18 research outputs found

    Changes in the proteomes of the hemocytes and fat bodies of the flesh fly Sarcophaga bullata larvae after infection by Escherichia coli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insects have an efficient self-defense system that is based on innate immunity. Recent findings have disclosed many parallels between human and insect innate immunity, and simultaneously fine differences in the processes between various species have been revealed. Studies on the immune systems of various insect species may uncover the differences in their host defense strategies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed the proteomes of the hemocytes and fat bodies of <it>Sarcophaga bullata </it>larvae after infection by <it>Escherichia coli</it>. The 2-DE gels of the hemocytes and fat bodies of infected larvae were compared with those of aseptically injured larvae. Our analysis included the construction of protein maps of the hemocyte cells and cells from fat bodies, the identification of the changed proteins, in response to infection, using LC-MS/MS, and the estimation of the trends in expression of these proteins at three time points (30 min, 6 hours and 22 hours) after infection. In total, seven changed spots were found in the hemocytes, and four changed spots were found in the fat bodies. Three types of trends in protein expression were observed. Cofilin and transgelin were undetectable at 30 min after infection but were continuously up-regulated in the induced larvae after 22 hours. A prophenoloxidase isoform and lectin subunit α were slightly up-regulated at 30 min after infection, and their protein levels reached the highest points after 6 hours but decreased after 22 hours. T-Complex subunit α, GST, ferritin-like protein and an anterior fat body protein (regucalcin homologue) were down-regulated at 22 hours after infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Many proteins identified in our study corresponded to the proteins identified in other insects. Compared to the former studies performed in insects, we presented 2-D protein maps of the hemocytes and fat bodies and showed the trends in expression of the immune-elicited proteins.</p

    Case report: Filarial infection of a parti-coloured bat: Litomosa sp. adult worms in abdominal cavity and microfilariae in bat semen

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    BackgroundFilarial infections have been understudied in bats. Likewise, little is known about pathogens associated with the reproductive system in chiropterans. While semen quality is critical for reproductive success, semen-borne pathogens may contribute to reproductive failure.MethodsFor the first time we performed electroejaculation and used computer-assisted semen analysis to provide baseline data on semen quality in a parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus).ResultsThe semen quality values measured in the V. murinus male appeared high (semen concentration = 305.4 × 106/mL; progressive and motile sperm = 46.58 and 60.27%, respectively). As an incidental finding, however, microfilariae were observed in the bat semen examined. At necropsy, eight adult filarial worms, later genetically identified as Litomosa sp., were found in the peritoneal cavity, close to the stomach, of the same particoloured bat male dying as a result of dysmicrobia and haemorrhagic gastroenteritis in a wildlife rescue centre. Histopathology revealed microfilariae in the testicular connective tissue and the epidydimal connective and fat tissues. A PCR assay targeting cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 confirmed that adult worms from the peritoneal cavity and testicular microfilariae were of the same filarial species. Mildly engorged argasid mite larvae attached to the bat skin proved negative for filarial DNA and the adult filarial worms proved negative for endosymbiont Wolbachia.ConclusionWhile the standard filarial life cycle pattern involves a vertebrate definitive host and an invertebrate vector, represented by a blood-sucking ectoparasite, our finding suggests that microfilariae of this nematode species may also be semen-borne, with transmission intensity promoted by the polygynous mating system of vespertilionid bats in which an infected male mates with many females during the autumn swarming. Presence of microfilariae may be expected to decrease semen quality and transmission via this route may challenge the success of reproductive events in females after mating. Further investigation will be necessary to better understand the bat-parasite interaction and the life cycle of this filarial worm

