentration in active ingredients, the effect of repetitive applications, as well as any residual effect of the formulations after stopping their applications. The serum enriched in marine compounds showed a better moisturizing effect in short term. The cream appeared more active later, particularly following repeat applications. A sustained tensor (firming) effect was observed during treatment with both the lotion and the cream. However, no remnant firming effect was perceived after stopping treatment

    Altered neural processing of emotional faces in remitted Cushing's disease

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    Patients with long-term remission of Cushing's disease (CD) demonstrate residual psychological complaints. At present, it is not known how previous exposure to hypercortisolism affects psychological functioning in the long-term. Earlier magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies demonstrated abnormalities of brain structure and resting-state connectivity in patients with long-term remission of CD, but no data are available on functional alterations in the brain during the performance of emotional or cognitive tasks in these patients. We performed a cross-sectional functional MRI study, investigating brain activation during emotion processing in patients with long-term remission of CD. Processing of emotional faces versus a non-emotional control condition was examined in 21 patients and 21 matched healthy controls. Analyses focused on activation and connectivity of two a priori determined regions of interest: the amygdala and the medial prefrontal-orbitofrontal cortex (mPFC-OFC). We also assessed psychological functioning, cognitive failure, and clinical disease severity. Patients showed less mPFC activation during processing of emotional faces compared to controls, whereas no differences were found in amygdala activation. An exploratory psychophysiological interaction analysis demonstrated decreased functional coupling between the ventromedial PFC and posterior cingulate cortex (a region structurally connected to the PFC) in CD-patients. The present study is the first to show alterations in brain function and task-related functional coupling in patients with long-term remission of CD relative to matched healthy controls. These alterations may, together with abnormalities in brain structure, be related to the persisting psychological morbidity in patients with CD after long-term remission.Action ControlMultivariate analysis of psychological dat

    Subalpine forest development following a blowdown in the Mount Zirkel Wilderness, Colorado

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    We documented the occurrence of a 1934 blowdown in a subalpine forest in northwestern Colorado, USA. Prior to the blowdown, the stand was dominated by old-growth Picea engelmannii - Abies lasiocarpa forests. Although blowdowns are believed to trigger outbreaks of Dendroctonus rufipennis (spruce beetle), we found no detectable increase in beetle caused mortality. Forest recovery was by both release of the previously suppressed regeneration and by new seedling establishment. Both recovery pathways were dominated by Abies. The blowdown thus caused a shift in species dominance from Picea to Abies; 65 yr after the blowdown, the fallen logs and tip up mounds continue to provide favourable habitat for seedling establishment of both species. The present study shows that the legacy of blowdowns can influence forest dynamics for decades following the disturbance event

    Seroconvertion to hepatitis B vaccine after weight reduction in obese non-responder Soroconversão à vacina contra hepatite B após redução de peso em obeso não respondedor

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    Decreased responses to hepatitis B vaccine have been associated with some host conditions including obesity. Susceptible non-responders to a primary three-dose vaccine series should be revaccinated. Those who maintain a non-responder condition after revaccination with three vaccine doses are unlikely to develop protection using more doses. This is a description of an obese woman who received six doses of hepatitis B vaccine and persisted as a non-responder. She was submitted to a vertical banded gastroplasty Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Capellas's technique. After weight reduction, she received three additional doses of vaccine and seroconverted. Further studies should help clarify the need to evaluate antibody levels and eventually revaccinate the increasing population of individuals who undergo weight reduction.<br>A diminuição da resposta à vacinação contra hepatite B já foi relacionada a algumas condições clínicas, inclusive à obesidade. Indivíduos que não responderam à série de três doses devem ser revacinados. Caso continuem não-respondedores após duas séries de vacina, não há indicação de doses adicionais. Esta é a descrição de mulher obesa que não havia soroconvertido após ter recebido seis doses de vacina contra hepatite B. Ela foi submetida à gastroplastia em Y de Roux, pela técnica de Capella. Após a redução de peso, a paciente recebeu mais três doses de vacina contra hepatite B e soroconverteu. Novos estudos poderão indicar a necessidade de avaliação de níveis de anticorpos contra antígenos vacinais e eventualmente revacinar esta população cada vez maior de pacientes que se submetem à cirurgia para redução de peso