112 research outputs found

    Relational development model of executive coaching as a tool for organizational change

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    Effect of aquaculture on essential nutrients and potential contaminants in benthic organisms and fish of pre-alpine streams

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    Lipid-, Schwermetall- und stabile Isotopenanalysen von Salmoniden und deren potentieller Nahrung (Makrozoobenthos und Pellets) wurden in vier Voralpen-Bächen und Aquakulturanlagen in Niederösterreich durchgeführt. Die Ziele dieser Studie waren a) die Ermittlung der trophischen Positionen der Fische und der Nahrung in Bächen und Aquakulturanlagen b) der Vergleich von Fettsäuren- und Schwermetallprofilen und deren Bioakkumulationsverhalten in den zwei aquatischen Ökosystemen und c) die Feststellung eines potentiellen Effektes durch den Wasserrücklauf der Aquakulturanlagen auf die nebenliegenden Bäche. Analysen mithilfe stabiler Isotope (delta13C und delta15N) ließen unterschiedliche Isotopensignaturen der Fische in den Aquakulturen (-21.98 ± 0.17‰; 10.75 ± 0.67‰) und den Bächen (-29.12 ± 0.40‰; 6.13 ± 1.02‰) erkennen. Die berechneten Fraktionierungsfaktoren zeigten klar, dass Salmoniden in den AC ausschließlich die beigemengten Pellets fressen (Δ15N 4.3‰, Δ13C 0.55 ‰), hingegen die Nahrung der Fische in den Bächen aus benthischen Invertebraten und nicht identifizierter Nahrung bestand (Δ15N 4.5‰, Δ13C 3.4‰). Analysen der dorsalen Muskelgewebe ließen erkennen, dass die physiologisch wertvolle omega-3-PUFA, Docosahexaensäure (DHA; 22:6n−3) sowie Quecksilber (Hg) in allen Fischen der beiden aquatischen Ökosysteme bioakkumulierten. Es konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede der Gesamtlipidkonzentrationen zwischen AC und Bächen festgestellt werden (p=0.5). Konzentrationen der Arachidonsäure (ARA; 20: 4n-6; p<0.001) sowie alpha-Linolensäure (ALA; 18:3n-3; p=0.003) waren signifikant höher in Fischen der Bäche, DHA (p=0.04) in den Aquakulturen. Eisen (Fe), Quecksilber (Hg) und Selen (Se) -konzentrationen waren signifikant höher in Bächen (p<0.05). Resultate der Mixing Models mit Stabilen Isotopen (δ13C, δ15N) deuten darauf hin, dass Nährstoffe und potentielle Kontaminanten aus Aquakulturen keinen Effekt auf Nahrungsnetze, sowie Schwermetall- und Fettsäureprofile der Fische in den Bächen haben.Lipids, heavy metals, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (SI) were examined in freshwater salmonids and their potential diets (macrozoobenthos and fishpellets) of 4 pre-alpine streams and aquacultures in Lower Austria. The aim of this study was to investigate (i) trophic position of fish and diet in streams and aquacultures, ii) comparing fatty acid and heavy metal profiles and their bioaccumulation patterns of the two aquatic habitats and to (iii) examine a potential effect of aquacultures in terms of nutrients and contaminants through the water discharge on nearby stream food webs. Stable isotope analysis (delta13C and delta15N) revealed different SI signatures for fish in aquacultures (-21.98 ± 0.17‰; 10.75 ± 0.67‰) and streams (-29.12 ± 0.40‰; 6.13 ± 1.02‰, respectively). Fractionation factors clearly showed that salmonids of aquacultures fed on pellets (Δ15N 4.3‰, Δ13C 0.55 ‰), whereas fish from streams fed on benthic invertebrates and other, not identified, diets (Δ15N 4.5‰, Δ13C 3.4‰). Results of dorsal muscle tissues analysis showed that the physiologically required omega-3 PUFA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n−3) and the potentially toxic heavy metal mercury (Hg) were both mostly retained in all fish of all ecosystems. There were no significant differences of total lipid concentrations between AC and streams (p=0.5). In fish, arachidonic acid (ARA; 20: 4n-6; p<0.001) and α-Linolenic acid (ALA; 18:3n-3; p=0.003) concentrations were significantly higher in streams, however, DHA (p=0.04) in aquacultures. Iron (Fe), mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) concentrations were significantly higher in stream (p<0.05). Results of stable isotope mixing models (δ13C, δ15N) indicated that aquaculture derived nutrients or heavy metals did not affect food webs of nearby streams

