218 research outputs found

    A representação do Presidente da República na SIC: Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

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    Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.O presente relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Jornalismo, da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. A investigação é desenvolvida a partir do estágio na Sociedade Independente de Comunicação (SIC), nas editorias da agenda e de política, e tem como objetivo estudar o Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. O estudo procura refletir sobre os poderes do chefe de Estado, dedicando especial atenção à capacidade de influenciar o espaço público e político através do uso que faz da agenda presidencial. Num segundo momento, exploramos as dinâmicas do jornalismo televisivo, com particular atenção para forma como a política é veiculada. Ao longo de seis meses recolhemos dados de agenda e peças televisivas a com presença direta do Presidente da República. A partir deste material desenvolveremos uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa. O período de estágio permitiu-nos ainda responder a algumas questões sobre a abordagem da editoria de política da SIC aos assuntos envolvendo o Presidente da República. O objetivo passa por compreender se o trabalho dos jornalistas contribui para a criação de uma imagem positiva do Presidente da República no espaço público. Para além disso, e atendendo à intensidade da atividade presidencial, procuramos perceber em que termos funciona a relação entre os jornalistas e os assessores do Presidente.ABSTRACT: This internship report has been put together as the final step of the MBA in Journalism at the Higher School of Communication and Media Studies. The research was developed from the internship in the Independent Society of Communication (SIC), specifically in section of the agenda and politics. The subject of our study is the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. The research demand to reflect on the powers of the President, with special attention to the ability to influence the public and political space through its use of the presidential agenda. In a second moment, we explore the dynamics of television journalism, with special attention to the way in which the politics is transmitted. Over the course of six months we collected agenda data and television contents with the direct presence of the President of the Republic, from which we proceed to a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The internship period allowed us answering some questions approach SIC contents with President presence. The main goal is comprehend if the journalists contributes to create a positive image of the President in public space. In addition, and given the intensity of presidential activity, we seek to understand in what terms it works the relationship between journalists and the President's advisors.N/

    Parylene C as substrate, dielectric and encapsulation for flexible electronics applications

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    Flexible electronics have received a lot of attention in recent days due to the several possible applications that can be envised. The aim of this work was to produce thin film transistors (TFTs) fully conformal and flexible suitable for skin electronics applications. For that, parylene C was used as a flexible substrate and, since parylene has good electrical properties, being a good insulator, it was also used as dielectric and encapsulation layers of the TFTs, combining all parylene C qualities in one device. Parylene is a semicrystalline polymer, so to study how some parameters such as thickness and temperature influence the crystallinity, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed. For parylene as TFT dielectric layer it was concluded that the optimum thickness was between 200 and 300 nm, reaching TFT mobilities between 10 and 15 cm2V-1s-1, ON/OFF ratio higher than 106 and low leakage current smaller than 10-10 A. The use of parylene as a encapsulation layer improves the behavior of the TFTs with more stability and less variability between similar devices. The use of parylene as a substrate does not affect greatly the performance of the devices being a promising material for electronic skin due to its conformal properties. Finally, the peel off of the films was studied and it was concluded that the better option consists in depositing a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film at the glass carrier before the parylene substrate deposition

    Contrato de seguro e pandemia.

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    This text analyses the impact of the present pandemic upon insurance contracts, pointing to the types of coverage especially prone to give rise to insurance claims in this context and referring to issues that may result from the norms on aggravation of risk and non-payment of the insurance premium. Lastly, it suggests possible trends that may be detected in the insurance market in the aftermath of the present crisis

    A imposição contratual de condutas de controle do risco: a experiência europeia em diálogo com o ordenamento brasileiro, vigente e prospectivo

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 368.022(81+4) M386

    On the crystal forms of NDI-C6: annealing and deposition procedures to access elusive polymorphs

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    NDI-C6 has been extensively studied for its semiconducting properties and its processability. It is known to have several polymorphs and a high thermal expansion. Here we report the full thermal characterization of NDI-C6 by combining differential scanning calorimetry, variable temperature X-ray powder diffraction, and hot stage microscopy, which revealed two different thermal behaviours depending on the annealing process. The ranking of stability was determined by the temperature and energy involved in the transitions: Form alpha is stable from RT up to 175 degrees C, Form beta is metastable at all temperatures, Form gamma is stable in the range 175-178 degrees C, and Form delta in the range 178-207 degrees C followed by the melt at 207 degrees C. We determined the crystal structure of Form gamma at 54 degrees C from powder. The analysis of the thermal expansion principal axis shows that Form alpha and Form gamma possess negative thermal expansion (X1) and massive positive thermal expansion (X3) which are correlated to the thermal behaviour observed. We were able to isolate pure Form alpha, Form beta, and Form gamma in thin films and we found a new metastable form, called Form epsilon, by spin coating deposition of a toluene solution of NDI-C6 on Si/SiO2 substrates