    Laicité - en introduktion till religionsfriheten i Frankrike

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    Laicité Àr principen som styr det franska samhÀllets och den franska statens sekulÀra karaktÀr. Den innebÀr i huvudsak att religion och kyrka hÄlls utanför det politiska livet och nekas inflytande i statliga angelÀgenheter. Laicité har sitt ursprung i de historiska förÀndringarna av religionens och kyrkans roll i samhÀllet och deras förhÄllande till statsmakten, sÀrskilt förÀndringarna efter den franska revolutionen 1789. Laicité förutsÀtter en lagfÀst reglering av religionsfriheten och omfattar sÄledes en organisering av friheter, dÀribland opinionsfriheten, tankefriheten och den fria utövningen av religion. Vi upplever dessa friheter som möjligheter och för detta behövs ett lagstiftande utrymme. PÄ detta sÀtt kommer laicité in i det politiska livet. Laicité utgÄr ifrÄn att lagen bara kan uppstÄ genom en kritisk granskning av det mÀnskliga tÀnkandet om sig sjÀlvt. Det Àr arvet frÄn den filosofiska traditionen som sÀtter tÀnkande pÄ första plats. Att vÀnda sig till en annan vÀrld (religiös verklighet) elimineras totalt. Laicité vilar dÀrför Àven pÄ en kulturteoretisk grund. Kulturen vars grunder kan hÀrledas ur religionen mÄste sÄledes hitta andra pelare som kan bÀra den. Frankrike, kanske mer Àn andra lÀnder i vÀstvÀrlden, var tvunget att slÄss för friheten frÄn den kyrkliga auktoriteten vilken hade en total kontroll över det politiska och sociala livet. LÄngt efter att kyrkan makt gradvis eliminerades var religiösa krafter förknippade med monarkin och autokratin och sÄgs som ett hinder pÄ vÀgen till demokratin och moderniseringen av samhÀllet. Detta har lett till att det Àr vÀldigt lÀtt för fransmÀnnen att tolka starka religiösa Äsikter som ett direkt hot mot friheten och deras sÀtt att leva. En sÄdan stark (religiös) symbol som den muslimska slöjan Àr ett exempel pÄ detta. Unga flickor blev avstÀngda frÄn skolan eftersom de vÀgrade att ta av sig slöjorna. En sÀrskild kommitté - Stasi kommittén tillsattes och skulle undersöka vad laicité innebar i det praktiska livet. Kommittén lade fram en lagproposition som Är 2004 trÀdde i kraft genom lagen om förbud mot att bÀra iögonenfallande religiösa symboler. Den individuella friheten kommer i Frankrike pÄ andra plats efter statens strikta neutralitet. Principen om laicité utkristalliserades under den franska revolutionen 1789 och betydde Àven slutet för ecklesiastiska privilegier. Universella principer befÀstes, bland annat tankefriheten och jÀmlikheten inför lagen. Detta framkommer i Deklarationen om mÀnniskans och medborgarens rÀttigheter. Lagarna ur nÀmnda deklaration frÄn 1800-talet befriade sÄ smÄningom staten frÄn dess historiska band med den katolska kyrkan och nya politiska/sociala normer byggdes pÄ grundval av denna republikanska universalism. Genom en ny lag frÄn 1905 separerade staten ytterligare frÄn kyrkan och laicité stÀrktes. Vidare tillkom under 1900-talet stÀndigt nya lagar om familjen och individen och i preambeln till grundlagen 1958 ges laicité till och med ett konstitutionellt skydd. SamhÀllet blir mer sekulÀrt, men laicité betyder inte att staten besegrar religionen. Snarare Àr det sÄ att religionen hindras frÄn att ha tillgÄng till den politiska och administrativa makten samt frÄn pÄverkan av Äsikter. Denna princip om laicité pÄverkar fundamentalt det franska samhÀllet. Detta har problematiserat förhÄllandet mellan Frankrike och arablÀnderna med vilka Frankrike haft nÀra kontakt med sedan 150 Är, dÄ Frankrike försökte etablera sig i sina ''arabiska'' kolonier. Det verkar som att laicité tolkas olika i olika situationer. Ibland fÄr multikulturalismen företrÀde, till exempel nÀr intellektuella kretsar tar negativ stÀllning till Mohammedkarikatyrerna eller nÀr man tvingas leva gömd eftersom man vÄgade kritisera islam i Frankrike. I andra situationer vinner laicité, nÀr en kvinna anses uttrycka, genom sin burqa, en radikal politisk stÀllning och nekas franskt medborgarskap

    Transmission of parasites from introduced tilapias: a new threat to endemic Malagasy ichthyofauna