    A divulgação científica como instrumento para o ensino e a democratização de saberes no contexto de comunidades rurais: uma experiência desenvolvida no campus de realeza da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

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    I Congresso Internacional América Latina e Interculturalidade: América Latina e Caribe: cenários linguístico-culturais contemporâneos, 07, 08 e 09 de novembro de 2013 - UNILAO delineamento de políticas culturais e práticas educacionais voltadas para a democratização do conhecimento científico é de grande importância para o processo de constituição do sujeito e para a garantia dos direitos humanos, porém, sua divulgação pela mídia é perpassada por várias questões históricas, especialmente, pela elitização daqueles saberes. O presente trabalho refere­se a um projeto de ensino e extensão a partir do qual pretende­se divulgar conhecimentos produzidos e ensinados em uma universidade pública e popular localizada na Mesorregião Grande Fronteira do Mercosul, na zona rural, visando colaborar nos processos de constituição do senso crítico e reflexivo a uma população historicamente alijada do acesso aos saberes acadêmicos. Em linguagem passível de compreensão ao público leigo, estão sendo elaboradas e transmitidas notícias de caráter interdisciplinar e intercultural por meio de jornais locais. Na sequência do trabalho, terá início as chamadas radiofônicas e a alimentação de um blog. Os colaboradores do projeto tem se comprometido com a divulgação de conhecimentos científicos produzidos e problematizados em sala de aula na universidade na qual o projeto está sendo desenvolvido, buscando­se a promoção de processos reflexivos a respeito da cotidianidade, partindo da problematização de avanços científicos e tecnológicos. O fluxo de informações é muito grande e a cada momento dão­se novos avanços científicos, tornando­se necessário que aqueles avanços sejam compartilhados e assimilados pela sociedade. Nesse sentido, torna­se mister o delineamento de estratégias, tal como a aqui apresentada, voltadas para compartilhamento do conhecimento científico, na medida em que o mesmo se configure como um processo de inclusão social, emancipação e promoção de cidadania


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    The competitive advantage of a destination in relation to other similar destinations should stimulate the commitment of stakeholders on the supply side to encourage more investments and actions in the tourism sector, making it more attractive, competitive and sustainable. The objective of this study is to analyze the competitive position that the tourist destination São Luís occupies in relation to the other capitals of the Brazilian northeast. The study is characterized as descriptive-explanatory, whose universe is composed of 10 destinations in the northeast region of Brazil. The methodology of quantitative nature simultaneously analyzes, in a descriptive and explanatory way, the data regarding the tourist flow and the competitiveness indicators, based on the National Tourism Competitiveness Model. Non-parametric statistical tests were used for comparison and ranking of competitors. The data indicate that the tourist destination São Luís is ranked 6th among the Northeast capitals, both in terms of performance regarding the tourist flow and regional competitiveness. However, it presents a low coefficient of variation along the analyzed period, which indicates a slow and moderate growth, however, positive. The results can contribute to the tourism industry by subsidizing managers in decision making and effective action

    Cystatin M/E Variant Causes Autosomal Dominant Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans by Dysregulating Cathepsins L and V