    Impacto da música ambiente nas vendas de hipermercados

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    A música é uma arte presente no dia-a-dia de qualquer pessoa. Esta pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta do Marketing, afetando o comportamento do consumidor e beneficiando as marcas. Associados a isto, encontram-se os hipermercados, mercado crescente em Portugal, com grande impacto na sua economia. Assim, a duração da compra, a satisfação e a vontade de regressar são ferramentas para atingir um aumento das vendas dos hipermercados. A música, através das suas características – notoriedade, tipo, tempo e volume – pode ser um meio para as atingir. O principal objetivo desta dissertação passa por verificar se a música e as suas características, tempo, notoriedade, tipo e volume, podem alterar os comportamentos dos consumidores, de forma benéfica para os hipermercados, mais particularmente tendo um impacto positivo nas vendas. Foram realizados dois estudos: (1) entrevistas direcionadas a profissionais da área, com vista a compreender a sua experiência e opinião, e (2) inquéritos aos clientes, avaliados por 9 hipóteses, formuladas a partir da revisão da literatura. Para análise dos dados quantitativos recorreu-se ao SPSS, mais especificamente a testes não paramétricos: independência do Qui-Quadrado e Fisher. Os principais resultados apurados, com contribuições da revisão de literatura relevantes sobre o tema, realçam o possível efeito inconsciente da música e impacto no comportamento do consumidor, conforme as características da mesma. Destacam ainda uma importância da música para o bem-estar do mesmo, afetando as suas emoções.Music is an art form which is present on everyone’s daily routine. It can be used as a Marketing tool, affecting the consumer behavior and benefiting each brand. Associated to this, one can identify the hypermarkets, a growing market in Portugal, with huge impact in the Portuguese economy. Purchase duration, consumer satisfaction, and willingness to comeback stand out as means to increase sales in hypermarkets. Through its characteristics – familiarity, type, tempo and volume – music may be a way to achieve these means. This dissertation aims to verify whether music and its characteristics, tempo, familiarity, type and volume can alter consumer behavior, benefitting hypermarkets, particularly with positive impact in sales. Two studies were conducted: (1) directed interviews with Marketing professionals, with the intent of understanding their experience and opinion, and (2) consumer surveys, assessed through 9 hypothesis, formulated from a literature review. In order to analyze quantitative data, SPSS was utilized, particularly for non-parametric tests: Chi-Square test of independence and Fisher. The main results from both methodologies, with relevant contributions from literature review, emphasize the possible subconscious music effect and impact on consumer behavior, according to said music characteristics. Furthermore, findings of this study draw attention to music importance to consumer well-being, as it affects his or her emotions

    Empowerment through image : community intervention with children and youth through self-image

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    Redes sociais face aos desafios num mundo global / coordenação [de] Joaquim Manuel Rocha Fialho, e outros. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada. 2023. - ISBN 978-989-640-249-5 - P. 133-140

    Modelling of bulk density as related to aggregate size distribution in clayey Ferralsols

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    Among microaggregated soils, there are Ferralsols that show little or no distinct horizonation. Their macrostructure is weak to moderate and they have typically a strong microstructure. In most Brazilian clayey Ferralsols, physical properties are closely related to the development of microstructure that consists of subrounded microaggregates 50 to 500 µm in diameter

    Mass Proportion of Microaggregates and Bulk Density in a Brazilian Clayey Oxisol.

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    The physical properties of Brazilian Oxisols are closely related to the development of their microstructure, which typically consists of stable microaggregates smaller than 1 mm. There is no model available to predict changes in microstructure in Oxisols. The objective of this work was to relate the proportion of microaggregates to the bulk density (Db) in the soil studied. Five sites of a typic Haplustox under native vegetation (two sites) and pasture (three sites) were sampled. Soil bulk density, sand, silt, and clay content and aggregate size distribution were measured from the surface to 1.6 m deep in increments of 0.1 m. Thin sections were prepared from undisturbed samples collected in duplicate from 0-0.1 m, 0.3-0.4 m, 0.8-0.9 m and 1.5-1.6 m depth, and backscattered electron scanning images (BESI) were generated. Clay content ranged from 672 to 798 g kg-1 and bulk density between 0.87 and 1.18 g cm-3 among the 80 samples studied. Db was poorly correlated with clay content (R² = 0.358) and at any depth was not significantly smaller under native vegetation than under pasture. Visual assessment of BESI revealed that soil material corresponded to either microaggregates (< 0.1 mm) in loose arrangement or to much larger aggregates. Quantification of BESI from the deepest sampling depth of all soils showed that 96.2 and 95.7 % of microaggregates were < 0.8 mm with 73.2 and 95.7 % between 0.1 and 0.5 mm under native vegetation and pasture, respectively. The mass proportion of microaggregates can be estimated using the < 0.84 mm soil material that is obtained by dry sieving (&<0.84). Finally, our results showed that &<0.84 varied with Db. Linear regression coefficients were calculated for the relationship between &<0.84 and the reciprocal of bulk density (1/ Db) (&<0.84 = 1.97 (1/ Db) – 1.52, R² = 0.82), assuming no interaction between microaggregates and macroaggregates, the porosity of these two structural types was estimated as 0.71 and 0.51, respectively