85 research outputs found

    Transnational needs of sustainable spatial development in the Alps: results from an analysis of policy documents

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    Spatial planning documents referring to the Alps address the needs of transnational spatial development. This article presents selected results from an analysis of thirty-two spatial planning strategies, plans, and reports carried out within the European Transnational Cooperation and Alpine Space Programme’s WIKIAlps project (2007–2013). The results include a quantitative analysis of the dimension of transnational needs, added value, and obstacles as perceived in these framework documents on spatial development. The documents were also analyzed with regard to references to stakeholder groups relevant for addressing these transnational needs. The analysis emphasizes that more transnational coordination is desirable in many policy fields, from strategy development and governance processes, to more coordinated management of natural resources, to building an appropriate knowledge base for transnational decision-making

    Is This a Mirror I See Before Me?: Adolescent Girls Use Imaginal Writing to Re-Vision Life Experience: A Dissertation

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    This participant observer collective case study was an investigation of the ways in which an imaginal writing process might facilitate resilience in adolescent girls who had previously used writing to respond to challenging life experience

    Transformation der räumlichen Planung durch Ökosystemleistungen? Einschätzungen und Erfahrungen zu den Potenzialen aus ausgewählten Forschungsvorhaben

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    Um den Auswirkungen von Klimawandel und Biodiversitätsverlusten entgegenzusteuern, sind nachhaltige Transformationen der gesellschaftlichen Systeme und Prozesse sowie der räumlichen Planung erforderlich. Ökosystemleistungen werden als ein Konzept diskutiert, mit dem sich der Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit wandeln könnte. In diesem Beitrag wird anhand von sechs anwendungsorientierten Forschungsprojekten analysiert, inwieweit 'Transformation' in der planungsbezogenen Forschung zu Ökosystemleistungen bisher eine Rolle spielt und welche Potenziale in der Wissenschaft gesehen werden, mittels Ökosystemleistungen zu einem transformativen Wandel im Kontext der Raumplanung beizutragen. Es zeigt sich, dass die aktuellen Forschungsprojekte zu Ökosystemleistungen überwiegend keinen direkten Bezug auf transformative Prozesse nehmen und Veränderungen innerhalb des bestehenden Rahmens anstreben. Bei einer entsprechenden Ausgestaltung der Forschung wäre es allerdings möglich, zu transformativen Prozessen beizutragen. Mit dem Ökosystemleistungskonzept können unter anderem Systemdenken gefördert, klassische Ressortgrenzen überschritten und zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure stärker eingebunden werden. Experimente in der Forschung könnten die Grundlage für die Umgestaltung des Planungssystems sein, beginnend auf einer Nischenebene.To counteract the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss, sustainable transformations of societal systems and processes, as well as spatial planning, are required. Ecosystem services are considered as a concept that could transform the management of natural resources towards more sustainability. On the basis of six application-oriented research projects, this paper analyses the extent to which transformation has played a role in planning-related research on ecosystem services so far and what potential experts see for contributing to transformative change in the context of spatial planning by means of ecosystem services. The current research projects on ecosystem services predominantly do not directly refer to transformative processes and strive for changes within the existing planning framework. However, if research would be designed accordingly, it would be possible to contribute to transformative processes. Among other things, the concept of ecosystem services can be used to promote system thinking, cross sectorial boundaries, or involve civic stakeholders to a greater extent. Experiments in research could be the basis for transforming the planning system starting at the niche level

    Influence of the X-chromosome on neuroanatomy: evidence from Turner and Klinefelter syndromes.