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    Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is a rare cornification disorder with an X-linked recessive inheritance in most cases. Pathogenic variants causing X-linked KFSD have been described in MBTPS2, the gene for a membrane-bound zinc metalloprotease that is involved in the cleavage of sterol regulatory element binding proteins important for the control of transcription. Few families have been identified with an autosomal dominant inheritance of KFSD. We present two members of an Austrian family with a phenotype of KFSD, a mother and her son. The disease was not observed in her parents, pointing to a dominant inheritance with a de novo mutation in the index patient. Using whole-exome sequencing, we identified a heterozygous missense variant in CST6 in DNA samples from the index patient and her affected son. In line with family history, the variant was not present in samples from her parents. CST6 codes for cystatin M/E, a cysteine protease inhibitor. Patient keratinocytes showed increased expression of cathepsin genes CTSL and CTSV and reduced expression of transglutaminase genes TGM1 and TGM3. A relative gain of active, cleaved transglutaminases was found in patient keratinocytes compared to control cells. The variant found in CST6 is expected to affect protein targeting and results in marked disruption of the balance between cystatin M/E activity and its target proteases and eventually transglutaminases 1 and 3. This disturbance leads to an impairment of terminal epidermal differentiation and proper hair shaft formation seen in KFSD

    Enhanced expression of genes related to xenobiotic metabolism in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis but not with ichthyosis vulgaris

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    Previous transcriptome analyses underscored the importance of immunological and skin barrier abnormalities in atopic dermatitis (AD). We sought to identify pathogenic pathways involved in AD by comparing the transcriptomes of AD patients stratified for filaggrin (FLG)-null mutations to those of both healthy donors and patients with ichthyosis vulgaris. We applied RNA sequencing to analyze the whole transcriptome of nonlesional skin. We found that 607 genes (476 up-regulated and 131 down-regulated by >2-fold) and 193 genes (172 up-regulated and 21 down-regulated by >2-fold) were differentially expressed when all AD or ichthyosis vulgaris patients were compared with healthy donors, respectively. Expression of genes involved in RNA/protein turnover and adenosine triphosphate synthesis, as well as genes involved in cell death, response to oxidative stress, DNA damage/repair, and autophagy, were significantly enriched in AD skin and, to a lesser extent, in ichthyosis vulgaris skin. FLG-null mutations appear to hardly interfere with current observations. Genes related to xenobiotic metabolism were up-regulated in AD skin only, as were genes related to arachidonic, linoleic, and α-linolenic acid metabolism. Thus, this work newly links AD pathogenesis to aberrant expression of genes related to xenobiotic metabolism

    Classifying Functioning of Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: The Utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth

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    Observational cross-sectional study carried out in a pediatric neurodevelopment unit of a tertiary-care hospital. A sample of 355 children with median ((min.–max.) 1.0–17.3) years with intellectual disability (30.4% borderline, 43.1% mild, 19.7% moderate, 5.1% severe, and 1.7% profound disability) was seen over a period of 3 years. Based on clinical observation and psychological evaluation, a neurodevelopmental pediatrician selected ICF-CY body functions codes, and respective qualifiers, to effectively describe functioning of children. Based on evaluation reports, a psychologist and a special educator assigned the previously chosen ICF-CY body functions codes to 139 and 67 children, respectively. Inter-rater agreement was estimated using simple and weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficients and Gwet’s AC1 statistic and Gwet’s weighted kappa coefficient statistic. A set of eight ICF-CY codes was identified as efficiently describing impairments of body functions of children with intellectual disability: global mental functions b117 and b122; specific mental functions b147, b163, b164, and b167; and voice and speech functions b320 and b330. Results indicate a correspondence between the level of severity of qualifiers assigned to ICF-CY codes and the level of intellectual disability. Inter-rater agreement was variable among raters, with the best agreements found for qualifying intellectual functions (b117) and psychomotor functions (b122). A profile of eight ICF-CY codes effectively describes functioning of children with intellectual disability, providing an alternative to medically based classification, based on diagnoses with functionally based classification of children’s characteristics. The findings contribute to define a comprehensive set of codes to reliably record individual differences of functioning in this populationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio