469 research outputs found

    Transferencia de conocimiento. Del modelo transaccional al relacional

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    Este artículo pretende hacer un balance sintético de algunas de las lecciones principales que se derivan de la floreciente literatura de los últimos años de estudios sobre la trasferencia de conocimiento y, especialmente, sobre las relaciones universidad-empresa, dada la relevancia que está adquiriendo el debate sobre el papel de la universidad en el desarrollo económico. El texto se organiza de la siguiente forma. Tras una introducción, el apartado 2 está destinado al análisis de los vínculos de cooperación entre universidad y empresa, con un especial acento en el estudio de los canales relacionales para la transferencia de conocimiento. El apartado 3 examina el papel de los centros tecnológicos en la transferencia de conocimiento. El artículo finaliza con un apartado de conclusione

    The role of music in the development of children with Down syndrome: a systematic review

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    Music is commonly used in special education to achieve developmental and therapeutic aims, often in people with special needs. The present article conducts a systematic review of results from previous studies that explore the role of music in the development of children with Down syndrome (DS). It analyses a sample of 19 articles, in English and Spanish, from several databases (ERIC, Scopus, SciELO, Dialnet, Web of Science, CSIC and Pubmed). The results show that music has positive effects in the treatment and progress of the four main areas of development (social-emotional, motor, cognitive and communication) in children with DS. Nevertheless, the review reveals a lack of detail in the methodologies used and in the specific development areas, which call for further clarification in future research. These aspects are discussed in order to gain more conclusive results from future studies

    Using high-potential firms as the key to achieving territorial development

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    [EN] This study examines which entrepreneurial antecedents like education, gender, motivation, and age; and environmental variables like citizen insecurity enable high-potential firms to establish themselves and act as the key to territorial development. The inclusion of the variable citizen insecurity is unusual, but several authors note how a violent context can affect entrepreneurial activity in Latin America. Insecurity generates massive expenses for entrepreneurs, who must invest to protect themselves against violence and cover the extraordinary expenses arising from this violence. The data analysis technique is fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), a powerful technique for analyzing complex causal relationships. The results highlight that policies should focus on reducing levels of citizen insecurity, among others, to lead to the creation of high-potential firms in countries similar to El Salvador.Pinazo-Dallenbach, P.; Mas-Tur, A.; Lloria, B. (2016). Using high-potential firms as the key to achieving territorial development. Journal of Business Research. 69(4):1412-1417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.1171412141769

    Creación de la empresa "Training 365"

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    La ciudad de Gotham en la tetralogía de Batman de Tim Burton y Joel Shumacher

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    Gotham es la ciudad ficticia en la que tienen lugar las aventuras de Batman, un superhéroe propiedad de la editorial DC Cómics. El presente trabajo es una descripción y análisis de la arquitectura en la ciudad de Gotham, en concreto en las que forman la tetralogía dirigida por Tim Burton y Joel Schumacher, y su relación con corrientes arquitectónicas reales. La creación de estos de ficción está en manos del diseñador de producción, figura que toma, siempre con la supervisión del director, todas las decisiones sobre la forma, color y estilo plástico de la película. En este caso, fueron los diseñadores, Anton Furst, Bo Welch y Barbara Ling los encargados de dar forma junto con la ayuda de Burton y Schumacher a la escenografía de la tetralogía, creando una ciudad que consigue una atmósfera única y distintivaGotham is the fictional city where the adventures of Batman take place, a superhero owned by the publisher DC Comics. This work is a description and analysis of the architecture in Gotham City, a fictional city in which the Batman films take place, specifically in the films that are part of the tetralogy directed by directors Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher, and the relationship that the elements of said city have with architectural currents in the real world. The creation of these unreal worlds in the films is in the hands of the production designer, a figure who makes, always with the supervision of the director, all the decisions about the form, color and plastic style of the film. In this case, the designers, Anton Furst, Bo Welch and Barbara Ling were in charge of shaping together with the help of Burton and Schumacher the scenography of said tetralogy, creating a city that achieves a unique and distinctive atmospher

    Targetless image-based method for measuring displacements and strains on concrete surfaces with a consumer camera

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    Measurement of concrete strain through non-invasive methods is of great importance in civil engineering and structural analysis. Traditional methods use laser speckle and high quality cameras that may result too expensive for many applications. Here we present a method for measuring concrete deformations with a standard reflex camera and image processing for tracking objects in the concretes surface. Two different approaches are presented here. In the first one, on-purpose objects are drawn on the surface, while on the second one we track small defects on the surface due to air bubbles in the hardening process. The method has been tested on a concrete sample under several loading/unloading cycles. A stop-motion sequence of the process has been captured and analyzed. Results have been successfully compared with the values given by a strain gauge. Accuracy of our methods in tracking objects is below 8 μm, in the order of more expensive commercial devices.The authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the project BIA2011-22704, the Generalitat Valenciana through the project PROMETEO/2011/021 and GV/2013/009 and the University of Alicante through the project GRE13-10

    S isotopes on gypsum of the Oncala Group: evidence for marine influence in Berriasian carbonate-evaporite deposits of the Cameros Basin (La Rioja-Soria)