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    Studies of sex effects on neurodevelopment have traditionally focused on animal models investigating hormonal influences on brain anatomy. However, more recent evidence suggests that sex chromosomes may also have direct upstream effects that act independently of hormones. Sex chromosome aneuploidies provide ideal models to examine this framework in humans, including Turner syndrome (TS), where females are missing one X-chromosome (45X), and Klinefelter syndrome (KS), where males have an additional X-chromosome (47XXY). As these disorders essentially represent copy number variants of the sex chromosomes, investigation of brain structure across these disorders allows us to determine whether sex chromosome gene dosage effects exist. We used voxel-based morphometry to investigate this hypothesis in a large sample of children in early puberty, to compare regional gray matter volumes among individuals with one (45X), two (typically developing 46XX females and 46XY males), and three (47XXY) sex chromosomes. Between-group contrasts of TS and KS groups relative to respective sex-matched controls demonstrated highly convergent patterns of volumetric differences with the presence of an additional sex chromosome being associated with relatively decreased parieto-occipital gray matter volume and relatively increased temporo-insular gray matter volumes. Furthermore, z-score map comparisons between TS and KS cohorts also suggested that this effect occurs in a linear dose-dependent fashion. We infer that sex chromosome gene expression directly influences brain structure in children during early stages of puberty, extending our understanding of genotype-phenotype mechanisms underlying sex differences in the brain

    Germany’s Ecosystem Services – State of the Indicator Development for a Nationwide Assessment and Monitoring

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    The obligations of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 are generating a need to create national maps and monitoring systems for the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) on the basis of indicators. The paper gives an overview of the ecosystem services indicators being developed for Germany in the context of ongoing research projects. Additionally, it provides the indicator specifications, which are aligned with the EU MAES framework concepts (initiative on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services). We illustrate aspects of data selection, calculation and negotiation procedures, results and target values in general and by way of examples. The German indicator-based approach presents measures and sums up ES in their spatial expression and temporal change and compares them with objectives. As far as possible, this is carried out according to the demand-supply concept. A prioritization of ES classes to be processed was carried out in the framework of an expert-based assessment. The results indicated that 21 of the 48 CICES classes (Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services) were most relevant for Germany in recent years. We proposed a total of 51 indicators, of which 14 indicators for 4 ES classes were accepted, implemented and published by the end of 2016. The development of ES maps and the indicator-based assessment on a national scale is a process. Consequently, the necessary further steps are shown

    Brain morphology in children with 47, XYY syndrome: a voxel- and surface-based morphometric study.

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    The neurocognitive and behavioral profile of individuals with 47,XYY is increasingly documented; however, very little is known about the effect of a supernumerary Y-chromosome on brain development. Establishing the neural phenotype associated with 47,XYY may prove valuable in clarifying the role of Y-chromosome gene dosage effects, a potential factor in several neuropsychiatric disorders that show a prevalence bias toward males, including autism spectrum disorders. Here, we investigated brain structure in 10 young boys with 47,XYY and 10 age-matched healthy controls by combining voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and surface-based morphometry (SBM). The VBM results show the existence of altered gray matter volume (GMV) in the insular and parietal regions of 47,XYY relative to controls, changes that were paralleled by extensive modifications in white matter (WM) bilaterally in the frontal and superior parietal lobes. The SBM analyses corroborated these findings and revealed the presence of abnormal surface area and cortical thinning in regions with abnormal GMV and WMV. Overall, these preliminary results demonstrate a significant impact of a supernumerary Y-chromosome on brain development, provide a neural basis for the motor, speech and behavior regulation difficulties associated with 47,XYY and may relate to sexual dimorphism in these areas

    Das Ökosystemleistungskonzept in der räumlichen Planung: zehn Thesen

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    Das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen kann helfen, Umsetzungsdefizite der räumlichen Planung zu bewältigen und den Schutz und die nachhaltige Nutzung von Natur und Landschaft zu fördern. Die vielfältigen Erkenntnisse zur Anwendung in Deutschland wurden bisher jedoch noch nicht systematisch zusammengebracht und ausgewertet. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt Thesen für einen Einsatz des Konzepts der Ökosystemleistungen in der räumlichen Planung und für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung vor. Die Thesen führen den Stand des Wissens zusammen und geben Empfehlungen für den Einsatz in der Praxis und für weitere Forschung. Sie sind in drei thematische Bereiche gegliedert: Thesen zum generellen Nutzen des Konzepts, zu Hemmnissen und Potenzialen des Einsatzes wie der Anbindung an Planungsinstrumente sowie Thesen zu Handlungsbedarfen in Forschung und Planung. Sie sollen Wissenschaft und Praxis motivieren, das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen in relevanten Planungskontexten einzusetzen, es für besseren Schutz und die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Natur und Landschaft zu nutzen und somit Transformationsprozesse zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu unterstützen