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    Invasive species are a major threat to biodiversity. In Madagascar, one quarter of freshwater fish fauna consist of introduced species. The introduction of non-native species affects native biota by means of direct interactions but also through indirect interactions including those mediated by parasites, as parasites are usually co-introduced with their hosts. Almost nothing is known about the parasites co-introduced with their fish hosts into Madagascar and their potential impact on native endemic fish fauna. We studied the metazoan parasites of native and introduced cichlid fishes (and some non-cichlids) in the northern part of Madagascar. Using parasite data we evaluated the effect of fish introduced from mainland Africa on native Malagasy cichlid fauna. We documented the co-introduction into Madagascar of parasite species from mainland Africa and also probably from Eurasia. Malagasy cichlids and some other species living in sympatry with non-native cichlids acted as competent hosts for generalist parasites and also for host-specific parasites of African mainland cichlids. However, African mainland cichlids were not susceptible to infection by parasites specific to Malagasy cichlids. The different compositions of parasite communities and infection parameters in endemic and non-native cichlids in the regions investigated may be potentially explained by the different sources and timings of fish introductions. In addition, native endemic parasite fauna even seem to be outcompeted by introduced parasites, which cross the barriers of host specificity. The transmission of non-native parasites associated with the introduction of non-native freshwater fishes may represent a serious risk to endemic freshwater fish and parasite fauna in Madagascar.status: publishe

    Role of blood cholesterol transport system disturbances in atherosclerosis development in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective. To study role of inflammation and disturbances of blood cholesterol transport system in atherosclerotic damage development in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Material and methods. 84 RA pts with mean age 48 years and mean disease duration 87 months were included. Control group consisted of 15 humans of comparable age and sex without rheumatic diseases. Carotid sonographic scanning was performed to reveal vascular atherosclerotic damage. Cholesterol (CL), triglycerides (TG) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) serum levels were evaluated with colorimetric and photometric methods, CRP, apoAl and LP(a) levels were assessed by immunonephelometric method. Results. Dyslipidemia (DLP) frequency analysis showed differences only for LP(a). Increase of LP(a) and TG concentrations in RA was more frequent than in control. CL and HDLC levels did not differ. Intima-media complex (IMC) thickness in RA and control was the same. Atherosclerotic plaques (AP) in RA were more frequent. RA pts showed negative correlation between IMC thickness and HDLC, as well as between HDLC values, apoAl and CRP. LP(a) level correlated with DAS4. There was no association between concentrations of CL, TG, HDLC, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), apo В and Al, LP(a) and extra-articular RA features and glucocorticoid administration. In pts with high LP(a) level AP were more frequent, activity of RA, apo B, LDLC levels were higher than in pts with normal level of this LP. LP(a) values in pts with AP were higher than in pts without AP (p&lt;0,05). Conclusion. Chronic inflammation in RA plays an important role in disturbances in blood cholesterol transport system. LP(a) level increase is a risk factor of atherosclerotic vascular damage

    Video_1_Case report: Filarial infection of a parti-coloured bat: Litomosa sp. adult worms in abdominal cavity and microfilariae in bat semen.MP4

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    BackgroundFilarial infections have been understudied in bats. Likewise, little is known about pathogens associated with the reproductive system in chiropterans. While semen quality is critical for reproductive success, semen-borne pathogens may contribute to reproductive failure.MethodsFor the first time we performed electroejaculation and used computer-assisted semen analysis to provide baseline data on semen quality in a parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus).ResultsThe semen quality values measured in the V. murinus male appeared high (semen concentration = 305.4 × 106/mL; progressive and motile sperm = 46.58 and 60.27%, respectively). As an incidental finding, however, microfilariae were observed in the bat semen examined. At necropsy, eight adult filarial worms, later genetically identified as Litomosa sp., were found in the peritoneal cavity, close to the stomach, of the same particoloured bat male dying as a result of dysmicrobia and haemorrhagic gastroenteritis in a wildlife rescue centre. Histopathology revealed microfilariae in the testicular connective tissue and the epidydimal connective and fat tissues. A PCR assay targeting cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 confirmed that adult worms from the peritoneal cavity and testicular microfilariae were of the same filarial species. Mildly engorged argasid mite larvae attached to the bat skin proved negative for filarial DNA and the adult filarial worms proved negative for endosymbiont Wolbachia.ConclusionWhile the standard filarial life cycle pattern involves a vertebrate definitive host and an invertebrate vector, represented by a blood-sucking ectoparasite, our finding suggests that microfilariae of this nematode species may also be semen-borne, with transmission intensity promoted by the polygynous mating system of vespertilionid bats in which an infected male mates with many females during the autumn swarming. Presence of microfilariae may be expected to decrease semen quality and transmission via this route may challenge the success of reproductive events in females after mating. Further investigation will be necessary to better understand the bat-parasite interaction and the life cycle of this filarial worm.</p