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    Comunicación presentada al IX Congreso Geológico de España, Huelva, septiembre 2016.[ES] Discriminar si el origen de las salmueras en las que precipitaron numerosas sucesiones evaporíticas era marino o continental puede resultar complicado usando exclusivamente criterios sedimentológicos si no contienen fósiles diagnósticos. Éste es el caso de los depósitos carbonático-evaporíticos laminados del Gr. Oncala (Berriasiense, cuenca de Cameros oriental), formados en extensos cuerpos de agua someros. En este trabajo se busca determinar el origen de la salmuera en la que se formaron estos sedimentos mediante el análisis de las composiciones del δ34S de los yesos preservados en la unidad. Los valores de δ34S de entre +18,5‰V-CDT y +21,8‰V-CDT (media de +20,5‰V-CDT) de los yesos del Gr. Oncala coinciden con la signatura isotópica de los sulfatos precipitados a partir de agua marina de edad berriasiense de acuerdo con las curvas globales más recientes (≈ +17 - +20‰V-CDT), lo que sugiere que la principal fuente de sulfato en estos cuerpos de agua procedía de aportes de agua marina, en lugar del reciclaje de evaporitas triásicas como se había propuesto anteriormente. El reconocimiento de influencia marina en estos cuerpos de agua permite clasificarlos como salinas costeras.[EN] Determining if the origin of the brine in which an evaporitic succession precipitated was marine or continental by analysing only sedimentological criteria may be difficult if it does not contain diagnostic fossils. This is the case of the laminated carbonate-evaporite deposits of the Oncala Gr (Berriasian, Cameros Basin), which were accumulated in shallow water bodies. The aim of this work is to interpret the origin of the brine in which these sediments were formed by analysing the δ34S compositions of the gypsum preserved in this unit. Gypsum δ34S values between +18,5‰V-CDT and +21,8‰V-CDT (mean value of +20,5‰V-CDT) in the Oncala Gr coincide with the isotopic signature of the sulphates precipitated in Berriasian seawater according to the most recent global curves (≈ +17 - +20‰V-CDT), which suggests that the main sulphate source in the water bodies was marine water, instead of the recycling of Triassic evaporites as previously interpreted. The recognition of marine influence in these water bodies allows us to classify them as coastal salinas.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos de investigación CGL2011-22709 y CGL2014-52670-P.Peer reviewe

    Los dilemas de la función preventiva

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    La función preventiva de la responsabilidad civil (RC) o, lo que es similar, una de las funciones que integran el sistema de la obligación1 irrumpe, en el nuevo Código, en el Libro tercero (“Derechos personales”), Título V (“Otras fuentes de las obligaciones”), Capítulo 1 (“Responsabilidad civil”), Sección 2* (“Función preventiva y punición excesiva”). Se recepta normativamente, en los artículos 1710 a 1713, uno de los tres principios fundamentales -desde el conocido texto de Ulpiano- del Derecho, vale decir no dañar a otro,pues dicho principio lleva en su seno tal esencial noción. Ver-venir (percibir/sentir) antes, anticipar (evitar) el daño, en suma, pre–verlo (pre-venirlo) para evitarlo, resultainexorablemente pre-eminente. Es, de más está escribirlo, la primera cuestión a considerar, de ahí, naturalmente, el anclaje constitucional del alterum non laedere (art. 19, C.N.) y su matrimonio indisoluble con el derecho fundamental (de usuarios/consumidores) a la seguridad (art. 42, C.N.). Las nuevas normas, en apretada síntesis, imponen deberes (art. 1710, C.P.C.C.) para evitar el fenómeno del daño (lo que no debería ocurrir). Regulan y diseñan, frente a la violación/incumplimiento de tales deberes, a la “acción preventiva” (se determina cuándo es procedente, art. 1711, C.C.C.N.) y asignan legitimación (art. 1712, C.C.C.N.). Por último, establecen pautas (conf. art. 1713, C.C.C.N.) para la sentencia judicial, vale decir regula el sentido y alcance de la obligación (dar, hacer, no hacer) que debe, provisoria o definitivamente, disponer a la demandada (obligada) a pedido de parte o de oficio.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    West Nile virus in Spain: Forecasting the geographical distribution of risky areas with an ecological niche modelling approach

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    West Nile virus (WNV), a well-known emerging vector-borne arbovirus with a zoonotic life cycle, represents a threat to both public and animal health. Transmitted by ornithophilic mosquitoes, its transmission is difficult to predict and even more difficult to prevent. The massive and unprecedented number of human cases and equid outbreaks in Spain during 2020 interpellates for new approaches. For the first time, we present an integrate analysis from a niche perspective to provide an insight to the situation of West Nile disease (WND) in Spain. Our modelling approach benefits from the combined use of global occurrence records of outbreaks of WND in equids and of its two alleged main vectors in Spain, Culex pipiens and Cx. perexiguus. Maps of the climatic suitability for the presence of the two vectors species and for the circulation of WNV are provided. The main outcome of our study is a map delineating the areas under certain climatic risk of transmission. Our analyses indicate that the climatic risk of transmission of WND is medium in areas nearby the south Atlantic coastal area of the Cadiz Gulf and the Mediterranean coast, and high in southwestern Spain. The higher risk of transmission in the basins of the rivers Guadiana and Guadalquivir cannot be attributed exclusively to the local abundance of Cx. pipiens, but could be ascribed to the presence and abundance of Cx. perexiguus. Furthermore, this integrated analysis suggests that the WNV presents an ecological niche of its own, not fully overlapping the ones of its hosts or vector, and thus requiring particular environmental conditions to succeed in its infection cycle.Fil: Cuervo Bustamante, Pablo Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; Argentina. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Artigas, Patricio. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Mas-Coma, Santiago. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Bargues, María Dolores. Universidad de Valencia; Españ