    Ökosystemleistungen in der räumlichen Planung einsetzen: Chancen und Handlungsoptionen

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    Das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen bietet eine Möglichkeit, um Natur und Landschaft zu schützen und nachhaltig zu nutzen. In Planungsprozessen kann es genutzt werden, um die Leistungen des Naturhaushaltes zu bewerten, mit anderen Interessen abzuwägen und transparentere Grundlagen für Entscheidungen bereitzustellen. Wenn Ökosystemleistungen als zentrale Bestandteile in Strategien der räumlichen Planung aufgenommen würden, könnten sie die Umsetzung und Wirkung der Planungen im Sinne des Ressourcenschutzes verbessern. Das vorliegende Positionspapier verdeutlicht anhand von zehn Thesen, wie das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen in der räumlichen Planung genutzt werden kann. Der Arbeitskreis "Ökosystemleistungen in der räumlichen Planung" der ARL hat diese Empfehlungen erarbeitet und benennt zu den Themen "Nutzen", "Einsatzoptionen" und "Handlungsbedarfe" konkrete Ansätze für einen besseren Schutz von Natur und Landschaft. Die Thesen sollen dazu motivieren, das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen in der Raumplanung einzusetzen und so Transformationsprozesse zu einer nachhaltigen räumlichen Entwicklung anzustoßen.The concept of ecosystem services represents an approach to support the protection and sustainable use of nature and landscapes. In planning processes, it can be used to assess the contributions ecosystems provide to human well-being, to weigh them against other interests, and to support transparent decision-making. If ecosystem services were central in spatial planning, they could improve the protection of natural resources. This position paper presents ten propositions that illustrate how the concept of ecosystem services can be used in spatial planning. The ARL working group "Ecosystem Services in Spatial Planning" has developed these recommendations and suggests specific approaches for better protection of nature and landscape. They address three topics: Benefits, Implementation options, and Actions required. The propositions shall motivate the implementation of the ecosystem services concept in spatial planning and initiate transformative processes towards sustainable spatial development

    Cognitive, Behavioral, and Neural Consequences of Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy

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    The X chromosome has played a critical role in the development of sexually selected characteristics for over 300 million years, and during that time it has accumulated a disproportionate number of genes concerned with mental functions. There are relatively specific effects of X‐linked genes on social cognition, language, emotional regulation, visuospatial, and numerical skills. Many human X‐linked genes outside the X–Y pairing pseudoautosomal regions escape X‐inactivation. Dosage differences in the expression of such genes (which constitute at least 15% of the total) are likely to play an important role in male–female neural differentiation, and in cognitive deficits and behavioral characteristics, particularly in the realm of social communication, that are associated with sex chromosome aneuploidies

    Land resources in the Alps and instruments supporting their sustainable management as a matter of regional environmental governance

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    AbstractAn important issue in Alpine regions is urban sprawl, which affects land resources and their environmental qualities as well as social and economic conditions. As the available area for permanent settlement is limited in Alpine regions due to natural constraints, land resource management here is even more relevant than outside the Alpine area. Land resources are being claimed for social, economic and ecological purposes, which is why efficient land resource management is a precondition for sustainable development at regional level. To implement such sustainable regional development, about 110 instruments have been collected in most Alpine countries. With a compilation of instruments for their better application, land resource management touches also on the understanding, development and perception of regions. The instruments for the implementation have been assessed in qualitative terms and lead to the conclusion that many instruments already exist, however there is a bottleneck at the point of implementation