361 research outputs found

    A local approach to creep-fatigue-oxidation interactions in Inco 718 alloy

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    International audienceUnderstanding and modeling hold time effects on fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) above 500 °C in Inco 718DA is a great challenge. Fatigue tests with a trapezoidal wave shape signal including hold times from 90 s to 3600 s were carried out on Inco 718DA with a small grain size (5-15 μm) over a wide range of temperatures (500 °C-650 °C). FCGRs were measured using potential drop technique. SEM observations were carried out to correlate the measured FCGRs with the trans- or inter-granular aspect of the fatigue fracture surfaces. Two regimes must be distinguished. The first regime associated with relatively short hold times can be represented by a power law, where da/dN is proportional to tα, α ~ 0.25. This first regime corresponds to the situation where the fatigue crack does not propagate during the hold time but its propagation takes place during the cyclic part of the loading over a damaged zone ahead of the crack tip. The second regime associated with longer hold times corresponds to the case where crack propagation during hold time (creep crack growth) is predominant. This regime is purely time dependent. Simple models are introduced to describe both regimes

    Spotting effect in microarray experiments

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray data must be normalized because they suffer from multiple biases. We have identified a source of spatial experimental variability that significantly affects data obtained with Cy3/Cy5 spotted glass arrays. It yields a periodic pattern altering both signal (Cy3/Cy5 ratio) and intensity across the array. RESULTS: Using the variogram, a geostatistical tool, we characterized the observed variability, called here the spotting effect because it most probably arises during steps in the array printing procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The spotting effect is not appropriately corrected by current normalization methods, even by those addressing spatial variability. Importantly, the spotting effect may alter differential and clustering analysis

    Centronuclear myopathy in labrador retrievers: a recent founder mutation in the PTPLA gene has rapidly disseminated worldwide

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    Centronuclear myopathies (CNM) are inherited congenital disorders characterized by an excessive number of internalized nuclei. In humans, CNM results from ~70 mutations in three major genes from the myotubularin, dynamin and amphiphysin families. Analysis of animal models with altered expression of these genes revealed common defects in all forms of CNM, paving the way for unified pathogenic and therapeutic mechanisms. Despite these efforts, some CNM cases remain genetically unresolved. We previously identified an autosomal recessive form of CNM in French Labrador retrievers from an experimental pedigree, and showed that a loss-of-function mutation in the protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A (PTPLA) gene segregated with CNM. Around the world, client-owned Labrador retrievers with a similar clinical presentation and histopathological changes in muscle biopsies have been described. We hypothesized that these Labradors share the same PTPLA<sup>cnm</sup> mutation. Genotyping of an international panel of 7,426 Labradors led to the identification of PTPLA<sup>cnm</sup> carriers in 13 countries. Haplotype analysis demonstrated that the PTPLA<sup>cnm</sup> allele resulted from a single and recent mutational event that may have rapidly disseminated through the extensive use of popular sires. PTPLA-deficient Labradors will help define the integrated role of PTPLA in the existing CNM gene network. They will be valuable complementary large animal models to test innovative therapies in CNM

    Molecular Markers of In Vivo Plasmodium vivax Resistance to Amodiaquine Plus Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine: Mutations in pvdhfr and pvmdr1

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    Background. Molecular markers for sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) resistance in Plasmodium vivax have been reported. However, data on the molecular correlates involved in the development of resistance to 4-aminoquinolines and their association with the in vivo treatment response are scarce. Methods. We assessed pvdhfr (F57L/I, S58R, T61M, S117T/N, and I173F/L) and pvmdr1 (Y976F and F1076L) mutations in 94 patients who received amodiaquine (AQ) plus SP in Papua New Guinea (PNG). We then investigated the association between parasite genotype and treatment response. Results. The treatment failure (TF) rate reached 13%. Polymorphisms in pvdhfr F57L, S58R, T61M, and S117T/N and in pvmdr1 Y976F were detected in 60%, 67%, 20%, 40%, and 39% of the samples, respectively. The single mutant pvdhfr 57 showed the strongest association with TF (odds ratio [OR], 9.04; P=.01). The combined presence of the quadruple mutant pvdhfr 57L+58R+61M+117T and pvmdr1 mutation 976F was the best predictor of TF (OR, 8.56; P=.01). The difference in TF rates between sites was reflected in the genetic drug-resistance profile of the respective parasites. Conclusions. The present study identified a new molecular marker in pvmdr1 that is associated with the in vivo response to AQ+SP. We suggest suitable marker sets with which to monitor P. vivax resistance against AQ+SP in countries where these drugs are use

    The consequences of tobacco tax on household health and fi nances in rich and poor smokers in China: an extended cost-eff ectiveness analysis

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    Background In China, there are more than 300 million male smokers. Tobacco taxation reduces smoking-related premature deaths and increases government revenues, but has been criticised for disproportionately aff ecting poorer people. We assess the distributional consequences (across diff erent wealth quintiles) of a specifi c excise tax on cigarettes in China in terms of both fi nancial and health outcomes. Methods We use extended cost-eff ectiveness analysis methods to estimate, across income quintiles, the health benefi ts (years of life gained), the additional tax revenues raised, the net fi nancial consequences for households, and the fi nancial risk protection provided to households, that would be caused by a 50% increase in tobacco price through excise tax fully passed onto tobacco consumers. For our modelling analysis, we used plausible values for key parameters, including an average price elasticity of demand for tobacco of –0·38, which is assumed to vary from –0·64 in the poorest quintile to –0·12 in the richest, and we considered only the male population, which constitutes the overwhelming majority of smokers in China. Findings Our modelling analysis showed that a 50% increase in tobacco price through excise tax would lead to 231 million years of life gained (95% uncertainty range 194–268 million) over 50 years (a third of which would be gained in the lowest income quintile), a gain of US703billion(703 billion (616–781 billion) of additional tax revenues from the excise tax (14% of which would come from the lowest income quintile, compared with 24% from the highest income quintile). The excise tax would increase overall household expenditures on tobacco by 376billion(376 billion (232–505 billion), but decrease these expenditures by 21billion(21 billion (–83 to 5billion)inthelowestincomequintile,andwouldreduceexpendituresontobaccorelateddiseaseby5 billion) in the lowest income quintile, and would reduce expenditures on tobacco-related disease by 24·0 billion (173263billion,28incomequintile).Finally,itwouldprovidefinancialriskprotectionworth17·3–26·3 billion, 28% of which would benefi t the lowest income quintile). Finally, it would provide fi nancial risk protection worth 1·8 billion ($1·2–2·3 billion), mainly concentrated (74%) in the lowest income quintile. Interpretation Increased tobacco taxation can be a pro-poor policy instrument that brings substantial health and fi nancial benefi ts to households in China

    Effect of cognitive reserve on the association between slow wave sleep and cognition in community-dwelling older adults

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    Sleep, especially slow wave sleep (SWS), is essential for cognitive functioning and is reduced in aging. The impact of sleep quality on cognition is variable, especially in aging. Cognitive reserve (CR) may be an important modulator of these effects. We aimed at investigating this question to better identify individuals in whom sleep disturbances might have greater behavioral consequences. Polysomnography and neuropsychological assessments were performed in 135 cognitively intact older adults (mean age ± SD: 69.4 ± 3.8y) from the Age-Well randomized controlled trial (baseline data). Two measures of cognitive engagement throughout life were used as CR proxies. Linear regression analyses were performed between the proportion of SWS, and executive function and episodic memory composite scores. Then, interaction analyses between SWS and CR proxies on cognition were conducted to assess the possible impact of CR on these links. SWS was positively associated with episodic memory, but not with executive function. CR proxies modulated the associations between SWS and both executive and episodic memory performance. Specifically, individuals with higher CR were able to maintain cognitive performance despite low amounts of SWS. This study provides the first evidence that CR may protect against the deleterious effects of age-related sleep changes on cognition

    Insights into metazoan evolution from Alvinella pompejana cDNAs.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Alvinella pompejana is a representative of Annelids, a key phylum for evo-devo studies that is still poorly studied at the sequence level. A. pompejana inhabits deep-sea hydrothermal vents and is currently known as one of the most thermotolerant Eukaryotes in marine environments, withstanding the largest known chemical and thermal ranges (from 5 to 105°C). This tube-dwelling worm forms dense colonies on the surface of hydrothermal chimneys and can withstand long periods of hypo/anoxia and long phases of exposure to hydrogen sulphides. A. pompejana specifically inhabits chimney walls of hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise. To survive, Alvinella has developed numerous adaptations at the physiological and molecular levels, such as an increase in the thermostability of proteins and protein complexes. It represents an outstanding model organism for studying adaptation to harsh physicochemical conditions and for isolating stable macromolecules resistant to high temperatures. RESULTS: We have constructed four full length enriched cDNA libraries to investigate the biology and evolution of this intriguing animal. Analysis of more than 75,000 high quality reads led to the identification of 15,858 transcripts and 9,221 putative protein sequences. Our annotation reveals a good coverage of most animal pathways and networks with a prevalence of transcripts involved in oxidative stress resistance, detoxification, anti-bacterial defence, and heat shock protection. Alvinella proteins seem to show a slow evolutionary rate and a higher similarity with proteins from Vertebrates compared to proteins from Arthropods or Nematodes. Their composition shows enrichment in positively charged amino acids that might contribute to their thermostability. The gene content of Alvinella reveals that an important pool of genes previously considered to be specific to Deuterostomes were in fact already present in the last common ancestor of the Bilaterian animals, but have been secondarily lost in model invertebrates. This pool is enriched in glycoproteins that play a key role in intercellular communication, hormonal regulation and immunity. CONCLUSIONS: Our study starts to unravel the gene content and sequence evolution of a deep-sea annelid, revealing key features in eukaryote adaptation to extreme environmental conditions and highlighting the proximity of Annelids and Vertebrates

    The \u3cem\u3eChlamydomonas\u3c/em\u3e Genome Reveals the Evolution of Key Animal and Plant Functions

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    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular green alga whose lineage diverged from land plants over 1 billion years ago. It is a model system for studying chloroplast-based photosynthesis, as well as the structure, assembly, and function of eukaryotic flagella (cilia), which were inherited from the common ancestor of plants and animals, but lost in land plants. We sequenced the ∼120-megabase nuclear genome of Chlamydomonas and performed comparative phylogenomic analyses, identifying genes encoding uncharacterized proteins that are likely associated with the function and biogenesis of chloroplasts or eukaryotic flagella. Analyses of the Chlamydomonas genome advance our understanding of the ancestral eukaryotic cell, reveal previously unknown genes associated with photosynthetic and flagellar functions, and establish links between ciliopathy and the composition and function of flagella